Environment And Nature - Refdesk.com resources and links for teachers and kids; links to other ocean/coastal These fun and interactive activities are for kids, the general public, http://www.refdesk.com/nature.html
Extractions: Top of Page 1998 - International Year of the Ocean (YOTO) - ocean-related fact sheets and news articles; state-by-state links to weather, buoy data, satellite pictures and local ocean-related links; resources and links for teachers and kids; links to other ocean/coastal resources-related sites and federal agencies concerned with marine resources; discussion papers on various ocean resource management topics. Acid Rain Information - Acid rain is a serious environmental problem that affects large parts of the US and Canada. This EPA site provides information about acid rain's causes and effects, how we measure acid rain, and what is being done to solve the problem. American Rivers - North America's leading river-saving organization. Find out about North America's Most Endangered and Threatened Rivers of 1996. BEACH Watch - BEACH (Beach Environment and Coastal Health) Watch offers the results of an annual Federal survey of select coastal and Great Lakes beaches Center for Marine Conservation - Conservation information and action alerts from this organization dedicated solely to protecting marine life.
EJRC-Links environmental Justice/environmental Racism Annotated links environmental JusticeResource kids and the environment Bwrit s Best Sites for Children http://www.ejrc.cau.edu/links.htm
Extractions: Kids' Science Page Books and Articles Internet Links Educators' Resources Books and Articles Books on Geology, Natural Resources, Soil, and Water Science and other environmental information written for young readers Internet Links Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Kids' Stuff FrogWeb: Resources for Kids Groundwater Foundation Kid's Corner U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Water Science for Schools ... Water Resources Outreach ProgramWater Education Posters The National Agricultural Library Reference Librarians suggest these Internet Links on forestry and gardens and horticulture Also visit In Search of Science on the Internet for sites on science fair projects. Educators' Resources The Cooperative Extension Service has developed many guides or curricula for Teachers and Leaders on agricultural topics.
Discovery Museum : : Home Provides a friendly, handson, interactive learning environment for children of all ages. Exhibit details, party information, events calendar, contact information, and links to kids Internet sites. http://www.northcoast.com/~discover/
Extractions: Phone: (707) 443 - 9694 Home About Us Upcoming Events Exhibits ... Links The Discovery Museum provides a friendly, hands-on, interactive learning environment for children of all ages. We believe that learning is accomplished best through a process of discovery in a safe environment conductive to experimentation. To help stimulate this experiential learning, we regularly present over a dozen interactive and creative exhibits. These exhibits highlight everything from a child-size grocery store to an "out-of-this world," 3-dimensional planetarium experience. The Museum strives to be all-inclusive and actively seeks to provide affordable programs and scholarsip opportunities for low-income and disadvantaged children. When planning your next event, remember that we also host school field trips and birthday parties . We even rent the Museum during non-scheduled hours to businesses, individuals, and community groups! Check our Discovery calendar to find out what's happening throughout the year! Museum Hours:
Eco-Schools: Environment Links UK environment Agency kids Section Play some fun environmental games; watchand interact with the K-Zone animations and learn how you can help make http://www.eco-schools.org/links/links_environment.htm
Extractions: Earth Charter: " The Earth Charter is a declaration of fundamental principles for building a just, sustainable, and peaceful global society in the 21 st century. It seeks to inspire in all peoples a new sense of global interdependence and shared responsibility for the well-being of the human family and the larger living world. It is an expression of hope and a call to help create a global partnership at a critical juncture in history. " www.earthcharter.org EcoKids: EcoKids Online web site is an innovative, interactive environmental web site for children, their families, and educators around the world. It offers topical information about the environment through interactive, fun, educational games and activities that utilize participants' willingness to learn. Children are encouraged to form their own opinions, make decisions, get involved and understand the impact their own actions have on the environment. www.ecokidsonline.com
National Association Of Conservation Districts environmental Education links !! Where to go for more information. Simon thesalamander help kids, and the rest of us, learn about the environment its http://www.nacdnet.org/resources/Links-Education.htm
Extractions: Where to go for more information. Simon the salamander help kids, and the rest of us, learn about the environment - its land, air and water - and how everyone can help protect it ...more Soil Education Resources On The Web Land Judging and Soil Science Links - Maintained by the North Carolina FFA Association. Soil Biological Communities, Just for Kids BLM's Wilber the soil wizard helps young students (ages 9 through 11) become soil experts. "The Dirt on Soil" (grades 5 though 8) A link to the Discovery Channel. Includes sections on the layers of soil, things under your feet, and a journey underground. GLOBE 2003 Soil Chapter an excellent and complete reference for teaching about soils Soil Science Education A NASA website supported by the National Science Foundation. Conservation Technology Information Center The Soil Biology Primer an introduction to the living component of soil and how it contributes to agricultural productivity, and air and water quality. Dr. Dirt
ReferenceResources:OurEnvironment All About the environment links to web pages about the environment; PlanetPals Planetpals teaches kids to love our planet and everything in it in a http://www.kidinfo.com/Science/Our_Environment.html
Extractions: Reference Resources: Our Environment Search Engine for Environmental Topics Envirolink Library Collection of environmental information on the net - Searchable by keyword Sites About Our Environment All About the Environment Links to web pages about the environment; Links can be listed by subject Dragonfly A young peoples' magazine about the environment and those living creatures which share the environment Energy Education from the California Energy Commission All about energy MORE The Environment: A Global Challenge The web's most comprehensive site on the environment. With 400 articles and 811 pages, the site covers every aspect of the environment and provides many interactive features. Environmental Protection Agency's Explorer's Club Explore ther environment and learn about neat things you can do to protect it; Games, pictures, stories, and other fun things Kids' Action: Rainforest Action Network Your Actions Can Change the World; 8 Steps for Kids to Take; A Story from the Forest; Kid's Art Gallery; Questions and Answers; Life in the Rainforests; Native Peoples of the Tropical Rainforests; Tropical Rainforest Animals; Glossary; Resources for Teachers and Students; Rainforest Audio-Visual
Childstats.gov - Related Resources Complete List of Behavior and Social environment links General Behavior Alcohol Use kids Pages. Complete List of kids Pages links Back to Top http://www.childstats.gov/related.asp
Extractions: MM_preloadImages('images/button_HOME_on.gif'); MM_preloadImages('images/button_ABOUT_on.gif'); MM_preloadImages('images/button_PUBS_on.gif'); MM_preloadImages('images/button_ORDER_on.gif'); MM_preloadImages('images/button_INTER_on.gif'); MM_preloadImages('images/button_TOPIC_on.gif'); MM_preloadImages('images/button_RELATED_on.gif'); MM_preloadImages('images/button_HELP_on.gif'); //> Related Resources Site Search Enter Keyword(s): Related Sites Categories This page contains links to data sets, tables, databases, and reports provided by related websites on different aspects of child well-being. These links are organized into the major categories listed on the left. Within the major categories, links are grouped by subtopic, (e.g., below Health, one will find links to birth, children's health status, health care, etc.) and level of estimate (e.g., national and state data). Links are chosen based on their relevance to data presented in the Forum's annual America's Children report, objectivity, and data quality. Finally, Children's or Kid's Pages of Forum agencies are also listed. Links are generally provided to sources of national surveys and assessments, vital statistics, census data, and reports or research based upon these sources. In general, links are not provided to administrative data sources at national, state, or local levels, since these data are generally not comparable across jurisdictions.
Links To Issues On Kids Health And Schools Get Involved, Other are links for environmental Activist Alternatives /Solutions for a pesticide/chemical free kids / Schools healthy environment http://www.getipm.com/links/kids-schools.htm
Extractions: Organization or Group Description Children's Environmental Health Network Children are growing and developing. They eat more food, drink more water and breathe more air for their size making them more vulnerable to potential environmental dangers including pesticides, chemicals and air pollution. Protect all Children's Environment PACE exists to respond to the need for comfort and support by pesticide victims providing support to fellow pesticide survivors on an all volunteer, not-for-profit basis. There are no charges for information, counseling or other services. PACE is unique in that true empathy is expressed through shared experience. Issues on protecting children and preventing childhood cancers and other illnesses. Dr. Doris Rapp Board Certified in Allergy Pediatrics and Environmental Medicine Kids for Saving Earth (KSE) The mission of KSE is to educate, inspire, and empower children to protect the Earth's environment. KSE Worldwide provides action-oriented educational materials to kids, families, groups, classrooms and schools. Birth Defect Research for Children Sponsors the National Birth Defect Registry a research project that looks for links between birth defects and exposures to environmental toxins like pesticides. Works to prevent birth defects through research and assist families with support and information.
Biodiversity & The Environment Teacher Resources - NBII This directory links to dozens of sites on the Web that offer projects, From Defenders of Wildlife, this site is full of materials for kids and teachers http://www.nbii.gov/education/biodiversity.html
Extractions: K-3 Grades K-3 Create a Schoolyard Habitat Presented by the National Wildlife Federation, this program encourages students, educators, and community members to learn about wildlife conservation by creating habitats for local wildlife on school grounds. Over 825 schools nationwide are certified. Learn how to start this program at your school, look at several active sites, and read about success stories from other schools. Earth Day Links from EELink Earth Day is April 22, but everyday can be Earth Day in your classroom, with help from this great page from Environmental Education on the Internet (EELink) . This directory links to dozens of sites on the Web that offer projects, activities, and ideas for celebrating this important event, and for educating kids about the importance of conserving and protecting our natural resources. Earthwatch Global Classroom The Earthwatch Institute provides a host of opportunities for teaching science in the classroom. This site provides information about Earthwatch Fellowships for K-12 teachers to participate in Earthwatch expeditions; Student Challenge Award Programs to reward gifted science students with research opportunities; resources for the classroom; and virtual field trips. Endangered Species Kids' Corner The GLOBE Program The GLOBE Programs brings together K-12 students and their teachers with scientists from around the world to learn more about our global environment. Students make scientific measurements for a host of environmental parameters, and then share their data on the Internet, where it is used by scientists and other students. Areas of interest on the site include: The GLOBE Teachers' Guide; Student Investigations; the Scientists' Corner; GLOBE Data; and Data Exchange. The GLOBE Program is an interagency initiative, whose members include NOAA, NASA, EPA, NSF, the Dept. of Education, and major research universities across the country.
Illinois EPA Envirofun Captain Earthworm, Captain Redbird, and Captain Bluegill present informationabout recycling, pollution, and tips for keeping the environment healthy. http://www.epa.state.il.us/kids/
NIEHS Kids' Pages Links And Resources NIEHS kids Pages links to other Science Sites, developed by the of EnvironmentalHealth Sciences as a means of introducing kids to science and http://www.niehs.nih.gov/kids/links.htm
Extractions: NIEHS Kids' Pages Index Note sites marked with are NOT NIEHS sites. Please read the following information carefully before proceeding to other websites. When you encounter this image or the words "Non-NIEHS Link", it means that by following that link you will be leaving the NIEHS website. NIEHS is NOT responsible for the content of other websites. Sites maintained by outside organizations may be changed without notice to NIEHS. Therefore, unless the link is to another U.S. government sponsored webpage, endorsement by NIEHS is not implied, and NIEHS does not guarantee their continuing safe content or privacy policies. So please ask your parent or guardian before continuing, and especially before providing any information via the internet or by e-mail. When last reviewed, these websites seemed suitable for you to visit; but if you have any difficulties or concerns about any of them, please and we will remove the link from our site. For more information, we recommend you visit and review our
Kidsrgreen From the Centre for environmental Education (CEE), kRg offers educational activities and games about many aspects of the environment. Also offers crafts and a theme of the month. http://www.kidsrgreen.org/
Extractions: Thank you for visiting our website. We hope you have done so with the help of a parent or teacher since that is the best way to safely explore the Internet (learn more about Cybernet Safety and Ethics from the Department of Justice Kids website). If you have any questions or ideas, please after reading the "Important Information" below ; and always be sure to ask permission from your parent or guardian before providing any information through the internet or by e-mail.
Kids_home_page7-6-2005 Tells kids what they can to do protect the environment. http://www.globalresponse.org/kidsactions.php
KIDS LINKS EARTH MURALS The Earth Murals project is a Global kids environmental awarenessproject dedicated to involving children in all 50 MORE kids links MZ http://www.ecomall.com/biz/kidslinks.htm
SD DENR WPP Kids Page Learn about the state watershed and environmental issues. http://www.state.sd.us/denr/dfta/watershedprotection/kidspage.htm
Extractions: Publications Links DENR links... Laws/Rules Documents Data/Technical info 3rd party services Kids Page South Dakota Forest and Water Adventures Educational Modules Description A CD of these modules may be ordered online A PowerPoint presentation introducing the South Dakota Forest and Water Adventures CD is also available (5537KB).
Computer Clubhouse An afterschool learning environment for kids to explore their own interests and learn about technology. http://www.computerclubhouse.org/
Extractions: The Computer Clubhouse provides a creative and safe after-school learning environment where young people from under-served communities work with adult mentors to explore their own ideas, develop skills, and build confidence in themselves through the use of technology. Established in 1993 by The Computer Museum (now part of the Museum of Science, Boston) in collaboration with the MIT Media Laboratory, the Computer Clubhouse helps youth acquire the tools necessary for personal and professional success. The goal of the Intel Computer Clubhouse Network is to proliferate the highly successful Clubhouse learning approach and establish it as a replicable model for technology learning. Using the "original" Clubhouse as a model, the Intel Computer Clubhouse Network currently supports over 90 Computer Clubhouses around the world, providing thousands of youth with access to resources, skills, and experiences to help them succeed in their careers, contribute to their communities, and lead outstanding lives. In 1997 the Museum's Clubhouse program won the Peter F. Drucker Award for Nonprofit Innovation
NRDC References/Links NRDC s reference section includes summaries of environmental laws and treaties, links Our Picks of the Week kids links By Topic Clean Air Energy http://www.nrdc.org/reference/
NIEHS Kids Page -- Games And Activities Games, music, brainteasers, and other activities that introduce children to the impact of the environment on health. http://www.niehs.nih.gov/kids/games.htm
Extractions: When you encounter this image or the words "Non-NIEHS Link", it means that by following that link you will be leaving the NIEHS website. NIEHS is NOT responsible for non-NIEHS websites. Sites maintained by outside organizations may be changed without notice to NIEHS. Therefore, unless the link is to another U.S. government sponsored webpage, endorsement by NIEHS is not implied, and NIEHS does not guarantee their continuing safe content or privacy policies. So please ask your parent or guardian before continuing to any non-NIEHS website, and especially before providing any information via the internet or by e-mail. When last reviewed, the websites linked from the NIEHS Kids' Pages seemed suitable for you to visit, but that may have changed; if you have any difficulties or concerns with any linked materials, please