CES CYF Network Human Resources Database Elliott, Tammy, extension Agent, 4H, NC Cooperative extension service, NCSU Resource Splst, University of Alaska Cooperative ext. http://www.cyfernet.org/profdata/view.asp
Extractions: Home Professional Database The purpose of the CYFERnet Experts Database is to facilitate networking, collaboration and technical assistance among the children, youth and family programs and staff of the Cooperative Extension Service. Search Results Name Position Institution Abell, Ellen Extension Specialist and Associate Prof Auburn University Abraham, Cathy Early Childhood Consultant self-employed Adcock, Bryan Child and Family Development Specialist University Outreach and Extension Anderson, Sarah Professor and Extension Family Life Specialist University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Servi Andrews, Rosa Coordinator NC 4-H School-Age Care Program North Carolina State University Anthony, Wilbon Extension Educator Prevention University of Illinois Extension Arrington, Wandra Extension Youth Development Agent Alcorn State University - Extension Program Bailey, Sandra (Sandy) Montana State University Bales, Diane Human Development Specialist University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Barbour, Joella
Tourism: Impact Of Visitor Expenditures On Local Revenues Estimate the percentage of goods and services sold locally that are produced Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work acts of May 8 and June http://www.uaf.edu/coop-ext/publications/freepubs/WREP-145.html
Extractions: University of Wyoming Source: Adapted from Tourism USA, Guidelines for Tourism Development , The University of Missouri, Department of Recreation and Park Administration, University Extension, revised and expanded 1986, pp 56-57. The money tourists spend in a community is the benefit which people probably recognize most readily. Other benefits might include improved recreation facilities, expanded cultural and social opportunities, and pride in one's community, but additional dollars provide the usual appeal for tourism development. These dollars benefit sectors throughout the community, including those not directly connected to tourism, such as the construction industry. Communities contemplating development to encourage tourism can estimate the amount of money visitors will spend in their area. These estimates are useful in several ways. To indicate the value of tourism to a larger region.
State Contacts-CRED Economic Development A base program of the cooperative extension System 970491-5579 Fax 970-491-5108 sknop@coop.ext.colostate.edu. Connecticut http://srdc.msstate.edu/cred/contacts/statecontacts.htm
Mbox-36: Re: Sanet-mg-digest V1 #1233 Missoula Co ext service* $22483 Master Gardener Program* University of NevadaCoop ext* $80400 Teaching Small Acreage Owners* http://www.sare.org/sanet-mg/archives/html-home/36-html/0440.html
Gigablast Search Results South Dakota State University Cooperative Extension service Offers researchbasededucational University of hawaii Office of Cooperative Extension http://dir.gigablast.com/Science/Agriculture/Education/Cooperative_Extension/
Families Taking Charge: Eating Well For Less Should you need help with this, contact your local Virginia Cooperative USDAHuman Nutrition Information service, Shopping For Food and Making Meals In http://www.ext.vt.edu/pubs/ftc/354-105/354-105.html
Extractions: Prepared by Sabine Schwarzlaff, Department of Human Nutrition and Foods, Virginia Tech. Publication Number No. 354-105 June 1996 Introduction What are Your Food-Buying Resources? Ways to Lower Food Cost Planning Meals ... Shopping Tips Eating well is important for you and your family's health. Unfortunately, food is often very expensive and can be difficult to buy with a limited income, especially during a crisis. The good news is that there are several ways in which you and your family can in fact eat well for less. The key to lowering food cost is to plan ahead and keep track of every food dollar spent, making sure it fits into your budget. Return to Table of Contents Cash, Food Stamps, WIC Program, School Lunch Program, etc., or all of the above? Many resources are often available and can be used together to help lower food cost. Check into them through your local food stamp office, health department, and school system. Make sure you count all your resources when figuring how much money you have available for food. This will help you plan nutritious meals that fit your pocketbook. In addition, you may also want to consider food co-ops, planting a vegetable garden, fishing, and hunting to help lower food cost and in meal planning.
Ha'ilono Kina, April 2005 Sign Language Interpreting and Realtime Captioning services will be provided at the Kauai 274- 3141, ext. 6-8121 (V/TTY) hawaii 974-4000, ext. http://www.hawaii.gov/health/dcab/publications/hkissues/hkapr2005.htm
Extractions: SPIN NEWS DCAB TRACKS DISABILITY ISSUES AT THE 2005 HAWAII STATE LEGISLATURE The Legislature convened on January 19, 2005. DCAB is monitoring the disability-related measures listed below that are continuing through the legislative process. The status of all these measures may have changed by the time you read this issue. For the full text of a bill or resolution, or to check on its status, go to the Legislature's web site at www.capitol.hawaii.gov LEGISLATIVE BILLS DCAB SUPPORTS: Relating to drug costs for elderly and disabled persons: SB 802 SD 2 HD 1 - Relating to a State Pharmacy Assistance Program Relating to funding of community - based residential services:
Sea Grant News Media Center - Marine Science Calendar Texas Cooperative extension, 281534-3413, ext. 3, jk-massey@tamu.edu, DESCRIPTION Dr. Kim Holland, Associate Researcher at the hawaii Institute of http://www.seagrantnews.org/calendar/cal-2002-sep.html
Extractions: The Texas Master Naturalist Program is a fun, exciting volunteer program that will provide classroom and hands-on trainings and field trips on featuring local natural resources (especially those related to Galveston Bay)! In return for more than 45 hours of training, participants will be asked to return a minimum of 40 hours of volunteer service on approved projects. To become a Certified Texas Master Naturalist, participants are asked to attend all training classes and field trips, complete the above-mentioned volunteer service and complete eight hours of advanced training within a year! Classes and field trips will be held on Thursdays (9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on most Thursdays) through the Fall of 2002. Classes begin on August 22, 2002, and will conclude by November 21, 2002. To receive more information and an application, contact Julie Massey, Galveston County Extension Agent - Marine at 281-534-3413, ext. 3 or by E-mail at jk-massey@tamu.edu or drop by the Galveston County Extension Office at 5115 Highway 3 in Dickinson.
Vindex - Zoekresultaten Voor New Mexico State University Cooperative Extension service. Offers researchbasededucational University of hawaii Office of Cooperative Extension http://www.vindex.nl/dmoz.jspx?topic_id=Top/Science/Agriculture/Education/Cooper
Extractions: This memo transmits a copy of the subject Master Cooperative Agreement for use by all campuses with the National Park Service Pacific West Region. The list of park units which may use this Master Agreement is provided in Attachment 02 of the Agreement. The term of the Agreement is September 12, 2000 to September 11, 2005 or to the end of the specified term of any Task Agreement (TA) issued under the Master Agreement. Projects requested under this Agreement will be awarded to campuses directly with individual TAs in accordance with Article V. Campuses should review and negotiate the terms in the TAs if necessary as they will include TA-specific payment provisions, deliverables, etc. Any campus Extramural Funds Accounting Office which has not been established with the Automated Clearing House as a vendor for payments from the National Park Service will need to submit the ACH Vendor/Miscellaneous Payment Enrollment Form , Attachment 06.
CSREES - USDA - Urban Program Resources CSREES, Cooperative State Research, Education, and extension service Mississippi State University extension service virgilc@ext.msstate.edu. Missouri http://www.csrees.usda.gov/nea/family/part/urban_part_contacts.html
Environmental Job Announcements - Hawaii / Pacific Region See the Research Corporation of the University of hawaii (RCUH) online job The Pacific Cooperative Studies Unit (PCSU) and the Oahu Rare Organisms http://www.hear.org/announcements/jobs.htm
Extractions: This page highlights invasive species and conservation related job opportunities for Hawaii and the Pacific. Archives of historically-posted job announcements are also available online. See also HEAR's Announcements page for more info on other newsworthy topics related to information on invasive species in Hawaii and the Pacific. Waimea Valley Audubon Center Program Director The Hawaii Audubon Society is seeking a program director for the Waimea Valley Audubon Center located on the North Shore of the island of Oahu (closing date: 30 September 2005). For more information, contact the Waimea Valley Audubon Center (e-mail: Waimea@audubon.org. (Info posted 19SEP2005 by EMS (URL: http://www.hawaiiaudubon.com/ Research Assistants The Maui Forest Bird Recovery Project is seeking research assistants for nest studies of the Maui Parrotbill, an endangered forest honeycreeper, on Haleakala, Maui, Hawaii. See the online job posting details (closing date: Open until position is filled). For more information, contact Kirsty Swinnerton (voice: (808)-573-0280 [Maui]; e-mail: poouli@verizon.net0
Zon Webgids New Mexico State University Cooperative Extension service Offers researchbasededucational programs University of hawaii Office of Cooperative Extension http://zoek.versatel.nl/odp/index.cgi?/Science/Agriculture/Education/Cooperative
The Work Site - Social Security Online Birmingham, AL 35233 866 2591745 ext. 102 service Areas Alabama Department ofRehabilitation South Dakota, Black Hills Special services Cooperative http://www.ssa.gov/work/ServiceProviders/BPAODirectory.html
Extractions: Social Security Online The Work Site www.socialsecurity.gov Home Questions? How to Contact Us ... The Work Site Home You are here: The Work Site Home Service Providers Information for: Youth With Disabilities Employers Beneficiaries Service Providers Advocates General Information on: About Us Events The Work Site Search Resources Toolkit ... Ticket To Work Benefits Planning Assistance Outreach Program (BPAO) Cooperative Agreements - Contact Information As authorized by the Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999, the Social Security Administration (SSA) established a grant program called Benefits Planning, Assistance and Outreach (BPAO). Under this program, cooperative agreements (monetary awards) were granted to community-based organizations, called BPAO Projects, to provide all SSA beneficiaries with disabilities access to work incentives planning and assistance services. The Directory below lists BPAO contact and service information for every State, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, American Samoa, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
CTAHR Office Of Cooperative Extension Offers research and educational programs in the areas of agriculture, home andgarden, community development, environmental resources, http://www.ctahr.hawaii.edu/ctahr2001/Extension/
Joint Research Institutes CIASTA is a cooperative institute among NOAA and the University and Community JIMAR is housed in the University of hawaii School of Ocean and Earth http://www.oar.noaa.gov/joints/joints.html
Extractions: Joint Research Institutes he Institutes bring together the resources of a research-oriented university or institution, OAR and other branches of NOAA in order to develop and maintain a center of excellence in research relevant to understanding the Earth's oceans, the Great Lakes, inland waters, Arctic regions, solar terrestrial environment, intermountain west and the atmosphere. Map of locations Fairbanks, AK CIFAR is designed to serve as a focal point for interactions between NOAA and the Arctic research community through the University of Alaska for research activities related to NOAA's tasks and responsibilities in the Arctic. CIFAR conducts research on a wide variety of issues critical to the Arctic, including fisheries oceanography, hydrographic studies and sea ice dynamics, atmospheric research, climate dynamics and variability, tsunami research and prediction, and environmental assessment and monitoring. CIFAR works closely with researchers from the eight countries of the Arctic Council on climate impact assessments, and is planning joint oceanographic cruises with Russia. Cooperative Institute for Atmospheric Sciences and Terrestrial Applications (CIASTA)