Kids Ecology Corps: Links kids For ecology Corps Facts (lists many pages of environmental links)
Great Plant Escape Green Links Resource for teachers and parents wanting to help kids create gardens with plants The aesthetics and ecology of the pond make clear and fun tools for
Urban Ecology Center Sustainable Living Web Links Urban ecology Center in Milwaukee Wisconsin. kids GARDENING Lots of info andactivities http// back to top
EcologyFund For Kids - Save, Protect, Preserve Wilderness And ecologyFund for kids kids Groups links. kids Environmental Groups hot topicsand links to related useful sites on ecology on the Web. kids FACE®
Waterose Aquatic Ecology Of Links Index Page New Additions to the Waterose Aquatic ecology links Page will be featured here! projects and for kids too! Odonate links Odonata Information Network
Extractions: Articles Projects Resume Cartoons ... Album Your guide to aquatic life and ecology interests on the internet Note that the majority of these links are related to aquatic systems in one way or another. The links are divided into groups by information type. Click on a group to jump to the links below. New Additions to the Waterose Aquatic Ecology Links Page will be featured here! You are invited to participate and add your website. Originally created by Alice Dossett, USA and maintained by Waterose since 1998. Over 150,000 Visitors use this Aquatic Ecology electronic resource. Please report any problems with this page or links to the Waterose . Thank You. Search this site powered by FreeFind Links of Interest: Organizations and Biological Stations General Aquatic Information Plants Algae ... Fish Organizations and Biological Stations Academy of Natural Sciences American Fisheries Society American Society of Icthyologists and Herpetologists American Society of Limnology and Oceanography ... Australian Society for Limnology ; information from down under plus some other pertinent sites Canada's Centre for Inland Waters Churchill Northern Studies Center ; a listing of Canada's biological stations
Body Ecology Diet⢠: Links To Health Body ecology links. Dr. Joe Mercola s website One of the finest and largest ChemicalFree kids is your guide to the whereabouts of these invisible
Extractions: skip to menu The International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy (I-ACT) heightens the awareness of the colon hydrotherapy profession, ensures continuing and progressive education in the field of colon hydrotherapy and implements professionalism beyond reproach. Use this site to locate a certified Colon Hydrotherapist in your area
Kids Pages - Kids Links - Kids Web Japan - Web Japan Web Japan kids Web Japan kids links kids kids PAGES. Japan with kids Children s Haiku Garden Artspace Kodomono ecology Symphony English
Youth Earth Links Good Green Fun Samples and promotion for rainforest ecology children s music Help Save the Rainforests links to lots of great forest sites for kids.
Extractions: LINKS PAGE School Project Ideas Rainforest Information Alexs Earth Patrol - Fun, interactive rainforest information and games presented by Alex the Ape. Amazon Interactive - Fun games and interactive site about Ecuadorian rainforest. Good for adults too. Try running a community-based ecotourism project or try your hand at farming. Animals of the Rainforest developed by Midlakes Middle School. Brief introduction on rainforests and current threats as well as great information on rainforest animals grouped in classes such as amphibians, birds, fish,insects, mammals and reptiles. Good links to other animal pages and great pictures. Facing the Future - People and the Planet - creative activities, lesson plans, collaborative projects plus a comprehensive guide to population issues, with an emphasis on the interconnectedness of problems, and just, sustainable solutions. Global Response organizes international letter writing campaigns to help communities prevent many kinds of environmental destruction Good Green Fun - Samples and promotion for rainforest ecology children's music CD or cassette produced by Dharmika Henshal. Links to environmental education, science curriculum resources and other rainforest education products.
RIC Links Page Deep ecology for the 21st Century is a 13week radio series of one-hour programsthat explores Special sections for kids, teens, teachers, adults.
Extractions: Miscellaneous Animal Rights Animal Liberation NSW (Australia) Animal Matters - Animal Liberation Through Education People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) Badger Killers Coalition of Badger Action Groups take direct action against DEFRAs badger slaughter program. "We monitor the killing areas and individuals take action to save badgers lives. Oceania caring for whales, dolphins and the ocean Deep Ecology, Environmental Education Etc. EarthSpirit Rising conference July 8-10 2005 Cincinnati The Center for Ecoliteracy fosters the experience and understanding of the natural world. Deep Ecology for the 21st Century is a 13-week radio series of one-hour programs that explores contemporary ecological consciousness and the Deep Ecology movement, and offers fascinating, provocative and sometimes controversial solutions to the environmental challenges that are now upon us. Guests include Arne Naess, Gary Snyder, David Suzuki, Joanna Macy, Julia "Butterfly" Hill, Paul Ehrlich, Jerry Mander, Edward O. Wilson, Helena Norberg-Hodge, Theodore Roszak, Edward Abbey, and Fritjof Capra.
NVDPL Kids - Kids' Links A great place for kids who like science, ecology, nature and outdoor links toeverything you want to know about pets, animals and veterinary medicine.
North Vancouver District Public Library - Kids: Cool Links in Canadian history, ecology and social issues with links to Youthlinks online . The National Library of Canada s kids Page is chock full of links,
Extractions: Enchanted Learning! Check out this website for a myriad of links, information and great craft ideas. Krak des chevaliers - Great Buildings! Click here for information about the building of the Krak des Chevaliers. Medieval Castles - Syria Click here for a look at Saladin's medieval castle - Krak des Chevaliers. Photo Gallery for the Krak Des Chevaliers Click here for a panoramic view of the medieval castle of Saladin. Whey-ah-Wichen / Cates Park The site of the Under the Volcano festival and the new Dragonfly Children's Festival - a joint project of Tsleil-Waututh Nation and North Vancouver. About Canada! Learn all about Canada, in either French or English. Discover our land, find out about our government and people or learn about immigration. ExZOOberance! Exzooberance is the world's largest virtual zoo! Check here for animal facts, figures and photographs! Historica A collaborative and interactive site for students interested in Canadian history, ecology and social issues with links to Youthlinks online. Vancouver Aquarium What's up and who's underwater and the Vancouer Aquarium Check out the Aqua Facts under "Learn with us" for lots of information about sealife!
RESOURCES & LINKS: Childrens guide to plants, animals, and general ecology. 1 copy. Weber, Larry . Frank Lloyd Wright for kids His Life and Ideas. 1994.
Extractions: Websites: Books Donated to Sunrise Middle School by the Cedar Creek Schoolyard LTER Program Chapman, Kim A Ziegenhagen Valley of Grass. The Nature Conservancy, St. Cloud, MN. History and ecology of the tallgrass prairie and parkland of the Red River region. 1 copy Geist Valerius Buffalo Nation. 1996. Voyageur Press, Stillwater, MN. History and legend of the North American bison. 1 copy Glassberg , Jeffrey. Butterflies through Binoculars: The East. 1999. Oxford Univ. Press, New York, NY. Field guide. 1 copy Ladd, Doug. Tallgrass Prairie Wildflowers. 1995. Falcon Publishing, Helena, MT. A field guide to wildflowers of the midwestern tallgrass prairie. 3 copies Lynch, Wayne. Wild Birds Across the Prairies. Fitzhenry Field guide with detailed information about each bird. 1 copy Runkel Roosa Wildflowers of the Tallgrass Prairie: The Upper Midwest.
Resource Links Protect Your kids A brochure that provides information on preventing children Florida Wildlife Extension, Department of Wildlife ecology Conservation
Extractions: Links A Helpful List of Resource Links EDIS is the one, official reference source for all current UF/IFAS reviewed and approved numbered publications, both electronic and print-only. Our electronic repository contains over 4,000 publications related to agriculture, natural resources, the environment, and human and rural development. UF/IFAS: Putting Florida FIRST: University of Florida Extension - Focusing IFAS Resources on Solutions for Tomorrow National Weather Service: Information on hurricane season, etc - global temperatures, US temperature, and other weather related information. Urban Horticulture Yard Work Links as seen on Channel 10 -
ReferenceResources:OurEnvironment PlanetPals Planetpals teaches kids to love our planet and everything in it ina fun way through links to sites about ecology and our environment
Extractions: Reference Resources: Our Environment Search Engine for Environmental Topics Envirolink Library Collection of environmental information on the net - Searchable by keyword Sites About Our Environment All About the Environment Links to web pages about the environment; Links can be listed by subject Dragonfly A young peoples' magazine about the environment and those living creatures which share the environment Energy Education from the California Energy Commission All about energy MORE The Environment: A Global Challenge The web's most comprehensive site on the environment. With 400 articles and 811 pages, the site covers every aspect of the environment and provides many interactive features. Environmental Protection Agency's Explorer's Club Explore ther environment and learn about neat things you can do to protect it; Games, pictures, stories, and other fun things Kids' Action: Rainforest Action Network Your Actions Can Change the World; 8 Steps for Kids to Take; A Story from the Forest; Kid's Art Gallery; Questions and Answers; Life in the Rainforests; Native Peoples of the Tropical Rainforests; Tropical Rainforest Animals; Glossary; Resources for Teachers and Students; Rainforest Audio-Visual
Ecology Action Of Texas: Links ecology Action in Austin, Texasrecycling paper aluminum glass plastic metal The site offers games, activities and facts to help kids learn about
Extractions: This comprehensive and well-designed site offers recycling, pollution prevention and environmental information personalized by zip code. Visitors can learn about recycling sites, household hazardous waste and pesticides, environmental events and education, energy conservation and much more for their local area. The Rotten Truth (About Garbage) This amazing on-line Smithsonian exhibit in four sections takes an in-depth look at the complex issues surrounding municipal solid waste. What Is Garbage? looks at how we define garbage, and why it consists of more than what we throw away. There's No "Away" explores how burying, burning, and recycling garbage doesn't really get rid of it, and that reducing what we use is the only real solution to the garbage problem. Nature Recycles shows how the natural process of decay makes new life possible by recycling the limited number of nutrients present in the environment. Finally, Making Choices provides some helpful hints on how we can all create less garbage. Internet Consumer Recycling Guide
Kids And Parents Children of the Earth United Learn about ecology, and submit some artwork, stories, The Webrary - kids links from the Morton Grove Public Library
Extractions: Half Hollow Hills Community Library Main Menu Home HHHL Catalog Calendar Contact Us ... View Your Account Kids NoveList K-8 Children's choices - Published annually by the International Reading Association each year, thousands of children, young adults, teachers, and librarians around the United States select their favorite recently published books to be included in the Choices annotated booklists. Children's Software and Lots More - Free demos, software reviews, programming for kids, and graphics. Kid Safe Site. Kids-Space - Games, contests, poetry, stories and art for all ages. Connect to other kids' home pages. Dinosaurs - Dinosauria online. Newbery Award and Caldecott winners.