Fractal Art FAQ: Basic Fractal Information There are many good fractal articles and tutorials available at different sites.Several useful links are given in each of the corresponding sections of
Extractions: Fractals derived from standard geometry by using iterative transformations on an initial common figure like a straight line (the Cantor dust or the von Koch curve), a triangle (the Sierpinsky triangle), or a cube (the Menger sponge). The first fractal figures invented near the end of the 19 th and early 20 th centuries belong to this group. IFS (iterate function systems).
Links To Fractal Resources As I recall, I began with the Fractal Art Tutorial from Amazing Seattle fractals.Since that author used TieraZon, that s the program I downloaded.
Extractions: If you're like me, you'll want to know exactly as much about fractals as is required to start making some of your own. As I recall, I began with the Fractal Art Tutorial from Amazing Seattle Fractals . Since that author used Tiera-Zon , that's the program I downloaded. Making my own images is so addicting, I've hardly had the time to scratch the surface of the available resources, but I can recommend the following
Extractions: Please select one User Control Panel Private Messages Subscriptions Who's Online Search Forums Forums Home Terranuts @ home Terragen Mojoworld Vue d'Esprit and Infinite Bryce High End 3d Software Other 3D software Modelling Terrain Generators and Editors Fractals 2D Artwork and Post Processing W.I.P. Collaborations Contests Technonuts Hardware helpdesk Software Central Digital Domain Web Design Photography and Cameras Off Topic Terranuts Lounge Jokebox Meet'n Greet Site Stuff Announcements Front Page News Polls Site Problems and Suggestions Test Pad Search links 1.60 Categories 3DS Max 3ds Max tutorials [8 entries] Cinema 4D tutorials for Cinema 4D [8 entries] Fractals Fractal tutorials [99 entries] Lightwave 3D Lightwave Tutorials [8 entries] Maya Maya tutorials [11 entries] Photoshop Adobe Photoshop tutorials [24 entries] Terragen Terragen Tutorials [104 entries] Vue d'Esprit Vue d'Esprit tutorials [5 entries] World Machine Terrain editor Tutorials [3 entries] ZBrush ZBrush Tutorials [3 entries]
ChaosPro - Freeware Fractal Generator - Resources Windows 95/98/NT fractal generation and exploration program with 3D, network,animation, A great list for all kind of resource (tutorials, files, FAQ s,
Extractions: Every year there is a fractal art contest. In former times each entry in the contest was made with a fractal generator and the (small) parameter file could be downloaded for recreation at home. Unfortunately this contest now simply is a collection of images created with an unknown fractal generator and postprocessed with another image manipulation program. In my eyes it is not a
PadleyWood Fractal Art Tutorials - ChaosPro: Getting Started Back to tutorials. Getting Started with ChaosPro (applies to version 3.10) It s worth noting here that ChaosPro handles MOST Ultra Fractal formulae,
Extractions: Back to Tutorials Getting Started with ChaosPro (applies to version 3.10) As I've admitted elsewhere on this site, I had the software for about a year without being able to generate anything decent (this was version 3.02). No sooner had I found a way round the problem (amidst much self-congratulation!) than I find there's a new version just out - 3.10, and it doesn't have the same problem. But I do LIKE the software, so I hope to encourage others, newbies as well as fellow fractalists, to give it a(nother) go. Unlike some other freeware generators, ChaosPro has a very comprehensive Help; however, this doesn't seem to provide that essential bit of advice - an easy introduction. So here goes... 1. Launch the software and ensure that the following windows (available from the 'Fractalwindows' menu item - see picture, right) are open: From the Size window, select your preferred size (I use 320 x 240) and the Scrollbars option. Perhaps arrange your windows as such: 2. On the 'Formula' tab of Parameterwindow 1 (this should bear the legend 'Properties: Startup' - see picture below)
Extractions: Back to Tutorials Creating and Managing Gradients with Apophysis (applies to version 2.x) For a more definitive introduction to gradients, see this tutorial at Arcane Fractals . The only reason I'm partially duplicating information here is that I wish to have a 'local' introduction to using my own 'Palette Master' spreadsheet (formerly GradientMaker). The Smooth Palette function in Apophysis (and in ApoMap, a standalone spin-off) is IMHO the simplest method of creating a complex colour palette from an existing picture. There are also some other fantastically useful built-in tools for palette manipulation. This tutorial assumes a good basic familiarity with Apophysis. 1. Launch the software and open the gradient window (see right) using the tool or ctrl-g. 2. Use the Smooth Palette button to launch a standard file browser dialogue and browse to a folder containing picture files (.bmp or .jpg) that have a colour scheme of interest. 3. Select one of these and press Open - the software will generate a 256-point colour palette based on a 400-point index system, and should show % progress in the left status bar panel at the bottom of the main window. On completion, the gradient will be displayed in the gradient window (see right). 5. Choose Save Gradient... to obtain the following dialogue box:
Sonya Moran Links - Workshops And Tours Fractal art and tutorials, fractal screensavers Fractal art,fractal tutorials, free fractal screensavers, free software, links more!
K-12: Mathematics : FRACTALS A tutorial on fractals for the high school and college student. As the sitesays, It is an informal discussion of some of the elements of fractal geometry,
Extractions: These are high school science curriculum guides with "hands-on activities, laboratory experiments, and interactive visualization programs. The activities ... encourage students to explore how fundamentally random microscopic events can give rise to fractal macroscopic patterns in nature." "Subjects include fractal coastline and dimension, measuring randomness, physical and chemical branching structures, biological branching patterns, diffusion, percolation, and motion on a fractal. These tutorials do not assume extensive knowledge of mathematics." Free software with the activities. By the Center for Polymer Studies at Boston University.
Tiera-Zon Fractals Tutorial this tutorial, I suspect that you may have been bitten by the fractal bug .This tutorial is written for a freeware fractal program called TieraZon.
Extractions: Since you are visiting this tutorial, I suspect that you may have been bitten by the "fractal bug". This tutorial is written for a freeware fractal program called Tiera-Zon . Go download the program if you don't already have it since you will need it for this tutorial. This program is not exactly "intuitive" so I have written this tutorial to help you get familiar with the program and how it functions. So, lets get started. Open a new document (CTRL N). Up pops your basic fractal starting point. You might want to open another at this time so you can have two images to work on at the same time. Now, before you jump right in it's best if you learn how things work. The first thing you might want to do is to change the size of your fractal image. To do this, click on the button on the left toolbar (or right click and choose "XY Size). I recommend starting with a setting of 256x256 or 320x240 (you can always resize it later) since the larger your image, the longer it will take for it to render. If you set it to 256x256 you have defined a square image. When you "zoom in" later, your image will always stay a square. On the other hand, if you define a rectangle and zoom in, the image stays a rectangle. If you are working on designing a tileable image, you're better off starting with a square image. For purposes of this tutorial, choose 256x256. OK, now you have your basic image the size you want it and now you may want to change the colors of your basic image. To do this click on the
EDU2 : Level 3 MATHEMATICS TITLE; CHAOS; fractals; MANDELBROT. *CHAOS*; A Tutorial on LearningDynamical Systems Applied Chaos Laband mov CATS Copenhagenchaos
Extractions: EDU2 :CHAOS/FRACTALS ABCentral Search Helpers Submit a Link ... MANDELBROT *CHAOS* A Tutorial on Learning Dynamical Systems Applied Chaos Lab:and mov CATS - Copenhagen:chaos and turbulence studies Catastrophe_teacher:math ... What is Chaos? An Interactive Online Course for Everyone *FRACTALS* 3-D strange attractors, quaternion AVirtualSpaceTimeTravelMachine :in fractals Aros Fractals Attracteurs etranges/Strange Attractors ... fractalus *MANDELBROT* Fractal Geometry of the Mandelbrot Set I Handprint : Mandelbrot Mandelbrot Explorer Mandelbrot-Plus Stephen Morley ... The Mandelbrot Set Return to ABCentral
Janet Parke Fractal Art Galleries Infinite Fractal Loop Home Page Previous site in the Loop Help using the Loop Shows next five sites in the Loop Visit a random site in the Loop
Fractal Explorer: Mandelbrot And Julia Sets (by Fabio Cesari) A fractal tutorial for beginners by Fabio Cesari. I wrote this brief tutorialto explain, in simple terms, how the Mandelbrot set and Julia sets are
Extractions: You can always access this no-frames version of this site. If you have troubles accessing it, please let me know Many people have probably been fascinated by the infinite complexity and beauty of fractals. I wrote this brief tutorial to explain, in simple terms, how the Mandelbrot set and Julia sets are generated. This document provides an informal introduction to these subjects, and is only intended to be a starting point to learn more about fractals and fractal geometry.
B4 Fractal Terrain Tutorial Fractal Terrain Tutorial A Tutorial for Bryce version 4. This tutorial coverssome basics for using Bryce 4 s fractal terrains, including how to use the
Extractions: This tutorial covers some basics for using Bryce 4's fractal terrains, including how to use the tile feature and how to work around the tiling gap bug. Section One: Shopping for Fractals Grid Size Generating fractals can take some time, especially at high resolutions. So, when you want to browse through the various fractals, do it at a grid size of 128. You can check out up to 8 different fractals generated at a 128 grid size in the amount of time it takes to generate a single 1024 grid fractal. The time to worry about increasing the grid size is after you've found the fractal you want to use. The Randoms After you make sure your grid size is set at 128, the next thing to do is pop up the fractal menu and pick a fractal other than 'Bryce Classic.' The 'Bryce Classic' fractal terrain does not use the randoms and it does not tile. Selecting a new fractal algorithm will activate the randomizers and all three will be on. They are: Random Extent, Random Position and Random Character. By turning these randoms off one at a time and generating several fractals before turning the next one off, you can zero in on a terrain you really like. To get the most out of this, it helps to know what the different Random options are all about.
How To Use Fractal Explorer Since I know how a newbie to Fractal Explorer (FE for short) can feel plan touse the fractal as a desktop image On to the next page of the tutorial.