Usda.html Agency (back to top). Purpose. hawaii Contact. Research, education, and Economics Cooperative State Research, education, and Extension Servicehawaii
Extractions: (note not all USDA programs are directly available in Hawaii) Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service Online Directory of Professional Workers in Agriculture Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services Food Safety ... USDA Graduate School Agency (back to top) Purpose Hawaii Contact Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services Administers farm commodity, crop insurance, and resource conservation programs for farmers, and makes loans through a network of state and county offices. Farm Service Agency-Hawaii Farm Service Agency-National Administers commodity and related land use programs designed for voluntary production adjustment, resource protection, and price, market, and farm income stabilization. Including Commodity Programs, Emergency Assistance, Grain Reserve Program; Dairy Refund Payment Program; Indemnity Program; National Security; Conservation Programs. Phone: (808) 541-2600 x 1
Bridges4Kids State Resources And Information: Michigan Special education Services Branch hawaii Department of education Web Partners in Policymaking hawaii Council on
Extractions: Find your weather forecast by zip code - c lick here Parents as Teachers (PAT) is an international early childhood parent education and family support program serving families throughout pregnancy until their child enters kindergarten. Parent Reviews Give an Inside View - How does your school do in meeting the needs of its students? Just click on Parent Reviews on any school profile to see personal, up-close comments about schools. - Resource Packet Part VIII 319-356-5022 Civic Center 410 E. Washington Iowa City, IA 52240 Area education agencies Heartland Area education Agency
Extractions: "Making Our Schools Safe for GLBT Students" Part VIII: Iowa Jurisdictions with Non-Discrimination Policies Requests for information, questions and complaints should be directed to the following Iowa jurisdictions with civil rights ordinance or non-discrimination/non-harassment school policies. Cities Ames Human Relations Commission
Illinois Loop: Best Websites For Even More Info education Intelligence Agency weekly updates on education news, with a strong, hawaii education Beat hawaii Promoting informed education choice for
Extractions: There are also many, many excellent websites available, offering everything from overview articles to umbrella national organizations. Here are some suggestions ... There are many developments every week in grassroots activities as well as in political action and legislation. Here are some free sources for regular updates. You can easily join up or drop off these lists at any time.
Hawaii: NWHI Multi-Agency Education Project hawaii Leeward Islands Pictures and Maps NWHI MultiAgency education http// (Added Sat Sep 06 2003 Hits 15 Rating 0.00
State Resources For Gifted Education hawaii Department of education Early Childhood/Gifted education Student Support Services Texas education Agency 1701 N. Congress Ave. Austin, TX 78701
Extractions: This list includes State Department of Education offices responsible for gifted education and state-wide advocacy groups. For technical assistance, contact the individual listed for your state. State of the States, a book that provides state-by-state statistics and information, is available from Kristy Ehlers, listed under Oklahoma. State advocacy groups offer members a variety of services, including newsletters, conferences, and local resources. For current and detailed information on US State mandates governing gifted education, please visit Tennessee Initiative for Gifted Education Reform (TIGER) , and review their National Survey on the State governance of K-12 Gifted and Talented Education Reform ( (70+ pages in .pdf format; Adobe Acrobat Reader required.) Alabama
YOUTH SERVICE Hawaii Resources The mission of Youth Service hawaii is to develop and implement programs that of Light Foundation. http//; State education Agency
Extractions: Assessement and Evaluation Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF is a fundraising project and new service-learning curriculum for K-12 students that teaches compassion and global citizenship. Free kits with lesson plan materials. Funds raising for UNICEF by students will be dedicated to polio eradication. Info: or (212) 922-2468. A Special Olympics service-learning curriculum designed to teach elementary, middle, and high school youth about mental retardation is available for educators. Info: or (202) 824-0275. recently launched a resource center for any teacher who wants to start a volunteering or service learning program in his or her school. Info: hawaii Dept. of education Office of Personnel Services Certification and Development Unit. Texas education Agency 1701 N. Congress Ave. Austin, TX 78701
Extractions: Home About ESD 123 Staff Directory ESD 123 Board ... Directions Delivering Collaborative Solutions That Promote Learning ESD123 Services Administration Administrative Services Strategic Plan ESD 123 Webmail ESD 123 Intranet ... ESD 123 School Districts Workers Compensation Claims Safety Teaching and Learning ESD 123 Classes Instructional Support Instructional Support Information Certification and Clock Hours Special Services Early Childhood Paraeducator Special Education Transistion Services Prevention Services SDFS Services Community Services School Health Services School Nurse Corp Educational Technology Educational Technology Online Curriculum Statewide Software Technology
Extractions: Responsibility for Related Services (AB 3632) From a 12-Chapter Manual Available by Chapter and in Manual Form Written by: Community Alliance for Special Education (CASE) and Protection and Advocacy, Inc. (PAI) Ninth Edition Revised April 2003 Written permission of the Community Alliance for Special Education (CASE) and Protection and Advocacy, Inc. (PAI) must be obtained for duplication of the materials contained in Special Education Rights and Responsibilities These materials are based on special education laws and court decisions in effect at the time of publication. Federal and state special education law can change at any time. If there is any question about the continued validity of any information in the handbook, contact CASE, PAI or a legal authority in your community. Federal special education law was significantly amended by Congress in 1997 and further clarified by regulations from the U.S. Department of Education in March 1999. The California Education Code has been amended to reflect some of the federal law changes but not all. In October 1999, Governor Davis vetoed a significant piece of state legislation which would have further amended California law to be consistent with federal law. Therefore, in certain circumstances where it provides greater protections or entitlements, California law will continue to control special education pupilsÂ’ rights unless it is amended to completely conform to federal law.
Pacific Mathematics And Science Programs of Pacific Resources for education and Learning Extension agents and specialists in hawaii and other Pacific islands provide technology
Extractions: The Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) is a unique international, nonprofit, nonpartisan association of professional educators whose jobs cross all grade levels and subject areas. In their diversity, our members share a profound commitment to excellence in education. Founded in 1943, ASCD's mission is to forge covenants in teaching and learning for the success of all learners. Coastal Resource Management Program (CRMP) One of Sea Grant's Pacific Programs, CRMP, is an outgrowth of the resource assessment projects funded by the Army Corps of Engineers in the 1980s. The program works with on-island extension agents and island governments to develop, improve, and implement coastal management programs with an emphasis on conservation and management of island resources. Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO)
Hawaii State Government Home Page : Contact List hawaii State Government Home Page An Index to agencies, If you have a question about the hawaii Legislatures Web site
Extractions: read more The guaranty agencies below financially support the Clearinghouse and receive enrollment information directly from us. Their financial support allows us to provide service without charge to schools and students. California Student Aid Commission Colorado Student Loan Program Connecticut Student Loan Foundation Direct Loan Program (William D. Ford) Education Assistance Corporation Educational Credit Management Corporation Finance Authority of Maine Florida Office of Student Financial Assistance Georgia Higher Education Assistance Corporation Great Lakes Higher Education Corporation Illinois Student Assistance Commission Iowa College Student Aid Commission Kentucky Higher Education Asst. Authority Louisiana Office of Student Financial Assistance Michigan Higher Education Assistance Authority MOSTARS - Missouri Student Loan Program Montana Guaranteed Student Loan Program National Student Loan Program, Inc.
Education Programs In State Archives: State Government Employees Continuing education and training for state government officials provided Most training for state government agencies focuses on a life cycle approach
Extractions: Last updated September 5, 2002 Intro State Agencies Local Govts Professional Archivists K-12 Teachers/Students Grassroots ... Web-based In early 2001, we asked the State Archivists to tell us what educational programs their agencies and state historical records advisory boards (SHRABs) had in place for a variety of audiences. Please note: The information in the table below was gathered through the broad question "What is your state archives/SHRAB doing in the following education areas?" Accordingly, this is not intended as an all-encompassing summary of what the respondent states are doing, but rather, a sampling of the types of educational activities being undertaken at this time. Educational Programs for State Government Employees Summary: Of the thirty-three states included in this category, twenty-nine responded that they provide regular workshops and/or daily training for state records managers (six provide both). Only nine of the states indicated that they have manuals or retention schedules (CT, ME, MO, MI, OR, PA, SC, TX, WY), six of them are available on-line. Michigan and South Carolina have outside funding for state records education (NHPRC). Oregon is the only state providing Web-based training for state government at this time. States and Territories
HAWAII - INDEPENDENT & SOVEREIGN The cause of hawaii and independence is larger and dearer than the life of hawaiian clubs, trusts and agencies marshal thousands to protest threats to
State Profiles. Hawaii Phone 808839-1789 Fax 808-839-1799 Web site http// Child Care Food Program Agency. hawaii State Department of education
Extractions: Information 2000 Total Population: 2000 Number of Children aged 0-4: 2000 Number of Children aged 5-9 years old: 2000 Number of Children aged 10-14 years old: 2000 Total Number of Children under 18: Children under 5 as percent of population: Children under 18 as percent of population: Source: "Demographic Profiles: Census 2000," U.S. Census Bureau. 1999 Poverty Rate (all ages): 1999 Children Under 5 in Poverty: Source: "Table GCT-P14. Income and Poverty in 1999: 2000" and "Table P87. Poverty Status in 1999 by Age[17]- Universe: Population for whom poverty status is determined," U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Summary File 3.
SchoolGrants Links - Federal Agencies Federal agencies. Regional Educational Laboratories Kosrae, Pohnpel, and Yap), Guam, hawaii, Republic of the Marshall Islands, and the Republic of Palau
Extractions: Index to Grant Opptys Sample Proposals ... Join the SchoolGrants Team! Links - Federal Agencies G et into the habit of regularly checking the various federal Web sites. These agencies frequently publish grant information as well as other useful data. If you know of links that should be included here, please let me know . If you encounter a "dead" link, I would appreciate it if you would let me know - please include the Web page on which you encountered the problem so I can find it to correct it. (Links on SchoolGrants always open in their own windows so you will always be able to return to your spot on this site.) Federal Agencies Regional Educational Laboratories Federal Agencies Department of Education Education Publications Related to ESEA Programs
Technology Counts 2002: Hawaii State Snapshoot State education Agency Technology Contact Tom Yamashiro (808) 5863307 hawaii s education department has also been working to provide faster Internet