Establishing And Maintaining Wildlife Food Sources U. georgia coop. ext. Serv. Athens. 3p. Marion, WR, M. Werner, and GW Tanner . Chris Demers, Alan Long and Chris Latt, cooperative extension service,
Extractions: Whole Document Navigator (Click Here) Top of Document Food Sources Openings and Plantings for Wildlife -Forest Openings -Edge Plantings -Food Plots -Fruit and Nut Plantations Enhancing Wildlife Food Production in Existing Forests Conclusion Acknowledgments References Footnotes Chris Demers, Alan Long and Chris Latt As human populations in the Southeast have grown, so have recreational demands for game and nongame fish and wildlife. Fortunately, southern forests have the potential to be productive wildlife areas, well suited to meet the growing recreational demands. To take advantage of potential economic opportunities, or simply for personal enjoyment, many landowners now include wildlife in their forest management objectives. Landowners who adopt wildlife management strategies must recognize that each wildlife species requires a specific set of habitat conditions. In other words, animals will frequent your property depending on the condition, type and variety of food and cover that are present. Although proper wildlife management requires both habitat and population considerations, this publication focuses on methods of increasing the abundance and variety of wildlife food sources on, and adjacent to, forestlands. Both "consumptive" uses such as hunting and fishing, and "nonconsumptive" activities (e.g., bird watching, wildlife viewing, photography) will benefit by careful attention to these methods. Food requirements vary widely among wildlife species and it is beyond the scope of this publication to include all of them.
Agronomy Journal -- Sign In Page Bull. 1165. Univ. of georgia coop. ext. service, Athens, GA. Buchanan, GA, andEW Hauser. 1980. Influence of row spacing on competitiveness and yield of
Extractions: This Article Abstract Full Text (PDF) Alert me when this article is cited ... Alert me if a correction is posted Services Similar articles in this journal Similar articles in ISI Web of Science Alert me to new issues of the journal Download to citation manager PubMed Articles by Johnson, W. C., III Articles by Mullinix, B. G., Jr. Agricola Articles by Johnson, W. C. Articles by Mullinix, B. G. Related Collections Weed Management
School Garland Thompson, Supervisor, Altamaha River S WCD, and Member, georgia Tillage Equipment Mark Von Waldner, coop. ext. service, UGA, Pearson
Extractions: 3 5 PM Registration @ Peterson Hall Foyer, South Georgia College 5:30 PM Meet in Holiday Inn Lobby for Transportation to the Evening Program 6:00 PM Supper @ the SunTrust Bank Lodge Moderator: Rick Reed, UGA Cooperative Extension Service (Retired), Douglas 7:00 PM Keynote Address: Conservation Provisions of the 2002 Farm Bill
Black Page cooperative extension service 111 Conner Hall University of georgia LA coop.ext. service 400 A Life Science Bldg Baton Rouge, LA 70803 Ph 504388-2180
Untitled Document Circular 834, cooperative extension service, University of georgia, Athens. coop. ext. Serv., Athens. Mueller, JD, and GB Sanders. 1987.
Extractions: Hoplolaimus columbus Literature by J. D. Mueller and S. A. Lewis Appel, J. A., and S. A. Lewis. 1984. Pathogenicity and reproduction of Hoplolaimus columbus and Meloidogyne incognita on 'Davis' soybean. J. Nematol. 16: 349-355. Arslan, M. 1998. Effect of Columbia lance nematode ( Hoplolaimus columbus Sher) on growth and development of tolerant and intolerant soybean cultivars. Ph.D. Dissertation. Clemson Univ., Clemson, SC. Astudillo, G. E., and W. Birchfield. 1980. Pathology of Hoplolaimus columbus on sugarcane. Phytopathology 70: 655 (Abstr.). Baird, R. E., R. F. Davis, P. J. Alt, B. G. Mullinix, and G. B. Padgett. 1996. Frequency and geographical distribution of plant-parasitic nematodes on cotton in Georgia. J. Nematol. 28(4S):661-667. Hoplolaimus columbus . Nematologica 20:103 (Abstr.). Bird, G. W., O. L. Brooks, C. E. Perry. 1974. Dynamics of concomitant field populations of Hoplolaimus columbus and Meloidogyne incognita . J. Nematol. 6:1904 (Abstr.). Bird, G. W., O. L. Brooks, C. E. Perry, J. G. Futral, T. D. Canerday, and F. C. Boswell. 1974. Influence of subsoiling and soil fumigation on the cotton stunt disease complex, Hoplolaimus columbus and Meloidogyne incognita . Plant Dis. Rep. 58: 541 -544. Blackmon, C. W., and H. L. Musen. 1974. Control of the Columbia (Lance) nematode
A-4 Univ of GA coop ext service Po Box 1209 Tifton, GA 31793 USA Phone 229386-7498 The University of georgia PO Box 1209, RDC-CES Tifton, GA 31793 Search&f
1 50 Important Weeds of Montana, Montana Ag. ext. service, 1920. of the UnitedStates and Canada, 1978 coop ext. Univ. of georgia, Athens, See page
Extractions: Nonnative Invasive Plants of Southern Forests 2003, USFS, SRS 62, See page: 50 Important Weeds of Montana, Montana Ag. Ext. Service, 1920. 126 pages. See page: An Illustrated Guide To Arizona Weeds, 1972 (ISBN 0-8165-0288-9) 338 pages. See page: Aquatic and Riparian Plants of the West, 2003 (ISBN# 1-879906-59-7) See page: California Growers Weed Identification Handbook, 1968 - 1998 University of California Publication # 4030-1, See page: Common Weeds of Canada, Mulligan 1987 (ISBN 0-910053-59-9) See page: Common Weeds of the Canadian Prairies, 1963 (Cat# A53-1136-1) See page: Common Weeds of the United States, 1971 (ISBN 0-486-20504-5) See page: Common Weed Seedlings of the United States and Canada, 1978 Coop Ext. Univ. of Georgia, Athens, See page: Field Guide To The Common Weeds Of Kansas, 1983 (ISBN 0-7006-0233-X) See page: Garden Weeds of Southern California, 1981, See page: Gilkey`s Weeds of the Pacific Northwest, 1980 (ISBN 0-88246-039-0) See page: How to Know the Weeds, 1972, (ISBN# 0-697-04880-2) See page:
Interregional Research Project #4 Suite A coop ext service 624 W Foster Rd Santa Maria, CA, 93455-3623 University of georgia Rural Dev. Center PO Box 1209 Tifton, GA, 31793
New Horticultural Crops For The Southeastern United States Louisiana cooperative extension service. Commercial blueberry production. ext . New trees and shrubs for georgia. Univ. of georgia, coop. ext. Serv. Bul.
Extractions: Index Search Home Table of Contents Lamberts, M. 1993. New horticultural crops for the southeastern United States. p. 82-92. In: J. Janick and J.E. Simon (eds.), New crops. Wiley, New York. FRUIT CROPS Alabama Florida Georgia ... Table 3 There are many reasons for the upsurge in interest in new horticultural crops. One industry expert (Cook 1990) reported that during the period between 1978 and 1989, consumption of fresh produce in the United States expanded 23%. The retail produce industry is now worth $32 billion. While the aging of American consumers also is a factor which can lead to overall reduced food purchases, it also has the potential for proportional increases in fresh fruit and vegetable consumption. Americans between the ages of 55 and 64 consume 39% more fresh fruit and 34% more fresh vegetables than the national average. As consumers move into their peak income-earning years, they purchase more high-value products and look for greater diversity. According to Manning (1990), the American produce industry has been riding the crest of a powerful demographic wave which will flatten by the year 2000. Manning predicts that although the nutritional appeal of fresh fruits and vegetables will continue, health options for consumers will increase; growers will need to create more demand and retailers will need to be convinced that consumers will pay more for produce before raising wholesale prices.
Extractions: New User About the Agency What's New Quick Index ... Career Opportunities Payroll Office Contacts for Retirement Inquiries To locate a specific item, select EDIT from the menu bar, then select FIND (on this page). In the prompt box, type the agency name, payroll office number, or other item. Each time you click "Find Next," you will get the next word on the page that matches your FIND entry. Return to Government Payroll Contacts NAVAL AIR STATION LEMOORE, CA 93246-0000 TELEPHONE (559) 998-3331
NIMSS: Project Home Pages - View Publications Univ georgia coop. ext. Serv. Misc. Publ. Purdue University cooperativeextension service Publication E77W. http//
LVD State Contact List georgia Jerry E. Whiteside UGA cooperative extension service Lumpkin House Southern Univ. coop. ext. Program PO Box 10010 Baton Rouge, LA 70813
Micronutrient Deficiencies And Toxicities peanuts Univ. of georgia, College of Agriculture, cooperative extension service, Plant analysis handbook for georgia. Univ. georgia coop. ext. Serv.
Extractions: WASHINGTON, DC 20006 August 11, 1980 MEMORANDUM FOR HEADS OF AGENCIES SUBJECT: Prime and Unique Agricultural Lands and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) The accompanying memorandum on Analysis of Impacts on Prime or Unique Agricultural Lands in Implementing the National Environmental Policy Act was developed in cooperation with the Department of Agriculture. It updates and supersedes the Council's previous memorandum on this subject of August 1976. In order to review agency progress or problems in implementing this memorandum the Council will request periodic reports from federal agencies as part of our ongoing oversight of agency implementation of NEPA and the Council's regulations. At this time we would appreciate receiving from your agency by November 1, 1980, the following information: identification and brief summary of existing or proposed agency policies, regulations and other directives specifically intended to preserve or mitigate the effects of agency actions on prime or unique agricultural lands, including criteria or methodology used in assessing these impacts.
Vindex - Zoekresultaten Voor URL http// University of Arizona cooperative extension University of georgia cooperative extension service
Southern Region Sustainable Agriculture Research And Education georgia Julia Gaskin Public service Representative coop. ext. service LouisianaState University Baton Rouge, LA 70803 Owusu Bandele Assoc. Professor
EDUCATION coop ext. service. Johnson, GV, RL Westerman, E. Allen, and R. Boman. 1991. Council on Soil Testing and Plant Analysis, georgia University Station,
Extractions: Taylor, G.G., G.V. Johnson and M.W. Smith. 1979. Fertilizing pecan and fruit trees. Johnson, G.V. and B.B. Tucker. 1979. OSU soil test interpretations: 1. pH and Buffer Index. Johnson, G.V. and B.B. Tucker. 1980. OSU soil test calibrations. FS 2225. Stiegler, J.H. and G.V. Johnson. 1981. Farm and home use of gypsum. OSU Extension Facts No. 2200. Johnson, G.V. 1982. How to get a good soil sample. FS 2207. Johnson, G.V. 1982. OSU Soil test interpretations, available nitrogen for small grains. FS 2232. Johnson, G.V. and E. Hanlon. 1982. Classification of irrigation water. FS 2401. Johnson, G.V. and B.B. Tucker. 1982. OSU soil test calibrations. FS 2225. Johnson, G.V. and B.B. Tucker. 1982. OSU soil test interpretations: pH and buffer index. FS 2229. Soil test interpretations, 2B available nitrogen, bermudagrass and other forages. FS 2235 (1983).
Untitled Document Director of georgia cooperative Council, University of georgia County Agentsin the East ext. District of georgia, UGA coop. ext. service, Sylvania, GA
Extractions: Bachelor year degree 1 Name Title Job description Company City State County Master Year Degree 2 PhD or other Year Degree 3 BSA Ag. Econ Cohen, Eric Vice President Managing Row Crops Bainbridge GA Decatur BSA Ag. Econ Degnen, Tim Office Management, Investigations Self-employed BSA Ag. Econ Harris, Jonathan Jr. Loan Officer Lend money for any purpose outside city limits; lease farm equipment AgSouth Farm Credit Screven GA Wayne BSA Ag. Econ Smith, Hillary Student UGA School of Law Athens GA Clarke BSA Ag. Econ White, James Herbert Jr. Tractor Sales Fields Equipment (John Deere) Avon Park FL Highlander BSA Ag. Econ George, Jamie L. Assistant Manager Farmers Peanut Co. of Sowega, Inc. Whigham GA Grady BSA Ag. Econ Godwin, Brad Sales Representative Sales and Service of Agricultural Chemicals BASF Aberdeen NC Moore BSA Ag. Econ Skinner, Eric E. Sales Representative Rent and sale heavy industrial equipment in middle and south GA Hertz Equipment Rental Perry GA Houston BSA Ag. Econ
Alumni Directory - Alphabetical Order Director of georgia cooperative Council, University of georgia Agents in theEast ext. District of georgia, UGA coop. ext. service, 3574 Newington Hwy.
Extractions: Top Purchasing Logistics Purchasing and Transportation of ground and tree huts for private label snack nut manufacturer Flavor House 204 Byrd Lane Dothan AL Houston BSA Ag. Econ Addy, William Scott Director of Marketing, North America Promotion, Pricing, Distribution programs Griffin LLC 4633 Ridgeview Circle Valdosta GA Laurens BSA Ag. Econ MS Ag. Econ Akinsanya, Olugbenga Hakeem Plant Protection and Quarantine Officer Protect United States agriculture from introduction of pest and animal diseases USDA/APHIS/PPQ 3415 Neptune Avenue Apt. # 1102 Brooklyn NY Kings BSA Ag. Econ MS Ashley, Greg Director Direct a staff of over 200 information technology professionals University Computing and Networking Services, UGA