Health Care Bibliographic Database Contraceptive Use for Birth Spacing in SubSaharan africa; Fertility, Gender and War The of Family Planning among the kassena-Nankana of Northern Ghana
GRi Newsreel 06 06 - 2002 a cream of people with the requisite professional and indigenous knowledge 2004 under the second phase, seven dams for the kassena Nankana district
Extractions: My $200 salary is insufficient - Bagbin Defence minister cautions Rawlings Ghanaian Passports will not be withdrawn in July Child trafficking, Asmah calls for concrete action ... Assistance for tomato growers to process produce My $200 salary is insufficient - Bagbin Accra (Greater Accra) 06 June 2002 - ...But I took a $20,000 car loan Minority Leader, Alban S. K. Bagbin is crying for better conditions of service at a time when the country has been declared HIPC. Looking at the role I play in this august House and outside, I receive ¢1,776,950 (=$220) a month which is nothing to write home about, he said. The Ghanaian Chronicle says Mr Bagbins office has no supporting staff to carry out administrative duties except secretaries. Mr. Bagbin also noted that he uses part of his peanut salary to run the office. He therefore suggested that an annual budget should be allocated to his office since it is as key as other ministries in the country. According to the Minority Leader, since the NPP took over the affairs of the nation from the NDC, he has not been allocated an official residence and he still uses his private residence at Lashibi near Tema for official assignments. This according to him, does not augur well for Ghanas infant democracy. He also lamented that he has been allocated an amount of ¢264,000 to engage the services of a driver and a house boy and wondered how he could engage the services of the these people and pay them well considering the high cost of living.
Ghana Association Of Travel & Tourist Agents - Welcome The crocodiles are said to be totems for the people of kassena, who reside village of Tafi Atome.Tafi Atome is surrounded by an indigenous tropical forest
Black Star But the urban hubs of africa possess IT capacity, in the form of people and At independence Ghana was relatively wealthy, with an indigenous business
Extractions: Black star: Ghana, information technology and development in Africa by G. Pascal Zachary Accra, the capital of the West African country of Ghana, is technologically marginalized by any measure. But over the past ten years, the introduction of the Internet, wireless technology and freer radio broadcasts have vastly expanded communications and information. The Internet is widely available. Email usage is soaring. Wireless telephony is growing rapidly. Radio stations are proliferating. Once mired in information poverty, the people of Accra, Ghana now face the challenge of using information and connectivity to their best advantage. In examining how Accra adapts to technological change, we gain a better understanding of how people in poor African cities use technology and what they want from it. Debates over the socalled "digital divide" can be enriched by close studies of lived experience in parts of the world where the revolution in information technology remains more prospect than reality. Preface This essay is meant to contribute to understanding how people in developing countries use technology, what they want from it, how they can and do form communities based on absorbing and mastering new technologies imported from rich countries, and how they might design their own technologies in ways that are potentially more suitable to the conditions in poor countries and thus more likely to raise living standards in these countries. In a world where two billion people live on two dollars a day, raising living standards remains an urgent task.
Behavioral And Social Sciences, College Of, of Zaragoza 49 Is the indigenous Population Disadvantaged in Girls Confronting Illness Among the kassenaNankana of of Different Groups of Young People in the
Health Problems, Policies And Practices Syllabus 89108 (summary of 20000 poor peoples perspectives on health and illness in a at the World Bank website on indigenous Knowledge in Sub-Saharan africa,
Extractions: Fall Term 2004 Health Problems, Policies, and Practices in the Developing World Introduction and Course Objectives The purpose of the course is to introduce students to health problems, policies, and practices in developing countries from developing country perspectives, and to give students some preliminary experiences in the kinds of work situations they would face in development cooperation for health at the operational level. Developing country perspectives are a central feature of the course. They will be brought to bear largely through class discussions and written work. Perspectives covered include (a) the policy and operational levels of the health sector and Ministry of Health; (b) Ministry of Finance/Planning civil service budget and program reviewers; (c) health advocates such as NGOs; (d) local professional organizations of physicians and other health care providers; and (e) private sector interest groups such as financiers and private sector health service providers. The course will help students learn: To enhance their understanding of health problems, policies, and practices in developing countries, along with interventions to address problems;
Bibliographic Database A Demographic Profile of the People of Jammu and Women s Choice between indigenous and Western Contraception in of Family Planning among the kassenaNankana of
Extractions: A BiblioAlerts report consists of abstracts or digests of the most current information published in over 10,000 research publications, including journals, books, patents, conference proceedings, and selected Web sites. Over 1500 topical reports have been compiled by the editors of Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, a leading publisher of bibliographic databases and print journals. Report Title: Health Care Descriptors/Description: Mental Health ,Methods of Family Planning, This bibliography contains a broad-based overview of contraceptive methods and their use in family planning, comparing patterns across different cultures, countries, and social groups. Attitudes toward sexual activity and birth control among different groups are also assessed. Titles of individual records contained in this report are listed below:
SurfWax -- Accumulating News And Reviews On 50,000 Topics to the high maternal mortality in the kassena Nankana District birth group were likely to be older, indigenous, have smoked We were seeing young people who were
Project MUSE In short, he understood the value and dignity of the black african. In the name of the people of Ghana, of africa and the diaspora, and in the name of all
Extractions: The architecture of the capital city of Ghana in the independence era suggests an identification between architecture and a consciously managed national ideal. This article examines the history of architecture and spatial organization in Accra, focusing upon the symbiosis between British administrative and local commercial interests and on British colonial efforts to segregate and regulate architectural space. It also explores the Nkrumah administration's reconfiguration of colonial architectural objectives and argues that the administration advancedin its embrace of architectural modernity and reconceptualization of the urban en-vironmenta distinctive notion of the "nation." Search Journals About MUSE Contact Us
Extractions: Vol Page [Advanced] This Article Abstract Full Text (PDF) Submit a response ... Alert me if a correction is posted Services Email this link to a friend Similar articles in this journal Similar articles in PubMed Add article to my folders ... Download to citation manager PubMed PubMed Citation Articles by Richens, J Related Collections Other sexual medicine
Revista Panamericana De Salud Pública - There has been considerable effort in africa and Asia to conduct Also, the episodes of clinical malaria were fewer among people using treated versus
Malaria Projects as intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy in the kassenaNankana district New systems for prediction of malaria epidemics in the East African highlands.
Critical Montages Surely, the American people want and deserve better answers about where we go Iran s present status in the field of nuclear energy is indigenous and it
Extractions: The 2004 elections, among other things, ushered in the twilight of Black broker politics: "Having virtually shut down the activist wing of the Civil Rights/Black Power Movement in favor of electoral and broker politics at the dawn of the Seventies, Black leadership now finds itself blackballed from the $200 million-plus soft money Democratic campaign feast. Essentially, they have been sidelined from the only mass action game they chose to play" ("Black Anger, White Money: A Crisis for Black Leadership," The Black Commentator 14 Oct. 2004
Countries The Eritrean People s Liberation Front (EPLF), which led fight for independence, Ethnic groups known to practice FGM include Kussasi, Frafra, kassena,
Extractions: MAPPING THE FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION SYSTEM COUNTRIES WHERE FGM IS PRACTISED Benin Burkina Faso Cameroon Central Africa ... Yemen Country Prevalence of FGM Type of FGM Ethnic Group/Area Law/Outreach Benin IAC 1992 survey is 30%. World Health Organization (WHO) estimates 50%. Type II FGM widely practiced. The ethnic groups most affected - Bariba, Peul (Fulani), Boko, Baatonau, Wama, Nago. Found mostly in north in Alibori, Atacora, Borgou and Zou. Also occurs in south in Oueme. No law against FGM. The Inter-African Committee on Traditional Practices Affecting the Health of Women and Children (IAC) leads campaign against this practice since 1982 with workshops, seminars. It collaborates with Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. NGOs "Le Levier du Developpement" and "Dignite Feminine" also involved in anti-FGM campaigns. FGM treated as a community issue. Government permits distribution of informational materials in government-run clinics; undertakes sensitivity activities in rural areas. Burkina Faso 71.6% from 1999 Demographic and Health Survey of 6,445 women nationally Type II All but a few of 50 ethnic groups practice FGM. Bella group and castes and some secret societies do not practice any form of FGM.
Current Opinion In Infectious Diseases - UserLogin An outbreak of typhoid fever, XingAn County, People s Republic of China, Dobson R. Sleeping sickness re-emerges in africa after years of civil war.