Extractions: The alliance won, but the war is far from over. The war in Afghanistan has witnessed gradual changes over the past short period. Despite the harsh U.S. air and missile strikes against targets of the Taliban regime and al Qaeda organisation, these strikes have not resulted in a quick collapse of the Taliban movement... Afghanistan War and Caspian Sea Conflict The Caspian Sea region has been under serious scrutiny in recent months, if not years. But even though the horrific events of September 11 have taken center-stage in world politics, the region remains to be of vital importance. In fact, one can say that the war and U.S. reaction will be instrumental in In spite of the substantial retreat of the crisis condition in the Caspian Sea due to the US bombings of the 11th of September 2001, the situation in the region continues to be extremely important... Zaher Shah: Checkmate?
ABHA COMMUNITIES CENTER A collection of articles and ebooks on various topics of muslim practice and belief. http://www.islamunveiled.org/eng/
Extractions: Ramadhan is a month that grants Muslims the opportunities to revitalize their spirits and better renew their relationship with their Creator. Its significance is to keep the Muslim vigil of Allah, making him pure from inside. The Quran explicitly states the purpose of fasting in Chapter II, verse 183: O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it had been prescribed to those before you, that you may be righteous.
Extractions: Email REZA FAKOUR-SAFA I ni adalah kisah nyata tentang seorang Muslim Shi'ah fanatik yang haus dan lapar akan Allah. Pencariannya akan kebenaran membawanya menyeberangi tiga benua. Imannya terhadap Islam tidak tergoyahkan sampai pada hari ia mendengar tentang kebenaran Kristus Yesus, dan mulai mengalami kasih-Nya dan kehidupan-Nya. Pada saat kamu membaca kisah ini, kamu juga bisa menemukan jalan yang menuntun kepada . . . . . . . HIDUP SEJATI ! Reza Fakour-Safa dilahirkan dan dibesarkan di Iran, seorang Muslim Shi'ah yang taat sampai pada hari ia menerima Kristus pada tahun 1980. Sejak itu ia telah memberitakan Injil di lebih dari tiga puluh negara. Di mana pun Reza berkhotbah, ia melihat ribuan orang diselamatkan dan mukjizat kesembuhan karena kuasa dalam Nama Yesus. Daftar Isi
USS Neverdock islam muslim Crimes Against Christians. The Anchoress has a good round up. Ancient Buddhist statues destroyed by muslims no worldwide riots or murders http://ussneverdock.blogspot.com/2005/05/islam-muslim-crimes-against-christians.
Extractions: @import url("http://www.blogger.com/css/blog_controls.css"); @import url("http://www.blogger.com/dyn-css/authorization.css?blogID=6675909"); @import url(http://www.blogger.com/css/navbar/main.css); @import url(http://www.blogger.com/css/navbar/1.css); BlogThis! "Looking for the truth in a sea of deceit" I try to go behind the headlines, soundbites, media bias and spin meisters to find the truth. The Blogsphere - soul of the Internet. UK Anti-Terror Hotline 0800 789 321.
Islam :: Muslim Scholars Slam London Attack Adherents of islam are called Muslims. The term Arab describes an ethnic or cultural identity. Not all Arabs are Muslims, and not all Muslims are Arabs. http://www.religionnewsblog.com/11710/Muslim-scholars-slam-London-attack
Extractions: edition.cnn.com Islam ReligionNewsBlog.com LONDON, England (AP) Muslim leaders and scholars met at London's largest mosque to condemn the July 7 terrorist attacks in the British capital, saying the perpetrators violated the Quran by killing innocent civilians and that no one should consider them martyrs.
Islam :: Muslim Thinkers Still Playing The Blame Game Religion news about islam, religious cults, sects and world religions, for cult experts and other islam muslim thinkers still playing the blame game http://www.religionnewsblog.com/3834-.html
Extractions: Recently more than 900 or so Muslim scholars and theologians gathered in Kuala Lumpur, the Malaysian capital, to ask a simple question: What is the role of Islam in the era of globalization? This was a star-studded occasion with many prominent religious and political figures from more than 70 Muslim countries across the globe. The participants heard 22 learned papers and sat through some 36 hours of debate spread over three days. One theme ran through most of the papers and much of the debate: The Muslim world, ridden with internecine feuds and conflicts with the West, is in deep crisis. It was clear that most participants regarded the Muslim world as a victim of injustice, misunderstanding and unfair propaganda. Many lashed out against "Islamophobia," which is supposedly growing in the West with tacit encouragement from powerful "lobbies" in Washington.
Hidayatullah.com Majalah Indonesia bernafaskan ajaran islam, dibaca oleh 100.000 pembaca muslim di Indonesia. http://www.hidayatullah.com/
How To Become Muslim . New Muslims Muslim Converts Website A collection of articles and audio resources specifically written for converts to islam. Covers muslim belief, practice, law, economics, and social aspects. http://muslimconverts.com/
|| Persecution.org - International Christian Concern January 2005 islam Radical Brit muslim arrested in Iraq, tied to US Militant group November 2004 islam - Moderate muslims, Real and Phony http://www.persecution.org/newsite/countryinfodetail.php?countrycode=28
UW Muslim Students Association Conducts social, cultural, religious, charitable, and educational activities on campus in the best tradition of islam. Includes Constitution, news, events, prayer locations, forum and contact information. http://www.uwmsa.org/
Extractions: The UWMSA is affiliated with the MSA National , which is the uniting and coordinating body of all local MSAs in North America. The UWMSA works closely with the University of Manitoba MSA to co-ordinate events and various activities to better strengthen the Muslim community within Winnipeg and Manitoba. The UWMSA also works together with other MSA chapters in other Universities with a common goal and purpose serving the best interests of Islam and Muslims in USA and Canada.
Islam On-line islam Online muslim women defined by the multicultural Internet community In this presentation I will talk about the Internet, islam, muslim women and http://www.hf.uib.no/smi/paj/linjakumpu.html
Extractions: In this presentation I will talk about the Internet, Islam, Muslim women and communication, more specifically, about how the Internet community defines Muslim women. The Internet and other computer networks have become quite common during the past ten years. As a mode of communication, they will probably, especially in Western countries, become as important as the radio, television and newspapers. One of the most important resources provided by the Internet is newsgroups which will be surveyed in this paper. Unlike the traditional media, newsgroups make possible grass-root level communication from person to person in a way that was not thinkable before. People from all over the world can participate in about 6,000 different newsgroups, in which topics can be almost everything humanly thinkable. Access to the Internet depends on technical resources, connections to the Internet network and ability to use computer programs and software of the right kind. The application of and participation in different functions of the Internet is free. This means that there is no single authority for Internet as a whole which could control the use of the system. At the moment, the Internet is clearly the system of industrialized countries and it is used mostly by the residents of the U.S.A and Europe. The expenses of the system are shared by all the local networks, which are connected to this global network. The operating costs of the Internet are normally relatively low.
Islam--The Inner And Outter Parts Nicely organized site on several topics of interest to the new and non- muslim. http://www.geocities.com/islamicwayz
Extractions: I n N er iS L a M What is Islam Developing your Inner Self Heaven and Hell Prayer ... 10 Things We Waste I slam-The Light Not Just A Religion The Most Beautiful Way of Life Last Updated : Wednesday, January 30th [2002] Excellent Islamic Essays and Articles- [click here The Qur'an [click here] "O my servants who have wronged themselves, never despair of the mercy of Allah - for truly He forgives all sins. He is the Forgiving, the Merciful." [al-Qur'an 39:53] Latest Additions How One Becomes Muslim- new!! The Bidaa and wrong in celebrating the Prophet's birthday- new!! Following the Footsteps of a Beautiful Man [article] Note : Thro ughout this page, many ayahs [verses] from the Qur'an are given. However, make note that these ayahs are merely translated. The Qur'an is the direct word of God in the Arabic language. E-MAIL ME Please correct me, ask questions, and give me suggestions islamicwayz@yahoo.com "O Lord, increase me in knowledge" This website was made with the Intention of Pleasing Allah (SWT) *All sources are listed at the end of each page that needed them. I did my best to make sure that Everything was legit. Please correct me If something on here is incorrect. Wa'llahu A3lam. JazakumAllahu khairan Peace and Mercy of Allah Be unto you O u T eR Is L a M Muslim's Personality Who Your Friends are..
Extractions: A majority, 55 percent, of those surveyed expressed a "favorable" view of Muslim Americans, a figure that has risen from 45 percent before the 9/11 attacks. Fewer people, 39 percent of those surveyed, said they hold a "favorable" view of Islam in general. The survey reported that the number of Americans who believe Islam encourages violence is falling, with 36 percent of respondents ascribing to that view, down from 44 percent in 2003. Basic knowledge about Islam was found to correlate with favorable views of the world's second-largest religion.
The Crusades And The Contributions Of Islam Focuses on the holy wars and the contributions of muslim scholars during the Middle Ages. Geared toward middle school students. http://www.mrdowling.com/606islam.html
Extractions: HOME TIME AND SPACE PREHISTORY MESOPOTAMIA ... Cool Links Things you should know: The Turks and the First Crusade The modern nation of Turkey is named for its Turkish inhabitants, but the Turks were not originally from Turkey. The Turks were nomadic people from Cen tral Asia. Many Turks remain in that area, in fact, there is a nation in Central Asia known as Turkmenistan (land of the Turks).
Extractions: Ghana is a former British colony in West Africa with an estimated population of 18 million, comprising about 64 different language and people groups. On the religious front, the population is made up of adherents of African traditional religion, Christians, Muslims and more recently, pockets of religions and sects of Eastern origin. Christianity, Traditional religion and Islam are, however, the three dominant religions. The latest survey conducted in 1993 estimated that Christians make-up 62% of the population, traditional religious practitioners 20%, and Muslims 16%. A Ghanaian proverb which says "too much meat does not spoil soup" typifies the Ghanaian and indeed African ethno-religious environment. Islam and Muslim Missionary Activities in Ghana Historically, Islam preceded Christianity in Ghana. Islam entered present-day Ghana in the 14th century, mainly from the north. Muslim religious experts, popularly referred to as malams , exerted influence on some northern chiefs mainly through the practice of fortune-telling and the preparation of charms and amulets for healing and war purposes. Some militant campaigns were conducted by slave raiding Muslim groups in the late 19th century in parts of the northern regions. These campaigns however only succeeded in making the affected tribes averse to Islam. Muslim traders brought Islam into contact with the Ashanti Kingdom around the 18th century. In the coastal areas the presence of Islam was first felt in the 1830s through resettled freed slaved from the East Indies.
Muslim Deaf Group Information about the muslim Deaf Group together with general information on islam and the Deaf community http://groups.msn.com/MuslimDeafGroup/
Extractions: var nEditorialCatId = 276; MSN Home My MSN Hotmail Shopping ... Money Web Search: document.write(' Groups Groups Home My Groups Language ... Help Muslim Deaf Group MuslimDeafGroup@groups.msn.com What's New Join Now MDG Events BSL Islam - Glas ... Recommend This Group to a Friend Notes: anyone interested to join this group, please give us the reasons because of the security... Muslim Deaf Group (United Kingdom) MDG's website started April 2002! BSL Islam London's 4th Anniversary Years! New Messages View all BSL ISLAM (LEEDS) 18TH SEPT
Islam Direct Islamic ISP with links to muslim sites. http://www.islamdirect.com
Extractions: Prayer Times For 5 Million Cities Worldwide Country: Select a country Afghanistan Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Anguilla Antarctica Antigua Barbuda Argentina Armenia Aruba Ashmore Cartier Islands Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Bassas De India Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia Herzegovina Botswana Bouvet Island Brazil British Indian Ocean Ter..
Discover Islam Discover the basic beliefs of Muslims through a series of posters. http://www.discoverislam.com/
Extractions: Each poster masterfully integrates traditional Islamic art and calligraphy with modern computer graphics. The collections range from simple arabesque patterns to full color photographs of Muslims and the Islamic World. They powerfully communicate the beauty of Islam, and yet are gentle enough to sway any heart, Muslim and non-Muslim.
View Islam Information on islam for nonMuslims and new Muslims. Includes articles, jokes and parables, recommended books, news, FAQs, and links. http://www.viewislam.com/
Islam Website; Resources For The Study Of Islam Resources for Studying islam and the Diverse Perspectives of Muslims Muslims believe both that islam is the quintessence of the spiritual impulse http://www.arches.uga.edu/~godlas/
Extractions: Kofi Annan and Seyyed Hussein Nasr on Islamophobia (Webcast: Video/Audio) The first 37 minutes consist of a webcast of their talks during the UN seminar "Confronting Islamophobia: Education for Tolerance and Understanding" held at the United Nations on December 7, 2004. Kofi Annan is the Secretary General of the United Nations and Seyyed Hussein Nasr is one of the most significant professors of Islamic Studies. There is a written summary of the these two talks and others on the UN website.