Information about Dr. Peter Fan, M.D.'s clinic dedicated to laparoscopic hernia repair.
Hernia. Obtain history of any previous inguinal discomfort or previous hernia repair. If a hernia is found, examine the patient in the supine position to
Health Library - The upper stomach bulges through this opening to create a hiatal hernia. There are 3 main types of hiatal hernia sliding, paraesophageal, and mixed.
NAHI Main Current medical patient on the surgical repair of hernias. Including inguinal, groin, incisional, umbilical, femoral and ventral, by leading hernia surgeons.
Extractions: NAHI Philosophy: The Institute's purpose is to provide excellence in patient hernia repair at a minimal expense to the insurance carrier and the patient. This philosophy evolved through 28 years of experience and success utilizing specialized polypropylene mesh. Our friendly rapport with our patients and with insurance companies has allowed us to grow to become a center of excellence in hernia repair. From one center, we have expanded to multiple locations throughout California. We have enlarged our staff by selecting Board Certified Surgeons with interest in the advance of hernia repair techniques. Working with local outpatient centers and hospitals, these surgeons were trained, observed by N.A.H.I. staff, and then qualified to join the Institute. Our present hernia repair has evolved over many years into a straight forward outpatient mesh reinforced herniorrhaphy. Both general and local anesthesia can be used depending on the patient's health and preference. The patient may return to modified activity within 7 to 10 days and to normal and customary activity within 14 to 24 days. The insurance company quoted recurrence rate of 10% to 12% stimulated our efforts in combining the Shouldice technique with polypropylene mesh, thereby reducing our recurrence rate to less than 1/2%. We have also consolidated all costs of a hernia repair into one bill issued with a Lifetime Warranty for primary repairs.
Gyro's Hernia Adventure! Gyro s hernia Adventure. If it s the kind of hernia that can be held in mechanically with a truss, or something like, oh, say a Microsoft mouse and some
Extractions: On December 22, 1998, I went to the University of Washington medical center in Seattle for a hernia operation. This allowed me to avoid the stress of the pre-Christmas shopping rush by giving me a perfect excuse to do nothing more than lolligag around on the couch, read some P.G. Wodehouse, watch some teevee, and generally veg out. Having taken a camera along for some dental work at Greenlake Family Dentistry with excellent results, I decided to try it again and see what I could get away with. It takes a confident sawbones to let a doped-up geek with a web server and a digital camera into the operating room in this day and age, and with a little cajoling from Dr. Andrew Smith, Dr. Mika Sinanan went for it! Woohoo! It was all pretty interesting to me, and I walked out of there (with a little help from Shirley Nelson, a post-op nurse) about 2 hours after Dr. Visha Kapoor had sewn me up. The operation was performed under local anesthetic, but the anesthesiologist had me nodding off through most of it, probably because they were getting tired of all my inane questions. Dr. Smith also took most of the pictures seen here (thanks Andrew - you ROCK!) and Karen and Tracy, the scrub and circulation nurses, took a few as well. I had such a rollicking good time that I can't wait to get another hernia, and now I jump with squeals of anticipation whenever an opportunity to do some really heavy lifting presents itself. These pics are in chronological order. I'm medically illiterate and have no idea what's going on in them, but I won't let that stop me from captioning every one with a detailed explanation. I put this page together 10 days after the surgery, and after 6 weeks was back to deadlifting old water heaters.
Sports Medicine Advisor 2005.2: Sports Hernia A sports hernia, also known as athletic pubalgia, is a tear in the muscles of the lower There are different theories about how this hernia occurs.
Extractions: This information is approved and/or reviewed by U-M Health System providers but it is not a tool for self-diagnosis or a substitute for medical treatment. You should speak to your physician or make an appointment to be seen if you have questions or concerns about this information or your medical condition. Index Illustration A sports hernia, also known as athletic pubalgia, is a tear in the muscles of the lower abdomen. It causes pain in the lower abdomen or groin. Men get athletic pubalgia more commonly than women. The pain from a sports hernia usually begins slowly. There are different theories about how this hernia occurs. One possibility is that tight or strong hip flexor muscles tilt the pelvis forward and stretch the lower abdominal wall muscles, eventually leading to small tears in the muscles and tissues. Activities that require a lot of bending over and leaning forward can lead to this problem. Athletes who play soccer, ice hockey, rugby, field hockey, tennis, or run track are most likely to get a sports hernia.
Welcome To The Hernia Institute Of Florida English and Spanish Information and FAQ about surgical procedures, patients' testimonies, newsletter.
Extractions: var externalLinkWarning = "The link you have selected will take you to a site outside Merck and The Merck Manuals.*n*nThe Merck Manuals do not review or control the content of any non-Merck site. The Merck Manuals do not endorse and are not responsible for the accuracy, content, practices, or standards of any non-Merck sources."; Search The Second Home Edition , Online Version Search Index A B C D ... Z Sections Accidents and Injuries Blood Disorders Bone, Joint, and Muscle Disorders Brain, Spinal Cord, and Nerve Disorders ... Women's Health Issues Resources Anatomical Drawings Multimedia Pronunciations Weights and Measures ... , Online Version Section Digestive Disorders Chapter Hiatus Hernia, Bezoars, and Foreign Bodies Topics Introduction Bezoars and Foreign Bodies Hiatus Hernia Hiatus Hernia Buy The Book Print This Topic Email This Topic Pronunciations diaphragm esophageal esophagus hiatal ... hiatal hernia Hiatus hernia is a protrusion of a portion of the stomach from its normal position in the abdomen through the diaphragm. The cause of hiatus hernia is usually unknown. Sometimes it exists from birth. The stomach sometimes protrudes upward through the diaphragm from its normal position in the upper abdomen. This condition sometimes occurs as a birth defect, in which case it is called a diaphragmatic hernia (see Birth Defects: Diaphragmatic Hernia ); in adults, the condition is called hiatus (hiatal) hernia.
Extractions: var externalLinkWarning = "The link you have selected will take you to a site outside Merck and The Merck Manuals.*n*nThe Merck Manuals do not review or control the content of any non-Merck site. The Merck Manuals do not endorse and are not responsible for the accuracy, content, practices, or standards of any non-Merck sources."; Search The Second Home Edition , Online Version Search Index A B C D ... Z Sections Accidents and Injuries Blood Disorders Bone, Joint, and Muscle Disorders Brain, Spinal Cord, and Nerve Disorders ... Women's Health Issues Resources Anatomical Drawings Multimedia Pronunciations Weights and Measures ... , Online Version Section Men's Health Issues Chapter Penile and Testicular Disorders Topics Introduction Cancer of the Testes Epididymitis and Epididymo-orchitis Growths on the Penis ... Inflammation of the Penis Inguinal Hernia Injuries Peyronie's Disease Priapism Swelling of the Testes ... Varicocele Inguinal Hernia Buy The Book Print This Topic Email This Topic Pronunciations epididymo-orchitis hydrocele inguinal inguinal hernia ... vas deferens An inguinal hernia is a protrusion of a piece of the intestine through an opening in the abdominal wall. What Is an Inguinal Hernia?
Extractions: (F) W e welcome you and appreciate your interest in learning about our method of hernia care. We will attempt to provide you with the most up-to-date information regarding same day hernia surgery. In addition, this web site will acquaint you with Drs. V. K. Ashok and Gabe Kovacs of The Hernia Center, long-time associates of Dr. Ira Rutkow, who have completed thousands of hernia repairs. Drs. Ashok and Kovacs have a major interest in hernia surgery, having been associated with Dr. Ira Rutkow at The Hernia Center for almost ten years. Their extensive experience counts in making certain your hernia operation is the safest and strongest one practical, and that you will be able to resume normal activities as soon as possible. For more information, please review this site or call: About the Center About Hernias Center Procedures
About The College - Physician Referrals - UAMS Case study about Laparoscopic hernia Repair. She underwent a laparoscopic ventral hernia repair, which was performed using a rectangular shaped piece of
Extractions: Case Studies Laparoscopic Hernia Repair Ms. J. S., a 78-year-old woman, was referred to UAMS Medical Center with a tennis ball sized bulge in the left upper quadrant. She had previously undergone an open splenectomy for B cell lymphoma. On physical exam, she had a 7cm fascial defect which extended to the costal margin. She also had a recent abdominal CT scan that confirmed the ventral hernia. She underwent a laparoscopic ventral hernia repair, which was performed using a rectangular shaped piece of GoreTex® Dualmesh. She spent one night in the hospital and was back to her normal activities within a week. Mr. J.T., a 27-year-old male, presented with a bulge in his left groin, which he noticed after lifting several heavy boxes. He is an active athlete who enjoys long distance cycling. He also has a demanding career as a full-time student working toward an advanced degree. When he noticed the hernia in his left groin, he did a great deal of research to find an operative approach that would allow him the earliest return to his normal activities. He had spoken with other surgeons about the standard open repair, and then inquired about laparoscopy at UAMS. He underwent a laparoscopic left inguinal hernia repair. The procedure took forty minutes, and he went home two hours later. He took none of his prescribed pain medication after the operation. In contrast to open surgery, no restrictions were placed on activity, exercise, or lifting after the laparoscopic repair. J.T. reported a full return to his active lifestyle by the third postoperative day.
Extractions: Welcome to the Hernia Center Of Southern California Web Site. Many of you will explore our web site as a first course of action when considering hernia repair. Our goal is to provide you with useful information about hernias as well as the specific techniques of hernia surgery. Please contact us if you have any questions. We consider all requests and comments very important. TABLE OF CONTENTS: HOME PAGE: Introduction to the Hernia Center Of Southern California Web Site. PATIENT INFORMATION: General consideration for hernia information: What is a hernia, who can get a hernia, types of hernia surgery procedures, and recovery. Including specific information on umbilical and inguinal hernias. INSURANCE COMPANY INFORMATION: Vital points are given concerning risk management and reasons for calling the Hernia Center Of Southern California. Easier Hernia Repair Easier hernia repair. New technique less painful, quicker Now, they ve added a laparoscopic hernia procedure to the list. Here s how it works.
Hernia - Laparoscopic Surgery (review) (No. 83) 2004/ 041 NICE updates guidance on laparoscopic surgery for hernia, 22 September 2004. *, Assessment Report Laparoscopic surgery for inguinal hernia repair
Large Incisional Hernia Images of a great abdominal wall defect, with a brief comment.
Extractions: What are the treatment options? There is a large incisional hernia in relation to a lower right paramedian incision. The incidence of incisional hernia is approximately 10% following abdominal surgery and is much more common when delayed healing is present. This might be due to patient factors such as malnutrition, collagen disorders, advanced malignancy or surgical factors such as poor technique, wound infection, suture material defects. Treatment is by operative repair, either a sutured repair or, more commonly, insertion of a prosthetic mesh. Long term results are, however, poor and re-recurrence often occurs. Click here for answer
Extractions: PDF Version Available An inguinal hernia occurs when the bowel slides through an open canal into a pouch in the groin. This appears as a lump. Sometimes the lump goes down into the scrotum where the testis sits in a boy or into the labia in a girl. Inguinal hernias are common in childhood, especially in boys. They appear as a lump in the baby's groin. Inguinal hernias are not caused by muscle weakness, as in adults. They are not caused by letting the baby cry, although they are more noticeable when your baby is upset. These hernias do not go away on their own. Very young children need an operation as soon as a hernia appears because if the bowel gets caught in the hernia, it can be damaged. Your child comes to hospital on the day of the operation and is usually home the same day. During the operation, the doctors stitch the open canal inside and close the opening the groin. This is done under general anaesthetic. The stitches are beneath the skin and dissolve by themselves. There will be a scar in the groin skin crease. As the child grows, the scar will fade but never completely disappear. What about activity after the operation?
Virtual Children's Hospital : Hernia Paediapaedia Small Bowel Obstruction (SBO) Due to Inguinal hernia All Topics Pediatric Patient Topics Pediatric Provider Topics
Extractions: This patient was a two and a half year old female who was recently in a motor vehicle accident. At that time, she was incidentally noted to have bowel behind the sternum on a chest film. Upon further questioning, the child was noted to have a history of epigastric discomfort, especially when laying down to go to bed at night. There was no history of respiratory distress. Clinical Physical Exam: