Extractions: Academics Cooperative Extension Agricultural Research Faculty/Staff ... Other Resources georgia extension tele-tips food preservation and storage Meat Products, Freezing and Thawing Formats Available: HTML PDF REAL AUDIO Windows Media Frozen Foods, Factors Affecting Quality Formats Available: HTML PDF REAL AUDIO Windows Media Fruits, Use of Sugar and Anti-Darkening Agent in Formats Available: HTML PDF REAL AUDIO Windows Media Fruits, Types of Packs for Freezing Formats Available: HTML PDF REAL AUDIO Windows Media Frozen Foods, Emergency Care of Formats Available: HTML PDF REAL AUDIO Windows Media Records 1 to 5 of 53 Next Last Home Academics ... Search
Extractions: General Food Safety Information Fact Sheets: Source Title Description Partnership for Food Safety Education FightBAC! A 2 page brochure outlining four simple steps to food safety. US Dept of Agriculture Basics for Handling Food Safely A 5-page fact sheet with food safety tips for each step of the food shopping and preparation process. Includes a cold storage chart. US Dept of Agriculture Foodborne Illness: What Consumers Need to Know A 2-page fact sheet with a chart of microorganisms that cause foodborne illness. Food Marketing Institute and Cornell University The Food Keeper Charts to answers all your questions about how long to store shelf-stable, fresh, cold, and frozen foods.
The University Of Tennessee Extension The University now has nearly 26000 students and 400 academic programs. Related Links. National Center for food preservation at University of georgia http://fcs.tennessee.edu/fnh/fdsafe/freeze.htm
Extractions: Obesity Publications Faculty and Staff ... Nutrition and Food Safety Topics Freezing Foods Freezing is a simple method of home food preservation. If done correctly, it preserves nutrients, flavors and colors. Used properly, home freezing has many advantages: When freezing, it is important to remember two things: Freezing will not kill microorganisms that cause illness and spoilage, but will temporaily retard their growth. Once frozen foods thaw, surviving organisms will grow rapidly. Always start with the freshest product possible because freezing does not improve flavor or quality of food.
Douglas County: Departments can answer questions concerning food safety and preservation, child care, andhome economics. Cooperative Extension Service, University of georgia http://www.co.douglas.ga.us/cgi-bin/MySQLdb?VIEW=/departments/view_dept.txt&cdep
Subject Listings food safety; human nutrition; food preservation; human health and safety; The website also links to information about food assistance programs such as http://www.central.agnic.org/subject-listing/Human_Health_and_Safety.html
Extractions: This is the home page of the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR). An agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, ATSDR's charges include: making public health assessments of waste sites; offering health consultations on specific hazardous substances; maintaining registries; responding to emergency releases of hazardous substances; applying research in support of public health assessments; providing for information development and dissemination, along with training concerned with hazardous substances. Subject Descriptors: Toxicological Profiles; Hazardous Substances Emergency Events Surveilliance (HSEES); National Exposure Registry; Maps of Hazardous Waste Sites; Child Health; Oak Ridge Reservation Health Effects Subcommittee; Alaska Traditional Diet Project; Great Lakes Human Health effects Research Program; Emergency Response Contacts;
OMAFRA - MAAARO In terms of program evaluation, since most On Farm food safety programs are at such University of georgia Center for food safety and Quality Enhancement http://www.gov.on.ca/OMAFRA/english/offs/facts/back_gr4.htm
Extractions: MEASUREMENT CONVERSION CALCULATOR ... - Jackson Frozen Food Locker VERY EXTENSIVE. Examples of conversions include: "...drop, dash, pinch, milliliter/cc, coffee spoon, fluid dram, teaspoon (US), teaspoon (UK), tablespoon (US), tablespoon (UK), fluid ounce (US), fluid ounce (UK), cup (US), pint (US liq.), pint (US dry), pint (UK), quart (US liq.), quart (US dry), liter, etc..." For more information see Ask The Meatman
Polk County Extension Service The University of georgia Cooperative Extension Service in Polk County respondsto the food preservation and safety Extension has been known since its http://county.ces.uga.edu/polk/
Extractions: TOP The University of Georgia and Ft. Valley State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture and counties of the State cooperating. The Cooperative Extension Service offers educational programs, assistance and materials to all people without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex, or disability. An equal opportunity/affirmative action organization committed to a diverse work force. The University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service in Polk County responds to the community's needs and interests in agriculture, the environment, families, and 4- H/Youth with unbiased educational information. When developing educational programs in these areas, the Polk Extension staff must consider the need for proper land use, water quality, the right to farm, transportation, health, waste handling, recycling, and preservation of natural resources. With very strong diverse agricultural, industrial, and educational sectors, and a rapidly growing population, Polk County will soon reach metropolitan status. The Polk County Extension staff is challenged to provide timely and interesting programming for the community in agriculture, families, and 4-H/Youth.
Georgia FACES georgia s best 4H ers gathered to champion their program during the 63rd annualState 4-H FORSYTH Sarah Singleton won in food safety and preservation, http://georgiafaces.caes.uga.edu/storypage.cfm?storyid=2552
Food Safety And Preservation Staff, food safety preservation. Goals To minimize the risk of foodborne illness National food safety Toxicology Center at Michigan State University http://www.fcs.uga.edu/extension/safety_ext.html
Extractions: Home Diabetes Financial Housing ... Staff Food Safety and Preservation Preservation Safe Food Handling Order Form. Preservation Canning Pumpkin Butter and Mashed or Pureed Squashes online Critical Review of Home Preservation Literature and Current Research online How to Get A Copy of the USDA Complete Guide to Home Canning online Making Apple Cider PDF POD Preserving Food: Flavored Vinegars online PDF POD Preserving Food: Processing Jams and Jellies online Preserving Food: Canning Fruit PDF POD Preserving Food: Canning Tomatoes and Tomato Products PDF POD Preserving Food: Canning Vegetables PDF POD Preserving Food: Freezing Fruit PDF POD Preserving Food: Freezing Vegetables PDF POD Preserving Food: What To Do If The Freezer Stops PDF POD SP Preserving Food: Pickled Products PDF POD Preserving Food: Jams and Jellies PDF POD Preserving Food: Uncooked Jams and Jellies PDF POD Preserving Food: Drying Fruits and Vegetables PDF POD Preserving Food: Freezing Animal Products PDF POD Preserving Food: Freezing Prepared Foods PDF POD Preserving Food: Jellied Products without Added Sugar PDF POD Preserving Food: Preparing Safer Jerky PDF POD Preserving Food: Using Boiling Water Canners PDF POD Preserving Food: Using Pressure Canners PDF POD Preserving Food: Sensational Salsas PDF POD SP Purchasing and Using ClearJel®
Home Food Preservation Home food preservation Canning, Freezing Vacuum Packaging (Source Nationalfood safety Database). Canning jar with metal screwband and lid http://lancaster.unl.edu/food/foodpres.htm
Extractions: Vacuum Packaging Home Canning click HERE Online answers to canning questions (fruit floating, jars not sealing, pickle problems, approximate yields for canned or frozen fruits and vegetables, etc.), click HERE click HERE Unsafe practices click HERE Directions for using click HERE Harder-to-find directions/recipes click HERE Buying canning supplies click HERE Pictures of pressure and boiling-water canners, lids and canning procedures, click HERE Directions/Recipes
Food Safety Links - Recipelink.com Colorado State University Cooperative Extension food safety Articles Selection and Preparation, food preservation, food safety and Storage, http://www.recipelink.com/articles.html
Extractions: Recipe Links A-Z Index Boards Clippings Home Page Search DAILYS: Food Columns Today's Swap Today's Menu TOPICS: Baking Barbecue Beginners Breadmaker Brunch Cakes Cards Chefs Chocolate Companies Cookbooks Copycat Crock Pot Diabetic Diets Ethnic Gingerbread Ham Health Holidays Kid's Low Fat Magazines Meal Plans Mixes Net Search Newspapers Nutrient Data Parties Picnics Preserving Restaurants Software Schools Turkey TV Chefs MORE... Board Topics COOKING: Cooking Club Daily Swap Baking Copycat Dinner Ethnic Foodservice Frugal Heirloom Holidays Low Fat Lunch Make Ahead One or Two Outdoor Parties Preserving Quantity Vegetarian OTHER: Chat-Books Chat-Misc Collectibles Contests Gadgets Gardening Groceries Hobbies LIST ALL Shopping Kitchen Link Cookbooks Amazon Free Offers What's Cooking: Today at TRL: Favorite Forums: Restaurant and Copycat Recipes Make Ahead Cake Recipes Jar Mixes ... Hurricane Katrina Links - How to Help - How to Find Help - Please Click Here Food Safety Links Australian Meat and Livestock Corporation - Food Safety for Consumer CAB International - BSE Information Service Center for Disease Control and Prevention Center for Science in the Public Interest Clemson University - Food Safety
Food And Nutrition Nutrition and food safety From University of Maryland Extension, food PreservationEducational materials from University of georgia Extension. http://web1.msue.msu.edu/iac/foodfood.html
Extractions: MSUE Educational Materials Food and Nutrition Educational materials that can be ordered from MSU Extension Extension Food Safety Education Database National database of curriculum and resource materials on food safety topics. Reviewed by a national committee. Preserving Food Safely Database Information on food preservation topics. Keyword searchable on full text articles. MSU Extension Food and Nutrition Bulletins Full text bulletins written by MSU Extension staff on food and nutrition topics. This is not a complete listing. Breast Feeding Initiative Information on the breast feeding initiative program in Michigan. Team Nutrition Information on the statewide Team Nutrition program sponsored by MSU Extension. Food, Nutrition and Health Program Materials Information on the food, nutrition and health program materials available from MSU Extension. Michigan Hunger Web Site Information on the hunger, support materials, links to agencies, etc. in Michigan. Operation Risk Details of a nutrition program curriculum developed by MSU Extension. Includes a handwashing rap, etc. aimed at youth.
Untitled Document *food preservation Series University of georgia This series, produced in 1988, food safety program designed for use with preschool children aged 4-6. http://www.wisc.edu/foodsafety/consumer/food_facts_archive/foodfacts_1998/list.h
Extractions: Food Facts archives Suggested Food Safety Resource Materials View as PDF document I have reviewed boxes and boxes of curriculum over the last few months and I have come up with the All-Star list, as I see it. Following is information pertaining to resources that you might find helpful in programming.
Holmes County Family & Consumer Sciences ServSafe has become the industry standard in foodsafety training and is accepted in For more information about food preservation, please contact the http://holmes.osu.edu/fcs/fcs.htm
Extractions: ServSafe Food Protection Course ServSafe has become the industry standard in food-safety training and is accepted in almost all United Sates jurisdictions that require employee certification. The program provides accurate, up-to-date information for all levels of employees on all aspects of handling food, from receiving and storing to preparing and serving. This course is designed to provide Food Service Managers with updated principles of safe food handling. The principles learned in this course can be easily applied and practiced by all food service workers. Successful completion of the course includes a Certificate of Completion from ServSafe and Certification in Food Protection from the Ohio Department of Health. The next scheduled ServSafe Program begins on Tuesday, January 17th and runs through Tuesday, February 14th 2005. The class meets each week on Tuesday from 12:00 noon to 5:00 p.m. Please call the Extension Office at 330-674-3015 for additional details.