Extractions: The calendar was distributed in the December 2001 edition of Windspeaker, free of charge, thanks to the generous spnsorship of Scotiabank During 1636 and 1637 , influenza spread south from the St. Lawrence Valley and killed many Hurons. Jesuit missionaries encourage Montagnais Indians to give up their nomadic pursuit of game in favor of farming and to settle a 3,500-hectare reserve at St. Joseph De Sillery, near Quebec.
Native American Directory Of Vital Records At The Records Room On August 1, 1997, the native American Indian, Eskimo and Aleut population in the The proportion of the US population that is native American Indian, http://www.daddezio.com/records/room/indian.html
Extractions: Vital Records Welcome to the Native American vital records room. Finding vital records for Indian tribes is a difficult challenge, many vital records were lost as the tribes got pushed westward onto reservations. We've cataloged addresses, plus online and offline vital records for each North American tribal unit. Enter the Native American Directory OR Pick a tribe: Abenaki Accohannock Alabama-coushatta Algonquian Apache Apalachee Arapaho Arikara Assiniboine Athabaskan Bannock Blackfeet Caddo Calusa Cayuse Cherokee Cheyenne Chickahominy Chickasaw Chicora Chilcotin Chilula Chippewa Chitimacha Choctaw Chumash Coharie Comanche Cowichan Cowlitz Cree Creek Crow Delaware Dene Dogrib Edisto Esselen Flathead Goshute Gros Ventre Gwitch'in Haida Haliwa Hidatsa Ho Chunk Hohokam Hopi Houma Hualapai Hupa Huron Illinois Innu Inuit Inupiaq Iowa Iroquois Kalispel Kansa Karuk Kaw Kickapoo Kiowa Klallam Klamath Kootenai Kutchin Kwakiutl Lenape Lumbee Mahican Maidu Makah Mandan Mattaponi Maya Melungeon Meherrin Menominee Metis Miami Micmac Mingo Missouri Miwok Mohawk Mohegan Mohican Monacan Montauketts Nansemond
First Nations Women To assist American Indian Women so they can enjoy a better quality of life for Nevertheless, native American women are challenging government abuses, http://www.sfu.ca/~fisls/first_nations.htm
Extractions: http://www.kanesatake.com/heritage/ Resource created by youth for youth. We are accountable to youth through our youth advisory committee which meets via teleconference. The committee is consulted on an ongoing basis, informally using mailing lists, message boards and chat rooms. We are attempting to raise funds so our advisory comittee can meet face to face and maps out the needs for the AYN in upcoming years.
Extractions: Skip to main content. Dean's Welcome Law Library Prospective Students Career Services Contact Us School of Law Home SEARCH UND A to Z Index Directory Map Special Programs ... Mission Statement Newsletter Native American Law Project Tribal Judicial Institute Tribal Environmental Law Project Institute for the Study of Tribal Gaming Law and Policy ... Contact Us Related Links (Click on topic) UND Related Links
FWDP -- Government And NGO Contact List Edisto Indian Organization, South Carolina, USA Resource native American Powhatan Renape Nation, Rankokus American Indian Reservation, New Jersey, http://www.cwis.org/fwdp/fwlist.html
Extractions: The Center provides this information on e-mail addresses and other electronic resources to facilitate communication. We also provide a list of other resources on Fourth World nations such as educational and advocacy organizations. ADD YOUR GOVERNMENT OR ORGANIZATION! We have a form which makes adding your e-mail and WWW information easy. Assembly of First Nations , Canada Government Business: Jean Larose, Communications
Related Links native American Wisdom; www.wolflodge.org/wolflodge/native.htm. Rankukus IndianReservation; www.cowboy.net/native/sacnfox.html. http://www.towson.edu/tuwired/tuwired98/relatedlinks.html
Extractions: Related Links www.windriver-usa.com ...Wind River- Kimberling City, MO www.shiprocktrading.com ...Shiprock Trading Co.- Shiprock, NM www.blackhillstradingco.com ...Noyta, Inc- Reno, NV www.greywolf-gallery.com ...Grey Wolf- Scottsdale, AZ www.sanbrenton.com ...San Brenton Native American Crafts- Clarksville, TN www.baldenegros.com ...Baldenegro's Native American Arts and Crafts- Phoenix, AZ www.nativeamericantraders.com ...Native American Traders- Decatur, GA www.bearstars.com ...Bear Star Traders- Ashland, OR www.prairiestar.com ...Prairie Star Gifts Gallery- Souix Falls, SD www.cia-g.com/~vishnu ...Roadrunner Trading Co.- Gallup, NM www.dakotaspirit.com ...Dakota Spirit- Bismarck, ND www.heartlinesjewelry.com ...Heartlines- Atlanta, GA www.endofthetrail.com ...End of the Trail- Weston, MO www.indvill.com ...Indian Village- Palo Alto, CA www.journeysong.com ...Journey Song- Anchorage, AK
H-Net Review Greg O Brien G.obrien@usm.edu On Biodiversity And Biodiversity and native America. Norman University of Oklahoma Press, Culture makes a difference, and Indian peoples throughout North America have http://www.h-net.org/reviews/showrev.cgi?path=25311998331995
Course List Regional Studies North American indians and Inuit. The North American nativeresponse to early European contact and initial settlement. http://www.mun.ca/aboriginal/courses.html
Extractions: Students who minor in Aboriginal Studies shall complete a minimum of twenty-four credit hours including Anthropology 2414 (three credit hours) plus one course in any three of the following disciplines: Education, English, History, Law and Society, Linguistics, Social Work, and Sociology (nine credit hours). The remaining twelve credit hours can be chosen from any of the courses in the program. (Note: Students enrolled in the Bachelor of Education (Native and Northern) Degree Programs must contact the Native and Northern Teacher Education Office for information on which Education courses may be used for the Aboriginal Studies Minor). See the next section on completing the Minor. In general, however: You need to take 24 credit hours of courses. You must take the core course, Anthropology 2414 (3 credit hours) For the 'breadth' requirement, you then need three more courses, each chosen from a different discipline (not Anthropology) for a total of 9 credit hours. (The disciplines are listed below). Then you need four more courses, chosen from any discipline (for a total of 12 credit hours).