M.K. Pentecost Ecology Fund He loved the church and revered georgia s coastal beauty with its intrinsicrestorative ability UGA Cooperative ext. service, Glynn County (2003) http://www.savannahpresbytery.org/frames_ecology.htm
Extractions: Savannah Presbytery's Ministry of Environmental Justice M. K. PENTECOST ECOLOGY FUND The mission of the M.K. Pentecost Ecology Fund Committee of Savannah Presbytery is to promote and support ecological stewardship of natural resources. We believe that the church has a responsibility for protecting God's creation, seeking environmental justice, encouraging conservation, promoting education and restoring the eco-system. This exciting and challenging mission is grounded in our faith teaching that we are the stewards of God's creation. As the psalmist tells us, The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it." (Psalm 2:4 NIV ). We, as God's people, are to care for the whole of creation. This is a prophetic time in the witness of the churches of Savannah Presbytery. Through the M.K. Pentecost Ecology Trust Fund, God is calling us to new avenues of service and has given us the resources to respond faithfully and effectively to the groaning of creation." Hearing again the words of our Lord, you did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit fruit that will last, (John 15:16 NIV) we are reminded that it is the sovereign Lord of the universe who calls us into service. God has provided the vision, the people, and the money for this vital work of responsible ecological stewardship in our coastal region.
Adventure GPS Products - Customer List Frederick County Dept. of Fire and Rescue service, MD; Grand County Sheriffs State University (coop. ext. Outreach); Penta County Vocation Schools http://www.gps4fun.com/contact_customer_list.php
Ranch & Livestock Links: Research - Extension Services georgia Cooperative extension service Main Page http//www.ces.uga.edu/ North Dakota Cooperative extension http//www.ext.nodak.edu/ http://ranchers.ranchlinks.com/Research_-_Extension_Services/
Delaware-Illinois cooperative extension service 901 Newton Street, NE Room 102 coop ext Svc875 Komohana Street Hilo, HI 967202757, Phone 808/959-9155 Fax 808/959-3101 http://www.apsnet.org/directories/extension/deil.htm
Other Pond Management Resources Stocking Sportfishing Ponds University of georgia Cooperative Extension. The USDA Natural Resources Conservation service (NRCS) Agriculture Handbook http://www.dnr.cornell.edu/ext/fish/Pond/otherresourcesdoc.htm
Extractions: Management of Fish Ponds in Pennsylvania " (pdf 2.2 MB) Penn State Agricultural Research and Cooperative Extension Bulletin. Available in print form from their distribution office: (814) 865-6713. Ohio pond management handbook: A guide to managing ponds for fishing and attracting wildlife. Ohio Department of Natural Resources. Pond Management Guide : North Carolina Cooperative Extension. A comprehensive guide to basic pond management for quality fishing. This guide includes information on site planning and pond construction, fish stocking and harvesting, fertilization, liming and other management options, and solving common pond problems.
Participant ListB&W N. Thomas Jacobs, Sheridan High School, UA coop. extension service, Little Rock Jane McAfee, Delta High, UA coop. ext. Experiment Station http://www.ualr.edu/strive/participants98.htm
Extractions: HOME Information for Teachers Program Fact Sheet STRIVE Participants 2004 STRIVE Participants NAME: SCHOOL: WORKSITE: Simrit Bassett Lincoln High School Patricia Branch-May Jack Robey Junior High School Leslie Brooks-Jackson Mann Magnet Middle School NCTR-Dept. of Microbiology Larry Calhoun Centerpoint High School US Army Corps of Engineers Tamara Clark White Hall High School NCTR-Dept. of Engineering Chris Davis Cord-Charlotte School White River Medical Center Christie Dunman Westside High School Kristen Edwards Lee High School UA-Cotton Branch Station Mildred Forte Parkers Chapel High School Arkansans for Drug-free Youths Teresa Fuller Cross County High School ASU, Biosciences Dept. Michelle Guinn Paragould High School ASU, Biosciences Dept. Shelia Higgins Lincoln Junior High School UA-Fayetteville, Biosciences Dept.
Extractions: Department of Animal and Range Sciences Body condition scoring of beef cattle can be an effective management tool for evaluating the energy reserves of cows and the whole nutritional program throughout the year. Adjusting the nutritional program to obtain desired body condition at different stages of production is necessary to enhance production efficiency. Females that are too thin or too fat can be an expensive investment. Thin cows can have difficulty rebreeding, while fat cows are prone to calving problems and excessive feed costs. Body condition scores (BCS) allow producers, extension personnel, and researchers to communicate more effectively regarding the herd's nutritional status.
SCTCSA-2002 -- Participants Paul Denton (pdenton@utk.edu), Tennessee Ag. ext. service, Knoxvile, TN, USA Rick Reed, Univ. of GA coop. extension service, Douglas, GA, USA http://www.ag.auburn.edu/nsdl/sctcsa/sctcsa_2002/participants.html
Extractions: When we first started this project we identified 27 volunteer water quality monitoring programs sponsored or co-sponsored by Cooperative Extension in the United States and its territories. Now we are up to 38! We are always looking for programs we have missed and have had help from people across the country to find 'new' programs. Our latest change to this page was to identify which programs are sponsored or co-sponsored by Cooperative Extension and which are affiliated in other ways such as by providing technical assistance with trainings, educational materials, equipment, or meeting space for volunteer monitoring events. The map above shows where and to what extent Cooperative Extension is involved in volunteer water quality monitoring across the nation. Not shown is an Extension co-sponsored program in American Samoa. The first of these programs began in 1978, the most recent this year. In parentheses next to each program's name is the year that the program began. Program volunteers are monitoring a wide range of aquatic habitats including rivers, streams, lakes, ponds, wetlands, estuaries, and drinking water wells.
Medical College Of Georgia Beeper Newsbriefs RSVP by phone at ext. 12040 or online at www.hccu.coop. Family ServicesDevelopment is seeking magazines to share with patients and families. http://www.mcg.edu/news/beeper/newsbriefs.htm
Extractions: Old Beepers You may have piled them in a drawer in your office or stacked them in a closet, but we know they are out there. The Division of External Affairs is seeking the earliest issues of the Beeper for an upcoming celebration of the Beeper's 25th anniversary of publishing MCG news. Send your oldest issues for a chance to win great prizes from area businesses. Submissions of any previous MCG internal publications, such as Intercom and MCG News Columns, will also be considered for prizes. Publications or copies can be mailed to Beeper Editor Ellen Gladden Jones at FI 1042, or scan your oldest front page and e-mail it to
Florist New Haven Connecticut, Connecticut Agric., coop. ext. Serv. S544.3.N3C66 ISSN 08951985 Reno, Nev. The College.Fact sheet - cooperative extension service, University of Maryland Fact sheet http://creekin.net/k19675-n210-florist-new-haven-connecticut-connecticut.html
Extractions: Five New York Business Owners Plead Guilty to Tax Evasion Scheme (October 15, 2004) (D. New Jersey) ... Two Former Directors of the New York Racing Association's Pari-Mutuel Department Plead Guilty to Scheme to Defraud the United States (May 6, 2004) (E.D. New York) ... Hudson County Newspaper Publisher Sentenced to 12 Months for Tax Evasion (November 15, 2004) (D. New Jersey) ... [ Read More
SAEA Annual Meetings Program T. Wade Green, georgia Cooperative ext. service. A New Generation Peanut Cooperativein georgia A BenefitCost Analysis Sam Hancock, University of georgia http://www.saea.org/meetings/2001/program/program.html
Extractions: R. Dewey Lee This planting guide will help producers establish grasses and legumes commonly grown in Georgia. Although information is given for particular species, it should not be taken as a recommendation to grow that species. Not all of the plant species grown in Georgia are recommended by the University of Georgia. Abbreviations in this chart are footnoted. This chart does not replace the need to obtain additional information for good management practices. Consult current reports, bulletins and information for specific recommendations. Specific bulletins or reports are mentioned in the remarks section. Start with high quality seed. Certified seed is available for most recommended crops. Get the most from your soil by testing your soil to determine nutrient need. Contact the county Extension office for information on soil sampling. Fertilize and lime according to soil test results. Plant seed at the proper depth in a good seed bed when soil temperatures and moisture are best. Use the correct seeding rate per acre. For high yields maintain soil fertility and control weeds, insects and diseases. Harvest the appropriate time with properly adjusted equipment. Protect seed quality by proper handling and storage. CROP Lbs.
Soybean Rust; Soybean Disease Information Note #8 Research/ext. Center 6321 Holland Rd. Suffolk, VA 23437 by North Carolina,georgia , South Carolina, and Virginia Cooperative extension service http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/pp/notes/Soybean/soy008/soy008.htm
Extractions: Dr. Robert Kemerait, Extension Plant Pathologist, College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, University of Georgia, P.O. Box 1209, 15 RDC Road, Tifton, Georgia 31794 An important new disease threat to soybean is currently the cause of much concern in the agricultural community. Asiatic soybean rust, caused by Phakospora pachyrizi , has emerged as a major constraint to soybean production in South America since 2001. Another species of rust Phakospora meibomiae has been endemic to portions of South America for many years but is considered less of a threat because it is not as aggressive as the Asiatic soybean rust. During the 2003-2004 growing season in Brazil , Asiatic rust was severe in many areas and required sprays of fungicides in order to control this disease ( Figure. 1
County Ext Agent Job Description Responsible to ensure EEO/AA plan of The University of georgia CooperativeExtension service is followed and that clientele understand that we offer http://extension.caes.uga.edu/cec/ostructure/coexagjobdes.htm
Extractions: County Extension Agent Job Description Return to Organizational Structure Page Nature and Purpose The County Extension Agent is a member of the off-campus faculty of the University of Georgia under the supervision of the County Extension Coordinator and the District Extension Head. The County Extension Agent is responsible for carrying out the Cooperative Extension Service program in a counties in the assigned program areas of responsibility. Major Responsibilities A. Program Development Responsible to ensure EEO/AA plan of The University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service is followed and that clientele understand that we offer educational programs, assistance and materials to all people without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex or disability.
Extractions: Building: 2890 Coop Ext Service Poultry Feed Laboratory Location: South Milledge Avenue Square Feet Department Program Class Room Use Room Number Poultry Science - Cooperative Extension Service Cooperative Extension Non-Academic Office Non-Class Laboratory Office Rest Room Unassignable or Unassigned Mechanical Utility/Mechanical Room Structural Structural Area STRU Total Square Feet
Food Safety In Connecticut-Fact Sheets South Dakota State University Cooperative ext. service University of GeorgiaCooperative ext. www.fcs.uga.edu/outreach/coopex/fsp/ http://www.canr.uconn.edu/ces/foodsafety/expert/hotlinkstab.html
Extractions: Food Safety Topics Foodborne Illness Safety At Home Meat Poultry Fish/Seafood Milk/Dairy Eggs Fruits/Vegetables Food Processing New Technologies Seasonal Issues For More Help Cooperative Ext. Foodsafety Resource Web Sites Alabama Cooperative Ext. System http://www.aces.edu/dept/extcomm/publications/he/hefn.html Alaska Cooperative Ext. www.uaf.edu/coop-ext/publications/fhepubs.html Clemson University Cooperative Ext. Service http://hgic.clemson.edu/ Colorado State University Cooperative Ext. www.colostate.edu/orgs/safefood Cornell Cooperative Ext. www.cce.cornell.edu/food/resources.html Delaware Cooperative Ext. http://bluehen.ags.udel.edu/deces/fnf/fs-list.htm Iowa State University Ext. www.extension.iastate.edu/Pages/families/fs/homepage.html Kansas State University Cooperative Ext. Service www.oznet.ksu.edu/foodsafety/ Maryland Cooperative Ext. www.agnr.umd.edu/ces/fcs/nutrition.html Michigan State University Ext. http://foodsafe.fshn.msu.edu/main.html Mississippi State University Ext. Service http://www.ext.msstate.edu/fce/foodsafety/fs.html Montana State University Ext. Service www.montana.edu./~wwwnutr/extension/index.html
CES CYF Network Human Resources Database Elliott, Tammy, extension Agent, 4H, NC Cooperative extension service, NCSU Resource Splst, University of Alaska Cooperative ext. http://www.cyfernet.org/profdata/view.asp
Extractions: Home Professional Database The purpose of the CYFERnet Experts Database is to facilitate networking, collaboration and technical assistance among the children, youth and family programs and staff of the Cooperative Extension Service. Search Results Name Position Institution Abell, Ellen Extension Specialist and Associate Prof Auburn University Abraham, Cathy Early Childhood Consultant self-employed Adcock, Bryan Child and Family Development Specialist University Outreach and Extension Anderson, Sarah Professor and Extension Family Life Specialist University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Servi Andrews, Rosa Coordinator NC 4-H School-Age Care Program North Carolina State University Anthony, Wilbon Extension Educator Prevention University of Illinois Extension Arrington, Wandra Extension Youth Development Agent Alcorn State University - Extension Program Bailey, Sandra (Sandy) Montana State University Bales, Diane Human Development Specialist University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Barbour, Joella
Food Safety Database A HACCP Approach to Food Safety, University of georgia Cooperative extension STRETCH, Purdue University ext. Safe Food At Home, Rutgers Cooperative http://www.extension.umn.edu/projects/foodsafety/
Extractions: Food Safety Database A compilation of food safety educational resources of various formats (curricula, videos, CD Rom, fact sheets etc.) These resources are available for review and use by Extension staff and clientele. Database Editor: Carol Trefry, Department of Food Science and Nutrition, University of Minnesota ( ctrefry@che.umn.edu Browse All Items with details Search Title Source A HACCP Approach to Food Safety University of Georgia Cooperative Extension A Matter of Judgment Cornell University Cooperative Extension A Quick Consumer Look at Safe Food Handling USDA/FSIS A Safe Food Plan Food Safety and Quality Service Beef Quality Assurance University of Nebraska Biotechnology Education Resource Guide University of Wisconsin Extension Biotechnology Serving Human Needs Biotechnology Industry Organization Biotechnology, Food and Agriculture University of Wyoming and Washington State University Extension Chances and Choices with Food University of Minnesota Extension Service Common Causes of Food Borne Illnesses Ohio State Univ. Extension Consumer Confidence in the Food Supply University of Georgia Creating Informed Citizens Colorado State University Cuidado Y Manejo De Los Alimentos En El Hogar Washington State University Extension Detective Mike Robe's Fantastic Journey University of Rhode Island Cooperative Extension Diagnosis and Management of Foodborne Illness American Medical Assoc., CDC, FDA and FSIS