Extractions: Legal Services Category: Law , Legal, Attorney, Advice, Firm, Search, Attorneys, Lawyers, Power of Attorney, Durable, Forms Legal Services Topics: Law, Legal, Attorney, Advice, Law Firm, Search, attorneys, Legal Terms, Free legal documents, attorney, lawyer, lawyers, power of attorneys durable, forms TOP 100 BEST BUY Meta Search Engine Baby Books Classical Music ... Videos All Products Baby Books Classical Music Computers DVD Electronics Magazines Outdoor Living Popular Music Software Video Our Shopping site features Online Shopping Mall, Product Catalog, Shopping Directory and customer reviews at cheap and great deals. From our site, You can access top online stores, brand name merchandise, over 4 million products, service, and online shopping.
Extractions: Preface The revolution in information technology is changing access to information in fundamental ways. Increasing amounts of information are available in digital form; networks interconnect computers around the globe; and the World Wide Web provides a framework for access to a vast array of information, from favorite family recipes and newspaper articles to scholarly treatises and music, all available at the click of a mouse. Yet the same technologies that provide vastly enhanced access also raise difficult fundamental issues concerning intellectual property, because the technology that makes access so easy also greatly aids copyingboth legal and illegal. As a result, many of the intellectual property rules and practices that evolved in the world of physical artifacts do not work well in the digital environment. The issues associated with computerization are also amplified by the rise of the Internet and broader and more pervasive networking. These are the issues that inspired The Digital Dilemma This project grew out of a long history of Computer Science and Telecommunications Board (CSTB) interest in the legal issues related to computer technology in general and to intellectual property in particular. In 1991, CSTB published
Online NewsHour: Law Background Reports April 5, 2005 Renewing the Patriot Act legal experts debate the Patriot November 12, 2003 age Bias A new case asks the Supreme Court to consider http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/law/law.html
Extractions: September 15, 2005 Brooks and Oliphant New York Times columnist David Brooks and Boston Globe columnist Tom Oliphant join Jim Lehrer to discuss the Roberts hearings and preview President Bush's Katrina speech. September 15, 2005 Final Day of the Roberts Hearings A report on the final day of John Roberts' confirmation hearings for chief justice of the United States. September 14, 2005 Third Day of the Roberts Hearings Judge John Roberts completed the second day of questioning in his confirmation hearings to become the chief justice of the United States. Two legal scholars discuss his responses. September 13, 2005 Highlights from the Second Day Chief justice of the United States nominee John Roberts faced the first round of questions from the Senate Judiciary Committe. Two scholars assess Roberts' responses on the issues of abortion, the right to privacy and racial and gender discrimination. September 12, 2005 The Roberts Hearings: Day 1 John Roberts faced the Senate Judiciary Committee Monday in the first day of hearings to see if he should become the nation's top jurist. Following two reports on the day's statements, two experts talk about the direction the hearings will take throughout this week.
Legal Research Guide: Labor And Employment Law Find labor and employment law sources. legal Research Guide, by The Virtual This law firm Web site offers articles on executive compensation issues. http://www.virtualchase.com/resources/labor_law.html
Extractions: (go to resource annotations Agencies, Organizations, and Documents Department of Labor (DOL) The Access Board Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Department of Justice, ADA Employment Standards Administration (ESA) Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA) Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS) Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) National Council on Disability National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) National Mediation Board Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Office of Special Counsel for Immigration-Related Unfair Employment Practices Social Security Administration (SSA) Federal Law 29 U.S.C.
Copyright And Multimedia Law For Webbuilders And Multimedia Authors Webbuilders will find his sections on World Wide Web issues, Newsgroups and Electronic Privacy, Other CyberSpace law Resources, General legal Resources, http://bailiwick.lib.uiowa.edu/journalism/mediaLaw/copyright_main.html
Extractions: for Webbuilders and Multimedia Authors introductions and explanations at the top, other resources further down, hardcore documents at bottom. See Also: "Created in 1995, the DFC is a unique collaboration of many of the nation's leading non-profit educational, scholarly, library and consumer groups, together with major commercial trade associations representing leaders in the consumer electronics, telecommunications, computer and network access industries. Thus, the DFC membership represents both the owners and users of intellectual property." The full text of HR 2281 IH. Also available in
Electronic School: Copyright In A Digital Age Copyright in a Digital age How to comply with the law and set In some areas involving such issues as photocopying and multimedia productions, http://www.electronic-school.com/2000/06/0600f2.html
Extractions: In 1981 a congressional subcommittee developed guidelines for off-air taping for educational use. These guidelines permit nonprofit educational institutions to tape programs from open air (not satellite or cable) broadcasts for instructional (not entertainment) use, under the following conditions: The broadcast is recorded off-air simultaneously with broadcast transmission and retained by the educational institution for a period not to exceed 45 calendar days after the date of the recording. The program then must be erased. Each teacher uses the taped programs only once with each class during the first 10 consecutive school days of the 45-day retention period. Programs may not be used with students after that time. (School days do not include vacations, holidays, weekends, examination periods, or other scheduled interruptions.) After the first 10 consecutive school days, off-air recordings may be used up to the end of the 45-day retention period only for teacher-evaluation purposes and may not be used for student exhibition or any nonevaluation purpose without authorization. Off-air recordings are made only at the request of, and used by, individual teachers. Recordings may not be made regularly in anticipation of requests. No broadcast program may be recorded off-air more than once at the request of the same teacher, regardless of the number of times the program may be broadcast.
Law Office Of Robert J. Ambrogi Don t let his age or lack of a law degree throw you he earned his stripes working with the He posts frequently about IP news and legal developments. http://www.legaline.com/Sept2004column.html
Extractions: By Robert J. Ambrogi For lawyers in many fields, blogs are becoming the new pocket part. With their immediacy and focus, they provide up-to-the-minute news and analysis of judicial, legislative and regulatory developments. Herewith is a survey of selected IP blogs. The listing is alphabetical, not by ranking. (For the sake of space, omitted are those that focus on domain name rights and governance.) A Copyfighter's Musings Anything Under the Sun Made by Man . This blog about patents and business strategies is written by Coloradan Russ Krajec, a registered patent agent, engineer, and inventor with more than 20 U.S. patents of his own. He writes about topics such as claims and drafting, patent strategies and the business of patent law. Berkeley Intellectual Property Weblog . Originally produced by a class at the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism, faculty and students carry on its mission of advancing the debate over intellectual property by aggregating noteworthy, factual information with thought-provoking commentary.
ILRG's Law Journals And Publications Click Here. Support The Internet legal Research Group; Visit Our Advertisers Last Writes? Reassessing the law Review in the age of Cyberspace http://www.ilrg.com/journals.html
Extractions: Support The Internet Legal Research Group; Visit Our Advertisers E-Mail This Page All Areas of ILRG ALL ACADEMIA Law Journals Law Outlines Law Schools Law Students Pre-Law ALL PROFESSIONAL Associations CLE Experts Forms Local Archive Forms Web Index Law Firm Database Practice Areas ALL GOVERNMENT World Index Australia Canada U.K. U.S. Federal U.S. State Governments Looking for work? ILRG is hiring! Law students and recent law school graduates are invited to fill out our online application ! Work from anywhere! Flexible hours and competitive pay. Akron Law Review
Intellectual Property For An Information Age: Introduction Intellectual property for an information age Introduction protectable expression under copyright law; and whether algorithms and other programrelated http://delivery.acm.org/10.1145/360000/359230/p66-samuelson.html?key1=359230&key
Welcome To UT Family Programs UT legal Services, Alcohol and Drug laws, Seat Belt laws. legal Assistance (nonUT) Landlord-tenant disputes * Employment law * Student loan issues http://www.utexas.edu/international/utfamily/legal.html
Extractions: * Other consumer and civil matters You must come in during walk-in hours for legal advice. No legal advice will be given over the telephone or by e-mail. You will be required to show your valid UT ID, and you will be asked to fill out a questionnaire to be given to the attorney. Bring any pertinent documents with you, for example your lease is necessary for analyzing any aspect of your tenancy; if you have received a ticket, bring it; or if you have been in an auto accident, bring a copy of the police report and the repair estimates. Also, write down the questions you would like to have answered and a short summary of your legal problem. Visit their web-site at
BUBL LINK: United States Law trademark issues, the death penalty, family law, immigration law, legal education, Subjects domestic violence, legal education, united states law http://bubl.ac.uk/link/u/unitedstateslaw.htm
Extractions: BUBL LINK Catalogue of Internet Resources Home Search Subject Menus Countries ... Z Titles Descriptions Abortion Law About.com: Current Events - Law ALSO: American Law Sources Online American Bar Association ... Year in Civil Liberties 1999 Comments: bubl@bubl.ac.uk Provides an overview of abortion law in the US, details of core cases, and accounts of constitutional, federal, and canon law. Includes background information about state laws, a glossary of legal terms related to termination of pregnancy, and full text transcripts of notable cases which can be downloaded as zip files or accessed as audio files online.
Whitman-Walker Clinic community education and outreach, law reform, and related legal efforts. WhitmanWalker Clinic legal Services Honors law Firm of Howrey, Simon, http://www.wwc.org/hiv_aids_services/legal_services.html
Extractions: LEGAL SERVICES Note: Legal Services is separate from the Office of General Counsel. For more information about the General Counsel's Office, click here Virtually everyone living with HIV/AIDS encounters legal problems associated with his or her health status. Many cannot afford the legal representation they need to fight for their rights to continue working, maintain access to health care, or ensure their confidentiality. Founded in 1986, the Legal Services Program of the Whitman-Walker Clinic is the only Washington, DC area program offering comprehensive pro bono legal services to people living with HIV/AIDS. We provide client services, including counseling, advocacy and representation, in the following areas:
Extractions: Advocate, The Air Force Journal of Logistics Air Force Law Review Air Force Speeches ... View all titles in this topic Hot New Articles by Topic Automotive Sports Top Articles Ever by Topic Automotive Sports Legal assistance issues for retirees: a counseling primer on old age, disability, and death issues Army Lawyer August, 2004 by Gene S. Silverblatt Linda K. Webster
Extractions: Directive 2000/78/EC LegalDay Home Cases Commentary CurrentIssues ... SiteMap QuickService Accountancy Company Formation CPD/Conferences Credit Rating ... Click here for a job in UK Law! Search This Page Ctrl + F Index of CurrentIssues LegalDay Today's News and Links Search LegalDay on NewsArchive LegalCommentary Cases Documents Resources Ageism Age is by far commonest ground of discrimination, prejudice cuts across all identity groups - and all ages 07.09.05 Guardian, Equality Links Age Discrimination Over-65 workers will be entitled to redundancy unfair dismissal rights, but dismissal in form of compulsory retirement will remain, employers need only to consider requests to stay on Telegraph Older workers 'still not safe' 15.07.05
The Legal Drinking Age: Science Vs. Ideology Underlying minimum age legislation are the assumptions of American the minimum legal drinking age from 18 to 19 in New York State found the law to have http://www2.potsdam.edu/hansondj/YouthIssues/1046348726.html
Extractions: Science vs. Ideology by David J. Hanson, Ph. D. Over the past four decades it has been demonstrated that the proportion of collegiate drinkers increases with age. However, in July of 1987, the minimum purchase age became 21 in all states. Because drinking tends to be highly valued among collegians and because it is now illegal for those under 21 to purchase alcohol, Dr. Ruth Engs and I hypothesized that reactance motivation would be stimulated among such students, leading more of them to drink. The data from 3,375 students at 56 colleges across the country revealed that, after the legislation, significantly more under-age students drank compared to those of legal age. Thus, the increase in purchase age appears to have been not only ineffective but actually counter-productive, at least in the short run. The prohibitionists and their current neo-prohibitionists counterparts are clearly wrong in their assumptions. Drinking in moderation is neither undesirable nor dangerous but is actually associated with better health and greater longevity than is either abstention or heavy drinking. In short it is not bad but good and healthful. And drinking does not typically result in problem behavior. Similarly, moderate drinking is clearly not a forerunner of inebriation. To the contrary, the vast majority of drinkers enjoy the benefits of alcohol and never become problem drinkers.
Responses To Arguments Against The Minimum Legal Drinking Age But no one suggests that Europeans have no drinkingrelated problems. age 21 is actually the highest minimum legal drinking age in the entire world and http://www2.potsdam.edu/hansondj/YouthIssues/1064263072.html
Extractions: Youth Issues Additional Information Legal Drinking Age Proven Way to Reduce Abuse Underage Drinking More: Youth Issues by David J. Hanson, Ph.D. Argument: Counter-Argument: Argument: Counter-Argument: In reality, research for decades has demonstrated that those countries and groups in Europe and elsewhere in which most people regularly drink but have few drinking-related problems all share three common characteristics: People have two equally acceptable choices: Age 21 is actually the highest minimum legal drinking age in the entire world and is a radical social experiment both internationally and in terms of our own national history. Those who call for all adults to be able to drink are traditionalists; whereas those who insist on age 21 are radicals. Argument: Counter-Argument: Raising the minimum legal drinking age has resulted in an apparent displacement of large numbers of alcohol-related traffic fatalities from those under the age of 21 to those age 21 to 24. In short, raising the drinking age simply changed the ages of those killed.
Canadian Constitutional Documents Gave the Federal government the power to enact laws regarding old age pensions, government representatives to conferences on issues related to them. http://www.solon.org/Constitutions/Canada/English/
Extractions: Canadian Constitutional Documents A Legal History Quota pars operis tanti nobis committur? - Seneca Memory - A practical quality which allows us to weigh what has already been done against what might be done now. Memory is therefore a key to responsible action....Romanticism is a fantasized version of the past. Unpleasant events and personal or national failures are erased, while comforts and successes are exaggerated. Or wrongs may be exaggerated and comforts and successes erased. On either side romanticism is intended to energize false hopes. In its most exaggerated form it denies the relevance of memory and constructs free-standing abstract ideologies. - John Ralston Saul what's new at this archive, the last modification having been made on 10 May, 2004 (always check what's new first!!), or go to the top of the archive These documents are provided as a service to Canadians and others interested in Canada, who regularly travel the net and who are curious in regards to, "what the fuss is all about." This "collection" is merely here for reference only. If you have a legal question regarding the constitutional validity of a law, or any other legal questions, please consult a lawyer.
Resources And Related Links The legal Aid Society Employment law Center works primarily in three areas legal Information Fact Sheets Self-Help Tools Resources and related Links http://www.las-elc.org/resources.html
Missouri -- Sources [ ALSO! -- U.S. Law ] Missouri lawrelated Periodicals. Periodicals providing on-line articles are linked law Schools ? Admission to Practice ? Continuing legal Education http://www.lawsource.com/also/usa.cgi?mo
Staff Development, Human Resources PE156S legal issues in Supervision Part II - this half-day course will help laws, what to do when receiving a complaint about work issues related to http://www.bnl.gov/HR/staffdev/courses/supervisory.asp
Extractions: Search Tips Site Links HR Homepage Have Questions ? Feedback Form Division Calendar ... Core Values Other Information Diversity Office BNL Site Index Can't View PDFs? To register for any of these courses, please check the current Staff Development Course Calendar to see if the course has been scheduled. If it is listed, please send an e-mail requesting to be enrolled in the course to your training coordinator or complete the Request for Training Form. PE143S Career Coaching for Managers and Supervisors this one-day course provides an overview of the career management coaching process for managers and supervisors so that they can support staff participation in the career management process. Topics include characteristics of and barriers to effective coaching, effective listening and the five elements of effective career management. This program is presented by The Career Development Team Bierman House, Inc. PE146 Conducting An Effective Selection Interview this half-day workshop will help both supervisors and managers prepare for conducting a legal and effective selection interview. Topics include defining the key skills, knowledge, education, experience, and other characteristics required to successfully perform a job; developing appropriate questions to obtain this information; reviewing candidate resumes and applications; managing the interview process; and, using questioning techniques to gain additional information.