Extractions: Quick Links ResourceNet Home Accessible Travel Fact Sheets I ... n The News "General Resources" Please note: The Resources area is a continuous work in progress. New links and categories will be added on a regular basis. If you would like to submit or recommend a site to be included you may Submit a URL Category Index ADA (non government) Assistive Technology Devices State Assistive Technology Centers Arizona Technology Access Program (AzTAP) Arkansas - ICAN Colorado - CATP Connecticut - CTTAP ... AbilityHub adaptive equipment and alternative methods available for accessing computers. ABLEDATA Assistive Technology Information Access Unlimited Applied Science and Engineering Laboratories Assistive Technology, Inc.
Teaching Science To Students With Disabilities Teaching Science in Content Areas to Students with special needs. Addresses thedearth of materials in science for the learning disabled student. http://ericec.org/faq/science.html
Extractions: Internet: http://ericec.org What strategies can be used for teaching science to students with disabilities? The IDEA Amendments of 1997 require that students with disabilities have access to the general education curriculum. This legislative requirement makes the accessibility of curricular materials an issue of even greater importance than it otherwise would be. To meet the goal of equal access to the curriculum for everyone, to enable each student to engage with his or her lessons in a meaningful way, teachers must be prepared to provide useful alternatives in terms of both curricular materials and instructional delivery. Well-adapted materials without an effective method of teaching are practically useless, but with the proper tools and instructional methods, a good teacher encourages each member of the class to participate directly in the learning experience. From Preface, ERIC/OSEP Mini-Library on Adapting Curricular Materials. 1999. Volume 1, Toward Successful Inclusion of Students with Disabilities: The Architecture of Instruction; Volume 2, Adapting Reading and Math Materials for the Inclusive Classroom (Kindergarten through Grade Five); and Volume 3, Adapting Language Arts, Social Studies, and Science Materials for the Inclusive Classroom (Grades Six Through Eight). Mini-Library available from CEC's ERIC Clearinghouse on Disabilities and Gifted Education. 1.888.CEC.SPED. Stock No. P5304. $21.60/CEC members; $30.95/non-members. ISBN 0-86586-340-7)
Dual Exceptionalities Gifted and Learning disabled Twice Exceptional Students students with learningdisabilities or other special needs (ADHD, Asperger s, Tourette, etc.) http://ericec.org/fact/dualexep.html
FAPE Newsline will be used to see if your child needs special education help in school. She went to the University of iowa Law School and figured it out. http://www.fape.org/newsline/english/fwn_mar1999.html
Extractions: FAPE Newsline Archive March 1999 Before your child receives special education services, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires that he or she have an evaluation. An evaluation includes information from parents, any special medical concerns, interviews with parents and school staff, and may include specific tests. The results of an evaluation will be used to see if your child needs special education help in school. You must give your consent in writing before the first evaluation can take place. The evaluation: Some questions parents can ask the school staff about evaluation are: Why do you want to evaluate my child?
Special Ed Section Of The DCSD Web Site Population Charts of the Dubuque Community schools special Education Community A Recent Survey of Post Education special needs Students http://www.dubuque.k12.ia.us/specialed/
Extractions: New: Special Education and Literacy Curriculum in the Dubuque Community School District A balanced literacy approach is necessary for our students to learn to read and write and to function successfully in their classrooms. Learn about our program grade by grade. How many students are receiving special education services? This chart shows an increase in the number of students receiving special education services over a period of 20 years. This trend is consistent with two factors. 1. Improved evaluation methods and reporting procedures. 2. Legislation (Federal and State) mandating the services to students who are entitled to special education services.
Rowan University - The Education Institute What are the effects of Inclusion on non disabled classmates? which meansthat special needs students educated in regular classes do better academically http://www.rowan.edu/ei/BCIP/Faqs.htm
Extractions: Rowan Students Faculty/Staff Education Institute Menu EI Home About EI Staff Newsletter ... COE Home Welcome to the website for the Education Institute. Please use the links to the left to navigate the site. If you are interested in receiving e-mailed updates about upcoming events and projects, please fill in and submit the following information. Name: District: Email:
Extractions: ASA News ASEE Prism Academe African American Review ... View all titles in this topic Hot New Articles by Topic Automotive Sports Top Articles Ever by Topic Automotive Sports Heartland Area Education Agency's Problem Solving Model: An Outcomes-Driven Special Education Paradigm Rural Special Education Quarterly Fall 2003 by Jankowski, Elizabeth A Save a personal copy of this article and quickly find it again with Furl.net. It's free! Save it. Abstract In this article, an alternative outcomes-oriented special education model currently in use in Iowa is discussed, the Heartland Area Education Agency Problem Solving Model. Described are the rationale of the model, its evolution, and a description of the assessment and delivery system of the model. The core beliefs necessary for successful implementation of the model are also described. Heartland Area Education Agency (AEA) 11 is the largest of 15 area education agencies created in 1974 by the Iowa Legislature to ensure equal educational opportunities for all children. Support to local schools is provided through a vast array of programs, services, and resources. The staff serves a large, increasingly diverse, and often geographically distant clientele though Heartland's Johnston, Iowa, headquarters and 10 branch offices geographically located throughout 11 counties covering 6,600 square miles in central Iowa. Schools within Heartland range from small rural districts with fewer than 250 students to large districts with student populations greater than 7,500 students. Presently, Heartland Area Education Agency 11 serves about 123,000 students, nearly one-fourth of Iowa's total student population as well as 9,000 teachers and administrators. This includes 56 public school districts made up of more than 300 buildings and 35 approved non-public schools.
IBS: Outreach Services of children in iowa who are blind, visually impaired, or multiply disabled with a Extended School Year Services (ESY Services) are special education http://www.iowa-braille.k12.ia.us/outreach.html
Extractions: Programs ... Just for Kids Educational Programs and Services: Outreach Services Through the years the Iowa Braille School has been recognized for the quality of its programs and the achievements of its students and staff. Today the School conducts a fully accredited and approved program to meet the needs of children in Iowa who are blind, visually impaired, or multiply disabled with a visual impairment. The School provides residential and day programs on campus and outreach services throughout the state in cooperation with the State Department of Education, Area Education Agencies, and the local school districts. Consultants Library/IMC Textbook/Educational Materials Request Forms Low Vision Services ... Extended Year Services Consultants Consultants and Statewide Resource People The Iowa Braille School has a number of Consultants who work throughout the state with students, parents, teachers and paraprofessionals affected by vision programs. State Consultant for Visual Impairment As State Consultant for Visual Impairment
Assistive And Adaptive Technology SNOW s sister site for special needs children and their teachers and parents . Computer Assistive Technology for People Who Are disabled. http://disability-resource.com/assist.html
Extractions: French German Italian Portuguese ... FreeTranslation.com Point-N-Click Click-N-Type AutoClick feature, you know that there are many people who have the manual dexterity to move a mouse, trackball or other pointing device, but do not have the fine motor skills to actually click a mouse button. To address this need AutoClick was introduced to give such individuals the ability to type on the Click-N-Type keyboard. The problem is that a virtual keyboard is limited to typing. Someone else has to set things up for you because Windows requires mouse clicking.
United States Senator Chuck Grassley Of Iowa After nearly 30 years, special education programs have been established in the iowa House of Representatives to ensure that children with special needs http://grassley.senate.gov/index.cfm?FuseAction=PressReleases.View&PressRelease_
General Division of Developmental Disabilities from the iowa University Affiliated Program Ainsworth Partners, Inc. Keyboarding for people with special needs http://sites.communitylink.org/eci/generalnf.htm
Extractions: General Resources M ain Menu General Resources Disability Legislation Special Education University Programs ... Independent Living Centers Click Here for the Following: Statistics Resources Disability Centers Media General Information U.S. Department of Justice Americans with Disabilities Act ADA HOME PAGE Americans with Disabilities Act Document Center ADA Compliance Guide The Americans with Disabilities Newsletter ... Access by Design We provide ADA resources, articles, and other information for people with disabilities EMPOWERMENT ZONE Information, ideas, and software related to the theme of empowerment helping individuals and communities achieve self actualization and full citizenship The Disability Rights Activist Disability and Business Technical Assistance Centers The Legal Information Institute from Cornell Law School U.S. Law: Primary Documents and Commentary from Cornell Law School Rules of Professional Conduct Involving Lawyers Table of Rule from Cornell Law School Law Resources from EINET Galaxy ADA Information Center On-Line from the Kansas Commission of Disability Concerns The World Wide Web Virtual Library: Law from the Indiana University School of Law - Bloomington The Federal Resource Center for Special Education a special education technical assistance project funded by the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative
New Federation for Children with special needs. April 2001 must finance oneon-onenursing care for some disabled students throughout the school day, http://tcds.edb.utexas.edu/new.htm
Extractions: Preservice and Continuing Education Disability Studies Courses Disability Studies On Line Mental Health Rehabilitation Specialist Training Web based Support TBI Higher Education Task Force Community Inclusion EveryChild Family Resource Guide for Children Living in Institutions Family-Based Alternatives Program Evaluation Texas Community Integration Project ... Texas Family Support Initiative Education and Early Intervention Special Education Academy Assistive Technology Texas Technology Access Project Special Projects Crime Victims Information Take Crime Victims' Survey Toma la Encuesta en Espanol New and Innovative Resource Information HOME ACCESSIBILITY CONSUMER ADVISORY COUNCIL CURRENT EVENTS ... SPANISH - EN ESPANOL This page highlights new sources, equipment, people or any information that may be helpful. Bookmark this page and return often. We invite you to submit suggestions for this list. Please be as specific as possible when submitting your suggestions. October 2005 Disaster Resources United Way of the Texas Gulf Coast Nobody Left Behind Texas Emergency Management Resources for People with Disabilities September 2005 ADA Business Connection National Organization on Disability Texas Council on Purchasing from People with Disabilities August 2005
City Of Iowa City, Iowa - Official Web Site High School Middle School Service. Holiday Schedule. iowa City Transit special disabled/LowIncome Elderly special pass required. Call iowa City http://www.icgov.org/transportation.htm
Extractions: Ron Logsden , Transit Manager Give Iowa City Transit a try! Iowa City Transits routes are conveniently located throughout the city and its modern fleet is completely lift-equipped. Use Transit for your daily commute. Relax and let Iowa City Transit do the driving for you. Iowa City Transit provides safe, reliable transportation for adults, children, senior citizens and persons with disabilities.
Mamun - Coalition For Inclusive Education In Bangladesh - ISEC 2000 Education of children with special needs arising out of disabilities is the There are special schools though mostly located in urban cities and towns. http://www.isec2000.org.uk/abstracts/papers_m/mamun_1.htm
Extractions: Presented at ISEC 2000 Abstract Neither any controversy nor any confusion does now exist to at all the successful result and impact of inclusive education. After critical experiment It has proved unanimously in Bangladesh that :- inclusive education is appropriate for all including the children with disability, with law cost involvement, easy to implement, simplified and more fruitful. Many NGOs are working in the area of educational service for the children with disability. Most of them are practicing and exercising inclusive education but without co-ordination. Though our govt. singed the Salamanca Declaration for inclusive education and the Article No. 17 of the Constitution of Bangladesh clearly says that the indifferent inclusive education system will be the education system of Bangladesh but govt does not implementing this. Gaining from the working experience It is essentially felt the need of the requirement of formation of coalition for inclusive education in Bangladesh. Mission is to Promote Effective Inclusive Education for all Children with Disability throughout Bangladesh.
A Bad IDEA Seven years ago, my younger son was classified as learning disabled. Also,school officials can often exclude special-needs students from high-stakes http://www.connsensebulletin.com/badidea.html
Extractions: 'Perverse Incentives' in an Unfunded Mandate Just as before the 1997 Reauthorization of IDEA, a concerted attack is beginning on it. Note this commentary's recommendation that the " ' specific learning disabilities' category should be exised from the law" and the statement that "Evidence suggests that the IDEA does not produce academic gains." Education Week 'Perverse Incentives' in an Unfunded Mandate By Clint Bolick Education Week The IDEA has become systematically dysfunctional and damaging to public schools. A powerful toxin infects our nation's education system, imperiling the ability of every public school to fulfill its mission. It is not school vouchers or inadequate funding, but the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, or IDEA. Tracing back to the 1975 legislation enacted to ensure equal educational opportunities for children with disabilities, the IDEA now covers 6.1 million schoolchildren at a cost of $41.5 billion annually, accounting for 40 percent of all new education funding over the past 30 years. Because only 12.5 percent of the money is provided by the federal government, the idea constitutes the largest unfunded federal mandate in American education. Far worse, it creates perverse incentives that have deepened stratification within public education to the detriment of minorities and the poor.
Iowa Outreach Study - LIHEAP Clearinghouse Enrollment of any special populations (elderly disabled, etc) into LIHEAP shouldbe built on a strategy of Targeting Recommendations For iowa s disabled http://www.liheap.ncat.org/Directors/outreach/iaoutrfin.htm
Extractions: In early 2000, as part of the Division's review of its performance relative to outreach and targeting both statewide and in individual service territories, the state hired Roger Colton, of Fisher, Sheehan and Colton, Public Finance and General Economics, to investigate mechanisms through which Iowa could seek to enroll additional low-income households in LIHEAP, as well as to reach certain sub-segments of the total population which the program had chosen to target as high priority benefit recipients: the lowest income households; households with children age 6 or younger; households with elderly members (defined in Iowa as aged 60 or older); and households with disabled individuals as household members.
Respect The Key To Working With Mentally Disabled Clients It is not enough to know the law when representing disabled clients. who isa special needs child, was removed from school for having in his possession http://www.abanet.org/genpractice/lawyer/complete/tcl_v15_3/zenc1.html
Extractions: BY ANN M. ZENK No person is more or less worthy of your respect and advocacy as a lawyer. As my father always told me, "Everyone gets up in the morning and puts their clothes on the same way." A client suffering from paranoid schizophrenia is entitled to my respect for her as a person at civil commitment hearing. She is entitled to make decisions as to how she wants her case handled. In one particular instance, I advocated for my clients interests, lobbying for more community-based services to be put into place so that in the future the client would have been able to stay in her home. I believe that lawyers have an obligation to represent those who cannot speak for themselves. The American Association of Disabled Persons (AADP; www.aapd.com) calls this "enablement." Our role as lawyers is to make it possible for all of our clients to have the means, opportunity, power, or authority to be heard. Those who are disabled deserve no less than our best efforts on their behalf. For example, prior to a commitment hearing, travel to the hospital where your client has been placed. While you are there, review all hospital records, visit with the doctors and nurses, interview and listen to your client to determine what his needs may be in this situation, and then work to have his needs met. It is not enough to know the law when representing disabled clients. It is also a requirement, no matter how challenging, to understand the illness from which your client suffers. A skilled advocate will become educated in both the diseases and the laws.
02.23.04 Ed.Net Briefs The new regulations will make it easier for schools to meet the annual targets set learning and achievement levels for all students with special needs. http://www.edbriefs.com/usa03-04/02.23.04.html
Extractions: Ed.Net Briefs is a weekly online education newsletter. Each issue is filled with summaries of the week's important education stories, including the source citation for those who want more information. Ed.Net Briefs is sent to subscribers via e-mail and posted here on the Simpson Communications Web site each week. SUBSCRIBE BY E-MAIL . Fill out this online subscription request form and you will receive Ed.Net Briefs via e-mail each Monday morning. Ed.Net Briefs NATIONAL EDUCATION NEWS -No Child Left Behind standards being changed -Bush wants cuts in education spending after 2005 -Task force to study implications of special ed regulations -NY City selects Harcourt Trophies reading program EDUCATION-RELATED TECHNOLOGY NEWS -Schools use technology to battle plagiarism -Astronaut training focus of Engineers Week Web cast -Books on use of handhelds in education -Iowa picks ESP Solutions' student identifier system NATIONAL EDUCATION NEWS NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND STANDARDS BEING CHANGED Michael Dobbs "'No Child' Tests for Schools Relaxed" Washington Post, February 20, 2004
Hope College | History In addition to serving schoolaged children on-site, Elim works with 15 mainstream schools to assist them in their work with special-needs children, http://www.hope.edu/academic/history/facultybooks.html
Extractions: ^top hope college academic departments history ... History Reading List Faculty Books Theatre and Disorder In Late Georgian London Marc Baer In September 1809, during the opening night of Macbeth at the newly rebuilt Covent Garden theatre in London's West End, the audience rioted over the rise in ticket prices. Disturbances took place on a further 66 nights that autumn and the Old Price riots became the longest running theatre disorder in English history. All Roads Lead To Murder Albert A. Bell, Jr. In April of AD 83 a caravan of travelers stop at an inn for the night. The next morning one of them is dead, butchered in horrific fashion. No Roman magistrates are on the scene, so Pliny the Younger, Rome's answer to Sherlock Holmes, takes charge until the provincial governor can be summoned. Pliny surprises his friend, Cornelius Tacitus, by suggesting that the cause of death might be something other than the obvious knife wounds.