The Law Society Of Manitoba - Publications Finally, when assessing y2k risk in a law office, don t forget the telephone Various options are available for purchase of legal Studies publications.
Extractions: Hit your Back Button to return to the top of this page. President's Report Forces of change present challenge to the profession Life Benchers President Colleen Suche awards two new Life Bencher certificates Bencher Election Results Why the Building Isn't Orange Allan Fineblit, C.E.O., looks at the Carver model Bencher Bullets A review of the April 16, 1998 Benchers' meeting Notices to the Profession Notice Regarding Insurance Claims Over $1 Million Membership Changes Director or Officer? You are Exposed A look at the Outside Directorship Liability Insurance Program Y2K - The Year 2000 Nightmare An examination of how it might affect Manitoba lawyers Our Thanks The Law Society expresses thanks to members who volunteer their time Bencher and Committee Meeting Attendance For the reporting period June, 1997 to April, 1998 Unauthorized Practice of Law The Law Society responds to this growing concern Title Insurance Update How Manitoba and other jurisdictions are responding Buy this Book A review of materials available from the Legal Studies Department PRESIDENT'S REPORT Forces of change present challenge to the profession In form and in substance, the practice of law is beset by forces of change. Some are revolutionary in nature. The impact technology has and will continue to have on how we practise is both profound and far reaching. It seems that new rights and responsibilities emerge in some area of law almost monthly. In Alberta, a lawyer practises out of his van. Real estate law, apparently. Multi-Disciplinary Partnerships - the professional services' answer to one stop shopping is likely coming to a neighbourhood near you in the not too distant future.
Extractions: Te Komihana o nga Tari Kawanatanga RELEVANT ACTS The State Sector Act 1988 provides for the positions of State Services Commissioner and Deputy State Services Commissioner. Appointments to these positions are made by the Governor-General in Council, on the recommendation of the Prime Minister, for terms not exceeding five years. The Act also provides for a State Services Commission, to support the Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner in carrying out their functions in accordance with the State Sector Act. The State Services Commission administers the State Sector Act 1988, the Fees and Travelling Allowances Act 1951, the Terralink NZ Limited (Transfer of Employees) Act 1996, the Ministry of Works and Development Abolition Act 1988, the Government Service Equal Pay Act 1960, and the Fees and Travelling Allowances Regulations 1952. FUNCTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES The State Services Commissioner is responsible to the Minister of State Services for management of the State Services Commission. Both the Commissioner and the Deputy Commissioner are required to act independently in matters relating to decisions on individual employees, and in respect of certain aspects of the appointment and employment of departmental chief executives.
UFLaw | Levin College Of Law At The University Of Florida publications. The legal Technology Institute s mission is to provide aninnovative forum Are You OK with y2k? Law Office Computing April/May 1999
Extractions: Prospective Students Current Students UF Law Home About UF Law ... Legal Technology Institute I. Clients II. Consulting III. Contact LTI V. Links VI. Presentations VII. Publications VIII. Research International Center for Automated Information Research (ICAIR) Institute for Dispute Resolution Library ... Technology ::Publications The Legal Technology Institute's mission is "to provide an innovative forum for making a positive impact and improving technology in the legal profession." We are committed to working with the legal profession in a variety of venues, including publishing articles in legal industry magazines and newsletters, publishing books, and actively participating in legal technology conferences. We continue to write and publish articles and are often invited to speak at the ABA TECHSHOW, LegalTech, ALA Annual and Regional Meetings, ABA Annual and Section Meetings, as well as State and Local Bar Associations. Andrew Z. Adkins III is a nationally recognized expert in the field of law office automation. He has personally consulted with over 300 law firms, corporate law departments, courts, government agencies, law schools and legal verticals. He was the Chair of the ABA TECHSHOW 2000 and 2001. He is the co-chair of the LegalTech conferences.
Extractions: Democracy Poverty Criminal Justice Other Campaign Finance Reform Access to Justice Community Justice Institute Fair Courts ... Free Expression Policy Project Brennan Center Publications Scroll down to place an order Back to RESOURCES Democracy Campaign Finance Reform Buying Time 2000: Television Advertising in the 2000 Federal Elections Buying Time 2000 is the second in the Brennan Center's series of reports on campaign advertising on television. Buying Time 2000 advances beyond an earlier study of the 1998 congressional elections by making use of a new database of soft money expenditures by the national and state party committees. The study reports on data compiled regarding 3,327 unique political ads that aired a total of 940,755 times in approximately 300 different races. (There is a $15.00 charge for this publication.) Click here to read more. Buying Time: Television Advertising in the 1998 Congressional Elections (Brennan Center 2000) Until now, debates over poltical advertising and unregulated funds have been based largely on anecdotes, limited snapshots, and assumptions. Buying Time fills this information void, providing hard facts about what candidates, parties, and interest groups are doing.
Legal, Regulatory And Market Practice Update, April 6, 1999 n MBS y2k Contingency Planning A conference call of the MBS y2k For details,contact the Association s publications department at 212.440.9430.
Extractions: Tuesday, April 6, 1999 Vol. 4 No. 14 Indicates a new item. Items that are solely informational will be removed after one week. New items, referenced in this issue as available on the Association's website ( ), normally will be posted to the website each Friday. Government and Federal Agency Securities Division n TIPS 30-Year Bond/Reference CPI: The Treasury Department's Bureau of Public Debt has announced the reference CPI and daily index ratios for the month of April for the 30-year Treasury Inflation-Indexed bonds due April 2029 to be auctioned. The information is available on the Bureau of Public Debt's website ( ) or by calling Treasury's Office of Public Affairs automated fax system (202.622.2040) and requesting document number 3059. n TIPS STRIPS/CUSIPS: Treasury has assigned generic CUSIP numbers to each interest payment date for Treasury-Inflation Indexed securities stripped interest components in order to implement the fungible STRIPS program that became effective on March 31, 1999. A list of the newly assigned CUSIP numbers and related dates, as well as retired CUSIP numbers which had previously been assigned to interest components of TIPS prior to the effectiveness of the fungible STRIPS program, can be obtained from the Bureau of Public Debt's website (
Events And Publications | Business & Tax Letters (See, companion article, y2k Disclosure Requirements for Public Companies, Page 6 . This cost would exceed the combined estimated annual legal costs
Extractions: Fall 1998 As losses begin to mount due to Year 2000 (Y2K) problems, companies which have experienced these losses will begin to look for parties against whom they can recover. The likely litigation targets will include: The first target seems logical enough. If one hires a company to provide Year 2000 remediation, or to supply a substitute Year 2000 compliant system, and these systems fail, the supplier will undoubtedly be sued for such failures. In addition, since remediation of existing software will usually involve "touching" virtually every line of code, the work by the Y2K provider could result in other errors being introduced into the software as well. However, many Y2K providers provide little or no warranty regarding the performance of the system, or its operation after the Year 2000 (See, companion article, Contracting Issues in Remediation Process, Page 8). Another likely target of such litigation will be the directors and officers of public companies. Since the Securities and Exchange Commission has noted that Year 2000 compliance costs must be expensed and not capitalized, many companies will intentionally defer remediation efforts. When losses occur, shareholders of the public companies affected will suffer a loss as the stock price drops due to business interruption or the costs of remediation. These shareholders will sue the officers and directors of these public companies to recover these costs, alleging (i) inadequate disclosure of the possibility of such losses and (ii) improper handling of the Year 2000 problem by failing to begin remediation efforts in a timely fashion or failing to adequately test the computer hardware and software.
Events And Publications | Employment Law Letters This summer, President Clinton signed into law the y2k Act (Pub. an additional60 days must be allowed before commencing legal action.
Extractions: Fall 1999 This summer, President Clinton signed into law the Y2K Act (Pub.L. 106-37), touted as legislation designed to limit liability for Y2K-related failures. However, although the Act discourages litigation, it certainly will not eliminate it. As you are no doubt aware, the Y2K issue relates to potential computer hardware and software failures caused by a design flaw whereby the year 2000 (Y2K) may be confused with the year 1900, due to the use of only two digits to designate a year. How disruptive this "millennium bug" will turn out to be remains uncertain. Some predictions have been nothing short of catastrophic. Huge sums of money have been and are being spent by both the private and public sectors to anticipate and correct this problem, which will manifest itself as we usher in the new year and the new millennium. The Y2K Act, which supplements the previously enacted Year 2000 Information and Readiness Disclosure Act, does the following (among other things):
Expert Witness And Consultant Directory legal Malpractice legal publications legal Research legal Software Weather / Meteorology Wood Lumber y2k Issues Zoning Land Use
Extractions: All Topics Welcome to our complete expert witnesses and consultant category list. We have over 360 expert witness categories and thousands of expert witnesses to choose from. If you are unable to find the right expert witness, e-mail us with your specifications and we will do our best to find and suggest the right expert witness for your case. Home Signup / Get Listed ... Search is a registered trademark. is a unit of Advice Company IMPORTANT NOTICE: agrees that s/he will NOT use any information on ExpertPages or links therefrom for marketing or solicitation . Information on this site has been provided by the persons listed and although portions may have been verified by ExpertPages, users should always independently verify the qualifications and background of any expert. ExpertPages and its affiliates disclaim all responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the listings.
Publications - Torys LLP Articling Student and Summer legal Careers CM199914T, US Legislation LimitsLiability on y2k Lawsuits August 6, 1999. CM1999-14N, y2k Act
Publications - Torys LLP Re Air Canada Creditors Have the Right to legal Setoff Under the CompaniesCreditors y2k Lawsuits Let the Games Begin CIO Canada, March 1999
Extractions: The New Jersey Hospital Association's Selected Resources for Y2K Year 2000 These selected resources are prepared by the NJHA Library as an informational service of the New Jersey Hospital Association. These resources are a follow-up to a seminar sponsored by NJHA and the Health Research and Educational Trust of New Jersey titled: "Averting a Hospital-Wide Crisis: Year 2000 Legal Implications and Solution Alternatives" (1998), Princeton, N.J. This resource list is a starting point selected for healthcare or information professionals. Other resources on this topic are available to you through the research services of your local hospital/health system library. These authoritative Y2K web sites are primarily those of government agencies or non-profit organizations. Inclusion of an item on this Selected WWW Links of Y2K Year 2000 Internet Resources does not represent endorsement of the item or its contents by the New Jersey Hospital Association or any of the corporations affiliated with it, including the Health Research and Educational Trust of New Jersey. National Institutes of Health
ICM-Research Publications The following is ICM s assessment of the potential y2k business y2k a toppriority, often backing their requirements with possible legal consequences.
Extractions: May 7, 1999 The amount written about the Y2K computer problem in the past 12 months could well be approaching the number of lines of date-sensitive computer code that have to be remediated to avoid Y2K computer problems. Those written assessments thus far of the Y2K problem have run the gamut from one extreme to the other. "The day the world shuts down." -NEWSWEEK "...the biggest fraud perpetuated by consultants on the business community since reengineering." -Reader's Digest The truth is that the accurate assessment of Y2K is somewhere in between. Unfortunately, while the totals for the lines of computer code to be remediated will stay basically the same, the volume of news reports and ensuing concerns among all segments of the public in the U.S. and abroad has accelerated rapidly since the beginning of 1999 and will continue to escalate. We anticipate that coverage and resulting concerns will grow exponentially as January 1, 2000 approaches. The following is ICM's assessment of the potential Y2K business disruptions, based on the current information available. It was compiled from several thousand news reports and Internet documents as well as other research including anecdotal information. The most important of these documents is the report of the U.S. Senate Special Committee on the Year 2000 Technology Problem released in March 1999 and based on its hearings and research during the second half of 1998.
Extractions: @import url(css/global.css?build=1010388); Search Home Index In California, our attorneys practice under the name of "Wickwire Gavin LLP." Throughout the rest of the country, the firm is recognized as "Wickwire Gavin, P.C." Wickwire Gavin Attorneys at Law Justia Legal / Lawyer / Attorney Website Design
Dispute Resolution Centre- Publications ADR for the Millennium Problem ADR for y2k? The Behaviour of Family Lawyersand the Implications for legal Education , (1989) Vol 1 legal Education
Extractions: Your browser does not support Javascript 1.2. Dispute Resolution Centre- Publications Introduction Objectives Courses Newsletter ... Links The teaching staff at the Dispute Resolution Centre at Bond University have published over two hundred books and articles on conflict management and a variety of legal topics. A selected list of these publications are set out below. Books Mediation - Principles Process Practice , Sydney, Butterworths, 1996 Mediation Skills and Techniques , Sydney, Butterworths Skills Series 2000 "Mediation and other Forms of ADR" in Vicki Waye (ed) A Guide
August 1998 Finally, in an article entitled The legal Nightmare That Is y2k, The San This publication indicates, among other things, that the auditor has a
Extractions: Practical and Legal Y2K Issues by Gregory S. Johnson Two decades ago, computers had very little memory and were extremely expensive. These constraints forced programmers to do everything they could to code small programs. One simple, but effective, programming trick was to delete the first two digits (1 and 9) from date items and just use the last two digits (e.g., 68). This widely accepted practice is the foundation of what has become known as the Year 2000 ("Y2K") problem. Computers that are not Y2K-compliant will, at 12:00 a.m., 1/1/2000, believe it's 12:00 a.m., 1/1/1900. The most likely result will be a hard crash, or if the computer continues to work, miscalculations and/or corrupted data. Many people believe they have until the millennium to implement a Y2K fix. In reality, Y2K problems have already appeared in budget estimates, sales forecasts, and scheduled projects or tasks that extend beyond Y2K. Furthermore, because many programmers used special logic that is triggered by the two-digit year field "99," additional Y2K-related problems will appear during 1999. In its cover story, "Zap! How the Year 2000 Bug Will Hurt the Economy,"
Extractions: The technical aspects and likely business consequences of the Y2K issue are, by now, generally familiar. It seems safe to say that, even if the United States avoids catastrophic computer and systems failures, the Y2K bug will cause glitches, inconveniences, and sporadic or temporary business shutdowns that will be felt throughout the economy. Against this background, I'd like to touch on three points in my testimony today. First , I'll review the sorts of Y2K lawsuits that we can expect. Second , I'll look at the volume of litigation that is likely. And third , I'll briefly consider the steps that Congress could take to ameliorate the most serious problems created by excessive Y2K litigation. A. Likely Types of Y2K Litigation
SHAY& PARTNERS / Publications List Name, Authors, Publication Date, Language. legal Discussion On Online Transactions y2k legal Issues¡XTotal Solutions for Millennium Computer Crisis
Charles Darwin University Cho, G, Clark, EE Hoyle, A (1999) y2k Avoiding the legal Byte. Sydney, ProspectMedia publications (33% contribution)
Extractions: Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia, 0909 fax Research interests Eugene's research interest include: Publications Authored, Co-authored and Edited Books (Research and Textbooks) Putnis, P and Clark, E Lodder, AR, Clark, Eugene , et al (ed), Essays on legal and technical aspects of Online Dispute Resolution, Amsterdam, CEDIRECentre for Electronic Dispute Resolution, May 2004, 100 pages Clark, EE
GDA6 - Year 2000 Project Records (Y2K) This General Disposal Authority applies to all public offices as defined in theState Reasons for longer retention can include legal requirements,
Extractions: General Disposal Authority (GDA6) Year 2000 Project Records Table of Contents Foreword Introduction Purpose Scope ... General Disposal Authority - Year 2000 Project Records GDA no GDA 6 Public office All public offices as defined by the State Records Act 1998 Scope This disposal authority covers Year 2000 compliance project records created by public offices. Authority This disposal authority is issued under Section 21(2)(c) of the State Records Act 1998. It has been approved by the Board of the State Records Authority in accordance with Section 21(3) of the State Records Act Authorised David Roberts 11 June 1999 Foreword The General Disposal Authority Year 2000 Project Records (GDA 6) is the official authority for the disposal of Year 2000 Project and related compliance records created by New South Wales public offices. This authority is part of a series of General Disposal Authorities authorised and issued by the State Records Authority of New South Wales ('State Records'), in accordance with provisions for the protection of State records in the State Records Act 1998 . The Act states that records are not to be disposed of without the consent of State Records unless the action of disposal is positively required by law, or takes place in accordance with a normal administrative practice (NAP) of which State Records does not disapprove. Advice on the State Records Act can be obtained from State Records.