Extractions: I. SMALL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT SERIES: NASCENT- For individuals thinking about going into business MANAGEMENT AND PLANNING SERIES Checklist for Going Into Business MP-12 Selecting the Legal Structure for Your Business MP-25 Evaluating Franchise Opportunities MP-26 Handbook for Small Business MP-31 How to Write a Business Plan MP-32 FINANCIAL MANAGMENT SERIES: ABC's of Borrowing FM-1 Guia Para Obtener Prestamos FM-1S A Venture Capital Primer for Small Business FM-5 Budgeting in a Small service Firm FM-8 Financing for Small Business FM-14 MARKETING SERIES Marketing for Small Business: An Overview MT-2 Researching Your Market MT-8 Selling by Mail Order MT-9 PRODUCTS/IDEAS/INVENTIONS SERIES Ideas Into Dollars PI-1 PI-2 Trademarks and Business Goodwill PI-3 STARTUP- for those in their first year of business FINANCIAL MANAGMENT SERIES: Understanding Cash Flow FM-4 Recordkeeping in a Small Business FM-10 Pricing Your Products and Services Profitably FM-13 MANAGEMENT AND PLANNING SERIES Business Plan for Small Manufacturers MP-4 Business Plan for Small Construction Firms MP-5 Business Plan for Retailers MP-9 Business Plan for Small Service Firms MP-11 How to Get Started With a Small Business Computer
LawKT.com: Law Firm Publications On Shifting The Burden Of Proof News articles and law firm publications relating to Shifting The Burden Of Proof . y2k problem, the Georgia Legislature has. Morris Global legal Update http://news.surfwax.com/law/pubs/Shifting_The_Burden_Of_Proof.html
Extractions: Morrison ter - Legal Update - Appeal of Fremont General Corp. California State Board of Equalization Provides Guidance on the Appropriate Method for Allocating Interest Expense to Taxable and Nontaxable Income This update addresses recent state and local tax developments. Because of its generality, the information provided herein may not be applicable in all situations and should not be acted upon without specific legal advice based on particular situations
LawKT.com: Law Firm Publications On Legal Action News articles and law firm publications relating to legal Action. BELOW ISYOUR REQUESTED ARTICLE FROM THE ARTICLE) y2k Liability Bill Would Affect http://news.surfwax.com/law/pubs/Legal_Action.html
Extractions: McDonnell promptly brought legal action against the Air Force, alleging, among other things, that the Air Forces decision was arbitrary and capricious and violated the Administrative Procedures Act. com This article is informational only and should not be construed as legal advice or legal opinion on specific facts Costs of achieving compliance Liabilities from actual or threatened legal proceedings Prospective financial impacts that may result from emerging trends in environmental regulations and developments. Accounting for Contingent Liabilities FASB Proposal Proposal relating to asbestos FASB Stmt No. 143 Legal obligations associated with retirement of long-lived assets
Electronic Law Journals - JILT 1999 (1) - Gamertsfelder 51 technical legal y2k experts (50 from the US 1 from UK) Important issuesthat receive little coverage in most y2k publications. http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/law/elj/jilt/1999_1/gamertsfelder2/
Extractions: 1. Introduction The Year 2000 Legal Guide is one of the first works to comprehensively address the legal issues associated with the Y2K problem and is a worthy addition to any legal library. While some chapters lack sufficient references and detail the text will generally educate the uninitiated and test an expert's knowledge in relation to the whole ambit of Y2K legal issues. 2. Audits Section B covers in detail the importance of Y2K audits. This is a crucial area because of all the associated issues that impact on Y2K compliance. Although the discussion in this section is premised on US law, it is a good review of hardware (including embedded systems), software, internal and external compliance issues as well as disclosure and reporting requirements. 3. Remediation
Macroberts: Legal Links y2k. EC site, voted best by Wall Street Journal FCC y2k site West Groupresource site eupdates publications legal links contact http://systems.macroberts.com/servlet/Tiger/mcr/Y2K
Extractions: corporate tax ... close this menu MacRoberts legal links search Enter a search word to search in this category OR enter a search word to search in all the categories Please note that all external links will open in a new window. EC site, voted best by Wall Street Journal FCC Y2K site West Group resource site
School Of Law - Research y2k legal information, weblinked publications, press information, legal links The one-stop shop to buy legal publications. Excata is an Australian http://www.deakin.edu.au/buslaw/law_research/otherlegal/publishers.php
MMA-Municipal Advocate Law legal Implications of y2k for the Public Sector By Ray Campbell When addressingthe y2k problem, government agencies face a range of legal issues that http://www.mma.org/publications/advocate_contents/18-1_advocate_toc.html
Extractions: and David H. Baris, General Counsel Its time to introduce balance into the Year 2000 dialogue. Weve all got it, the Y2K bug, and the cure is costly but not necessarily fatal in itself. It helps, as with any disease, to learn as much about it as possible, but the constant focus on the mortality rate obscures a set of positives and one major opportunity that bank directors should not overlook. Setting the Y2K problem apart from most others is that it does not distinguish between industries. Any function that is directly or indirectly dependent on computers is susceptible. Every computer-reliant organization that may have the bug in the operating system from financial institutions to telephone systems, from oil pipelines to grain elevators, from correctional facilities to auto industry production robotics has to deal with the effects of this decades old coding shortcut. This creates a level of cross-industry dependence that may be unparalleled in world history. Another unusual factor, yet common in this case to everyone, is the January 1, 2000 date certain. It is a hard deadline. No one can apply for an extension. To be sure, there are other significant dates both before and after the turn of the century (for example, many programmers are interested in how September 9, 1999, read 9999 on computers, will affect systems, if at all), but we all meet the challenge at the same time.
BJK Homepage: Online Publications This article gives an overview of services, policies, and legal issues. Foreseeability of y2k. Checklist to judge liability. http://rechten.uvt.nl/koops/docs.htm
Extractions: Bert-Jaap Koops homepage Click here for a complete list of publications = Dutch Crypto Law Survey An online worldwide survey of cryptography regulations. Updated regularly. (14+4+178 Kb) The Crypto Controversy. A Key Conflict in the Information Society. Summary Summary of my Ph.D. thesis. How can and should governments address the law-enforcement problems caused by cryptography? December 1998. (21 Kb) ( Nederlands Crypto and Self-Incrimination FAQ Frequently Asked Questions (and answers) about the issue whether the police can demand a suspect to decrypt, given the privilege against self-incrimination. Updated regularly. (36 Kb) Crypto Regulation in Europe. Some key trends and issues From a brief survey of crypto laws in Europe, US, and OECD, distills key trends (increasing lobbies for key escrow and privacy) and defines key issues (policy objectives, international cooperation, key recovery risks). Presents a framework for deciding a policy. Published in: Proceedings 8 th Joint European Networking Conference, 12-15 May 1997, Edinburgh
Kilpatrick Stockton LLP: Publications Author Rupert M. Barkoff Publication Type legal Alerts y2k LegislationYNot? (legal Alert PDF) Franchissues, Vol. 3, No. 10, August 10, 1999 http://www.kilstock.com/publications/search.aspx?Author=Rupert M. Barkoff &PubT
Kilpatrick Stockton LLP: Publications You searched the following Service Franchising Publication Type legal Alerts y2k LegislationY Not? (legal Alert PDF) Franchissues, Vol. 3, No. http://www.kilstock.com/publications/search.aspx?Search=yes&PubType=Legal Alerts
The University Of Tulsa >> News/Events/Publications The seminar will cover topics such as issues of y2k, legal audits and complianceproblems for businesses; y2k and computer performance litigation; http://www.utulsa.edu/news/article.asp?Key=194
Extractions: Home About Us What's Up Expertise ... Contact Us Published Articles Publication Name Article Name Date Vol. Num. Enterprise Systems Journal "My Favorite Y2K Websites" Dec-99 Vol. 14, Num. 12 Enterprise Systems Journal "Some Final Y2K FAQs" Nov-99 Vol. 14, Num. 11 The Computer Lawyer "The Year 2000 Titan" (updated version) Sep-99 Vol. 16, Num. 9 Enterprise Systems Journal "18 Things to Expect for the Rest of 1999" Sep-99 Vol. 14, Num. 9 The Computer Lawyer "The Y2K Problem: 25 Things to Expect" Aug-99 Vol. 16, Num. 8 Cyberspace Lawyer "Year 2000 Update: 25 Things to Expect During the Rest of 1999" Jul/Aug-99 Vol. 4, Num. 4 Enterprise Systems Journal "Let's All Join Hands NOT Point Fingers" Jul-99 Vol. 14, Num. 7 Enterprise Systems Journal "WHAT YOU SEE, IS WHAT YOU GET!" May-99 Vol. 14, Num. 5 Y2K Counselor "Two Approaches to Year 2000 Community Preparedness" Mar-99 Vol. 1, Num. 6 Enterprise Systems Journal "The Dirty Dozen"
Publications Preventing y2k problems and ensuring legal fallback Valuation of BusinessGoodwill for Compensation under the Public Works Act 1981 http://www.clendons.co.nz/library/publications.htm
Extractions: Clendon Feeney are regularly publishing articles in leading industry magazines about topical issues within the following areas of law: Clendon Feeney has also prepared Contract Sets for the Designers Institute of New Zealand (DINZ) and the Naval Architects Society of NZ (NASNZ), which can be downloaded in PDF form from Our Associations
Morgan Lewis : Practices > Litigation - Legal, Law Firm, Lawyer, Attorney Article Speech Insurance Recovery Latest News Other publications March 11, 1999,Year 2000 Analysis of y2k legal Issues Continuing Education of the http://www.morganlewis.com/index.cfm/bnodeID/d1d8e47a-5b92-4690-8f6c-17e955483e6
Extractions: @import url(http://www.morganlewis.com/css/other-browsers.css); Search: Select a language: Deutsch English Fran§ais People Practices Antitrust Business and Finance ... Home Litigation Home Practices Litigation Partner Litigation Insurance Recovery Business and Corporate Disputes Trade Secret Litigation ... Los Angeles Phone: 213.612.7345 Email: V-Card Education George Washington University, National Law Center, 1983, JD State University of New York at Binghamton, 1980, BA David M. Halbreich is a partner in the Litigation Practice, resident in the Los Angeles office. He concentrates his practice on insurance recovery and complex litigation. He has represented clients in a variety of industries including manufacturing, oil and gas, financial services, real estate development, electronics, construction and others. Mr. Halbreich was the lead lawyer for Western MacArthur in connection with its recovery of over $2 billion in settlements from its carriers. He has represented policy-holder clients seeking coverage for asbestos and other toxic tort related claims, environmental/hazardous waste clean-up claims, product liability claims, first party property claims, securities fraud claims, professional malpractice claims, construction defect claims, Y2K remediation costs, earthquake damage claims, claims by former employees, and patent infringement claims.
Extractions: Dear Clients and Friends of the Firm: With the new millennium quickly approaching, many clients report that they still have not devoted attention to Y2K issues affecting all types of employee benefit plans. If the millennium bug hits, this could prove to be a big mistake. In this special edition of the Employment Law Update, we outline the significant exposure that employers and benefit plan administrators face for Y2K failures and we suggest a course of action to address these issues. Since these matters take time and the deadline for compliance is fast approaching, we recommend that you devote the time and resources to protect your Company and its benefit plan executives from Y2K lawsuits. Your contact in the Firm is ready to assist you with this project This special issue of the Update is an expanded version of an article by Richard S. Rosenberg and Douglas N. Silverstein entitled "Benefit-Plan Administrators Must Prepare for Y2K." The article appeared in the June 21, 1999 edition of The Los Angeles Daily Journal legal newspape r.
LLRX -- Notes From The Technology Trenches, January 1999 As 2000 draws closer, I suspect the number of y2k articles will increase wait to see Margie Axtmanns 1997 AALL Price Index of legal publications! http://www.llrx.com/columns/notes17.htm
Extractions: Navigation Advanced Search Law Pro Links LLRX Buzz LLRX Top 10 Meta Links Newstand Resource Centers - Document Delivery - Comparative and Foreign Law - International Law - Intranets/Knowledge Management - Marketing - Search Engines Notes from the Technology Trenches By Elizabeth H. Klampert Elizabeth H. Klampert (Posted January 15, 1999; Archived February 15, 1999) This is not an issue confined to the U.S. Senate. This list also had a reference to a problem in Sweden. It turns out that, on January 1, 1999, a number of taxi meters refused to read the year "99." While the authorities blamed the problem on "bad programming," the Swedes are bracing themselves for major Year 2000 problems (including cheap taxi fares, no doubt). Check out the full article at: http://deseretnews.com/dn/view/0,1249,30004467,00.html E-mail is also coming in for some discussion, especially issues of misuse. The January 14, 1999, edition of the Wall Street Journal in its section B, page 1, had an article entitled, "Misdirected E-Mail Can Wreak Havoc, Especially at the Office." For any of us who have replied to an e-mail on a listserv and then realized that we were sending our reply to the entire list, this is the article for you. Interestingly, the article notes that many folks who originally used e-mail are now no longer using it at all or have severely reduced their use of it due to e-mail glut and other problems. If you have a Wall Street Journal Interactive account, you can go to the Web site to find it, too (
Extractions: what's going to work...what won't...and whether or not it will cause airplanes to fall out of the sky. Some are also predicting the problem is going to become a lawyer's "get rich" issue offering creative attorneys all sorts of theories for filing lawsuits. But wait! Maybe all those salivating lawyers won't be so happy after all. On October 19th, President Clinton signed the Year 2000 Information and Readiness Disclosure Act of 1998 . The law is designed to "promote free disclosure and exchange of information" about Y2K problems and corrective measures by restricting the use of those disclosures in lawsuits. Deciphering the Language The language of the law is a bit confusing though. It appears to prevent a vendor's assurances about the status of its company's Y2K compliance from becoming a part of an existing contract when the vendor provides the information independently of the contract itself. There are only a few ways that a compliance statement can be made a part of an existing contract: if the vendor agrees in writing to include the statement in the contract after the fact, or if the contract language states that any Y2K statement the vendor makes constitutes a contract amendment.
Hopgood Ganim - Publications - Legal Insight legal Insight A general publication, communicating economic, y2k UnlicencedBuilding Contracting Marketeering - Review of Auctioneers and Agents Act http://www.hopgoodganim.com.au/html/publications/legal_insight.htm