Active Skim View Of: 2 Why Study Gas Hydrate? knowledge suggests that gas hydrate represents a potential fossil fuel natural gas hydrate recovered from the seafloor or from the subsurface
Extractions: Openbook Linked Table of Contents Front Matter, pp. i-xvi Executive Summary, pp. 1-14 1 Introduction, pp. 15-22 2 Why Study Gas Hydrate?, pp. 23-42 3 A Review of Methane Hydrate Research and Development Proje..., pp. 43-72 4 Directions for Program Emphasis, Research, and Resource De..., pp. 73-82 6 Summary of Findings and Recommendations, pp. 93-104 References, pp. 105-116 Appendix A: Committee and Staff Biographies, pp. 117-122 Appendix B: Methane Hydrate Research and Development Act of ..., pp. 123-128 Appendix C: Speakers and Presentation Titles from Meetings o..., pp. 129-130 Appendix D: Committee Summary and Observations of the DOE Co..., pp. 131-134
Extractions: The 120,000-member ASME is a nonprofit, worldwide educational and technical Society. It conducts one of the world's largest technical publishing operations, holds more than 30 technical conferences and 200 professional development courses each year, and sets some 600 industrial and manufacturing standards. The COE Energy Committee comprises 30 members from 17 Divisions of ASME, representing approximately 40,000 of ASME's members. The Committee tracks energy legislation and appropriations, and provides testimony to Congress on issues of importance to ASME members. Energy has consistently emerged as one of the highest areas of interest to the ASME in annual surveys of our membership. In addition to our interests in improving technologies for energy extraction, generation, and use, we are also concerned about protecting our environment and our energy and economic security.
Extractions: The 125,000-member ASME is a nonprofit, worldwide educational and technical Society. It conducts one of the world's largest technical publishing operations, holds more than 30 technical conferences and 200 professional development courses each year, and sets a significant number of industrial and manufacturing standards. The COE Energy Committee comprises 27 members from 17 Divisions of ASME, representing approximately 40,000 members. The Committee tracks energy legislation and appropriations, and provides testimony to Congress on issues of importance to ASME members. Last year, the COE Energy Committee developed a document titled "U. S. Energy Research and Development Needs in the New Millennium: Securing a Sustainable Energy Future," which we provided to the members of Congress, including members of this Subcommittee. Energy has consistently emerged as one of the highest areas of interest to the ASME in annual surveys of our membership. In addition to our interests in improving technologies for energy extraction, generation, and use, we are also concerned about protecting our environment and our energy and economic security. We are pleased that the Department of Energy also shares these concerns.
ORNL Review Vol. 35, No. 2, 2002 natural gas is a versatile fuel that can be used for generating It will allowgas hydrates to be synthesized and studied in the neutron beam.
Extractions: ORNL researchers are studying the formation, structure, properties, and dissociation of gas hydrates. The ORNL research will aid the search for ways to extract methane fuel from ocean and permafrost sediments and to isolate from the environment carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas that many believe could alter the climate. This work could help ensure that our nation has a secure energy supply. In November 2000, somewhere off Canadas Vancouver Island, the commercial fishing vessel Ocean Selector brought to the oceans surface an unusual catch. The trawl net that had been dragged near the seafloor to capture fish recovered more than 1000 kilograms of methane hydrates from a depth of 800 meters. The accidental mining of methane hydrates by a fishing vessel caught the attention of Rod Judkins, director of ORNLs Fossil Energy Program. This incident may suggest that some methane hydrates can be more easily recovered than we thought, he says. Also, although these materials could have been broken off of outcroppings, it could indicate that hydrates are not necessarily covered with much sediment, which would imply that their formation does not require as much time as we have previously believed. Judkins sees methane hydrates as the key to U.S. energy independence, which would give the nation energy security. We must increase our primary energy sources to make us less dependent on foreign supplies of oil, he says. One way to do this is to tap the abundant natural-gas supplies in methane hydrates, which offer us more energy than we have in our 1500-year-supply of coal. Estimates by the U.S. Geological Survey and others place reserves of methane in methane hydrates as high as 46 x 10
Extractions: @ The twice increase is expected in the primary energy supply in the world for the natural gas in 30 years. The spread of the decentralized energy supply system and the coming of the hydrogen energy society are assumed to be an energy system of Japan in the future. The natural gas plays a bigger role as the energy source and a fossil fuel with the most excellent environmental capability. The development project of the methane hydrate resource has been started in our country to achieve a long-term stable supply of energy in 2001. The establishment of the development production technology greatly contributes to securing the energy resource that the environmental capability is excellent and the improvement of the rate of self-sufficiency in the energy supply. Moreover, the industrialization of innovative energy conservation technology of natural gas transportation and the storage technology, etc. that use the characteristics of the gas hydrate including the methane hydrate can be expected. The target of the technology development of the methane hydrate research laboratory is to contribute to a long-term stable supply of energy and the emission control of the greenhouse gas for the continuous growth of economic society.
Extractions: Main By Katrina C. Arabe Scientists edge closer to mining the oceans' natural gas, a promising energy resource, after research ships off Oregon extract the first undamaged samples from the ocean floor. Because of a recent breakthrough, scientists are gaining a better understanding of a potential new fuel sourcegas hydratesmysterious deposits of natural gas, which can be found below the ocean floor.
Science -- Sign In That global estimate compares with the 368 tcm of natural gas thought to berecoverable fuel that yields the least greenhouse gas of any fossil fuel.
Extractions: You do not have access to this item: Full Text : ENERGY: Gas Hydrate Resource: Smaller But Sooner, Science You are on the site via Free Public Access. What content can I view with Free Public Access If you have a personal user name and password, please login below. SCIENCE Online Sign In Options For Viewing This Content User Name Password this computer. Help with Sign In If you don't use cookies, sign in here Join AAAS and subscribe to Science for free full access. Sign Up More Info Register for Free Partial Access including abstracts, summaries and special registered free full text content. Register More Info Pay per Article 24 hours for US $10.00 from your current computer Regain Access to a recent Pay per Article purchase Need More Help? Can't get past this page? Forgotten your user name or password? AAAS Members activate your FREE Subscription
Methane Clathrate - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Methane hydrates are believed to form by migration of gas from depth along gas. This represents a potentially important future source of fossil fuel.
Extractions: Source: USGS Methane clathrate is a form of water ice that contains a large amount of methane within its crystal structure (a clathrate hydrate ). Originally thought to occur only in the outer regions of the solar system where temperatures are low and water ice is common, extremely large deposits of methane clathrates have been found under sediments on the ocean floors of Earth . Methane clathrates are common constituents of the shallow marine geosphere, and they occur both in deep sedimentary structures, and as outcrops on the ocean floor. Methane hydrates are believed to form by migration of gas from depth along geological faults , followed by precipitation, or crystallization, on contact of the rising gas stream with cold sea water. Methane clathrates remain stable at temperatures up to 18 °C. The average methane clathrate hydrate composition is 1 mole of methane for every 5.75 moles of water, though this is dependent on how many methane molecules "fit" into the various cage structures of the water lattice. The observed density is around 0.9 g/cm . One liter of methane clathrate solid would therefore contain, on average, 168 liters of methane gas (at
Natural Gas Reserves (Bruce Hamilton) Simply referring to a person s opinion in a fossil fuel rag doesn t give us a If you count the free methane and gas hydrate, there s a huge resource
Natural Gas The Coming Global Oil Crisis Methane Madness A natural gas Primer. In 2000 the wellhead price of natural is the environmentally preferred fossil fuel and therefore the fossil fuel
Extractions: Schoolhouse Overview ... LNG terminal plans proliferate in Baja California , EcoAmericas [April 2002] "... [O]ur gas-related drilling boom ... was real and ... came to an end last August [2001] when gas prices collapsed. By the bottom of its collapse, gas drilling had fallen by 45%. Most gas analysts and many industry executives think that gas supplies will fall by 2% to 4% this year, even though gas drilling fell by 45%. They are making the classic mistake of ... misunderstanding depletion, which caused the supply flatness in the first place, despite a drilling boom. "Texas represents 31% of total U.S. daily gas supply. ... U.S. natural gas supplies could fall as much as 10% in as little as six months from now. The drop could be close to double this amount by the time it bottoms. "If this happens, it will jolt the U.S. economy far worse than the 1973 Oil Embargo. And unfortunately, there is no quick fix to this supply crisis. Americas electricity grid is highly dependent on an abundant supply of natural gas that must grow by 35% over the next 8 years. "If gas supplies drop by even 5%, there is a good chance that the industry will not be able to get supplies back to the flat levels we enjoyed for the past 8 years.
Googlism : What Is Gas gas is trapped within gas hydrate accumulations? the amount of methane sequestered in gas is a fossil fuel gas is not yet in your area gas is a clean
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Sedimentary Rocks fossil fuels. Coal. Coal is a slamdunk. It s carbonized wood. natural gashydrates are a curious kind of chemical compound where two dissimilar
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File Moved fuel production, based on an exotic form of solidified natural gas called gas gas hydrate is what scientists call a clathrate a crystal lattice of