- Peoria-Canton Geography Introduction: Bybee, Illinois, Mossville, Illinois, Edelstein, Illinois, Groveland, Illinois
- Advanced Geography with Illinois Supplement by Frank M. McMurry, A.E. Parkins, 1924
- The prairie province of Illinois: a study of human adjustment to the natural environment, by Edith Muriel Poggi, 1931
- Lockport Legacy: Themes in the Historical Geography of an Illinois Canal Town (Studies on the Illinois & Michigan Canal Corridor) by Michael P. Conzen, 1990-04
- Illinois "jography": "geography fun!" by Carole Marsh, 1998
- Focus on Ottawa: A Historical and Geographical Survey of Ottawa, Illinois, in the Twentieth Century
- Illinois: Geographical Survey by Igs (Sublett), 1996-01
- Perception of choice and factors affecting industrial water supply decisions in Northeastern Illinois (University of Chicago, Dept. of Geography. Research paper no. 117) by Shue Tuck Wong, 1969
- The iron and steel industry of the Calumet district;: A study in economic geography, (University of Illinois studies in the social sciences) by John Bargate Appleton, 1927
- Topographic slope in selected loess-mantled second order basins in Illinois: A multivariate analysis (Discussion paper - Dept. of Geography, University of Iowa) by Harold McConnell, 1966
- The Illinois hot air balloon geography mystery by Carole Marsh, 1998
- The geography of Illinois in theses and dissertations submitted at universities in Illinois (Bulletin of the Illinois Geographical Society) by John Thompson, 1986
- An introduction to FORTRAN and the programming of spatial data (Occasional publications of the Department of Geography, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ; paper) by J. Ronald Eyton, 1979
- Illinois, (Tarr and McMurry geographies. Supplementary volume) by Frank Woolson Darling, 1904