- Ifjusag, ertelmiseg, szocialista kultura: Valogatott beszedek es irasok (Hungarian Edition) by Laszlo Orban, 1981
- Koltsegvetesi szociologia (Hungarian Edition)
- Szocialista kozmuvelodes: A Marxizmus-Leninizmus Esti Egyetem tankonyve (Hungarian Edition)
- Ideologia es kultura a hetvenes evekben (Hungarian Edition) by Istvan Hermann, 1982
- Alfa szuletik: A kozoktatas es a kozmuvelodes egysege (Hungarian Edition) by Janos Veszi, 1980
- Kultura Es Civilizacio: Az emberi tarsadalom fejlodese tortenetenek es szervezeti felepitesenek osszefoglalo attekintese (Hungarian Edition) by Laszlo Tokay, 1954
- Aus dem Nachlass von Julius Moor (Publications of the Project on Comparative Legal Cultures of the Faculty of Law of Lorand Eotvos University & of the ... Academy of Sciences) (Hungarian Edition) by Gyula Moor, 1995
- Comparison of anxiety patterns of Swedish and Hungarian youngsters (Reports from the Department of Psychology, the University of Stockholm) by Attila OlaÌh, 1978
- There is no Czech culture in Upper Hungary by Lajos Steier, 1920
- literature as Resistance and Counter-Culture by Andras (ed.) Masat, 1993
- Vertesszolos: Site, Man and Culture by Miklos Kretzoi, 1991-01
- The Lukacs Reader (Blackwell Readers)
- Triumph in Adversity by Steven Bela Vardy, 1989-05-15
- Hungarian case study: Contribution to a European data bank (Studia culturae publicae dedita) by Gedeon P Dienes, 1977