Interactive Simulation Teaches Students About Slavery Web simulation activity developed to help high school teachers teach about P P Rael sees flight to Freedom as more than a tool to teach about
Extractions: ABOUT THIS SITE ABOUT LIBERAL ARTS COLLEGES THE ANNAPOLIS GROUP MEMBER COLLEGES College Campus News EXPERTS DATABASE TOP NEWS ON CAMPUS ADDITIONAL RESOURCES Free simulation available online BRUNSWICK, Maine - "Flight to Freedom," an interactive Web simulation activity developed to help high school teachers teach about slavery in 19th-century America, was unveiled last November at a two-day teaching conference at Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine. "Flight to Freedom," developed by Bowdoin Associate Professor of History Patrick Rael and the College's Educational Technology Center (ETC), with the assistance of Bowdoin students, allows "players" to experience slavery through the eyes of those who lived it. Players take on the persona of an African American historical figure (Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglass, Sojourner Truth), and work to escape to Canada, all the while being challenged by a series of events taken from authentic slave narratives. "Historical simulations are much more than games," Rael points out. "They challenge users to confront the past in a way that is fundamentally different from books and lectures. By establishing parameters for behavior, and systems of incentives and rewards, simulations permit users to experience the problems and conflicts that motivated those in the past." After being faced with a random scenario during each turn, a "Flight to Freedom" player must decide how to act next by choosing from among specific options. For example, the player takes on the persona of a young slave approached by her master for sexual favors. When she resists, she is beaten, sold to a trader, chained, and shipped to New Orleans to be sold again. What should her next step be? An escape attempt? Should she try to find a job to earn money? Or should she try to learn about family members on another plantation? The player's goal is to gather all her family members together, and escape to the freedom of Canada (the dominant concern of enslaved African Americans at that time).
Simulations An Overview Procedural designed to teach a sequence of actions, these simulations react toinput and Designing simulation gaming activities A systems approach.
I Lead Youth > Articles (An example is the flightsimulation game hidden in the Microsoft® Excel 97 teach your youth about avoiding entertainment that will bring them down
Challenger Center: Media: Profile: June Scobee Rodgers, Ph.D. By transforming the way teachers teach and students learn, For years, manyhave been providing simulation activities to supplement their lessons in all
Training, Simulation, And Performance Improvement The AMOC simulator is comprised of four components, the flight line display system The simulator automates aircraft arrival and departure activities,
Extractions: Staff Publications The Aircraft Maintenance Officer Course (AMOC) at Sheppard AFB prepares students for maintenance operations through a combination of classroom and simulation activities. The final exercise in the course uses simulated aircraft sortie exercises to teach communication procedures and tools. Previously, a 1970s vintage simulator display board was used to facilitate student training. An instructor and students manually updated the display board, documents, and grease boards to indicate the status of various maintenance activities. This project replaced the existing simulator with a computer-driven 4' x 12' video wall, an audio system, an instructor/operator station, and an automated flight line simulator. The new AMOC simulator, installed in the existing training facilities at Sheppard AFB, provides visual and audio cues to students to guide and stimulate responses during training activities. The AMOC simulator is comprised of four components, the flight line display system (FLDS), the instructor/operator station, the student workstations, and the simulation server. The FLDS presents a 3D representation of a flight line including the parking areas for two squadrons (one fighter and one heavy squadron), the taxiway, and the runway. The FLDS is capable of displaying various aircraft types and maintenance activities. The instructor/operator station provides an interface for the instructor to build and control various training scenarios and to monitor or change
Untitled Document Research activities principally in the fields of aircraft design, flight The flight simulator allows the interactive graphic flight simulation of an
Extractions: Position Researcher at Dipartimento di Progettazione Aeronautica (DPA), Univ. of Naples. Direction of financed research projects Grants and courses Teaching experiences Participation to commissions and chairman at conference Research activities Foreign Languages MAIN RESEARCH ACTIVITIES AND COLLABORATIONS Aircraft design Researches on light aircraft design and sailplane design. In particular some research activities have regarded sailplane fuselage design, wing-fuselage interference effects and wing-fuselage junction design for high performance sailplanes. Flight dynamics and flight tests Object of research: measurement of flight parameters in order to analyze canard aerodynamic influence on aircraft aerodynamics, dynamic stability and flying qualities. Applied and experimental aerodynamics Development of some computer codes for the analysis and design of two-dimensional (airfoils) and three-dimensional bodies. Airfoil design and analysis in the high angles of attack range. Extensive experimental activities (wind-tunnel tests) in the low speed wind-tunnel belonging to DPA on airfoil tests and aircraft scaled model tests. Alternative energy exploitation Design of wind and water turbines for alternative energy exploitation. Development of computer codes to predict all performances of horizontal and vertical axis wind and water turbines. Design of airfoil blade for horizontal and vertical axis turbines. Experimental tests in DPA wind-tunnel of wind turbines.
Oshkosh Northwestern - Activities Make Learning Hands-on At EAA Were trying to teach them to trust their vision. The Ford Pavilion alsohas flight simulator kiosks and screens for visitors to settle back with auto
Extractions: The U.S. Air Force brought a virtual reality parachuting experience and a gyroscopic ride meant to simulate the disorientation pilots might face in the air. Those looking for a little fun without the dizziness can take the controls of a simulator in the Air Force area set up in more of a computer game type of format.
Interface The Journal For Education, Community, And Values Games that teach nonprofessionals (children and adults) about basic health, and education or training (eg, flight simulation, military applications,
Extractions: One of the remarkable things about many kids who play a lot of video and computer games is how well developed their fine motor skills are as they interact with their computer using a mouse, keyboard, joystick, or other input devices. Kids who spend hours every day, or almost everyday, playing these games can become quite adept at maneuvering through digital space. Their fluid hand-eye coordination becomes second nature, the same way that people who have typed for many years no longer have to think about individual keystrokes as their fingers fly across the keyboard to convey a seamless flow of words and sentences. Compare this acquired dexterity with people who are new to typing or new to using a mouse. Their movements are awkward and uncertain, their concentration strained, and their thoughts more incremental than fluid. They have to focus on where individual letters rest on a keyboard, for example, or how the moving of a mouse corresponds to the movement of a cursor on screen. Although people learn differently depending on their personal learning style and the subject or activity being learned, it is generally true that most people need to repeatedly practice and study a subject or activity (e.g., a foreign language, driving, ice skating, dancing, athletics, math, statistics, mountain climbing, watercolor painting, carpentry, etc.) to acquire mastery over it.
Extractions: /* You may give each page an identifying name, server, and channel on the next lines. */ var s_trackInlineStats=true; var pageName="Class Software"; var server=""; var channel="MPcontent25100"; var pageType=""; var prop1="Class Software,Guest,,MPcontent,25100,/Home/academic resources/teaching/Software/Class Software"; var prop2="Class Software"; var prop3="Guest,"; var prop4="Class Software,Guest,"; var prop5="/Home/academic resources/teaching/Software/Class Software"; /********* INSERT THE DOMAIN AND PATH TO YOUR CODE BELOW ************/ /********** DO NOT ALTER ANYTHING ELSE BELOW THIS LINE! *************/ var s_code=' '; register sign in edit your profile e-mail page to a friend print this page make this page a quick link Class Software ARC Teaching : Software Related Archive of Marketing Education Link: All About Software Links for games, simulations and classroom software Literature - Articles on the use of simulation and gaming in the business school. ABSEL - The Association for Business Simulation and Experiential Learning.
How Video Games Influenced The Attack On America One of the small issues is that users of Microsoft s flight Simulator game willno longer be able to crash a Games and simulators can teach many things.
Extractions: Forward in Format for What's being called the Attack on America is going to change things in many ways, both large and small, some predictable, some not so easy to predict. One of the small issues is that users of Microsoft's Flight Simulator game will no longer be able to crash a simulated 757 into a realistic graphic of the World Trade Center. Yet this small changea concession by Microsoft to not offend its customersbrings up the larger issue of gaming and learning. It has already played an actual role in the attackswith the terrorists using flight simulators used to train commercial pilots to hone their deadly skillsand could play another role in the outcome. YOU MIGHT ARGUE that a flight simulator doesn't have much in common with a Microsoft game. But if those simulators are anything more than giant video games with great control consoles, then I don't know what they are. Games and simulators can teach many things. In fact, as much time as young people spend with them, they can hardly help but learn something. But what?
Flight Simulation Laboratory SoEs unique engineering research flight simulation facilities enables the Large flight Simulator (LFS), supports all aspects of teaching and research
Extractions: The School of Engineering (SoE) is continuing a long tradition in applied aeronautics which dates back from the formation of the original College of Aeronautics in 1946, providing industry and postgraduate students, a unique facility for all aspects of aerospace research. Flight simulation is playing an increasingly important role in academia in both teaching and research due in part to the rapid development of affordable PC based simulation technologies. The majority of commercial flight simulators are used to train pilots and therefore seek to emulate a specific aircraft type as accurately as possible, resulting in a capable but relatively inflexible system. In contrast, an engineering research flight simulator above all needs to be generic and reconfigurable by nature, enabling the rapid reconfiguration between different aircraft types and associated systems. Hence, the simulator may still be flown by pilots (preferably test pilots), but it is the aircraft handling characteristics and system design that is evaluated rather than piloting skills. Air-Vehicle Modelling and Simulation Environment
For Teachers -- Activities ReLiving The Wright Way NASA s Centennial of flight Celebration. activities,data, and engine simulations are available for teachers and students.
Extractions: This activity book presents several activities built around the discovery process used by the Wright brothers. There is a role playing game in which the student observes the Wrights' activities and has to report on the student's findings. There are plans for the construction of models of the first four Wright aircraft. There are lots of math problems to work on as well. This activity book was developed by a team in the NASA Glenn Office of Educational Programs. Flying Model of the Wright Brothers' 1902 Aircraft - Grades 6-10 This activity presents step-by-step instructions for building a flying scale model of the Wright brothers' 1902 aircraft using balsa wood and tissue paper. This activity was developed by Richard Glueck of the Orono Middle School, Orono, Maine. It requires minimum model making skills and introduces the ideas of scaling and following directions. Photographs detail the design process. The models can be used as part of a science fair project, or used in a diorama to further stimulate creativity.
Wright Brothers' Invention Process -- Tested Theories This website features facts, lesson plans, simulations, activities, Learn theprinciples of flight, flight planning, see large wind tunnels in operation
Extractions: (1901 - 1902) - Tested Theories The early kite and glider experiments did not meet the performance goals which the brothers calculated before the flights. In late 1901, the brothers began to doubt the data which they were using to design their aircraft. They built a wind tunnel and developed model-testing techniques including a balance to more accurately determine the lift and drag of their aircraft. They tested over two hundred different wings and airfoil models to improve the performance of their gliders. Their very successful aircraft was based on their new data. Today, NASA engineers at Ames, Langley, and Glenn Research Centers use sophisticated models and wind tunnels to study a variety of problems associated with modern aircraft design. These tunnels and test techniques are only modern improvements on the original work done by the Wright Brothers. You can use a computer simulator of the Wright tunnel to find out how it works.
AOPA Online - AOPA Pilot - Future Flight: Tomorrows Training like Microsoft flight Simulatorare restricted to teaching cognitive activitiessuch as Give me an hour on flight Sim and I can teach somebody VOR
Extractions: Site Map What's New Join/Renew Aviation Classifieds ... Aviation Forums By Michael P. Collins (From AOPA Pilot , April 2000.) M ost pilots today dont fly their first precision approach until theyre well into an instrument-training curriculum. But Eric Eckman of Swedesboro, New Jersey, isnt like most pilots. A freshman at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, Florida, he shot an instrument landing system (ILS) approach last fall during his first flight lesson. Thats right, his first primary lessonnot his first instrument lesson. Actually, for Eckman, they were one and the same. He is one of 40 students who began a combined private pilot and instrument rating course last fall. In conjunction with NASAs Advanced General Aviation Transportation Experiments (AGATE) program, Embry-Riddle worked with Jeppesen and other organizations to develop a 70-lesson integrated private/instrument curriculum. By early February, Eckman had completed lesson 44, logging about 60 flight hours and another 15 hours in flight training devices (FTDs). The curriculum utilizes FTDs, personal computer-based aviation training devices (PCATDs), and aircraft. "When I had about 15 flight hours, we went up in actual instrument conditions and I shot three instrument approaches with circle to land," he said. "It was neat to be able to do that. It definitely stands out among everything else." The aspiring airline pilot hopes that the integrated curriculum will benefit him in the future, given his career goals and the IFR environment in which he will operate.
Effects Of Video Games On Aggression The most well known simulations are flight simulators, which attempt to mimicthe reality of Video games teach many skills to the developing child.
Extractions: Thomas A. Kooijmans Rochester Institute of Technology In the past 30 years, video games have had a major impact on how people spend their leisure time. The first generation of video games were nothing more than simple geometric shapes, one or more of which could be controlled by the game player. With the release of the Nintendo Entertainment System in the 1980s and Sony's Playstation in the 1990s came new generations of games, with better graphics and more capabilities. Until the recent resurgence in interest in video games in the past decade, research on the topic was minimal. The greatest recent contribution has been Anderson and Bushman's (2002) general aggression model (GAM), which explains both the development of aggression and individual differences in susceptibility to the influence of violent video games. Because of the many biological and physical changes that occur during puberty, exposure to violent games should affect the processes that operate within the GAM. In order to control the effects of video game violence, one must first understand the effect it has on the brain, including in the areas of aggression and hostility. In the past 30 years, video games have had a major impact on how people spend their leisure time. The first generation of video games were nothing more than simple geometric shapes, one or more of which could be controlled by the game player. Each generation of games always uses the newest technologies available, leading to more impressive graphics and realism. Along with these new technologies come more realistic violent acts and situations. Also with each new generation of video games, people are spending more time and money on them. In this article the term video games will be used to define any interactive multimedia in which the human game player has control over the main "character" in a simulated game world. This can include all types of video games such as those played on arcade machines (like the
Extractions: By Mary Ulicsak , Learning Development Manager, NESTA Futurelab On 28 January the Centre for the Study of Children, Youth and Media within the Institute of Education, University of London at The London Knowledge Lab hosted the fourth seminar in the DigiPlay series. Their goal was to bring together those interested in the use of gaming technology in educational contexts in order to explore how it could enhance learning. The idea that learning occurs when playing a computer or video game is not a novel one. The proposal that computer games can be used in formal learning has been in the public domain for over 16 years . Recent research, for example What Video Games Have to Teach us About Learning and Literacy by James Gee , or Marc Prensky's observations on 'twitch culture' , highlight that a good game is a compelling learning experience. The purpose of the DigiPlay seminar was to explore how this idea could be taken forward.
Extractions: By Teresa Dillon , Innovations Researcher, NESTA Futurelab Computer game research and theory is a relatively new area of academic research, growing out of studies on digital texts within various arts and social science departments. However, as evident in the number of international academic conferences on games, it has become a recognised subject area in its own right, with the first peer-reviewed online journal in the field, Game Studies , appearing in 2001. Within computer game theory much has been made of the tensions between narrative and ludology. The relationship is not straightforward, particularly as the nature of narrative and gameplay is complex and the terms are used in many different ways, depending on disciplinary background and the nature of the research.
Microsoft Flight Simulator Century Of Flight Now flight Simulator 2004 brings you the latest most spectacular version of King began flying throughout the country to teach ground school courses.
Extractions: With a membership base of more than 390,000, or half of all pilots in the United States, AOPA is the largest, most influential aviation association in the world. AOPA has achieved its prominent position through effective advocacy, enlightened leadership, technical competence, and hard work. Providing member services that range from representation at the federal, state, and local levels to legal services, advice, and other assistance, AOPA has built a service organization that far exceeds any other in the aviation community. Learn more about how you can tap into AOPA's resources For more than 70 years, Cessna has set the standard in general aviation. Today, no other manufacturer has made so many aircraft. Cessna Aircraft Company manufactures the most complete line of aircraft in the world. From Citation business jets, to freight- and passenger-hauling utility Caravans, to personal and small-business Single Engine Pistons. We've got an aircraft that fits your flight plan. King Aviation Schools , which is now the worlds leading producer of aviation training videos and computer software, was established in 1974 when John and Martha King began flying throughout the country to teach ground school courses. In 1984 they began producing video courses in a spare room of their house. Today, King Schools has over 70 employees operating from an 18,000 sq. ft. complex housing a dedicated TV production and duplication facility. In the last 10 years the firm has delivered more than two and a half million videos with over 4 million hours of video instruction, teaching up to one-half of the instrument students and over one-third of all pilots in the U.S. obtaining training.
Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator 2 Combat flight Simulator 2 takes you back to this historic time and place with Later instructors didn t understand how to teach and became stricter.
Extractions: We recently received the sad news that Saburo Sakai, probably the most famous Japanese veteran of the air war in the Pacific, and a historical advisor to Microsoft during the production of Combat Flight Simulator 2, died in Tokyo on September 22, 2000 at the age of 84. Earlier this year we were able to interview Mr. Sakai to enhance our understanding of the Pacific air war. His patience and good humor made this memorable interview extraordinarily helpful, and his willingness to share mementos, memories, and insights from his military career helped us make Combat Flight Simulator 2 a richer and more immersive experience. The time we spent with Mr. Sakai was a rare privilege, a fact sadly underlined by his passing. We extend our deepest sympathy to his family. Transcript of April, 2000 Interview with Saburo Sakai
Flight Use the simulator sites above for ideas. Explore the Heroes of flight. activities for Teaching flight from the Smithsonian (Grades K6)
Extractions: var PUpage="76001074"; var PUprop="geocities"; var thGetOv=""; var thCanURL=""; var thSpaceId="76001074"; var thIP=""; var thTs="1100289782"; var thCs="15497bbac6a2dd6748be945d08ca83ba"; Easier - Flight is the ability to fly. It is the act of traveling or moving through the air. Harder - Humans first observed flight in other animals in the natural world. Birds have wings and most have the ability to fly. Many insects can fly. Only one mammal can fly, the bat. However both the flying squirrel and the flying lemur can glide. Humans experimented and developed ways of flying. Lighter-than-air methods that have successfully been used include hot air balloons and blimps. On December 17, 1903, brothers Wilbur and Orville Wright made the first successful heavier-than-air flights near Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. They had built their airplane after studying the writings of other aviation pioneers and experimenting with gliders, kites, and wind tunnels. Helicopters and gliders are the two other types of heavier-than-air craft. Four basic forces are involved in the flight of an airplane: (1) gravity, (2) lift, (3) drag, and (4) thrust. Thrust is created by a plane's propeller or its jet engines. Drag is the natural force of air that resists an airplane's forward movement. Lift is created by the plane's wings as they move through the air. And gravity is the natural force that pushes a plane toward the ground.