Discover Illinois Learn about Illinois government, its seal and symbols, and the capitols it has had. Also includes state environment and nature as well as bike and fire safety tips.
World Almanac For Kids World Almanac for kids Facts, games and helpful stuff for kids ages 8 and up . You ll also find lots of links within the other pages of the World
Extractions: Choose a link section: Select Animals Art Books Computers Geography Health Holidays Inventions Language Museums Nations of the World Plants Religion Science Space Sports Transportation United Nations United States Weather World History Miscellaneous Sites Links Directory Animals Holidays Science Art ... Miscellaneous Sites
The Children's Nature Institute Dedicated to educating kids to respect and appreciate the natural environment.
Home National Award winning conservation and fishing organization. We educate kids about the environment and use fishing as the catalyst.
Extractions: At this time we are updating our website. Please bear with us as we create an information resource that will help all of our supporters! Don't forget the "Fishin' Buddies!" Kids' Fest June 5th at Montrose harbor in Downtown Chicago located at 4400 North lake Shore Drive. To Register call 773-233-3250 . Also, you can email us at Please include the child's name, age, gender,address, guardian's name and contact phone number. If the child is affiliated with any group please indicate so. You may register multiple children.
EPA Region 7 - Charlie's Corner Provides young children information on the environment while playing games and having fun. Maintained by the U.S. environmental Protection Agency.
Extractions: The EPA Region 7 Kids Page is temporarily unavailable. You are very important to us. We are still available to answer your questions. You can contact us at or by using this online form . For now, why not visit the Environmental Explorers' Club . Please visit again soon when my friends and I return to the Kids Page. Links of Interest The Water Cycle Drinking Water We are in the process of updating our coloring book. The updated version will be available for download in early 2004. Send us your comments
NCDENR-Home Air quality permits, dam safety, mining laws, air quality rules, small business assistance, energy conservation, ozone forecasts, wetlands data, environmental enforcement, vehicle inspections, kids environmental information, news, and events.
Extractions: About DENR Divisions and Contacts Customer Service Feedback ... DENR Information Data, Statistics, Reports and Maps Ozone Forecast Maps ... more.. Things to Buy Maps Seedlings NC Wildlife NC Stores ... more... NCDENR, 1601 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1601 919-733-4984 Fax 919-715-3060
Video Page - Great Lakes Kids Offers two downloadable videos from environment Canada, one on protecting wildlife and one on protecting water.
US EPA Student Center - Fun Activities How much do you know about the environment and pollution? Test your knowledge and have some fun with these games just for kids.
Task Brasil - The Abandoned Street Kids Of Brazil Trust A UK based charity providing support and a loving environment for street children and pregnant teenagers in Brazil with projects currently running in Rio de Janeiro.
Extractions: Welcome Task Brasil Trust is a UK registered charity established in 1992. Under the supervision of its small London office, Task Brasil's projects in Brazil improves the lives and supports the needs of children and pregnant teenage girls living on the streets of Brazil. Task Brasil was given an enormous boost in 1997 with a very generous donation by Jimmy Page, the Led Zeppelin rock icon, who witnessed first hand the deprivation of the children and troubles in the favelas whilst playing in Rio de Janeiro. The money donated was used to buy a plot of land in Santa Tereza on which Casa Jimmy was built to provide a safe and happy home for a lucky few of the abandoned children. Learn more about our projects and our children's home Casa Jimmy in Rio. Find out how to get involved as a volunteer, how to sponsor a child or make an online donation The next Task Brasil's Ecotour - The Organic Farming Experience is set to start in Rio on 22nd October 2005 with an exciting itinerary that will be great fun. THEME: Fruit tree planting, humus production and organic gardening. The Observer covered our March 2004 tour. For more information click on the link above or contact us Bienvenue à tous ceux et celles qui nous ont découverts à travers l´article du Courrier International ou d´une autre publication. Veuillez nous excuser de ne pas avoir une version française de notre site internet. Si vous souhaitez plus d´informations sur notre organisation, appuyez sur
Environmental Information- General Environmental links A Z, international links, and news. It also has nearly6000 environmental news stories that kids and teachers can search through Information- General
Extractions: NAAEE Home EE-Link Home Member Login Contact Us ... Jobs More EE Activities Yet More EE Activities Yet More EE Activities Professional Resources Organizations by Topic Area Geography - Rainforest Schoolyard - Wildlife K-12 Students More Enviro Links More Enviro Links Higher Ed Programs News NAAEE Communicator Mailing Lists ... Community Higher Ed Article Listing Publications EETAP Resource Library More Publications Site Stats:
Oceans For Youth: Educational Website For Kids Of All Ages Promoting awareness, understanding and appreciation of the marine environment by youth. Articles, news, kids corner, resources and volunteer information. Missouri, USA.
Extractions: Welcome to Oceans for Youth. Our mission is to provide leadership in promoting awareness, understanding and appreciation of the marine environment by youth through the development, promotion and distribution of educational materials, information, programs and other media directly to youth, educational institutions, teachers, parents and others. Oceans For Youth / a not-for-profit foundation dedicated to raising awareness of our oceans FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Oceans for Youth Poster Contest Results Support Oceans For Youth
SEG Earth Science Links The TerraWeb for kids! United States Geological Survey. Exploring the EnvironmentWheeling Jesuit University/NASA Classroom of the Future
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Current issues information (Sept. 11, anthrax), reports on 17 key environmental topics from air to water, kids page, laws/regulations and further official agency information. EPA protects human health by safeguarding the natural environment air, water and land.
Extractions: More ... Latest Hurricane Info Response update Sep 22 - EPA continued posting analytical results of sediment sampling from New Orleans. EPA is conducting air monitoring at debris burn sites in Louisiana. EPA has posted on its Web site an extensive list of questions and answers regarding flood water, drinking water, wastewater, human health, air issues, sediment, oil spills and Superfund sites, asbestos, debris, and fuel waivers. Report Katrina home page Potential Health Risks from Sediments Sep 16 - Eighteen sediment samples from across the New Orleans area were analyzed for bacteria and chemicals. Preliminary results indicate that some sediment may be contaminated with bacteria and fuel oils and human health risks may therefore exist from contact with sediment deposited from receding flood waters. As sediments begin to dry, EPA will perform air sampling to monitor potential inhalation risks and will also assess long-term exposure scenarios News release Air data Water data Sediment data ... Other Top Stories Burden reduction rule proposed for TRI Sep 21 - The proposal offers incentives to encourage reduced emissions and is expected to save thousands of reporting hours per year, while still ensuring full reporting on over 99 percent of toxic releases.
Extractions: Requires a Java Enabled Browser. Welcome to The Swedish Cleaning System ...and thanks for visiting. The Swedish Cleaning System... Buy Now just that -a system. Unlike the pretty pastel, "all-purpose" cloths retailed elsewhere on the interne, these cloths were designed for commercial cleaners professional janitors and custodians. Each cloth is engineered to perform specific cleaning tasks. RED is for aggressive cleaning; BLUE is for moist and damp applications and GREEN is for dusting and delicate cleaning.
Brigg Kids Club - Out Of School Care For Children (OFSTED Approved) The club provides children from the local schools and nursery schools with flexible and reliable high quality care and play before and after school and during school holidays. The emphasis is on fun whilst ensuring a safe and stimulating environment for the children.
Ministry Of Environment Lands And Parks Recreation summaries for hundreds of provincial parks with camping information. Plus a kids section and a preservation section.
FedStats: Federal Government Kids' Page Indian Health Services, kids links. Maritime Administration, Just for kids and National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, NIEHS kids Pages
Extractions: Kids' Pages Back to Fedstats home page Topic links - A to Z Information quality These statistical agencies provide special webpages for kids in elementary through high school. The webpages include fun facts, games, project ideas, and career information. Agency Kids' Pages Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry Children and Parents Agricultural Research Service Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms Kid's Page Bureau of Labor Statistics BLS Career Information Bureau of Transportation Statistics Education and Careers in Transportation Center for Mental Health Service Kids Area Center for Substance Abuse Prevention Girl Power Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Central Intelligence Agency CIA's Homepage for Kids Consumer Product Safety Commission KIDD SAFETY Department of Veterans Affairs VA KIDS Energy Information Administration EIA Kid's Page Environmental Protection Agency EPA Explorers' Club
Environment Week 1 Page shows pictures of school kids discovering owls at Micklefield's primary school in Capetown. Week.htm
Extractions: (Birds of Prey) This is Wally, the Wahlberg Eagle. This is Scout, the yellow billed Kite. This is Hooch,the spotted Eagle Owl. The owl felt very heavy and I was a bit scared that it would sit on my head! I would go against anyone who harms owls I would like to find out more about owls. I learnt a lot. When the owl flew, his wings were so big. He was spotted. He had soft feathers, especially on his wings. When I was holding the beautiful owl, I was wobbling a bit. I was too scared to feel his feathers. He was a very cute owl, though. Birds of prey are important because they eat up rats which home-owners and farmers don't want. You might not notice raptors daily, but they are out there and still special to us. Owls have soft feathers to fly quietly, so that the mice which they eat have sharp hearing. The Owl is playing with a talon (foot) of raptor. The raptor was caught in a trap. The trap closes on the leg, until it dies. Even if it gets away, it will be so injured that it will die. We had a visit from Hank and his raptors that live at Spier. Hank used a piece of meat so get them to fly to him. Eagles are beautiful. Some can be very gentle like Wally (because he was hand-reared). Hooch was very playful. If wild birds are hurt, then they'll die as they can't catch food because they don't have hospitals like us. Birds can't see wire, so they often get caught or hurt in wire. Hank puts rubber around their feet to stop any wire from hurting them.