Environmental Science Resources kids Corner offers an art gallery, stories of rainforest life, and ways kids can Contains links to other environmental and conservation sites as well. http://www.educationindex.com/environ/
Extractions: SM This is a comprehensive look, in text and photo, at the lands and people of the Arctic Circle using three themes: natural resources, history and culture, and social equity and environmental justice. You'll find very interesting information on indigenous peoples and their situations in the face of natural resource exploration. Biotechnology information supplied by industry, government, and research sources is offered here. Includes a Career Center with job search and HR links. The Center, put together by Rice University, offers a number of Conservation Biology areas for study. Their Virtual Library of Ecology, Biodiversity, and the Environment contains hundreds of great biology links in a user-friendly format. The Society for Conservation Biology Homepage is here, along with The Orchid Weblopedia, some very interesting Related Conservation Biology Projects, and more. This organization encourages multi-disciplinary research and education on environmental management and pollution prevention issues in critical industries. One very nice area of this site is the publication abstract section.
Kids For A Better Environment Adults kids working for animal rights by raising funds for charity organizations and through humane education campaigns. http://groups.msn.com/KidsForABetterEnvironmentK-F-A-B-E/homepagewelcome.msnw
Just Curious - Environmental Science Includes homework help links. National Wildlife Federation Kid s Page - Play Environmental Education for kids! - This online magazine features fun http://www.suffolk.lib.ny.us/youth/jcsenvironment.html
Index Historical facts, information on the biology and environment of the Northampton refuge. kids' fun page, visitor information. http://easternshore.fws.gov/
Extractions: National Wildlife Refuges Havens for Wildlife on Virginia's Eastern Shore This area is one of the most important avian migration funnels in North America. Each fall, like colorful clockwork, the refuge is the scene of a spectacular drama as millions of songbirds and monarch butterflies and thousands of raptors converge at the tip of the peninsula on their voyage south. Favorable weather patterns push migrating species through the area in waves. Clouds of tree swallows swirl over ponds and flame orange and black-winged monarch butterflies float aloft. Protected habitats such as these provide critical stopover areas where birds and butterflies can rest and feed before resuming their arduous journey. Final Comprehensive Conservation Plan
Welcome To Next Generation Yoga! New York City Hatha Yoga classes for kids teach children of all ages and abilities in a non-competitive and fun environment. http://www.nextgenerationyoga.com
Get Involved, Other Are: Links For Environmental Activitists Want to know how to become active on environmental and policy issues. KSE Worldwide provides actionoriented educational materials to kids, families, http://www.safe2use.com/data/links/activists.htm
Extractions: Organization or Group Description Get Set, Inc. Non Toxic Pest Control and issues of the environmental and personal impact of pesticides. Union of Concerned Scientists UCS is an independent nonprofit alliance of 50,000 concerned citizens and scientists across the country. We augment rigorous scientific analysis with innovative thinking and committed citizen advocacy to build a cleaner, healthier environment and a safer world. DLRM's objective is the immediate and unconditional abolition of all animal experiments, on medical and scientific grounds. Public Citizen Public Citizen is a national, nonprofit consumer advocacy organization founded by Ralph Nader in 1971 to represent consumer interests in Congress Network of Concerned Farmers The "Network of Concerned Farmers" is an Australia wide network of conventional and organic farmers who are concerned about the economic, environmental and social impacts of genetically modified crops.
Yachats Youth And Family Activities Program YYFAP provides a safe and supportive environment for children, advocates for youth and families, and provides and encourages activities that integrate youth into the community. YYFAP is an after school and summer program for kids. Site includes program information, calendar and newsletter. http://www.casco.net/~yapkids
Extractions: Gray's Web Design Welcome! Welcome! Welcome to the website! We at YYFAP hope you enjoy touring this website to discover our various activities, our upcoming events, and more about our program. YYFAP is located in the basement of the Yachats Commons at the corner of 4th Street and Highway 101. Check out our Programs page to find out about after school Recreation PLUS, organized classes , the early childhood program teen activites , and special family activities . The Calendar page will tell you what is happening this month. Also attached is our quarterly newsletter . Click on our Contributors page to find out how we are funded, what our needs are, and how you can contribute. The Our Staff link takes you to meet the people who make all this possible! E-mail us if you would like more information, or would like to be added to our mailing list.
Grey Whale Advocate, Whale Watching In Baja Dedicated to the protection of the species and the environment in which they live provides information on migration, photos, articles, facts, kids question corner, and travel updates. http://www.greywhale.com
Extractions: Rub noses with a gray whale, Pet a Giant Panda Bear Snorkel with a shark gray whale watching, grey whale tours, baja whale watching, whale watching in baja, gray whale tours, ecotours in baja, gray whale watching, cetaceans, marine mammals,, baleen whales, gray whales in baja, photos of gray whales, gray whale facts, whale watching photos, scammons lagoon, scammon's lagoon, gray whale photos, salt works Dedicated to the POSITIVE advocacy for the Gray whale species On line since 1996. Within the pages of this website you will find everything you could want to know about Gray whales and about whale watching. Want to Pet a Whale? We will show you how. Dedicated to promoting knowledge of the Gray Whale species and the environment in which these whales live. This website contains over 130 individual webpages. Whale watching brings people and whales together and promotes awareness of the dangers that the different whale species face today. In this website you will find truthful, factual information not biased by greed or by personal interests other than a deep love and respect for the Gray whales. Here you will find whale watching trips and whale information about Gray Whales Blue Whales Humpbacks
RMI For Kids-General Links Environmental links for kids Action for Nature Action for Nature encourages youngpeople to take personal action to make this world a better place for http://www.rmi.org/sitepages/pid482.php
Extractions: The Imagination Factory integrates art with science and social studies to teach solid waste management concepts in a fun and entertaining way. Visitors learn how to make art using common, household trash as a source of free materials. Some of the activities include drawing, painting, sculpture, collage, paper-mache, marbling and crafts.
National Park Service: Nature & Science - Students & Teachers links to Learning. Park Environmental Education Resources Online for Studentsand Teachers There is information just for kids (parents welcome! http://www.nature.nps.gov/studentsteachers/linkstolearning/
Extractions: A B C D ... Z This web site provides links to educational information related to the National Park Service's mission of natural resource stewardship, preservation, and the protection of park natural resources. Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National Historic Site Visit the Environmental Study Area in Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National Historic Site. Acadia National Park Visit Acadia's variety of Education Resources and find out about on-site ecology and history programs, classroom activities, and junior ranger programs. There is information just for kids (parents welcome!), watershed education for secondary students, teacher resources, a student gallery, internship details, and more. The National Park Service Air Resources Division and the Fish and Wildlife Air Quality Branch provide education materials for students and teachers , including educational videos and elementary and secondary education acid rain lesson plans for teachers.
Creation Evidence Museum - Can We Know The God Of Creation? Who Am I? Where Did Chartered scientific museum established to excavate and display scientific evidence for creation. Research involves experimenting within a simulated preFlood environment in a hyperbaric biosphere. Some artifact photos, info on excavations, scientific creation model, complete doctoral dissertation of Carl Baugh, Fun for kids pages. Question and answer section, critiques other views. http://www.creationevidence.org/
Extractions: Welcome to , the web site of the Creation Evidence Museum in Glen Rose, Texas. As you browse our pages you will receive educational information presenting scientific evidence for creation and design by a personal Creator. This scientifically chartered museum was established in July of 1984 for the purpose of research, excavation, and display of scientific evidence for creation. The Museum's team, led by its Founder and Director, Carl Baugh, Ph.D., has excavated eleven dinosaurs ( Acrocanthosaurus, Stegosaurus, Allosaurus , etc.), 475 dinosaur tracks, 86 human footprints, 7 cat prints, and other fossil remains - all in Cretaceous limestone. Excavations were professionally documented along the Paluxy River and various other international locations. Among museums this entity makes a unique contribution, demonstrating that man and dinosaur lived contemporaneously. Educators, professors, children, and adherents to various religions are finding answers to the great questions of life: Who am I?, Where did I come from?, What is my purpose here?, and Where am I going? In its ongoing research to find answers to Who is God?, Was the Universe designed and created by a Creator?, and What do the Bible and Science teach about the heavens, man, animals, plants, etc?, the Museum researches and houses artifacts from archaeology, geology, and paleontology (such as the London artifact, the Meister Print, the cup in coal, the fossilized foot in a boot, the fossilized human finger, and others).
Extractions: Web posted at: 2:25 p.m. EST (1925 GMT) By Environmental News Network staff The most important issue that kids around the world are concerned about for the future is the environment and animal rights, says the creator of a new documentary. Linda Schaffer, producer and director of the film Nickellennium, spent the last year visiting with 10,000 kids from 28 countries and asking them what they think life will be like in the next millennium. Despite differences in culture, language and background, the children had the same issues on their minds. "Without question, across every border, saving the environment is their number one concern. They understand the environmental cost of unchecked consumerism and are fiercely willing to do what's necessary to protect the Earth and the life on it, even if it means going without," she said.
Conservation / Environmental Issues EPA Explorer s Club for kids! from the Environmental Protection Agency EPAGlobal Warming Kid s Site - information, games, and links http://members.aol.com/bowermanb/conservation.html
Welcome To Www.inter-kids.com Offers accentfree oral English to children, between 2 years and 8 months to 12 years, in a fun learning environment. http://www.inter-kids.com
Fun For Kids Eastbourne Borough Council Community Health Services Environmental Health Fun for www.eastbourne.gov.uk/kids 150 cool web links for children http://www.eastbourne.gov.uk/Community/Health_Services/Environmental_Health/Fun_
Extractions: Home Community Health Services ... Fun For Kids Environmental Health - Fun for Kids www.eastbourne.gov.uk/kids 150 cool web links for children Environment Weather Safety ... Food Visit lots of exciting websites Vote for your favourite sites See our Picture Galleries Enter our FREE Competitions ... Health Stuff for Teenagers First time visitor? Go to Getting Started Parents and Teachers Look for secret prize codes Jamie Oliver's Feed Me Better Animal websites Art Gallery ... Back to Top About Fun for Kids - Getting Started We have carefully selected the very best children's websites, chosen for interactive features, games and quizzes that make learning fun. To explore over 150 exciting and colourful websites for children choose a topic page and then just click on any of the website names down the left hand side of each page to open up the sites: Environment Weather Safety Health ... Food To learn even more, you can click on the images down the right hand side of each topic page, which will take you to the main sections of Eastbourne Borough Council's website related to the topics.
South Of Scotland Wildlife Hospital Help wildlife casualties until they are fit enough to look after themselves and be returned to their natural environment. News, FAQ, what to do, joining, recycling, kids and newsletter. http://mysite.wanadoo-members.co.uk/soswh/
Green Bay School Committed to providing an open and collaborative learning environment for students. Site features Kool kids Katalogue and art gallery. http://www.greenbay.school.nz
Extractions: 6 super Support Staff Links (Click on our logo to return to the top of the page) Vision/Mission Statement: Grow the heart, the mind and the spirit Kia tipu ai te ngakau, te hinengaro me te wairua Our Values: Respect for Diversity of others Achievement Do your Best Honesty Fairness Aroha, Caring, Compassion Reliability Tolerance Citizenship Self Worth, Self-Esteem Good manners