Children's Literature - Resources For Teachers Bantam Doubleday Dell Teacher s Resource Centre New There are Check theLanguage Arts and School Library folders, or use the Search feature to find
Extractions: indicates an Internet resource that in my opinion is particularly valuable. Bantam Doubleday Dell Teacher's Resource Centre There are biographies of authors, and teaching ideas for several novels (recent ones, like Brian's Winter by Gary Paulsen, and old standbys like The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton). Novels are indexed by grade, theme, and curriculum subject. The BookRead Project and BR_Match (WCU MicroNet) The BookRead project links students and teachers with partner classrooms, and with the authors of books they are reading in the classroom. BR_Match is an Internet mailing list that was formed to help teachers and students find partner classes with which they can discuss the books they are currently reading. Carol Hurst's Children's Literature Web Site One of the best sites yet for teaching ideas using children's books. Children, Stress, and Natural Disasters Information and activities that teachers may find helpful after a disaster. Includes a bibliography of Children's Literature on Floods and Natural Disasters Children's Literature Association of Utah Includes teaching ideas for all the 1995-96 nominated titles, and annotations for the 1996-97 titles. Children living in Utah can vote for the winners.
EDSITEment - The Best Of The Humanities On The Web Click on the Literature and language Arts text to access numerous resourcesfrom the Academy of American Poets through Women of the West Museum as well as
Extractions: Today, I invite everyone to take a few moments to read the United States Constitution carefully, to engage with its history, its content, its authors' aspirations, and its lasting legacy. NEH, led by the staff of our EDSITEment project and the We the People program, has assembled documents, background essays, and a bibliography to help you celebrate this day and deepen your understanding of the United States Constitution. Sincerely, EDSITEment's history, partners, and content review process. Commemorate Constitution Day by exploring online resources, primary documents, and lesson plans collected and presented by EDSITEment, the National Endowment for the Humanities, and the We the People initiative. Go to Constitution Day September 17th is Constitution Day, commemorating the day in 1787 when the Founding Fathers signed one of Americas most important documents. The United States Constitution is the oldest written national constitution still in operation, and many of the nations that have established themselves in the decades since that day in 1787 have turned to this document as a model for their own constitutions.
Education Place® Elementary resources for teachers, students, and parents. Includes reading/languagearts, math, science, and social studies centers, intervention,
Extractions: Houghton Mifflin PRE-K Preview the exciting new program that provides children with the foundational skills they need to succeed as lifelong learners. Houghton Mifflin Spelling New spelling resources are coming this fall. Look for printable activities, Spelling Match, and the all-new Word Sort and Word Builder games. Houghton Mifflin Science Check out the online support for our new Houghton Mifflin Science program. You will find resources including eWord Games, eGlossaries, and Discover! Simulations. Houghton Mifflin Company About Us Frequently Asked Questions Site Index ... Terms and Conditions of Use
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