Consultation On Draft Age Discrimination Regulations The age Regulations cover many age related issues, including service related pay lawNow - your route to commentary on the latest legal developments.
Bookpool: Telecommunications Law In The Internet Age Sharon Black s book provides a broad treatment of law related to the new Chapter 10 Cyberlaw Evolving legal issues with the Internet
Extractions: For companies in and around the telecommunications field, the past few years have been a time of extraordinary change-technologically and legally. The enacting of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 and the development of international trade agreements have fundamentally changed the environment in which your business operates, creating risks, responsibilities, and opportunities that were not there before. Until now, you'd have had a hard time finding a serious business book that offered any more than a cursory glance at this transformed world. But at last there's a resource you can depend on for in-depth analysis and sound advice. Written in easy-to-understand language, Telecommunications Law in the Internet Age systematically examines the complex interrelationships of new laws, new technologies, and new business practices, and equips you with the practical understanding you need to run your enterprise optimally within today's legal boundaries. Offers authoritative coverage from a lawyer and telecommunications authority who has been working in the field for over three decades.
Legal Research Guides of articles and symposium issues on terrorism and related topics. legal Research Sources for law in the Digital age (CMU 518), Spring 2002.
Extractions: Site Search UW Law Students: Email Reference Updated Sept. 20, 2005. How do I search for laws on a particular subject? How can I compile a legislative history for a Washington (or federal) law? How can I locate court opinions about a topic? To answer these and other frequently asked questions, the reference librarians have prepared a series of legal research guides. Use these guides to get started on your research project when a reference librarian is not available to assist you or as a reminder as you conduct your research. Library users who want or need to speak with an attorney may also be interested in our guide to Free or Low-Cost Legal Advocacy, Information, and Referral for King County Residents Many of these guides have been prepared in conjunction with in-class presentations. The online guides will be updated with the same frequency as the class is taught, usually annually
Extractions: How does disadvantage accumulate? Different legal issues and problems will be relevant at different stages of an individual's life. Similarly, different barriers to accessing justice may arise according to one's age. Young people and children For the purposes of this project, children will be defined as a person of up to 11 years of age, and a 'young person' as a person aged between 12 and 25 years. The question of when a person ceases to be 'young' is a matter of some debate. This is particularly so where many benefits and consequences of 'adulthood' legally arise from the age of 18. The age of 25 has been chosen because it is commonly used by welfare groups and other organisations in defining young people. This is largely because government Youth Allowances are payable to full-time students below 25 years of age. Age by Sex - NSW Children and Young People Male Female Persons % of NSW Residents 0-4 years 5-9 years 10-14 years Total 0-14 15-19 years 20-24 years 25 years Total 15-25 years Total NSW Residents According to the 1996 census 1,201,779 young persons lived in NSW, constituting 20% of the population of NSW.
Copyright Law In The Digital Age No legal advice is intended or inferred. In this area of lawwhich has more the Copyright Office and link to other sites related to copyright issues.
Extractions: The popularity of the Internet, along with advances in digital imaging and desktop publishing, has raised many issues among writers, artists and photographers. Appropriation of intellectual property by pirates can now be accomplished with ease and anonymity. A wealth of information and images abound on the Internet that can be copied with a keystroke onto a hard drive. From there, the use of purloined property is limited only by the imagination. Image manipulation software makes it easy to modify an image obtained from another's website. And desktop publishing software makes it possible to take the product of another's research and use it in a newsletter, magazine article or website in a matter of seconds. Nonetheless, knowledge of the law can protect you and your work to some extent. It can also help keep you out of legal trouble by updating you about the rights artists and writers have over the use of their materialsif and when you are tempted to use something you did not create. In the discussion that follows, please remember this article is
Extractions: Browse Books Why care about intellectual property rights? Why care about intellectual property rights? Isn't it something of interest to the birds... or maybe the attorneys? If you said 'Yes', think again!! Consider the internet provider in Lithuania or the one person startup in Canada who download the contents of your site onto their servers, change the headers, and are deriving commercial benefits from that content. Consider the professor in California or the faculty staff member in the UK who believe that they have all the justifications for copying your publication without attribution or authorization since they are using it only for non-commercial teaching purposes. How about the research lab director at a large northeastern United States university who firmly believes that he is right in making physical copies of your online content on their server for their testing purposes?
Small Business Law: Legal Advice Entrepreneurs under the age of 18 have special legal issues to consider. Immigration law and how it applies to you and your new business,4507,142,00.html
Lawyers Students interested in a particular aspect of law may find related courses helpful. research and writing on legal issues for the schools law journal.
Extractions: Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook OOH Search/A-Z Index BLS Home Get Detailed Statistics ... Find It! In DOL Printer-friendly version ( HTML PDF Nature of the Work Working Conditions Employment Training, Other Qualifications, and Advancement ... Sources of Additional Information Nature of the Work About this section Back to Top The legal system affects nearly every aspect of our society, from buying a home to crossing the street. Lawyers form the backbone of this vital system, linking it to society in myriad ways. For that reason, they hold positions of great responsibility and are obligated to adhere to a strict code of ethics. Lawyers , also called attorneys , act as both advocates and advisors in our society. As advocates, they represent one of the parties in criminal and civil trials by presenting evidence and arguing in court to support their client. As advisors, lawyers counsel their clients concerning their legal rights and obligations and suggest particular courses of action in business and personal matters. Whether acting as an advocate or an advisor, all attorneys research the intent of laws and judicial decisions and apply the law to the specific circumstances faced by their client.
Extractions: Introduction Kansas Statutes General Information Choosing a Policy ... Miscellaneous Long-term care is needed when a person is no longer able to care for themselves. The care someone needs can range from help with daily activities to skilled nursing care. The National Association of Insurance Commissioners has published estimates of how much long-term care may cost. In 1991, the cost of one year in a nursing home averaged around $30,000. The cost of receiving skilled nursing care in your own home from a visiting nurse was estimated to cost $12,300. If the only care you needed was personal care from a visiting home health care aide three times a week, the NAIC estimated that this would cost $8,400. These figures have undoubtedly risen since 1991. It is because of this high cost that many people purchase long-term care insurance policies. Long-term care is not covered under the Medicare program. Medicaid does pay for long-term cae, but to receive Medicaid, you must meet federal poverty guidelines for income and assets. Many people must "spend down" a large portion of their assets to become Medicaid eligible. The long-term care insurance policies allow individuals to receive care, should the need arise, without depleting the assets that have been accumulated throughout the years.
Katsuey's Legal Gateway Focuses on substantive legal issues involving accident law and personal injury actions. issues related to copyright, intellectual property rights,
Alan M. Gahtan - Presentations And Speeches Internet law Roundtable , Financing and Business issues for New Technology Industries, legal issues related to the Internet and Electronic Commerce ,
Extractions: Alan Gahtan Advising Businesses on Technology Issues, Osgoode Hall Law School Professional Development Program, November 24, 2004 (Toronto), Chair Technology Contracting Workshop, Osgoode Hall Law School Professional Development Program, October 14, 20 and 27, 2004 (Toronto), Instructor Netlaw 2004, 8th Annual Symposium on Internet Law, The Canadian Institute, March 25-26, 2004 (Toronto) "Buying and Selling IT", Ontario Bar Association Annual Institute, January 29, 2004 (Toronto) "IP Rights in Outsourcing", Negotiating and Drafting Outsourcing Contracts, The Canadian Institute, November 27-28, 2003 (Toronto) "Contracting for Internet Related Services", Internet Law, Insight, April 25, 2003 "Export Controls", Toronto Computer Lawyers Group, April 2003 "What you need to know about Electronic Evidence and Discovery", Ontario Bar Association Civil Litigation Section, March 27, 2003 (Toronto) "Service Levels/Benchmarking", How to Outsource with Confidence, Ontario Bar Association Annual Institute, March 21, 2003 (Toronto) (speaker and co-chair)
Extractions: Financial Services in an Electronic Age: Some Emerging Legal Issues By Alan Gahtan and Jeff Graham - June 1997 Technology is facilitating the creation of new approaches to service delivery and permitting the introduction of new electronic products. For example, a number of major Canadian financial institutions are now offering financial products and services through the Internet. In many cases, their competitors are scrambling to catch up. Some financial institutions view the Internet as an alternative product delivery channel. For others, including the new Citizens Bank of Canada, a subsidiary of Vancouver Savings Credit Union and ING Direct, the trust company subsidiary of ING Bank (Netherlands), the Internet is a primary delivery channel. No proprietary software or private communication network is necessary. Customers can use industry standard Web browser software and must arrange their own access to the Internet through an Internet service provider. The conduct of financial transactions through the Internet is not likely to displace other more traditional channels anytime soon. However, financial institutions appear to be drawn by two factors. The first is the lower transaction costs associated with transactions conducted electronically as opposed to their branch networks. The second attraction is the demographics of customers who are interested in using the Internet to access financial services. One American study projected that with respect to the banking industry, each Internet customer is likely to be 50-250% more profitable than the average banking customer.
Telemedicine And Health Care Informatics Legal Issues Telemedicine And The law Overview of legal issues Presented by Telemedicine, PRIVACY AND THE NII Safeguarding Telecommunicationsrelated Personal
Extractions: Last updated by Bill Manning on 8/03/97 The increasing computerization of health care data, combined with the emergence of new telecommunications applications and technologies create vast opportunities for the provision of health care. Some of the legal and regulatory issues, though, seem way behind the curve. This page is devoted to these legal issues. Telemedicine "began" in the 1960s as medical treatment rendered over the telephone and by wire by physicians who were physically remote in relation to the patient. Although today, the principles are largely the same, the technology and milieu of contemporary telemedicine are vastly different. In the age of high-speed data lines, advanced data compression technologies, the privatization of defense technologies, and computerization of patient records, clinical outcomes and physician practices, telemedicine promises to be the next milestone of health care advances. Health care informatics is the study relating to the development and application of information technology to health care information. CHINS, electronic patient records, clinical guidelines and clinical pathways are examples of health care informatics applications.
Children Home Alone And Babysitter Age Guidelines and treatment of child abuse and neglect, and related child welfare issues. Their legal issues and Laws Web page offers information on State statutes,
Extractions: Most States do not have regulations or laws about when a child is considered old enough to care for him/herself or to care for other children. Currently Illinois and Maryland have laws addressing this topic. States may have guidelines or recommendations. These guidelines are most often distributed through child protective services and are administered at the county level. Contact the National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect Information (NCCAN) at 800-394-3366, and staff there will refer you to your local child protective services agency to learn about age guidelines in your area. The following organization and publications contain information about these topics: National organization State laws in Illinois and Maryland; Examples of child supervision guidelines Examples of babysitter guidelines Demographic information about the number of children in self-care; and Information about how to prepare children to stay home alone and to be babysitters.
Age Discrimination Law Describing age discrimination and legal protections for workers. related Content. Disabilities law Articles Employment law Forums
Extractions: Your Source for Legal Information ExpertLaw ExpertLaw Library Employment Law September, 2003 Notice : Please note that this is only an introduction to age discrimination law. If you believe yourself to be a victim of age discrimination, please consult with an attorney to have your claim fully evaluated. If you believe you have been subjected to discrimination due to your age, you may be able to secure relief under state or federal law. Please note, however, that age discrimination protections are based upon allegations that an employee or applicant suffered discrimination for being "too old for the job". It is ordinarily legal to discriminate on the basis that somebody is "too young for the job". The ADEA also extends protections to employees, against retaliation for filing age discrimination charges, for participating in an investigation or litigation under the ADEA, or for testifying in related proceedings. If you are forty years of age or older, and the employer engaging in discrimination has twenty or more employees, you may be able to obtain relief under the federal Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA). The conduct of smaller employers may be regulated by similar state anti-age discrimination laws. Anti-discrimination protections typically apply to both job applicants and to employees at any stage of employment, including the initial hiring decision, promotions, layoffs or "RIF's", compensation, benefits, job assignments, training, or termination of employment.
ANNUAL REPORT 2004-05 The Office of legal Affairs researches the law, prepares opinions and provides Developed a presentation on legal issues related to overseas summer
Extractions: July 1, 2004 - June 30, 2005 I. Introduction This report provides information on the business undertaken by the Office of Legal Affairs (OLA) during the past fiscal year. The report addresses lawsuits and administrative agency complaints, internal administrative grievances and appeals, tort claims, business transactions, employment matters, student affairs issues, regulatory compliance, and other legal matters handled. It also addresses internal legal office matters. II. Programs The Office of Legal Affairs coordinates policy and legal matters for North Carolina State University through a central legal office. The Office is the official contact with the State Attorney General's Office, the University of North Carolina Office of the President, Legal Office, and external parties concerning legal matters. The Office of Legal Affairs researches the law, prepares opinions and provides advice for administrative offices and academic units based on applicable federal and state law and regulations, Board of Governor's and Board of Trustees' policies. The Office of Legal Affairs represents the university during construction hearings and provides advice on lawsuits concerning payment bonds or defaults on construction contracts and bankruptcy issues.
Other Related Sites Site provides national and local information on senior issues. Connecticut legal Services is a notfor-profit law firm dedicated to representing,
Extractions: NATIONAL LINKS American Association of Retired Persons -Founded in 1958 by retired California educator, Dr. Ethel Percy Andrus, AARP (formerly known as the American Association of Retired Persons) today represents more than 34 million members. Site provides national and local information on senior issues. - Alzheimers Association -The Alzheimers Association, a national network of chapters, is the largest national voluntary health organization committed to finding a cure for Alzheimers and helping those affected by the disease. - US Administration on Aging (AoA) web site includes information designed for Older Americans and their families as well as those concerned about providing the opportunities and services to enrich the lives of older persons and support their independence. National A ging Information Center NAIC serves as a central source for a wide variety of information on aging for older people, their families, and those who work for or on behalf of older persons. NAIC resources include program and policy-related materials for consumers and practitioners as well as demographic and other statistical data on the health, economic, and social conditions of older Americans.
UNBSJ Ward Chipman Library Business Internet Law legal, Privacy and Security issues in Electronic Commerce Privacy and Security in the Information age, Conference Papers, Information and Security law
Extractions: Ward Chipman Library Quest Databases e-Journals List ... Contact Reference Resources Authentication Censorship Crimes, Scams and Schemes ... Related Subjects See also: Enabling ECommerce , links via the Ward Chipman Library See also: Information Infrastructure and Policy , links via the Ward Chipman Library Measuring the Information Economy , OECD, 2002 A Survey of Legal Issues Relating to the Security of Electronic Information , Department of Justice, Canada Privacy and Security in the Information Age , Conference Papers, Information and Security Law Division, Attorney General, Australia Electronic Commerce: Building the Legal Framework European Computer Law: An Introductory Guide , edited by Vanessa Marsland, The Computer Law Association Current Issues Publications Series, 1996 The Internet and Business : A Lawyer's guide to the emerging legal issues, Joseph F. Ruh Jr., Editor, The Computer Law Association, Current Issues Publications Series, 1996 Law and ECommerce , eRevolution, European Commission Don't Panic Do E-commerce: A Beginner's Guide to European Law Affecting E-commerce , Corinna Schulze, European Commission, Electronic Commerce Team A New Future for Communications: Communications White Paper , DTI - DCMS, UK Electronic Commerce , OECD Best Practice Examples under the OECD Guidelines for Consumer Protection in the Context of Electronic Commerce , 17 May 2002, OECD Council, DSTI/CP(2002)2/Final Guidelines for Consumer Protection in the Context of Electronic Commerce , OECD, 2000
Sports Law Blog Sports law Blog. All things legal relating to the sports world Rebounds, and Assists; legal issues of NBA Draft age Floor; Red Herring of age in NBA
Law-Related Education A nonprofit, nonpartisan organization, CRFC has conducted lawrelated to learn about legal and policy issues with peers and policy resource persons.
Extractions: September 17 th of each year Teacher Resources for Discussing the War in Iraq with Students National Center for Children Exposed to Violence: The topic for 2005 is The American Jury its origins, evolution, and function in a democratic society... Students will also learn about jury systems of other countries. Constitutional Rights Foundation: War in Iraq, Online Lessons and Research Links Educators for Social Reponsibility (ESR): Understanding War "These lessons are intended to help teachers put issues of current global conflict into an ethical, historical, and cultural context, while encouraging students to think critically and discuss differing perspectives." - Conflict In Iraq: