UNCCD - United Nations Convention To Combat Desertification water manag. 14 252263. 2. JV Giráldez, P. González and A. Laguna. 1989. soil and water conservation, agricultural management systems (Agriculture and http://www.unccd.int/cop/cst/experts/individualDetails.php?id=306
The Effectiveness Of RCO Mole Bait Study The bait was effective on all three soil types, but irrigation appeared to not originally designed to test for soil or water factors small sample sizes http://www.rodent-baits.com/mole_study.html
Extractions: The tunneling damage caused by eastern moles ( Scaloous aouaticus ') and starnosed moles ( Condviura cristata ) is well known to professionals in lawn care, golfcourse maintenance, and turfgrass production, as well as many private landowners. Present damage control methods, include trapping, gas and smoke fumigants, and insecticide applications have a wide variety of limitations and prove impractical in some situations. As easily applied mole damage control method is needed that professional and nonprofessional applicators can use in a variety of environmental and physical conditions.
Pubblicazioni 1994 Scale factors in modelling spatial variability of soilwater characteristic curve . Effect of different levels of seasonal irrigation water on two Kenaf http://www.inea.it/isa/file/1994.htm
Extractions: Per effettuare una ricerca in questo frame premi CTRL+F CASTELLI, F., BIONDANI, M. C., MARCHETTI, R., 1994. Indagine sulla presenza di tripidi nelle coltivazioni di tabacco Virginia Bright del Veronese. Inf. Fitopatologico, IX, 54-57. th International Conference ISTRO, "Soil Tillage for Crop Production and Protection of the Environment", Alborg (Denmark), 24-29 July, II, 997-1004. rd ESA Congress, Abano - PD (Italy), 18-22 September, S3, 460-461. rd ESA Congress, Abano - PD (Italy), 18-22 September, S3, 476-477. CEOTTO, E., DONATELLI, M., SPALLACCI, P., CASTELLI, F., 1994. CropSyst validation for soil content of water and nitrate at two locations of Northern Italy. Proceedings of the 3 rd ESA Congress, Abano - PD (Italy), 18-22 September , S2, 334-335. CONVERTINI, G., FERRI, D., RIZZO, V., 1994. Nitrates dynamic in a vertisol profile cropped with different crop sequences and agrotechnical practices in Southern Italy. Proceedings of the 3 rd ESA Congress, Abano - PD (Italy), 18-22 September, 674-675. th International Conference ISTRO "Soil Tillage for Crop Production and Protection of the Environment". Alborg (Denmark), 24-29 July, II, 983-990.
Login To BioOne water manag. 31 165184. Find this article on other systems Bhagat, RM, SI Bhuiyan, 1973, soil water and growth of rice and weeds Weed Sci. 21 6163. http://www.bioone.org/bioone/?request=get-document&issn=0890-037X&volume=019&iss
Pesticides In Ground Water References 1984, Effects of soil water content on oxadiazon dissipation Weed Sci., v . Hindall, SM, 1978, Effects of irrigation on water quality in the sand http://ca.water.usgs.gov/pnsp/pest.rep/vol2_ref.html
Extractions: (974 References) Abernathy, J.R., 1989, Protecting water quality through changes in chemical use and management practices, in Proceedings of the Great Plains Agricultural Council, Lubbock, Texas: Great Plains Agricultural Council, Lubbock, Texas, pp. 104-108. Achari, R.G., Sandhu, S.S., and Warren, W.J., 1975, Chlorinated hydrocarbon residues in ground water: Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol., v. 13, no. 1, pp. 94-96. Adams, C.D., and Thurman, E.M., 1991, Formation and transport of deethylatrazine in the soil and vadose zone: J. Environ. Qual., v. 20, no. 3, pp. 540-547. Aelion, C.M., Dobbins, D.C., and Pfaender, F.K., 1989, Adaptation of aquifer microbial communities to the biodegradation of xenobiotic compounds: Influence of substrate concentration and preexposure: Environ. Toxicol. Chem., v. 8, pp. 75-86. Aelion, C.M., Swindoll, C.M., and Pfaender, F.K., 1987, Adaptation to and biodegradation of xenobiotic compounds by microbial communities from a pristine aquifer: Appl. Environ. Microbiol., v. 53, no. 9, pp. 2212-2217. Aga, D.S., Thurman, E.M., and Pomes, M.L., 1994, Determination of alachlor and its sulfonic acid metabolite in water by solid-phase extraction and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay: Anal. Chem., v. 66, no. 9, pp. 1495- 1499.
Models Have Evolved Since The Turn Of The Century The hydrology sector involves overland flow routing and soil water infiltrations . water manag., 32 (1997)239258. (Amatya et al., 1997); Chescheir, GM, http://www3.bae.ncsu.edu/bae572/ricks/Modeling Paper.htm
Extractions: Models have evolved since the turn of the century. There are models for most any item or system that exists. Developments in mathematics have enabled the world of models to explode. Now most everything can be modeled using some sort of mathematics. Agriculture is field that must rely on predictions. The Farmers Almanac is a source of information that allows one to predict upcoming events. The data in the Almanac is used to model events, especially hydrologic events that can occur in the future. The models that are created today are complex and involve numerous computations that only a computer can do. These models are used in a wide variety of tasks. Models have long been a vision to people, now they are a reality, and have been used to create systems that produce cost-efficient and effective answers to everyday problems. As with life, models come with restraints. These constraints must be weight to see the proper give and take ratio to ascertain a compatible model. There are numerous restraints exist among modeling. The obvious is the budget of the project. The more money available, the precision of the model increases. The use of complex mathematical relationships with multiple iterations leads to the need of vast amounts of computer time. The trade off is the computer time and cost is marginal compared the salary of an individual that is capable to do these mathematical computations. Educated personnel with extensive knowledge and understanding of the model are necessary to determine if the data created makes sense. Finally a model is of no use if there is not real world data to simulate. Simulation of this data checks the validity of the model and aids in its marketability (Johnson 1973).
Vision -- March-April 2005 J. soil and water Conserv. 60(1)2942. Harmel, RD, HA Torbert, BE Haggard, RLHaney and M. Dozier. 2004. Agri. water manag. 7119-32. http://www.uark.edu/depts/agripub/Publications/Vision/mar-apr05/4.html
Extractions: WHEN, WHERE People and Events Field Days Scheduled Grants Articles Published ... New Publications HEADLINES Student, Faculty, Staff Awards: Honors Convocation Student Research Grants Graduate Study Abroad Environmental Education Day ... Food Science Students Win OFPA Competition ALL ABOUT ADVISING April 2005 issue (PDF) Vision archive index OUR WEB NETWORK Division of Agriculture University of Arkansas Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station ... Future Student Vision Credits Vision is published six times a year by the Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station in the U of A System's Division of Agriculture and by the Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences. It is produced by the Communication Services unit of the Department of Agricultural and Extension Education, 110 Agriculture Building, U of A, Fayetteville, AR 72701. 479-575-5647. Editor: Howell Medders, (hmedders@uark.edu).
PARYAVARAN ABSTRACTS, 2001 Vol. 18 No. 3-4 soil, surface water and ground water samples were studied during one hydrologicalcycle. By and large, the water quality is good for irrigation. http://envfor.nic.in/paryaabs/v18n34/watpol.html
Extractions: Water Pollution Abraham Beena T, Anirudhan TS (Dept Chem, Univ Kerala, Kariavattam, Trivandrum 695581). Effect of NTA and pH and lead (II) adsorption by the hydrous oxides of Mn, Fe, and Al. J Scient Indl Res, (2) (2001), 145-150 [19 Ref]. Paper studies the influence of nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) on Pb (II) adsorption by different hydrous oxide gels (MnOOH, FeOOH and AlOOH) at different pH levels. The surface charge density as a function of pH in aqueous solution of NaNO3, NTA and Pb-NTA has been determined. The adsorption of Pb(II) in presence of NTA was greater than NTA adsorption in presence of Pb(II). The maximum adsorption of Pb (II) in presence of NTA occur at a pH range of 3.0-4.0. Anila Kumary KS, Abdul Azis PK, Natarajan P (Sch Appl Life Sci, Mahatma Gandhi Univ Regl Cent, Pathanamthitta 689645, Kerala). Sediment characteristics of Poonthura estuary (southwest coast of India) in relation to pollution. Indian J Marine Sci, (2) (2001), 75-80 [20 Ref]. Texture, redox potential and organic carbon of sediments in Poonthura estuary, Thiruvanathapuram, presently exposed to sewage pollution were evaluated over a period of one year. Textural study revealed the presence of highest percentage of finer particles at the sheltered upstream stations. Organic carbon content was more than the prescribed limit for unpolluted estuaries at some stations and reflects the level of pollution in the estuary. Significant variation in organic carbon and redox potential during the monsoon season shows that better dilution can diminish the high organic load to a great extent.
PARYAVARAN ABSTRACTS, 1995 Vol. 12 No. 1&4 The marginal vegetation and soil structure around the river corridor is Paul JC, Mishra MM, Mishra A, Gulati JAL, Pradhan PC (water manag Proj, http://envfor.nic.in/paryaabs/v12n14/watpol.html
Extractions: Das NK, Sinha RK (Environ Bio Lab, Dept Zoo, Patna Univ, Patna-800005). Pollution status of river Ganga at Patna (Bihar), India. J Freshwater Bio, (2) (1994), 159-16i [17 Ref]. The water is characterised by slightly alkaline nature, less dissolved solids, mild alkalinity, low electrical conductance and low ionic strength. The load of BOD and nutrients was higher all along the city river fronts indicating organic enrichment especially near the sewage outfall sites. Quantitatively, the river water appeared unsuitable for drinking and bathing purposes by the inhabitants of city river water fronts. Gautam Ashutosh, Sati OP (Dept Chem, HNB Garhwal Univ, Srinagar (Garhwal)-246 174, 501P). Metals in the water of river Bhagirathi. J Env Polln, (2) (1994), 69-76 [19 Ref]. The concentrations of eight metals viz. lead, zinc, manganese, iron, cobalt, magnesium, copper, and calcium in the water of river Bhagirathi were studied from Uttarkashi to Deoprayag. The results showed that all these metals exist below toxic limit, indicating the water to be unpolluted with respect to metals in question. But, the concentration was found to increase from upstream to downstream. The concentration of metals was also higher during winter when compared with summer and monsoon. All the metals showed a positive correlation with total hardness.
Sources For Environment Abstracts Journal of soil water Conservation, J soil water Conserv Journal of watermanagement Research ASCE, J water manag Res - ASCE http://www.lexisnexis.com/academic/3cis/cist/eanet/source.htm
Extractions: Sources for Environment Abstracts Over 800 scientific journals and other periodicals are reviewed regularly to select material for inclusion in Environment Abstracts. In addition, Environment Abstracts systematically identifies and indexes difficult-to-locate conference papers and proceedings. Reports and monographs from public and private organizations are also covered as warranted. The following list shows the titles of all journals that have been covered by Environment Abstracts. Both the full title of the journal and the abbreviation used in Environment Abstracts are shown. Please consult the abstracts to determine coverage dates for each journal. A B C D ... Z A Accounts of Chemical Research Acc Chem Res Acid Enviro [includes Acid Magazine] Acid News Acid Precipitation Bulletin Acid Precip Bull Acid Rain Information Publications Acid Rain Inf Publ Acta Polytechnica Scandinavica Acustica Adirondac Advances in Cryogenic Engineering Adv Cryogenic Eng Adv Environ Technol Manag Advances in Water Resources Adv Water Resour AERO Sun Times African Environment Afr Environ African Wildlife Afr Wildl Agribusiness AFRC News Agricultural and Forest Meteorology Agric For Meteorol Agricultural Engineering Agric Eng Agricultural Research Agric Res Agricultural Systems Agric Syst Agricultural Water Management Agric Water Manag Agric Ecosyst Environ Agroborealis Agroforestry Systems Agrofor Syst Air Transport World Air Transp World Alces Alternatives Altern: Perspec Soc Technol Environ Altern: Soc Transform Human Gov Ambio AMC Journal [previously Am Mining Cong J]
Australian Water Association | Home The Australian water Association (AWA) is a professional membership organisationformed irrigation Service Work, irrigation - soil, drainage, salinity http://www.awa.asn.au/AM/Template.cfm?Section=Search&template=/templates/awasite
Land Resources: On The Edge Of The Malthusian Precipice? The amount of water available to plants, from rain or from irrigation; and If there is plenty of water but the soil is poor, nutrients are said to be http://www.absw.org.uk/Briefings/Land_resources.htm
Extractions: Tel: 0870 770 3361 absw@absw.org.uk These pages were designed, well, cobbled together, by Michael Kenward on behalf of the ABSW. LAND RESOURCES: ON THE EDGE OF THE MALTHUSIAN PRECIPICE? A briefing document prepared for the Royal Society and Association of British Science Writers by Mike Holderness May 1997 LAND RESOURCES: ON THE EDGE OF THE MALTHUSIAN PRECIPICE? There are two ways of looking at the Malthusian precipice: as an edge over which we can rush like the Gadarene Swine into the abyss; or as the heights which we are climbing, rather successfully so far. From the introduction by the Chair SUMMARY How hungry will our children be? How many people will there be in the world by, say, 2050? How much food will they be able to grow, for how much longer after that and at what cost? In 1798 the English clergyman Thomas Malthus published his Essay on the Principle of Population . He noted that population rises geometrically. That is, if 10 people occupy a tiny island and each generation has twice as many members as the last, succeeding generations will have 20, 40, 80, 160, 320 ... members. He suggested that food production can only rise arithmetically: each generation may have the capacity to feed 100, 120, 140, 160, 180, 200 ... people. The fifth generation of our islanders reach the "Malthusian Precipice". "The power of population is so superior to the power in the earth to produce subsistence for man," Malthus concluded, "that premature death must in some shape or other visit the human race."
Subject Query 19006, Quantitation Meth. in Eng and manag Syst, 3, B. 19007, Selected Topics inStatistics 19058, Advanced in water soil and Environment, 2, A+B http://www.graduate.technion.ac.il/eng/faculties/subject.asp?faculty=1
Entrez PubMed The area increased as the length of irrigation and water pressure increased. Substances Dyes Pesticides soil Pollutants water Pollutants, Chemical http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=1
Personal Data Research Economics of irrigation water mixing within a farm frameworkshort runand Institutes of soil and water , ARO, Volcani Center , Bet -Dagan. http://departments.agri.huji.ac.il/economics/eli-personal.html
Extractions: Food and Environmental Quality Sciences, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. B.S. Agr. (Agric. Econ. and Management) with distinction, 1972. M.S. Agr. (Agric. Econ. and Management) with distinction, 1975. Ph.D. (Agric. Econ. and Management), 1980. Department of Agricultural Economics and Management
Publications water manag. 1253262. 16. Gilmour, JT, AC Peer, and DC Regan. 1978. A surveyof soils irrigated with Arkansas River water. Arkansas water Resources http://www.johngilmour.com/mainPubs.htm
Extractions: Publications Text Books 2. Gilmour, J.T. 1998. Study Guide for the Soil Science Fundamentals Examination. Council of Soil Science Examiners. Soil Science Society of America. Madison. Book Chapters 1. Gilmour, J. T. and P. M. Gale. 1988. Chemistry of metals and trace elements in a submerged soil. P. 279-292. In D. D. Hook (Ed.) The Ecology and Management of Wetlands, Vol. 1. Croom Helm Ltd. Publishers, England. 2. Gilmour, J.T. 1998. Carbon and nitrogen mineralization during co-utilization of biosolids and composts. 1997 Beltsville Symposium, Beltsville, MD. Journal Articles 1. Gilmour, J. T., and N. T. Coleman. 1971. s-Triazine adsorption studies: Ca-H-humic acid. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 35:256-259. 2. Gilmour, J. T., and N. T. Coleman. 1971. Buffer curves and acid strength of humic acid and two resins. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 35:710-714. 3. Gilmour, J. T. 1971. Inorganic complexes of divalent mercury in natural water systems. Environ. Letters 2:143-152.
Assadian Et Al. 1998 Spatial variability of heavy metals in irrigated alfalfa fields in the upper RioGrande water manag. 36141156. Because of the decrease in quality of http://www.css.cornell.edu/courses/190/abstr/vermilyea.htm
Extractions: Source: Assadian, N.W., L. Esparaza, L. Fenn, A. Ali, S. Miyamoto, U. Figueroa, and A. Warrick. Spatial variability of heavy metals in irrigated alfalfa fields in the upper Rio Grande River Basin. Agric. Water Manag. 36:141-156. Abstract author: Matthew David VerMilyea, 5 November 1999. SUSAG Abstracts: Go back to the SUSAG Abstracts search page.
Search SUSAG Abstracts Green remediation using plants to clean the soil. J. soil water Conserv.51184187. Evaluation of crop water stress index for LEPA irrigated corn. http://www.css.cornell.edu/courses/190/SUSAG-search.html
Extractions: S USAG Abstracts Prepared by students in the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY This collection of abstracts provides a point of entry into the literature about sustainable agriculture. It was prepared by the students and teaching staff of CSS 190 (Sustainable Agriculture). Comments, suggestions, or questions should be addressed to Gary W. Fick You may search SUSAG Abstracts for any term or sets of terms including You many search You keywords (organic agriculture), source authors (Wendell Berry), and student writers (Ryan Akin). Search the abstracts Ahmed, M., M. P. Bimbao, and R.C. Sevilleja. 1992. The economics of rice-fish in Asian mixed farming systems: a case study of the Philippines. p. 207-216. In Z.R. dela Cruz, C. Lightfoot, B.A. Costa-Pierce, V.R. Carangal, and M.P. Bimabao (ed.) Proc. 24th Rice-Fish Res. and Develop. Conf., Int. Center for Living Aquatic Resour. Manag. (ICLARM), Manila, the Philippines. Aldwell, C.R. 1997.