Bomis The Arts/Performing Arts/Performers/Clowns Ring Bomis The arts/performing arts/Performers/Clowns Ring Find out about thewonderful world of clown things, links, resources and other clowns.
African Art On The Internet Essays on art, links / descriptions for exhibits worldwide, African OdysseyInterActive Kennnedy Center for the performing arts Site for a festival
Extractions: "Ethiopia’s leading artist." Biography, his paintings, sculptures, mosaics, murals, art in the artist's home. Afewerk created the stained-glass windows at the entrance of Africa Hall, headquarters of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa. "In 1964, he became the first winner of the Haile Selassie I prize for Fine Arts." "In 2000, he was one of the few chosen World Laureates by the council of the ABI on the occasion of the 27th International Millennium Congress on the Arts and Communication in Washington DC." He painted Kwame Nkrumah's portrait and was awarded the American Golden Academy Award and the Cambridge Order of Excellence England. Prints of his work may be purchased online.
Performing Arts links to sites about the performing arts dance, music, opera and drama.http// perform/ Equity The site provides details of Equity
MadStage Performance Links artsLynx arts links to Theatre, Dance, Music, and more Specialises in allthe performing arts, from ballet and ballroom to contemporary dance, opera,
Extractions: This site is provided as a free service. If you'd like to help spread the word, please link to our site from yours and mention it in your programs and mailings! If you find it useful and would like to help make it even an even more effective tool for promoting theater in Wisconsin, contributions will be applied toward development and maintenance expenses and publicity for the site. To add your link to this page, email it, with a short description of your site and an indication of the category for which you wish it to be considered. Acacia Theatre Company (Milwaukee) American Folklore Theatre (Fish Creek) American Players Theatre (Spring Green) ARK too improvisational theater (Madison) Atlas Improv Co.
Performing Arts- Local District G Useful links. California Visual and performing arts Standards Treasures ofLAUSD Art links LAUSD Fine arts links ArtLex Online Art Dictionary
TCAnet: Touring: Performing & Presenting Arts Touring performing Presenting arts. TCA links. TCA Texas Touring arts ProgramCompany and Artist Roster The Texas Touring arts Program provides financial
Children With Disabilities Resource List Provides arts experiences, especially in the performing arts, accessible forchildren with a Includes Third Street kids Ensemble and arts Summer Camp.
Extractions: NEA Home Chairman's Forum About Us Grants News Room National Initiatives Lifetime Honors Publications NEA Partners Resources Features Support the Arts Search/Site Map This is a partial listing of resources compiled by the Office for AccessAbility at the National Endowment for the Arts (Voice: 202.682.5532; TTY: 202.682.5496; Fax: : 202.682.5715). Updated August 2002. Arts for All, Inc.
Ridance Links Page PROVIDENCE performing arts CENTER http// Providence performingArt Center 220 Weybosset Street Providence RI Phone 401421-2997 HOORAY!
Extractions: A good resource for dancers. All That Matters was founded and run by Jeanne Wettlaufer and Joan Dwyer "to educate, support, and inspire the community towards optimal heath and well being". ATM offers thirty yoga classes a week, many other disciplines and lessons such as tai-chi, meditation, drumming, massage as well as belly dance and workshops in various meditative or sufi style dances classes. The Andrea Rizzo Dance Therapy Foundation was set up by Andrea's family in friends in memory of a young woman who had a dream. She dreamed of the day she would become a dance therapist and be able to give children with cancer and disabilities the gift of dance. With the support of many, we have been able to make this dream of hers a reality.
Links - Southern Arts Federation links to Related Organizations. National arts and Cultural Organizations ADA Film Festivals Grants Literary arts Media arts performing arts
Extractions: Supporting and Promoting the Arts in the South Links to Related Organizations National Arts and Cultural Organizations National Government Agencies Regional Arts Organizations Southern Regional Organizations ... Visual Arts National Arts and Cultural Organizations National Endowment for the Arts Back to top National Government Agencies Back to top Regional Arts Organizations Arts Midwest 2908 Hennepin Avenue, Suite 200
Great Performances: Free To Dance - Resources - Web One of the first black performing arts companies in the Washington DC area,African Heritage A list of links to contemporary and modern dance companies.
Kathy Schrock's Guide For Educators - Art & Architecture artsEdge performing arts Education Materials a clearinghouse for Incredible Art Department Resources a large list of links to many arts education
DCPL: Community Links: Performing Arts performing arts. Kennedy Center for the performing arts http// ; Washington performing artsSociety http//
Alabama Arts - Performing Arts performing arts Organizations Artists. Alys Stephens Center, Birmingham.Click on the links below for information. Dance; Music; Opera Choral; Theatre
McCoy's Guide To Theatre And Performance Studies SIBMAS International Directory of performing arts Collections and Film,Performance, Dance and Music arts, this site includes lots of links and photos
Extractions: The ILShakeFest Font used in the creation of the title is freeware, thanks to Pete Guither and Scott Mann (Illinois State University). Other Guides In 1993, when I first began to research theatre sites on the internet, it was a difficult and laborious project. Sites were hard to find, search engines were underdeveloped, there were very few theatre people who had taken an interest in, or even knew about the internet. Obviously, things have changed. Now the World Wide Web is easily accessible through a variety of web browsers, making specific knowledge of such utilities as telnet, ftp, and gopher (remember that one?) more or less obsolete.
Office For Civil Rights: Related Links OCR Related links to related resources from other agencies. Sponsored by theKennedy Center for performing arts. Digital Diplomacy for Students Learn
Finding Funders - Web Sites Of Grantmaking Public Charities - K Jim Kelly of the Buffalo Bills founded the Kelly for kids Foundation (KFK) in1987 to provide John F. Kennedy Center for the performing arts (DC)
Extractions: The Kansas Humanities Council, located in Topeka, was created to "promote understanding of the history, traditions, and ideas that shape our lives and the communities in which we live." The council has two main grant programs: the Humanities Program, which supports programs that make the humanities accessible to all Kansans; and the Heritage Programs, which offer grants to community groups that preserve Kansas' history. The council's Web site offers grant application guidelines and deadlines, advice on contacting council staff in regard to proposed projects, a cultural events calendar, lists of the board of trustees and staff, information on making a gift to the council, and contact information. The Kapi'olani Health Foundation is dedicated to fulfilling the health needs of all the people of Hawaii. Since its inception, the foundation has developed a broad range of health and medical services to meet the needs of the men, women, and children of the community. The foundation works through its two flagship hospitals, the Kapi'olani Medical Center for Women and Children and the Kapi'olani Medical Center at Pali Momi, as well as other health-related companies such as the Kapi'olani Health Research Institute, and the Kapi'olani Women's Center. The foundation's Web site offers information about its mission and the ongoing programs.
Culture Links There s a history of Scandinavians in NYC, some photographs, and links to other Lincoln Center Lincoln Center for the performing arts, New York,
Extractions: @import "/css/complex.css"; @import "/css/complex_vnav.css"; You are using an old browser: This site will look much better in a browser that supports web standards , but it is accessible to any browser or Internet device. Firefox is an excellent, free, browser for all types of operating systems. Citizens Union Foundation Gotham Gazette Gotham Gazette Web Gotham Gazette Web Let us know about it Cinema Classics Known for its offbeat screenings of the best foreign, cult, contemporary independent and classic Hollywood films, CINEMA CLASSICS is a 60+ seat theatre with vintage theater seats. Film Forum Film Forun Info Millennium Film Workshop A non-profit organization since 1966 that screens independent films and offers classes and equipment for aspiring filmmakers.
Boulder Community Network Arts Center Theater and Performance Art. Artslynx Colorado Theater links Outstanding list of Rocky Mountain Theatre For kids Summer school and year round classes.
Extractions: A categorized listing of various Boulder County and regional artists and art related organizations and listings. Please contact the developer at the bottom of this page for changes or additions. Local Resources Regional (Colorado not Boulder) Resources Global Resources Events See the BCN Entertainment Page Events Page The Written Word Alt-X Online publishing network, experimental hypertext and much more Book Arts League , Boulder, Colorado: letterpress printing, calligraphy, bookbinding, and papermaking. Entropy Gradient Reversals All Noise - All the Time. Great 'zine from Boulder. Grammatron A hypertextual 'book' from Boulder's Mark Amerika. Featured in many publications, including Cool Site of the Day and the New York Times. Interactive Poetry Pages Real time poetry collaboration. You are invited to add a line to a poem in progress, and view the finished works.
Links Brooklyn Center for the performing arts The official website of an outer Please Note The above links are not endorsed by and are given
Extractions: · connecting real audiences to real theatre in a virtual world · nytheatre links nytheatre resources Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS : One of the worthiest theatre-related charitable organizations now has its own website. A.R.T./New York : This website for the service organization for New York's off-Broadway theatre companies features listings (and a search engine). Playbill On-Line is a very good general source of information about New York theatre. Broadway Theater Institute is a nonprofit with a mission to preserve, protect, and promote Broadway's dynamically vibrant heritage and its impact on the development of theater - both musical and drama OOBR is the Off-Off-Broadway Review site offering listings, reviews, and other amenities to its members. OOBR's publisher, John Chatterton, produces the Midtown International Theatre Festival is a fun site about entertainment awardsOscars, Emmys, Grammys, and of course the Tonysedited by popular writer Tom O'Neil, who is a great friend to Up-To-Date Theatrical Services is the company that produces mailing labels to agents, producers, etc.