Dane County UW-Extension Family Living Program Links National Center for Home food preservation University of georgia University ofWisconsin Family Living programs University of Wisconsin http://www.uwex.edu/ces/cty/dane/flp/links.html
SurfWax: News, Reviews And Articles On Food Preservation For general information on canning and food preservation, see the Virginia The heightened concern about food safety in the wake of the US mad cow scare http://news.surfwax.com/food/files/Food_Preservation.html
Extractions: The causes remain unknown but the World Health Organization (WHO) has cited at least four possible factors: genetic; immune system deviation; a virus or bacteria; and chemical toxins like herbicides, food preservation chemicals and chemical food coloring. Lymphoma killed Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis and Jordanian King Hussein. (Jakarta Post, Indonesia Features) Food Preservation: Purple - Amanda Jones, Amber Ogren, Brent Ogren. Foods tion: Purple - Michael Blegen, Jacob Dathe, Austin Effling, Hattie Erickson, Ashley Hastings, Kirsten Hastings, Jade Hoisington, Tate Jensen, Rachel Planteen, Brianna Wade, Hayley Welch; Blue - Raymond Freeman, Brianna Wade. (Marshall County Journal, SD)
Food Safety Online Courses - FoodHACCP.com Stay healthy with food safety University of georgia Cooperative Preharvest foodsafety Milk and Dairy Beef Quality Assurance Program R Wallace http://www.foodhaccp.com/online.html
Georgia Extension Tele-tips Food Safety Information georgia extension teletips food safety. Botulism, Preventing. Formats Available College of Agriculture, Home Economics Allied programs. http://www.ag.fvsu.edu/Database/TeleTips/food_safety.asp
Extractions: Academics Cooperative Extension Agricultural Research Faculty/Staff ... Other Resources georgia extension tele-tips food safety Botulism, Preventing Formats Available: HTML PDF Feeding a Crowd Safety Formats Available: HTML PDF Food, Cooling Large Quantities of Formats Available: HTML PDF Food Poisoning, Grows in Warm temperatures Formats Available: HTML PDF Food Poisoning, Often Called Virus Formats Available: HTML PDF Records 1 to 5 of 15 Next Last Home Academics ... Search
Extractions: List of web sites for Food Preservation Information (4/04) NATIONAL CENTER FOR HOME PRESERVATION www.homefoodpreservation.com UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA FOODSAFE PROGRAM http://foodsafe.ucdavis.edu/CONSUMER/preserve.html UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA COLLEGE OF FAMILY AND CONSUMER SCIENCES FOOD SAFETY AND PRESERVATION PUBLICATIONS http://www.fcs.uga.edu/extension/food_pubs.php USDA COMPLETE GUIDE TO HOME CANNING http://www.fcs.uga.edu/pubs/current/FDNS-E-39.html ANR PUBLICATIONS CATALOG http://anrcatalog.ucdavis.edu
Ific.org : Food Safety & New Technologies The regulatory system for ensuring food safety and quality in the United States Instituting quality control programs Virtually all food companies have http://www.ific.org/food/safety/index.cfm
Extractions: var gMenuControlID=0; var menus_included = 0; var jsPageAuthorMode = 0; var jsSessionPreviewON = 1; var jsDlgLoader = '/food/safety/loader.cfm'; var jsSiteID = 1; var jsSubSiteID = 44; var kurrentPageID = 822; document.CS_StaticURL = "http://ific.nisgroup.com/"; document.CS_DynamicURL = "http://ific.nisgroup.com/"; Journalists Health/Nutrition/Agricultural Professionals Government Officials Educators ... Learn more. . . Search Options Site Map IFIC.org ... Food Safety Information May 2004 This system of government agencies forms one of the most thorough and effective food safety networks in the world. Collectively, they perform four chief functions: Establishment of Safety Standards: Monitoring and Inspection: Enforcement: Government officials have the authority to stop international and domestic food shipments, quarantine shipments, reject individual foods or lots, shut down plants, assess penalties, and prosecute suspected offenders. Tracking Food Safety Problems: Various government agencies track, record, and analyze reports of illnesses, outbreaks, and deaths attributed to food.
The University Of Tennessee Extension The University now has nearly 26000 students and 400 academic programs. Caution Use only USDA tested recipes for home food preservation. http://fcs.tennessee.edu/fnh/fdsafe/preserva.htm
Extractions: Obesity Publications Faculty and Staff ... Contact Information Food Preservation Caution: Use only USDA tested recipes for home food preservation. These have been shown to be safe. Never taste a home canned product unless you know it has been preserved using recommended methods. National Center for Home Food Preservation source for current research-based recommendations and recipes for home food preservation. Types of Home Food Preservation Drying Freezing Water-Bath Canning Pressure Canning Recipes for Home Food Preservation USDA's Complete Guide to Home Canning The National Center for Home Food Preservation The University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service - So Easy to Preserve Penn State University Let's Preserve The University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service - Contact your local Extension office for a copy.
73B-1 Establishing A National Center For Home Food Preservation (1) food Nutrition Extension, Univ. of georgia, 208 Hoke Smith Annex, Home food preservation remains an important and popular cultural activity. http://ift.confex.com/ift/2001/techprogram/paper_9639.htm
Extractions: Establishing a national center for home food preservation E. L. ANDRESS , M. A. Harrison , W. L. Kerr , and J. A. Harrison Home food preservation remains an important and popular cultural activity. The Cooperative Extension System (CES) and USDA have long been recognized as credible sources for science-based recommendations. The last developmental work on these recommendations was completed a decade ago. Establishment of a National Center for Home Food Preservation was proposed to meet the needs of Extension agents for offering credible research-based information. The objectives of the Center were to update home canning and freezing guidelines; to identify future research needs; and to conduct a needs assessment for home food preservation programming in Extension. Two email surveys were sent to state CES contacts to(1) identify recent or current research of relevance to home canning and freezing recommendations, and (2) have a survey to county Extension agents forwarded. County agents were asked to categorize the types of informational requests received in this program and to identify topics on which they need additional information and assistance. Laboratory studies were conducted to develop home canned products using tropical produce and falling into the categories of specialty or condiment foods. A peer review of proposed USDA recommendations for home freezing was conducted and incorporated into a new publication for distribution to the CES and public. Extension responses indicate that 45 percent of home food preservation requests are for canning, 21 percent for freezing and 12-13 percent for pickles and jams/ jellies. The most requested processes are for condiments. Issues regarding processing equipment and evaluating recipes were cited by more than 50 percent of respondents. Product development resulted in acceptable condiments adequately acidified (pH less than 3.8) to reduce food safety risks for home preparation. Peer networking resulted in identifying needs for additional collaborations across the CES around home food preservation. The Center received continued funding and will now include additional mechanisms (electronic and curricula) for information dissemination and expansion of laboratory studies for product development and equipment studies.
CSU SafeFood Web Links Menu This page provides links to food and food safety sites on the World Wide Web . The Center for food safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN) has programs, http://www.colostate.edu/Orgs/safefood/WEBLINKS/menuwebs.html
Extractions: SafeFood Rapid Response Network This page provides links to other food safety sites, including Cooperative Extension government HACCP , and organizations Colorado State University Cooperative Extension fact sheets on food safety . Also Nutrition News and Consumer Connection weeky columns, Healthy Aging monthly column. The National Center for Home Food Preservation from the University of Georgia. This is a source for current research-based recommendations for most methods of home food preservation. The Center was established with funding from the Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture (CSREES-USDA) to address food safety concerns for those who practice and teach home food preservation and processing methods. Many state Cooperative Extension Web sites have food safety publications available online. State of Colorado National Food Safety Information Network The National Food Safety Information Network brings together the Federal Government's primary mechanisms for providing food safety information to the public. The "Network's" goal is to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the government's food safety information dissemination activities.
Extractions: May 2001 Table of Contents The Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN) has coordinated many of the activities of the Food Safety Initiative (FSI) since its inception in fiscal year 1998. CFSAN's comprehensive and active core research program along with its FSI supported research efforts play major roles in achieving the goal of reducing levels of food borne illness in the United States. Research products contribute to the development, implementation, or evaluation of the Agency's policies. They help maintain the Agency's awareness of emerging issues and they enable the Agency to rapidly respond to emergency situations. FSI research activities focus in particular on those hazards that contribute most significantly to the estimated 76 million foodborne illness and 5,000 deaths which occur within the US each year. These hazards include; bacterial, parasitic and viral pathogens; mycotoxins derived from fungus; and marine biotoxins from either shellfish, fin fish, or algae. FSI research projects are conceived, planned, directed, and evaluated using three guiding principles. First, the research must entail scientific excellence. Results that come from FDA laboratories must serve as the basis for regulatory policy and legal action. As a consequence FDA strives for the highest quality that can withstand critical evaluation. Second, the research must be relevant. Research projects need to provide mission critical data to support regulatory programs that are designed to lower the incidence of foodborne illness. And third, FSI research must help to meet the priorities of the Center. Those priorities are reevaluated annually by the Office of Science, which works closely with the CFSAN leadership team, who provide the overall direction for all Center activities.
Extractions: AQUACULTURAL PRODUCTS: MICROBIAL For more information on this project, see Progress Reports and Final Reports Journal Articles Anthony, B.A., Draughon, F.A., and Denton, M.E. 1994. Listeria spp. in fresh rainbow trout purchased from retail markets. Journal of Food Quality (accepted). Dorsa, W.J., D.L. Marshall, and M. Semien. 1993. Effect of potassium sorbate and citric acid sprays on growth of Listeria monocytogenes on crawfish (Procambarus clarkii) tail meat at 4C. Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft und Technologie (Food Science and Technology) 26: 480-482. Dorsa, W.J., D.L. Marshall, M.W. Moody, and C.R. Hackney. 1993. Low temperature growth and thermal inactivation of Listeria monocytogenes in crawfish tail meat. Journal of Food Protection 56:106-109. Dorsa, W.J., and D.L. Marshall. 1995. Influence of lactic acid and modified atmosphere on thermal destruction of Listeria monocytogenes in crawfish tail meat homogenate. Journal of Food Safety (accepted). Garren, D.M., Harrison, M.A. and Huang, Y.W. 1995.
Food Safety Research Declining Despite Global Risks The latest market reports for microorganisms / food safety / microbiology and food safety, said Michael Doyle of the University of georgia, http://www.nutraingredients-usa.com/news/news-ng.asp?n=61772-food-safety-researc
Extractions: HOME ABOUT US SAFETY CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY ... Advanced Search Feb 1, Poultry industry draws blueprint for consumer protection at BOC/Ecolab food safety panel Food Safety Identified as Number One Industry Priority Murray Hill, New Jersey, Feb. 1, 2001 â Representatives from the poultry industry joined with technology providers and government, academic and consumer representatives in identifying new and emerging technologies as the cornerstone of food safety and consumer protection at the Sixth Annual Food Safety Panel sponsored by BOC and Ecolab at the International Poultry Exposition in Atlanta, Georgia on January 18, 2001. In describing the challenges of bringing safer food products "from farm to fork," James L. Marsden, Ph. D., Regents Distinguished Professor, Kansas State University, said, "The solution to food safety problems lies with application of effective technologies. Partnership between technology providers, industry, consumers and government can facilitate the timely implementation of these solutions, making the achievement of our food goals a reality." Nancy Donley, president, Safe Tables Our Priority (S.T.O.P.), and member of the National Advisory Committee on Meat and Poultry Inspection said, "As a civilized society we have a responsibility to dramatically reduce the number of food-borne pathogens," and expressed her view that the industry has exclusive responsibility to provide a safe product for consumers. "There is an enormous need," she said, "for the rapid development and utilization of new technologies that will lead to safer food, and I pledge to you to do whatever I can to fulfill the need for government approval of validated food safety technologies."
IAFP 2001 Program - Technical 830 T25 - An Improved Transport Medium for the preservation and Recovery of 1145 - T48 - food safety Begins on the Farm A National Education and http://www.foodprotection.org/meetingsEducation/IAFP 2001/2001ProgramTechnical.h
Extractions: of Natural Microflora and Escherichia coli Inhibition of Listeria monocytogenes 10:00 - Break - Coffee, Pastries and Dairy Products in the Exhibit Hall - Sponsored by Deibel Laboratories, Inc. Application of Potassium Sorbate and Other Antimicrobial Ingredients to Control Listeria monocytogenes Serotype Tracking of Salmonella Comparative Studies of the Microbial-Vac Real Time Detection of Pathogenic Vibrio parahaemolyticus An Improved Transport Medium for the Preservation and Recovery of Listeria monocytogenes Comparison of a New ELISA-based Method and a Molecular Method for the Detection of Listeria monocytogenes Evaluation of a Next-day PCR Method for Detection of Listeria monocytogenes Campylobacter A Comparison of the Survival Rates of Campylobacter jejuni Withdrawn 10:00 - Break -
Food Entrepreneur Resources University of georgia. Quality Control A Model Program for the food Industry Processing technology, food safety, and regulations for manufacturers of http://foodsafety.cas.psu.edu/processor/resources.htm
Food Safety International Trade and food safety Economic Theory and Case Studies, This site covers a complete range of food preservation topics and is based on the http://www.agmrc.org/agmrc/markets/Food/food safety.htm
Extractions: Antibiotic Use/Issues Bio-terrorism Food Safety Irradiation ... University Food Safety Centers Bio-terrorism Bioterrorism Agents/Diseases , Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - This site provides descriptions for various biological agents that pose a risk to national security. Bioterrorism - A Threat to Agriculture and the Food Supply. U.S. General Accounting Office. This document summarizes four GAO reports regarding the U.S. food supply. Nov. 19, 2003 Center for the Study of Bioterrorism and Emerging Infections , Saint Louis University School of Public Health - This Web site offers a variety of resources and links. Countering Bioterror, Bioterrorism and Your Food , University of Kentucky. This article outlines the threat of food-borne pathogens. Fall 2002 Countering Bioterrorism and Other Threats to the Food Supply - A listing of federal and state government Web sites is provided. Counterterrorism , FDA - This Web site lists government-related counterterrorism links.
Web Links... Just For Kids of food safety, health and guidelines, and food preparation and preservation . University of Delaware Moderate set of nutrition, food safety and http://www.kidsnutrition.org/resources/university.html
Extractions: Link One Link Two Link Three Link Four ... Link Five Sub-Menu Menu Tables can contain any type of content you need. Message from our Director Contact Us Directions Employment ... Volunteer FAQs Nearly 5,000 Houston-area children and families have participated in CNRC studies, helping to improve the nutritional well being of children worldwide. Facts and Answers Hundreds of articles on topics ranging from helping children develop healthy eating habits to nutrition for vegetarian teens Newsletter Nutrition news you can use plus updates and findings from CNRC researchers Postdoc Training Program Seminars and Events Nutrition Information on the Web: Links for Kids Links for Parents Nutrition Information from Government Resources Nutrition Information from Universities Quick Links Hot Topics: Childhood Obesity Breastfeeding Calcium Needs Raising a Healthy Eater ... Malnutrition/Anemia WEB LINKS: Nutrition For Kids Hot Topics General Information for Parents Information from government resources ... Information from Universities Center for Human Nutrition at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
LSU Department Of Food Science By selecting from one of four areas of concentration food safety and Applied Manufacturing procedures; plant equipment management; food preservation, http://www2.lsuagcenter.com/foodscience/students.asp
Extractions: top Food scientists use basic principles and knowledge of chemistry, microbiology, engineering and business to research, develop, process, evaluate, package, and distribute foods. Food scientists are responsible for the safety, taste, acceptability, and nutrition of processed foods. They develop new food products and process technology for manufacturing foods. Food scientists may concentrate on basic research, product development, processing and quality assurance, packaging, or market research. Food scientists work in food or food ingredient processing plants where raw foods are converted into beverages; cereals; canned foods; desserts and candy; dairy products; meats, poultry, fish and seafood products; fruit and vegetable products; snacks and convenience foods; and animal foods.