Extractions: "This is potentially huge, with a market the size of all the existing markets for coal, oil and gas combined," says Professor Janusz Nowotny, who with Professor Chris Sorrell is leading a solar hydrogen research project at the University of NSW Centre for Materials and Energy Conversion. The team is thought to be the most advanced in developing the cheap, light-sensitive materials that will be the basis of the technology.
Hydrogen Fuel Cell Program About fuel cells, fuel cell technology research, market opportunities, fuel cell energy for isolated communities, and related topics. From Desert Research Institute (Nevada, U.S.). http://www.dri.edu/Projects/Energy/
Hydrogen Technology Applications Company commercializing novel water electrolysis technology, claimed to be more energyefficient than traditional electrolysis. Currently marketing a hydrogen gas generator welder. http://www.hytechapps.com/
Proton Energy Systems Proton Exchange Membrane fuel cells and hydrogen generators produced by this company include unique regenerative fuel cells offering the ability to capture and store energy effectively. Used in industry, electronics, energy storage and research. http://www.protonenergy.com/
Extractions: Proton Energy Systems Inc. is a Distributed Energy Systems Corp company. Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe, and may also be the ultimate energy carrier, offering the promise of zero pollution energy production at the point of use. Today, hydrogen is a widely used industrial product. Proton Energy Systems Inc. manufactures PEM (Proton Exchange Membrane) electrochemical systems to make hydrogen from water in a zero pollution process, which allows for safe, pure, reliable on-site hydrogen, to meet todays commercial hydrogen requirements worldwide. Today our are providing pure hydrogen on-site for a variety of industrial applications. Click below to see which HOGEN hydrogen generation system is right for you. Power Plant Generator Cooling Materials Processing, Heat Treating
Hy-Energy Hydrogen Sciences Promoting the development of clean energy technologies through sciencebased problem solving. Expertise in renewable energy research is your guarantee to success. http://www.hy-energy.com/
Extractions: Experience the Hy-Energy quality: We provide specialized services and scientific equipment to help research and development of renewable energy solutions. Our gas sorption analysers enable precision PCT, kinetics and Cycle-Life measurements for a variety of gases over a broad range of temperatures and pressures. We offer measurement services for testing gas sorption properties of materials including hydrogen absorbing alloys, and high surface-area hydrogen adsorption materials.
Extractions: Membership ... Fuel Cell Initiative The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE International) is known globally as a leading source for automotive technology. SAE has developed the Fuel Cell Technology Showcase as a resource for the latest books, standards, articles, events and more with relation to fuel cell energy and fuel cell vehicles. About Fuel Cells History of Fuel Cells How Fuel Cells work Types of Fuel Cells Fuel Cell Spotlight Fuel Cell Technology for Vehicles, 2nd Edition Hybrid Powered Vehicles Books Fuel Cell Systems Explained - Second Edition Fuel Cell Technology Handbook Fuel Cell Vehicles-Technology, Market, and Policy Issues Fuel Cell Technology for Vehicles, 2nd Edition ... More books on Fuel Cells Standards J2600 - Compressed Hydrogen Surface Vehicle Refuelling Connection Devices J2578 - Recommended Practice for General Fuel Cell Vehicle Safety J2574 - Fuel Cell Vehicle Technology The Fuel Cells Standards Committee is committed to establishing standards and test procedures for fuel cell powered vehicles.
Extractions: Home About Us Our Mission Fuel Cell Technology ... Contact Us Hydrogen Energy and Fuel Cells The solution to the most urgent crises facing us today....energy and pollution! At the current rate of usage, taking into consideration population increases and higher consumption of energy by developing countries, oil resources, natural gas and uranium will be depleted within a few decades. As for coal, it may take two centuries or so. Hydrogen has been considered for many years as a likely and eventual substitute for oil, gas, coal and uranium. It is the most abundant element in the universe. Buildings and vehicles are the great consumers of energy. Hydrogen energy was not practical for application to buildings and vehicles. The development of the fuel cell, which is now in its initial commercialization phase has changed all of that. The fuel cell can be packaged in all kinds of sizes and the combination of Hydrogen Energy and the Fuel Cell is the practical, feasible, and marketable solution to the energy crisis. Fuel Cells Technology Transit, Inc., All rights reserved
Chewonki Renewable Hydrogen Project A demonstration project to accelerate deployment of renewable energy systems using hydrogen generators, storage and fuel cells. Based in Maine by a nonprofit environmental education foundation founded in 1962. http://www.chewonkih2.org/
Extractions: Bringing Hydrogen to Maine's Renewable Energy Industry Project Home Technical Docs Project Management Partners ... Other Projects The Chewonki Renewable Hydrogen Project is a demonstration project that will help bring Maine and the world closer to a healthy, sustainable environment by: The project consists of three major programs: The Hydrogen Energy Center, based in Portland, Maine, is an all-volunteer nonprofit organization working toward a sustainable energy economy based on renewable hydrogen through public education, advocacy, technology demonstration and job creation. partners You may contact the project team at info@chewonkih2.org
The Hydrogen Fuel Cell Institute A portal to hydrogen Fuel Cell clean energy. Access to the latest in Fuel Cell news, research, company profiles, investment information, and the WilderHill Fuel Cell Index. http://h2fuelcells.org
Extractions: BUENOS AIRES, May 12, 2005, 2005 (IPS/GIN via COMTEX) A laboratory situated in the southern Patagonia region of Argentina is producing hydrogen from wind energy to supply power to a village and prove that it is possible to replace the polluting fuels derived from petroleum. At the center of the project in the community of Koluel Kaike, home to 200 people, is a technology that combines wind and hydrogen energy. The goal is to achieve the capacity to meet the energy demands of 500 people by 2008 in this town 2,000 km south of Buenos Aires. "The aim is that the development commission, homes, schools, cars, farm machinery everything in Koluel Kaike, will run on hydrogen," engineer Juan Carlos Bolcich, president of the Argentine Hydrogen Association, which is promoting the project, told Tierramerica. The hydrogen plant is located 23 km from Koluel Kaike, in Pico Truncado, Santa Cruz province, and home to 15,000 people, a third of whom are already supplied by wind-generated electricity, despite the area's wealth of petroleum and natural gas reserves. Patagonia has extraordinary potential for wind energy due to its strong and constant windy climate. With that power, the windmills of the hydrogen plant produce electricity that feeds an electrolyzer.
Gov. Bush Breaks Ground On Florida's 'hydrogen Highway' p Florida s hydrogen highway surged forward today as Governor Jeb Bush joined Ford Motor Company Chairman and CEO Bill Ford and executives from http://www.progress-energy.com/aboutus/news/article.asp?id=11263
Extractions: Committees: House Energy and Commerce; House Science; House Ways and Means; House Resources; House Education and the Workforce; House Transportation and Infrastructure; House Budget; House Financial Services H.R.954 : To amend the Federal Power Act to promote energy independence and self-sufficiency by providing for the use of net metering by certain small electric energy generation systems, and for other purposes.
System For Obtaining Hydrogen And Oxygen From Water Using Solar Energy (US405357 A system for producing and separating hydrogen and oxygen from water in which water is pumped through a preferentially permeable walled vessel heated to a high temperature by a solar energy concentrator. The water dissociates at high temperatures. http://www.delphion.com/details?pn10=US04053576
MiniHYDROGEN - Learn The Hydrogen Future... Online energy shop that sells energy products of the futuretoday. hydrogen technology, fuel cells solar products. Demark based, in English. http://www.minihydrogen.com
Extractions: Online Shop Learn Hydrogen Teach Hydrogen About ... Home Learn The Future of Hydrogen and fuel cells! Welcome to the world's largest website for hydrogen and fuel cell educational ressources and equipment. Choose website area below: Articles H2 Logic ApS miniHYDROGEN - Tjelevej 42 - 7400 Herning - Denmark - Phone +45 97 14 08 98 - Fax +45 97 14 08 99 - E-mail: info@miniHYDROGEN.com - VAT no. 26933048
Energy For America's Future Provides an overview of President Bush's hydrogen Fuel Initiative. http://www.whitehouse.gov/infocus/energy/
Extractions: President George W. Bush holds the box containing the energy bill after signing the H.R. 6, The Energy Policy Act of 2005 at Sandia National Laboratory in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Monday, Aug. 8, 2005. Also on stage from left are Congressman Ralph Hall (R, TX), Congressman Joe Barton (R, TX), Senator Pete Domenici (R, NM) and Senator Jeff Bingaman (D, NM). White House photo by Eric Draper. On August 8, 2005, President Bush Signed Into Law The First National Energy Plan In More Than A Decade. The President's national energy plan will encourage energy efficiency and conservation, promote alternative and renewable energy sources, reduce our dependence on foreign sources of energy, increase domestic production, modernize the electricity grid, and encourage the expansion of nuclear energy. Background: The Energy Bill Promotes Investments In Energy Conservation and Efficiency Energy Legislation Encourages Energy Conservation And Efficiency.
Fuel Cells, Hydrogen & Alternative Energy: Cooperation For Energy Independence O Cooperation between Israel and US to develop energy independence using alternative energy, hydrogen, fuel cells. Sponsored by Department of energy, American Jewish Congress and Israeli Ministry of National Infrastructure. http://www.energycooperation.org/
Extractions: Rep. John Shadegg TH CONGRESS ST S ESSION H. R. 2730 To establish a grant program to fund eligible joint ventures between United States and Israeli businesses and academic persons, to establish the International Energy Advisory Board, and for other purposes. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES M AY Mr. S HADEGG (for himself, Mr. S HERMAN , Mr. K ING of New York, Mr. P ASTOR , Mr. B URTON of Indiana, Mr. R ENZI , Mr. M ILLER of Florida, Mr.C ANNON , Mr. P ALLONE , Mr. E NGEL , Mr. C ROWLEY , Mr. G ORDON , Mr.K ENNEDY of Rhode Island, Ms. B ERKLEY , Mr. M C N ULTY , Mrs.M ALONEY , Mr. W AXMAN , and Ms. S CHAKOWSKY ) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce A BILL To establish a grant program to fund eligible joint ventures between United States and Israeli businesses and academic persons, to establish the International Energy Advisory Board, and for other purposes.