IdahoPTV's Dialogue For Kids - Ecology Facts When scientists study the ecology of certain areas, they call those areas ecosystems Habitat Facts for kids! ecology links for kids! Habitat links for kids.
Extractions: Ecology is the study of how living ( biotic ) and nonliving ( abiotic ) parts of the environment interact with and depend each other. Guess you could say it's the study of life on earth! In fact, if you break ecology down "eco" means house and "logos" means to study. So, essentially we are studying about our house in the biggest sense, which is Planet Earth! Everything is Connected! When scientists study the ecology of certain areas, they call those areas ecosystems . Together the living (biotic) and nonliving (abiotic) factors in an area is called an ecosystem. The biotic, or living, things in an environment would include plants, animals (this includes people), bacteria, fungi and all other living things. The abiotic or nonliving parts of the environment would include things like sunlight, the soil, atmosphere, climate, nutrients and water. An ecosystem can be small like a puddle in your backyard, with only a few
Sites For Kids - Rainforest Portal Sites for kids links. Amazon Quest Editor s Pick Hot AmazonQuest is an Good Green Fun - Samples and promotion for rainforest ecology children s music
Extractions: What You Can Do Amazon Quest Editor's Pick Hot - AmazonQuest is an interactive journey to explore one of the most unique and most threatened environments on Earth: the Amazon River basin. Explore the biodiversity of its rainforests, assess the region's most urgent issues, and act to conserve its flora, fauna, and cultures. Animals of the Rainforest Hot - Brief introduction on rainforests and current threats as well as great information on rainforest animals grouped in classes such as amphibians, birds, fish,insects, mammals and reptiles. Good links to other animal pages and great pictures. Children's Tropical Forests Hot - Children rainforest campaign. Maps, projects, and facts. Rainforest Live Hot - An educational website on tropical rainforests with links to projects, research and expeditions. There are colouring pages, games, competitions, chat rooms and teaching ideas. Zoom Rainforest Hot - All about rainforests for kids from Zoom School, an on-line elementary school classroom with lessons in biology and other topics.
Kids Do Ecology â OBIS-SEAMAP The kids Do ecology program provides these scientists the opportunity to volunteerin the Santa Barbara You are here Home » links » kids Do ecology
Extractions: Skip to content Search Sections Personal tools You are here: Home Links Kids Do Ecology Navigation Home About Applications Datasets Events Links Mapping News Outreach Presentations Press Room Providers Services Species Profiles Tools Upcoming Events 16th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals San Diego, CA USA, More... Document Actions At the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS), scientists conduct collaborative research on major fundamental and applied problems in ecology. The Kids Do Ecology program provides these scientists the opportunity to volunteer in the Santa Barbara community by adopting local 5th grade classes. Together these scientist-classroom pairs explore specific ecology problems through the collection, analysis and interpretation of experimental data. The link address is:
Ecology Games: Surfing The Net With Kids The best ecology Games on the Web for families (from the United Feature The following links are either new discoveries or sites that didn t make it into
Extractions: ...Click for Menu... ~~ Home ~~ Light a Fire Quotations How to Add Games Email Book Clubs Book Store Coupons Calendar Blog Free Web Content Games Jokes Newsletters Parents Postcards Printables Screensavers Suggest a Site Tell a Friend Top Ten Pages Topic Directory ~~ Search this Site Arts, Crafts, Music Computers, Internet Hobbies, Sports Geography Holidays, History Language Arts Math Parents, Teachers Pre-K and K Science, Animals Link to Us From my Mailbox My Bio Ad Rates Write Me Visit My Office
Surfing The Net With Kids: Web Search Results Embodiment, Games ecology index links contact PestWorld for kids Learning Games about pest ecology, biology, and Games&c=/ecology.htm
ECO-PROS - Ecology Protectors Society Huge list of annotated credible scientific links are provided to help Species ecology Natural Resources Great links for kids NonNative
ECO-PROS Great Links Forest Cycles examines forest succession, ecology and cultivation; kids Science links (see kids links in left frame) Duracell s collection of links
MGPL Webrary® - Kids' Links Solve ecology riddles or learn how nature recycles and litter can hurt, then viewecology projects, posters, poetry and prose. (
Extractions: K i d s ' L i n k s The following sites are recommended for children from preschool through grade 6, their parents and other caregivers. Parents are strongly urged to read and discuss with their children the brochure Student Safety on the Information Highway and to accompany their children when they use the Internet. You can also search for links on a specific subject. Index : Lots of Things to Learn and Do
CanTeach: Links: Science - Ecology And Environmentalism CanTeach links to ecology and environmentalism resources. Preparing Teachersto Teach kids About the Environment Lesson plans related to environmental
Extractions: Resources Links Discuss Submit ... Science BC Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks Information on British Columbia's air quality, car emissions, climate change, smoke control, parks, crown land, wildlife, managing waste, land stewardship, protecting habitats, managing pesticides, preventing pollution, water stewardship, water quality, watershed management, water licenses and fisheries. Canadian Endangered Species List of endagered mammals, birds, fish, reptiles and amphibians, and plants in Canada. Composting in Schools Includes: Why Composting? Teacher's Page (lesson plans, activities, teacher forum); Ideas for Student Research Projects; Compost Quiz; Science and Engineering (explaining the science and engineering behind composting; includes experiments); Composting Indoors; Composting Outdoors; Weird and Unusual Composting; and, Frequently Asked Questions. Coral Forest Educational material on coral reefs and their surrounding environment, the threats reefs are facing, and the possible solutions to these threats. Also included are maps showing coral reef regions around the world and a teacher's guides for grades K-5 and grades 6-12. David Suzuki Foundation Information on major issues like climate change, the fisheries, forestry, sustainable development and local action.
The Science Spot: Biology - Ecology & Environment Biology links ecology EEK - EE for kids IL Recycling Zone Garbage ecology Strikes Back Save the Lorax Watershed Game
Extractions: What do you want to explore? Biology - Classification Biology - Genetics Biology - Bald Eagles Biology - Insects Biology - Pond Water Basics Careers Chemistry - Periodic Table Sites Earth Science - Weather Physics - Electricity Physics - Junk Box Wars Physics - Simple Machines Tech Skills Trivia Challenge Fun Sites BrainPOP Quia - Mrs. T's Page Kid Zone Main Page The Science Spot Main Page Biology Links - Ecology Ecology Basics
The Science Spot: Ecology Lesson Plan Links ecology Lesson Plan links Envirofun A site for kids from the IllinoisEnvironmental Protection Agency! Captain Earthworm, Captain Redbird and Captain
Extractions: My Lesson Plan Pages Astronomy Biology Adopt-An-Insect Chemistry Earth Science General Science Physics Bald Eagle Days Digging Into Science (Dinosaurs) Metric Mania Nature Center Lessons Puzzle Corner Lesson Plans Links Pages ... Astronomy Biology Chemistry Earth Day Earth Science Ecology General Science Genetics Physics Technology Weather Visit my pages for Earth Day Resources and Nature Center Lessons for more great ideas and links! Ecology page of the Kid Zone Biodiversity Activity - Use this lesson from the Access Excellence collection to explore the topic of biodiversity with your students. Biodiversity Basics - Explore this resource from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources for a variety of great lesson ideas to explore biodiversity. Try the Gene Scene activity to explore genetic diversity with a human gene wheel! Climatograms - Visit this site to learn how to make climatograms to compare precipitation and temperature of a mid-latitude grassland biome with the precipitation and temperature of other types of biomes. If you are in the Midwest, visit the Midwestern Regional Climate Center for climate info for your area.
Ivy's Environmental Sites For Kids Ivy Joy s links to environmental sites for kids. Hard Bargain Farm Iowa Wetlands and Riparian Areas kids Do ecology Kiwi Conservation Club
Ecology Teacher links ecology. RECURSOS DE ECOLOGÍA. http// http//
Fort Worth Environmental Management - Kids Links kids, remember to get your mom s or dad s permission first before doing an experiment! Great Green Web Game Headbone Derby ecology Strikes Back
Homework Links: Ecology links to specific animals give pictures and information about that animal. Birds for kids Facts and photos of birds, plus puzzles, games,
Extractions: South Plainfield Public Library Homework Links Ecology, Wildlife, see also DINOSAURS General Plants Wildlife ... Pets General Captain Planet Environmental Links - Links to environmental organizations for students. - A small selection of links on earth science and environmental science, for teachers and students. (National Science Foundation) Ecoworld - Up-to-date information on the current state of world ecosystems and efforts to preserve and restore species and ecosystems. Site includes a Nature section divided into categories (air, water, earth, plants, trees, animals and people); and a Technology section offering information on new clean technologies and renewable energy. For high school and up. (Commercial site) EduGreen - "Explore the environment around you through Life on earth, Forestry, Energy, Water, Air pollution, Climate change, Biotechnology and Solid waste." Includes quiz, story time, games, maps, multimedia resources, and more. For middle school and up. (The Energy and Resources Institute) Environmental Literacy EPA Student Center here for high school site. (US Environmental Protection Agency)
Kids Domain - Wild Things Links kids Domain kids links. 0, Dragonfly Magazine s Web Pages Play games andactivities while learning about animals, science and ecology.
Extractions: Ads_kid=0;Ads_bid=0;Ads_xl=0;Ads_yl=0;Ads_xp='';Ads_yp='';Ads_opt=0;Ads_wrd='[KeyWord]';Ads_prf='';Ads_par='';Ads_cnturl='';Ads_sec=0;Ads_channels=''; Msg Boards Login Home Travel Parties Reviews Resources Holidays Clipart Crafts Shop Camps Kids love to explore, and these are great sites from all over the web. These sites were checked for appropriate content before we linked to them. If you find anything inappropriate on the sites below, please e-mail us . Thank you and have fun!
Awesome Library - Science Day activities for kids. 400. ecology (Donn). Provides lessons, links, andactivities related to rainforests, Earth Day, recycling, and much more.
Montclair State University CEHS: Human Ecology: Professional Links Human ecology Professional links Consumer Affairs kids Count, a national andstateby-state effort to track the status of children in the United States
Extractions: Links for Professional Organizations: Links on Children: Children, Youth, and Family Consortium , building bridges for the well-being of children, youth, and families University of Minnesota Children's Defense Fund , providing a strong and effective voice for all the children of America, who cannot vote, lobby, or speak for themselves , The official website of the Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics Kids Count , a national and state-by-state effort to track the status of children in the United States National Center for Children in Poverty (NCCP) , whose mission is to identify and promote strategies that reduce the incidence of young child poverty in the United States and that improve the life chances of the millions of children under age six who are growing up poor Trends in the Well-Being of America's Children and Youth, 2002
Education: Recommended Links education Education Recommended links. K 12 Resources kids Do ecology Asite of the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis designed to
Extractions: Animal Careers This Internet resource guide was developed to provide helpful and informational resources for teachers and students in grades K through 12, undergraduate and graduate levels, in the areas of Science Fairs and Animals in Education and Research. Additionally, sections on Kids Pages and Animal Careers have been included as additional resources and for those interested in animals. This listing is not meant to be comprehensive but is intended to provide a starting point for information on the subjects listed. Many of the sites listed will also lead to additional related web sites. While web sites constantly change and can not be guaranteed, these web sites were all active at the time of publication. Information on how to request materials that are included in the collection of the National Agricultural Library (NAL) may be found on the Document Delivery Services Branch website at