Environmental Information Cooperative - Home links to Kid s Websites EEK Environmental Education for kids, developed by theWisconsin Department of Natural Resources. This electronic magazine is for http://eicinfo.vancouver.wsu.edu/students.html
Extractions: Southwest Clean Air Agency, with information about local air quality issues and an interactive Air Pollution Jeopardy Game. http://www.swcleanair.org The EPA Air Quality Index page with interactive pages and information about air pollution. http://www.epa.gov/airnow/aqikids/index.html EPA Indoor Air Quality, with information and resources for indoor air quality issues (like moisture, mold, radon, asthma, smoking, wood combustion, VOC's, etc.) in businesses, at home and at school. http://www.epa.gov/iaq/index.html American Lung Association of Oregon, with information that focuses on tobacco control, medical research, promoting clean air and asthma education. http://www.lungoregon.org/programs/mhe/volunteer.html
Education Environmental Education for kids from the Wisconsin Department of Natural kids Castle More great links from the Ohio Environmental Education Fund http://www.epa.state.oh.us/pic/education.html
Extractions: Agency Links Public Participation Small Business Assistance Office Links Public Interest Center Home Page News Releases - Current Month News Release Archive Public Meeting Calendar ... Print Tips Education Teachers Students The Ohio Environmental Education Fund (OEEF) was created by House Bill 804 in 1990. Through this bill, half of all penalties collected by Ohio EPA air and water pollution control programs, as well as gifts, grants, and contributions, fund the OEEF. Grants are awarded to educators, environmental organizations, industrial organizations and others to increase the awareness and understanding all Ohioans need to work together to solve the complex environmental problems affecting our lives and the lives of future Ohioans. For more information about the OEEF and available grants, go to: http://www.epa.state.oh.us/oeef/ The Office of Environmental Education has some great ideas for things you and your students can do to help the environment. For more information and helpful links, go to: http://www.epa.state.oh.us/oeef/stateee.htm
EPA - Teaching Center Begin Hierarchical links, EPA Home Teachers End Hierarchical links Other education sites Quality environmental education sites that provide http://epa.gov/teachers/
Extractions: Get information you can use when you teach Get help and recognition Get your students involved Curriculum resources - lesson plans and activities Background information - learn more about a world of environmental topics Order EPA publications - free materials for you and your students Other education sites - Quality environmental education sites that provide information, activities, curricula, and contacts. Awards - programs for you and your students to get recognition Grants links to help you connect your good ideas with the financial resources to make them happen - training opportunities in your area Community service projects - opportunities for students to apply what they learn in the classroom to real life Student jobs and scholarships - research careers in the environment, internships, jobs
Extractions: Related Links: Federal New Hampshire Maine ... Environmental Health Science Web Directories Selected Links on Environmental Health Sciences Environmental Health Science Links for Kids The National Institute of Environmental Health Science Kids' Pages is an index of educational environmental health web sites for children. The site is produced and maintained by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, a component of the National Institutes of Health, a federal agency under Health and Human Resources. Kids' Corner produced by the National Safety Council's Environmental Health Center includes a number of games and activities designed to help children learn about environmental safety and health.
Extractions: Related Links: Federal New Hampshire Maine ... Environmental Health Science Web Directories Selected Links on Environmental Health Sciences Children's Health The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Committee on Environmental Health advises the AAP on issues pertaining to environmental health and toxic exposure. The site contains policy statements on such issues as lead poisoning, PCBs in breast milk, thimerosol in vaccines and the hazards of ultraviolet light. The Committee also supports legislative initiatives designed to protect the health of the fetus, infant and child from debilitating or hazardous environmental agents. The Children's Environmental Health Program , a component of the National Safety Council's Environmental Health Center, conducts a variety of outreach and educational activities on children's environmental health issues. The site includes a training module for child care providers on second-hand smoke, links to fact sheets on lead poisoning, information on overexposure to the sun and links to other sites on children's environmental health. The Children's Environmental Health Network is a national multidisciplinary project dedicated to promoting a healthy environment and to protecting the fetus and the child from environmental hazards. The site provides information on the Network, the issue of children's environmental health and links to sources of information and resources in the field The Network has worked on the national level since 1992 and has focused on the areas of research, policy and education.
WHO | Children's Environmental Health Our work on children s environmental health is carried out in the following fact sheets on children s environmental health, as well as links to other http://www.who.int/ceh/en/
Extractions: Children's environmental health Children are our future, numbering over 2.3 billion worldwide (aged 0-19) and representing boundless potential. Child survival and development hinge on basic needs to support life; among these, a safe, healthy and clean environment is fundamental. Children are exposed to serious health risks from environmental hazards. Over 40% of the global burden of disease attributed to environmental factors falls on children below five years of age, who account for only about 10% of the world's population. Environmental risk factors often act in concert, and their effects are exacerbated by adverse social and economic conditions, particularly conflict, poverty and malnutrition. There is new knowledge about the special susceptibility of children to environmental risks: action needs to be taken to allow them to grow up and develop in good health, and to contribute to economic and social development. Each year, at least three million children under the age of five die due to environment-related diseases.
WHO | Environmental Health Environmental health. This page provides links to descriptions of activities,reports, news and events, RELATED links. Environmental burden of disease http://www.who.int/topics/environmental_health/en/
Extractions: Environmental health This page provides links to descriptions of activities, reports, news and events, as well as contacts and cooperating partners in the various WHO programmes and offices working on this topic. Also shown are links to related web sites and topics. MeSH scope note: The science of controlling or modifying those conditions, influences, or forces surrounding man which relate to promoting, establishing, and maintaining health. RELATED SITES Protection of the human environment
CEHN Home Page The Children s Environmental Health Network is a national the issue ofchildren s environmental health, and links to sources of information and http://www.cehn.org/
Extractions: The Children's Environmental Health Network is a national multi-disciplinary organization whose mission is to protect the fetus and the child from environmental health hazards and promote a healthy environment. This Web Site provides information on the Network, the issue of children's environmental health, and links to sources of information and resources in the field. If you have comments, questions or suggestions on our web site or our activities, please contact us . We welcome new additions to the Network!
Kids URLs kids Web A World Wide Web Digital Library for Schoolkids The GLOBE ProgramAn International Environmental Education and Science Partnership http://climate.ornl.gov/~forrest/kids-urls.html
Kids Domain - Earth Day Online Games Explore the world with these environmental and animal games. Clean up in thisanimated narrated activity for young kids Dumptown http://www.kidsdomain.com/games/earthday.html
ICEH: Institute For Children's Environental Health The Institute for Children s Environmental Health (ICEH) is a nonprofit to educate their members about possible environmental links to various health http://www.iceh.org/
Extractions: for All Children and the Planet The Institute for Children's Environmental Health (ICEH), founded in 1999, is a nonprofit educational organization working to ensure a healthy, just and sustainable future for all children and the planet. ICEH's primary mission is to foster collaborative initiatives to reduce and ultimately eliminate environmental exposures that can undermine the health of current and future generations. To support this mission, ICEH is committed to: creating long-term partnerships with a broad range of organizations and institutions to help build a more effective and collaborative environmental health movement; working with health-affected constituencies, in particular learning and developmental disabilities organizations, to educate their members about possible environmental links to various health problems and to nurture their capacity to advocate for policies that protect children from neurotoxicants; and supporting policies and actions that are based on preventative, transparent, democratic and precautionary practices to ensure children's unique susceptibilities to environmental exposures are being addressed.
Especially For Kids NOAA OR R Home / Especially for kids Using Maps to Evaluate EnvironmentalTradeoffs Instructor s kit for an exercise using ESI maps for oil spill http://response.restoration.noaa.gov/kids/kids.html
Extractions: / Especially for Kids Home Page Site Index About Us Oil Spill Aids ... Coastal Chemicals For Kids Image Gallery Available Products Site Search If you're a student who'd like to learn more about oil spills or hazardous chemical accidents, here is information we hope you'll find helpful. Here are some experiments and projects you can do, either at home for fun, as demonstrations to your class, or even as science fair projects.
EHC Children's Environmental Health Program -- Links Children s Environmental Health links National Conference of State LegislatorsChildren s Environmental Health Legislation Database http://www.nsc.org/ehc/ceh/cehlinks.htm
Extractions: Children's Environmental Health Links Asthma and Schools http://www.asthmaandschools.org/ consolidates information about asthma-related resources for school personnel working with grades K-12. The simple, searchable database links to educational materials, medical information, websites, and other resources useful for anyone who works in a school serving children and youth. The Association of Birth Defect Children http://www.birthdefects.org/MAIN.htm The Association of Birth Defect Children was founded in 1982 to serve as a national clearinghouse to provide parents and professionals with information about birth defects and services for children with disabilities. ABDC also studies links between drugs, radiation, alcohol, chemicals, lead, mercury, dioxin and birth defects.The site contains a large number of facts sheets on various birth defects, as well as information on how to get help for your child with birth defects. http://www.childproofing.org/contents.html Chem-Tox http://www.chem-tox.com/
Public Swimming Pool Links: Environmental Health In Minnesota Attention links on this page take you outside the Minnesota Department of Health For more information about this page, please contact the Environmental http://www.health.state.mn.us/divs/eh/pools/links.html
Extractions: dqmcodebase = "http://www.health.state.mn.us/script/" Swimming Pools Home Pool Code Forms Links ... Contact us Operation CPO/AFO Training Lifesaving Equipment Signage Fecal Matter Guide ... Pool Closure Construction Plan Review (fees) Alterations Variances In Depth Daycare Pools (pdf) More from MDH Beaches Drowning Prevention EH Home Topic Index ... Contact us On this page:
Clean Air Council | Children's Environmental Health three aspects of children s environmental health creating links between groups The site supplies information, reports, and links on topics of CEH, http://www.cleanair.org/CEH/CEHLinks.html
Extractions: A collaboration of U.S. government agencies, public health organizations and health sciences libraries Home News About Partners Sitemap ... Jobs and Careers Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), Child Health Initiative - This site provides summaries of ATSDR child health programs, such as the Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Units, as well as links to Toxicology Profiles and Public Health Assessments. American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), Committee on Environmental Health - The AAP's Committee on Environmental Health focuses on issues relating to environmental health and toxic exposures. This site contains policy statements made by this Committee including environmental tobacco smoke, blood lead level, and respiratory hazards for infants and children. Association of Occupational and Environmental Clinics (AOEC), Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Units
AR Families: Health: Environmental Health Links Environmental Health links. Air Quality Indoor and Outdoor Contains linksto other sources of environmental health info. USEPA. http://www.arfamilies.org/health/environmental/default.asp
Extractions: AR Families Home Environmental Health Links Air Quality: Indoor and Outdoor Children's Health Environmental Coalition Healthy Homes Webtool Healthy Homes Webtool. Created by the University of Wisconsin at Madison, this is an excellent source of home safety information with emphasis on children. The Webtool addresses indoor environmental dangers as well as pesticide and household product safety. Indoor Air Pollution: An Introduction for Health Professionals (IAQ-0052). USEPA IAQ INFO 1-800-438-4318. Air Quality Index: A Guide to Air Quality and Your Health 2000. USEPA EPA 454-R-00-005. EPA Ozone Monitoring, Mapping, and Public Outreach, Delivering Real-Time Ozone Information to Your Community USEPA EPA 625-R-99-007. Ozone Action Day Information TNRCC. Asbestos The Asbestos Informer USEPA EPA 340-1-90-020. Call EPA Region 6 Asbestos Coordinator: 1-800-887-6063 Asthma Cleaning the Air: Asthma and Indoor Air Exposures 2000. National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Medicine. Full report available from National Academy Press: 1-800-624-6242 or it can be read 0n-line at: http://www.nap.edu/catalog/9610.html Asthma - A Speaker's Kit For Public Health Professionals Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Center for Environmental Health.
ATSDR-Office Of Children's Health ATSDR plans to develop environmental assessment procedures for a national links are provided here Region 1 Exiting ATSDR ; Region 2 Exiting ATSDR http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/child/ochchildhlth.html
Extractions: Search Index Home Glossary ... Contact Us Contents Pediatric Toxicology References - Div. of Toxicology Children Living Near Hazardous Waste Sites - Div. of Health Assessment and Consultation Investigation of Cancer and Other Health Conditions - Div. of Health Studies Health Promotion and Education - Div. of Health Education and Promotion Setting Priorities - Agency Roundtable on Child Health Child Health Reports Special Report Soil Pica Childrens' Health An estimated 3-4 million American Children live within one mile of at least one hazardous waste site. However, children are not simply small adults! Children who live near waste sites often have greater exposure and greater potential for health problems. Presidential Executive Order Children's Health Insurance Program ATSDR Gives Special Emphasis to Children's Health ATSDR's Child Health Program emphasizes the ongoing examination of relevant child health issues in all of the agency's activities, and stimulates new projects to benefit children.
Environmental Health Coalition Links A comprehensive listing of Environmental Justice links on the World Wide Web Hazardous waste elimination programs, Environmental Law, links http://www.environmentalhealth.org/links.html
Extractions: Environmental Justice Lead Poisoning Right-to-Know Public Health ... Multi-Issue/Other Environmental Justice Asian Pacific Environmental Network (APEN) -The mission of (APEN) is to unify and empower the Asian Pacific Islander community to achieve multicultural environmental justice. The EcoJustice NetworkIGC Special Project s This Web site serves as a pointer to environmental justice activities at EPA and other federal agencies The Indigenous Environmental Network (IEN) is an alliance of grassroots indigenous peoples whose mission is to protect the sacredness of Mother Earth from contamination and exploitation by strengthening, maintaining and respecting the traditional teachings and the natural laws.