Current Research Projects Fresh produce food safety training program and curriculum development for National Center for Home food Processing and preservation (10/1/039/30/04)
Food Science Graduate Programs In East U.S.A. University of georgia Program food Science Location Athens, GA ProgramGraduate Program in food safety, Enology, food chemistry, graduate program in
Extractions: Florida State University's leading-edge programs in Nutrition, Food and Exercise Sciences are preparing students to pursue a wide variety of health-related careers through a series of rigorous courses in each ... Click here for more program info Click here to visit this program's website Click to send E-mail to:
Cooperative Extension: The Arbor Nutrition Guide food safety; food safety and Quality National Initiative Program; food safety University of georgia Cooperative Extension The site is nicely laid out,
Extractions: Patient/lay information Note: for non-American visitors, it may be helpful to know that the concept of Extension in the USA applies to educational and other outreach activities in a range of areas involving food, food safety, agriculture and other home and family activities. These have historically been carried on in colleges and universities which benefitted from a 1890 Land-Grant program, and the departments are known as Extension or Cooperative Extension universities and departments. Pick of the crop Kansas State Extension Quite a bit of Extension material, including links to other Extension resources.
Extractions: From: Alisa Harrison, 202-720-4623 or Terry Meisenbach 202-720-2677, both of the U.S. Department of Agriculture WASHINGTON, Sept. 27 Agriculture Secretary Ann M.Veneman today announced that the U.S. Department of Agriculture has awarded $14.2 million in competitive grants for 40 integrated food safety research, education and extension projects. "These competitive grants will support cutting-edge food safety research, consumer education and nationwide surveillance efforts," said Veneman. "Food safety is a top priority for the Bush Administration. These grants help strengthen research knowledge and capabilities for food safety programs." "The breadth of these food safety grants is impressive from searching for new control methods for microbiological contaminants in food to developing innovative education programs for food handlers," said Dr. Elsa Murano, undersecretary for food safety. "The information we gain will provide critical information to continue our public health improvements to USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Program." The grants were awarded through the National Integrated Food Safety Initiative, a program administered by USDA's Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service (CSREES). The Initiative supports grant projects developed by multi-state, multi-institutional and multi-disciplinary food safety teams at colleges and universities throughout the U.S. The projects focus on applied food safety research, education in the classroom and extension and outreach to youth and adults beyond the classroom. "CSREES links the research and education resources and activities of USDA to respond to emerging issues and national priorities such as food safety," said Dr. Joseph Jen, undersecretary for research, education and economics.
Extractions: Award: $414,344.00 Description: Researchers will survey food and feed crops irrigated with Colorado River water for perchlorate accumulation. They will assess potential exposure and health risks to strengthen regulatory health goals, and to develop appropriate consumer education programs. California Title: Reducing the Use of Antibiotics and the Incidence of Antibiotic Resistance on Calf Ranches Principal Investigator: William Sischo
Extractions: Award: $600,000 Description: This research will evaluate recent work that has demonstrated the presence of Campylobacter jejuni in biofilms colonizing the nipple drinkers of poultry houses. California Title: Enhancing the Microbial Safety of Fresh and Fresh-Cut Melon Principal Investigator: Trevor V. Suslow
New Georgia Encyclopedia Cooperative Extension Service The program is carried out in georgia by county extension agents from the and groups to improve their communities, and teach classes on food safety.
National Center For Home Food Preservation | NCHFP Publications Home food preservation is not regulated; however, food preservation and State food safety contacts for Cooperative Extension Service, South Dakota
Extractions: March 2005 The short answer is, "probably not." Each state is different, so proper advice is needed from a specialist in each state. Some states allow sales at farmer's markets of select foods; others prohibit sales altogether. The National Center for Home Food Preservation does NOT provide guidelines to home food preservers who wish to take the next step from home food preservation to commercial food preservation. Home food preservation is not regulated; however, food preservation and processing for commercial purposes is regulated. There are federal level regulations from the U.S. FDA (also USDA for meat and poultry products), state level regulations, and often county or city regulations. Read further to find someone who can help. Who can help?
Forumjam's University Page Of North America food safety Quality Enhancement, Center for Forest Business, Center for georgia Children s Literature Book Awards Program and Annual Conference
Florida 1998 GPRA Annual Report, Native American Program STATE SPECIALIST SUPPORT FOR COUNTY food safety programs food preservationprograms. food preservation information continued to be highly requested by
Extractions: FLORIDA 1998 GPRA ANNUAL REPORT Smith-Lever 3d Food Safety and Quality Mark L. Tamplin During this reporting period, state programs focused on: ) food safety training for commercial, institutional and not-for-profit food service establishments, ) acceptance of new food technologies, ) training food establishments in HACCP principles, ) providing information to the general public, ) training youth and their care givers, ) building volunteer programs, and ) providing low income and minority audiences with better tools for utilizing their limited resources. Throughout Florida, state specialists and county agents were a link in disseminating time-sensitive information and communicating risks associated with new outbreaks of foodborne illness. Extension faculty provided 1137 days of programming activity. The impact of the food safety program was evidenced by contact with over 4.4 million reached through various outlets, and by showing an approximate overall 85% change in individuals adopting, improving or understanding safe food handling practices and risks. CLIENTELE Clients of Florida CES constituted very diverse user groups, including seniors, adults, youth, personnel in food service occupations, young expectant parents, worksite clientele, Family and Community Educator volunteers, day care providers, limited resource homemakers with children, health maintenance organizations, pregnant teenagers and teen parents, county commissioners, state government employees, elderly, minorities, school teachers, low income inner city youth, blind persons, Head Start teachers, dairy farmers, migrant workers, and Hispanic and Creole-speaking audiences.
Extractions: Vol. 282 No. 20, November 24, 1999 Featured Link E-mail Alerts From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report Article Options Extract PDF Send to a Friend Similar articles in this journal Literature Track Add to File Drawer Download to Citation Manager PubMed citation Contact me when this article is cited JAMA. MMWR. 1999;48:905-913 2 figures, 1 table omitted During the early 20th century, contaminated food, milk, and water caused many foodborne infections, including typhoid fever, tuberculosis, botulism, and scarlet fever. In 1906, Upton Sinclair described in his novel The Jungle the unwholesome working environment in the Chicago meat-packing industry and the unsanitary conditions under which food was produced. Public awareness dramatically increased and led to the passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act.
Elegus food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services. food safety and Inspection Service National Digital Information Infrastructure preservation Program
Extractions: government websites searchable from elegus p lease note: elegus select and search submits searches for unique domain and sub-domain addresses. If you do not see a specific website, it is most likely because the website is part of another website on the list. US Federal Websites US Federal Executive Branch US President White House Office of Science and Technology Policy U.S. Trade Representative Office of National Drug Control Policy USA FreedomCorps Cabinet Departments US Department of Agriculture 1890 Scholars Program Agriculture in the Classroom Agricultural Marketing Service Agricultural Research Service Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Chief Information Officer Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service Current Research Information System Customer Statement Economic Research Service Employee Services and Recreation Association Farm Service Agency Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services Food Safety and Inspection Service Foreign Agricultural Service Forest Service National Avalanche Center Forest Inventory and Analysis Program
Methods Of Food Preservation Research on food preservation is an ongoing process. Consumer Publicationsfrom the food safety Inspection Service. December 1994
Extractions: Research on food preservation is an ongoing process. The United States Department of Agriculture, the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service along with many other groups continuously apply new research findings to their recommendations for food preservation techniques. The guidelines in these publications may be revised at any time additional knowledge is gained that may increase the margin of safety or improve the quality of home preserved products. However, the user must assume responsibility for his or her actions and use this information as only an additional source of information to help guide them. CANNING DRYING FREEZING GENERAL Some documents are in pdf format and are labeled with this image PDF documents can only be viewed and printed using the Adobe Acrobat software. The Acrobat Reader is available for Macintosh, Windows, DOS,and Unix systems. You may download it free of charge from Adobe. Home Canning Fruits and Vegetables in North Carolina from the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences and North Carolina State University
Extractions: CRIS Title: CRIS: Scientists: Thayer DW, Fan X, Niemira BA, Rajkowski KT, Sommers CH. Location: Food Safety Research Unit, ERRC, Wyndmoor, PA Contact: 215-233-6582 (P); 215-233-6406 (F); Summary Project Aims: Summary Accomplishments During Entire Project: Our previous research has demonstrated that both intrinsic and extrinsic factors may influence the inactivation of foodborne pathogens. Some of these factors are the atmosphere, pH, and temperature before, during, and after irradiation; previous adaptation of the pathogen to stress; the genetic background and repair mechanisms of the particular organism; the chemistry and physical characteristics of the particular food stuff upon which the contaminants are located; and competition between surviving pathogens and indigenous microflora under stressed conditions, such as modified atmosphere packaging. Summary 2000 Accomplishments: Several outbreaks of salmonellosis have been linked to the ingestion of contaminated orange juice; this study was conducted to determine if treatment with ionizing radiation can provide an alternative to thermal pasteurization for the inactivation of this pathogen. The effects of ionizing radiation dose, turbidity (percent solids), antioxidant activity, and the effect of irradiation in the frozen state on the inactivation of outbreak strains of Salmonella added to orange juice were determined. A 99.999% inactivation of the most resistant strain of Salmonella was achieved at an absorbed dose less than that currently set for non-frozen meat; this will meet the goal set by the
Project Title: Food Editor's Food Safety Tours University University of georgia Project Director Janet Rodekohr The University food Editor s food safety Tour Abstract This resource manual for food
Extractions: Extension Food Safety Education - FSQ96002 Materials Title: Food Editor's Food Safety Tours Project Number: 91-EFSQ-1-4002 Materials Format: Notebook Date Materials Produced: 1992 University: University of Georgia Project Director: Janet Rodekohr The University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service Hoke Smith Annex Athens, GA 30602-4356 This project has been completed. I. Content: A. Main emphasis of the materials: Microbiological issues, Risk Communication B. Content related to risk communication - Consumer perception and outrage factors -Understanding risks and issues related to bacteria, pesticides, biotechnology, food irradiation, environmental concerns - Risk reduction strategies - Regulatory Issues C. Content related to microbiological issues - Scientific principles of food safety - Foodborne illness - Food purchasing considerations - Food preparation - home, institutional - Food preservation
Wisconsin FIRST - Food Preservation Computerbased food safety lessons for low-income audiences. Science-based supportin meeting Home food preservation is enduring in its popularity.
Extractions: skip to: page content links on this page site navigation footer (site information) UW-Madison UW-Extension Food Science Food Safety in Your Home ... Apple Cider Safety Computer-based food safety lessons for low-income audiences Science-based support in meeting HACCP regulations Information for Wisconsin apple growers and food safety specialists subglobal4 link subglobal4 link subglobal4 link subglobal4 link ... Food Preservation Home Food Industry Getting Started Meat Processing ... Facts about...
Food Preservation Links See the following web sites to download the programs University of GeorgiaCooperative Extension Service food preservation Publications
Food Preservation: Follow Recipe To Ensure Safety, Success 6/24/05 food preservation Follow Recipe to Ensure safety, Success. MANHATTAN, Kan. Home food preservation requires some time, but advances in food safety,
Extractions: Preservation Mistakes Low-acid foods that are improperly processed can be vulnerable. Such foods include home canned meats, poultry, and green beans, asparagus, peppers, corn, beets, spinach, and mushrooms. Vacuum packed fish, garlic products packed in oil, grilled onions, baked potatoes, turkey loaf and stews also may be attractive to Clostridium botulinum. Placing garlic in oil or storing baked potatoes in foil also can create anaerobic conditions favorable to production of the toxin, she said. Preserving food at home need not be difficult, Blakeslee said. Key rules are applicable to each of the most frequently-used home methods, including canning and freezing: 1. Choose fresh fruits and vegetables, free of dents, bruises, insect damage and mold. 2. Preserve foods as quickly as possible after harvest, preferably within 24 hours. 3. Choose an up-to-date, tested recipe, and follow the directions exactly. If using a sugar substitute, choose a recipe formulated with the substitute rather than sugar to ensure success. Following directions is critical. The acid content of recipe ingredients will dictate the methods needed to preserve foods successfully. High-acid foods, such as those used with fruit (jelly-making) and tomato products, must be boiled in a hot water bath for a specific time to kill harmful microorganisms or pathogens that may be present in food.
Extractions: Timely Topics in Food Safety Current Archived With less than 3 months to go before the next millennium, there may be an increase in questions about how to prepare for this event. As people scramble to preserve their own food, it's helpful to keep in mind comments from Dr. William Evers, Nutrition Specialist at Purdue University. He notes that "some people want to preserve their own food because they think that all of the supply and food-delivery system will fail at 12:01 am on New Year's Day. We feel that the chance of food poisoning from home-preserved food is greater than the very, very unlikely chance of a collapse of the food-delivery system." Here's a reminder about resources related to food and water safety and storage. Please note that many of these do not specifically mention Y2K, but provide information on preparing for or coping with any type of emergency or disaster. The University of Georgia has prepared a series of fact sheets on Preparing an Emergency Food Supply that can be used for Y2K.
1998 Annual Meeting F9, Special Forum Designing the Optimum US food safety System A Single foodAgency? 39, preservation of foods by Pulsed Electric Fields
Extractions: SESSION # TITLE Sunday AM Hot Topic: Food for Health: Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde Food Phytates: Antinutrients or Anticarcinogens Processing of Nutraceuticals/Functional Foods Microbiological Safety Issues and Foods in International Trade Impact of International Food Packaging Laws on Trade Antioxidative Strategies for Muscle Foods Physical Properties of Foods I F-1 Special Forum: Using Sensory for Success General Food Microbiology I Video Theater-Audiovisual materials produced by food companies, universities, and scientific and trade associations will be presented. Sunday PM The Use of Multifunctional Carbohydrates in Foods IFT Minimum Standards for Undergraduate Programs: What Should the 2002 Revision Look Like Food Safety - Product Liability and HACCP Developing Nutraceuticals for the New Millenium Muscle Foods Quality and Methods International Food microbiology and molecular approaches