My Master Gardener Page Los Angeles Master Gardeners , Univ. of Calif. coop. ext. Florida Countycooperative extension service Master Gardener Coordinators
Extractions: You are visitor A separate and distinct area of gardening is that of the Master Gardener - the voluntary arm of the Agricultural Extension Services. As a Past President and member of the Harris County Master Gardener Association (Houston, Texas), I am more familiar with the Texas Master Gardener program but Master Gardening is nationwide in scope and on this page I will be attempting to put it all together. I am often asked the question, "Who and what are 'Master Gardeners'"? The following comments, questions and answers are geared primarily to the Texas Master Gardener Program. However, with slight differences, they also apply to all 50 states since all now have "Master Gardener Programs". They also generally apply in the four Canadian provinces with the program except for the sponsorship of Cooperative Extension agencies. Master Gardeners are members of the local community who take an active interest in their lawns, trees, shrubs, flowers and gardens. They are enthusiastic, willing to learn and to help others, and able to communicate with diverse groups of people. What really sets Master Gardeners apart from other home gardeners is their special training in horticulture. In exchange for their training, persons who become Master Gardeners contribute time as volunteers, working through their cooperative Extension office to provide horticulture-related information to their communities. Is Experiencing State Data Center of iowa State Library of iowa Miller Building East 12th and Grand Mr. William Tillman, Jr. (E,P) (919) 7337061 ext. 279
First Detectors Serving Hamilton County | Asian Soybean Rust Central iowa coop. PO Box 38 305th Street Randall, iowa 50231. Phone 515328-2315 Harrah s Ag service. PO Box 170, 106 E Sheppard Dows, iowa 50071
Arguments Tara WeaverMissick - - USDA, Agricultural Research service, Debby Weitzel -Colorado State University -
Extractions: Lesson 1 - Arguments to Management for Accessible Sites These arguments were given by the 85 participants in the accessibility class offered to NETC and ACE members at Land-Grant Institutions (August/September 2000). Arguments for Making Your Site Universally Acceptable Thank you to everyone who sent arguments for making your site accessible. You will find that many of the arguments contain similar themes (phrased differently) that will be a great help to all of us when presenting information. Arguments Although a student with a disability at the University has resources available to him or her to acquire a reasonable accommodation (for any non-accessible materials on University web space) but what about disabled prospective students, visitors, and alumni? Their right to peruse University web space is guaranteed under ADA's public access guidelines. You mean you don't want to communicate with international colleagues? What about corporate partners who might be using web phones and web PDA's?
State Coordinators Univ. of Nevada, Reno coop. ext. 2345 Red Rock Street, Suite 100 Of Vermontext. service 157 Old Guildford Road, 4 Brattleboro, VT. 05301
CES CYF Network Human Resources Database Elliott, Tammy, extension Agent, 4H, NC Cooperative extension service, NCSU Resource Splst, University of Alaska Cooperative ext.
Extractions: Home Professional Database The purpose of the CYFERnet Experts Database is to facilitate networking, collaboration and technical assistance among the children, youth and family programs and staff of the Cooperative Extension Service. Search Results Name Position Institution Abell, Ellen Extension Specialist and Associate Prof Auburn University Abraham, Cathy Early Childhood Consultant self-employed Adcock, Bryan Child and Family Development Specialist University Outreach and Extension Anderson, Sarah Professor and Extension Family Life Specialist University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Servi Andrews, Rosa Coordinator NC 4-H School-Age Care Program North Carolina State University Anthony, Wilbon Extension Educator Prevention University of Illinois Extension Arrington, Wandra Extension Youth Development Agent Alcorn State University - Extension Program Bailey, Sandra (Sandy) Montana State University Bales, Diane Human Development Specialist University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Barbour, Joella
The Old Farmer's Almanac - Cooperative Extension Services cooperative extension Services. Contact your local state cooperative extension Web Arizona Arkansas
Priester Conference 2000 - Participants Sarah L. Anderson University of Arkansas coop ext Services PO Box 391 Fax720913-5289 Email Barbara Garland
Salute To Volunteers Richard D. Cartwright, Univ of Arkansas coop ext Svc Nora J. Catlin, Univ ofMassachusetts Wendy McFaddenSmith, McSmith Agricultural Research Services
Co-op Services Credit Union - Other Services Call AAA at 1800-222-6424 and ask for a Co-op services member quote. Call ext.200 for details. A fee is charged for this service.
Parental Stress Center University of Alaska Cooperative extension service is an outreach educationaldelivery Virginia Cooperative extension. Contact http//
Extractions: Parental Stress Family Center Click here to become a national resource! ALASKA University of Alaska Cooperative Extension Service is an outreach educational delivery system supported by a partnership between the United States Department of Agriculture and the University of Alaska Fairbanks and College of Rural Alaska. Contact: ALABAMA Alabama Cooperative Extension System Contact: ARIZONA The University of Arizona Cooperative Extension serves as a statewide network of knowledgeable faculty and staff that provides lifelong educational programs for all Arizonans. Contact: ARKANSAS Arkansas Parenting Education Network (APEN) has been in existence for several years APEN has sponsored multiple annual statewide conferences for parent educators as well as numerous training programs. There are quarterly meetings and there is no charge to join APEN. It is open to all professionals involved in or interested in parenting education. Contact:
Extractions: Assess Conservation Measures US Department of Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman announced that the University of Idaho was awarded a $640,000 three-year grant to study the effectiveness of conservation practices to protect water quality in the Paradise Creek Watershed. Paradise Creek is in Latah County and runs through Moscow and the University of Idaho campus. This was one of only four projects funded nationally through the Conservation Effects Assessment Project (CEAP). The other three projects funded by this competitive program are in Iowa, Ohio, and Utah. These four funded projects will expand the scope of USDAs efforts to understand how conservation practices affect water quality in agricultural watersheds, Veneman said. This project was written and is led by environmental water quality engineer Jan Boll. Boll has focused his research efforts on Paradise Creek since joining the University of Idaho faculty in 1996. Other investigators on the grant are J. D. Wulfhorst and Murat Isik, both assistant professors in Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, and Bob Mahler, professor and water quality coordinator in Soil Science. The Palouse-Clearwater Environmental Institute (PCEI), Latah Soil and Water Conservation District, and USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) are major partners in this effort.
Extractions: Video Library Checkout To check out a video, please follow these simple directions. The videos are listed in alphabetical order except the equine videos which are all listed under "Equine". Order by title. Call (970-491-6198) or email CERC ( ) before noon on Thursday, so the video(s) can be sent in Friday Mail. Return the video within three weeks to CERC. If you need it longer, please let CERC know. This is on the honor system so no return notice reminders will be sent. Title Description A safer community for Children: Ten things you can do (90 min., 2001) Psychologists James Garbarino talks about communities' responsibilities to children and youth, how to strengthen them, and how to detoxify the social environment. ABC's of Small Acreage Ownership, The Achieving High Quality Child Care Working with children of different ages, health and safety, child care as a business, mealtime stress, discipline, building community support. Agro Management Trip Across America Clip Sampling Alternatives in Livestock Production (45 min., 2000)
Welcome To The Dubuque Area Chamber Of Commerce! Call 563.557.9200 ext 271 to arrange to pickup your toolkit to assist in Finley/Hartig Home Care iowa Welcome Center KANNDO Professional Services
Extractions: The upcoming Business PMs ...look at the Chamber News area for the dates and times you need to know. PMs are always held on the third Tuesday of each month. Be sure to mark your calendar for Tuesday, August 16. A new member reception will be held from 4-5 p.m. on the 3rd floor at Bricktown wtih the Business PM following on the 2nd floor from 5-7 p.m. Chamber Members Rise to the Occasion Once Again! As you know, Senator Charles Grassley and a diplomatic delegation representing 75 countries will tour Dubuque on Tuesday, August 16, and Wednesday, August 17. Last week, we requested that Chamber Members assist in our efforts to showcase Dubuque by hosting an ambassador, and we received an amazing response. Thanks to all those who volunteered. There are still a few spots left for anyone who wishes to host. For additional details, please contact Dan Cunningham at 690.9205 or Nancy Van Milligen at 588.2700.
Extractions: The reports are also available from the authors. Findings from the past YAR reports suggest that there are a number of questions that are important for understanding project sustainability. These include: There are a number of factors that facilitate program sustainability and are incorporated into this report. These factors include: Program flexibility, Adequate and qualified staff, Collaboration within communities and involvement by the communities, Adequate and long-term funding, and the Ability to demonstrate impact. The central questions addressed in this report are: What is the current status of the 94 Youth at Risk projects four years after funding ended?