Helpful Links For Educators, From USD Online Stories and online interactive exercises for esl learners. Dave s esl Cafe homework help resources. AOL@School
Extractions: A useful research tool, the American Memory site offers online presentations in the areas of elections, immigration and the presidency. Students have access through the site to numerous collections of scanned documents from hundreds of years ago, such as, copies of George Washington's speeches. Ask Dr. Math
Untitled Document Subjective grading, such as that used in assessing composition and oral skills, will be based 50 points homework exercises completed in a TIMELY MANNER. 035 Syllabus.htm
Extractions: ESL - 035: AMERICAN CULTURE FOR ESL STUDENTS This course is designed for students of English as a Second language who are presently at the advanced (ESL 031-032 and ESL 225) level. American culture and cross-cultural communication are the vehicles used for improving students' English proficiency in speaking, reading and writing. The information and skills taught are intended to help students understand and adapt to American culture and to cultural differences affecting their communication with speakers of American English. This course satisfies core competencies: Communication Skills:
Rutgers Writing Program - 100 - Basic Composition Myths The Writing Program courses are designed to help you practice the kind of The homework doesnt affect my grade. Only the papers count toward my final
Extractions: No one is "naturally” a good or bad writer. The way to acquire college-level writing skills is to practice, with guidance, over time. Basic Composition is designed for those students who have had less practice in the kind of writing expected at Rutgers. Many students who are initially placed in English 100 or 100R go on to be very successful in their English 101 classes and other writing courses; some even become English majors! In this case, the word "basic" means "fundamental" and "foundational." Basic Composition is a college-level course. It requires the same amount of time and effort as any other first-year course, including Expository Writing. The main difference between the two classes is this: 100 and 100R instructors provide more structured in-class and homework assignments that guide students through the writing process, while 101 instructors assume that you already have these skills and that you will practice them on your own. Both classes may require 8-10 hours per week of out-of-class work, including reading, writing, and revision.
Simcoe County District School Board - Student Resources Ask A Teacher is the ultimate online destination for homework help. This site provides lists of grammar items for use by esl/EFL teachers.
Extractions: Grade 9 - Science ... Student Street Here you will find a collection of interesting sites to assist with homework questions, link to post-secondary education and training information, provide resource tools such as encyclopedias and translators, share hints for searching on the Internet, and more. Student Services staff assessed the quality of the sites at the time they were linked to these pages. However, the ongoing responsibility for the quality and nature of information rests with the author of each individual linked site. If you find a site that appears to be inappropriate, please contact Our Acceptable Use Guidelines for Computing and Information Technology for Computer Facilities and Resources provides guidelines and defines responsibilities for the safe and acceptable use of the computing and information technology facilities and resources in the SCDSB. Please click on the title below for the PDF version of this document.
Powell's Books - ESL help Your Child with a Foreign Language Teach a Foreign Language Naturally Exploring Through Writing A Process Approach to esl composition Exploring
The Quality Writing Center Teaching composition to esl students is like teaching someone how to drive a it can help to emphasize that certain verbs expressing a state of being or
Extractions: Teaching Writing to ESL Students Teaching composition to ESL students is like teaching someone how to drive a stick-shift on a car you love. Some students will probably choose the simplest routes, with the least chance for stalling on a steep incline, while others will lurch toward the highway, frantic to keep up with the rate they believe everyone else is driving. In any case, the teacher can't cringe when the car sputters to a stop from a 10 mph crawl, can't flinch when gears grind like an ogre's gnashing teeth. At the same time, that teacher does have to know when to stop a student from pulling a maneuver that could lead to a five-car pileup or send the car's engine into heat stroke. Below are some strategies for dealing with ESL students' needs. Much of the material is adapted from Understanding ESL Writers: A Guide for Teachers by Ilona Leki, published by Boynton/Cook Publishers, and Chapter 7 of Writing in the Center: Teaching in a Writing Center Setting by Irene L. Clark. International students will commonly backslide, making errors they had seemed to master on previous papers, because their knowledge of English (and how it interrelates with the language or languages they already know) is constantly shifting and stretching. A student may indiscriminately apply rules, writing "She cans do it" because he has learned that a third-person singular, present tense verb will have an "s" on the end. This can be frustrating for the teacher and the student, but it may (as long as the student tries to understand mistakes) be integral to language acquisition.
Tutoring Managing Time, homework help, 5 Traits of a Good TutorDAC; Learning to Teach-DAC Ideas about Writing Centers-UC; Writing problems- esl-DC
Extractions: Homework Help: Chemistry Math Study Skills Writing TUTORING SCHEDULES In the Labs: STUDENT INFORMATION Bring textbooks, syllabi, tests, notes, papers, assignments, calculator, etc. You CAN expect... friendly/helpful tutors to work with you as soon as possible after you arrive. tutors to rotate among students.
ESL 186 esl 186 Instructor Sharon Portman. Advanced composition Office 132207 Phone The purpose of homework is to enable you, the student, to practice and
Extractions: SYLLABUS ESL 186 Instructor : Sharon Portman Advanced Composition Office: Phone Fall 2005 e-mail MW Website : CRN # 10951 Office Hours: M , W TTh or by appointment The overall goal of this class is to develop the language skills necessary for academic and professional success. Successful completion of the coursework in this class will prepare students for a freshman level composition course. Course Description This is a 5 unit course which provides instruction and practice in reading skills, critical thinking, and expository essay writing including basic research skills. The course also offers continued practice in special problems common to second language learners. Continuing students must receive a passing grade (C or better) in ESL 185 or have successfully challenged a course to skip to this level. New students should take the COMPASS placement test and have a score of 190+ or have the recommendation of a counselor based on a combination of acceptable measures. Required book: Holten and Marasco , Looking Ahead: Mastering Academic Writing Recommended: English-English dictionary such as The Longman Advanced American Dictionary Supplies: lined notebook and plain white (computer) paper, 8 ½ x 11
107G Course Policies esl composition Program The Ohio State University 107G Course Policies Timed Writings, Quizzes, homework and Extra Credit Every student is expected to
Extractions: Atendance and Participation - Class will meet three days a week for a total of five contact hours. Regular attendance and participation in class are required and will be reflected in your final grade. After five hours of absences (or three classes) an official absence report form will be sent to your college office. This will result in a 1% drop from you final class grade, and each additional absence will result in a 1% drop/day from your final grade. Any class-work missed will not be made up. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to check your e-mail or contact a classmate to find out the next assignments. Also the assignments due that day must by turned into my office or mailbox by 5 PM to receive credit. Five late days will be totaled as one absence. Homework - Late papers will be downgraded by 1/2 level (A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, etc.) for every day they are late. Rough drafts of papers must be turned into me in class. Final drafts must be in my office or mailbox by 5 PM on the due date. Note word count for each draft at the end of the assignment. Due dates to be announced in class and via e-mail.
ESL Courses For Fall 2004 We at AVC s esl Program are here to help nonnative speakers of English excel in This course prepares students for advanced level esl composition.
Extractions: Excel in English! English is one of the most important keys to success in the United States. We at AVC's ESL Program are here to help non-native speakers of English excel in English and succeed in their academic, vocational, and personal goals! Some of the most difficult English skills to learn are grammar, writing, and pronunciation, so we offer courses specifically in these skill areas. We also offer integrated skills courses within our 5-level system. There are 3, 4, and 5-unit courses available. Come and join us. YOU can begin to excel in English! ESL Courses AVC's Vocabulary and Grammar Reading and Integrated ESL Pronunciation Skills Skills Writing Skills Skills Level 1 ESL 018 (3 units) ESL 019 (5 units) ESL Skills Building 1 Level 2 ESL 020 (4 units) ESL 023 (3 units) ESL 028 (3 units) ESL 029 (5 units) ESL Grammar 2 ESL Skills Building 2 Level 3 ESL 030 (4 units) ESL 033 (3 units) ESL 038 (3 units) ESL 039 (5 units) ESL Grammar 3 ESL Skills Building 3 Level 4 ESL 040 (4 units) ESL 043 (3 units) ESL 048 (3 units) ESL 049 (5 units) ESL Grammar 4 ESL Skills Building 4 Level 5 ESL 058 (3 units) ESL 059
Writing Courses This course will help you acquire skill and confidence in the skill of writing. All esl composition courses have as their goal preparation for
Extractions: Writing Courses in the English Department at YSU Here you will find descriptions of all the writing classes offered in the English Department at YSU, from the standard first year sequence to the ESL sequence, from professional writing to creative writing. The first year course descriptions are accompanied by specific course goals, required work, textbooks, and sample writing assignments. However, even those descriptions are general; your instructor will provide a more detailed syllabus with specific assignments, grading standards and policies, and a daily schedule. For examples of student writing from these classes, see Sample Student Writing. To skip to the courses you'd like to read about, click on the courses in the table of contents below. I. The First-Year Sequence English 520: Introductory College Writing 1
Abington Township Public Library homework help Learning Center. Literacy Link Newsletter Spring 2005 under the supervision of volunteer teachers who welcome esl students and help them
Coa201 homework; but do not solicit your tutors to help you write your papers. esl writing classes are designed to focus on particular writing problems
Extractions: During the course, students will work toward earning a total of 1100 points. A final course total of 900 points earns an "A," 800 points earns a "B," 700 points earns a "C," and 600 points earns a "D." Keep in mind that, while a "D" grade will allow 201A students to advance to 201B, a "C" grade must be earned for 201B students to advance to English 1A. The value of all course assignments is listed below:
ESL 114 COMPOSITION UNIT esl 114 composition UNIT. Topic The Dickson Mounds Controversy Be prepared to provide specific suggestions to help you partner revise the essay.
Extractions: ESL 114 COMPOSITION UNIT Topic: The Dickson Mounds Controversy Rhetorical Style: Argumentation INPUT TEXTS: Spotted Elk, Clara. "Skeletons in the attic." Scholastic Update 26 May 1989: 25. Trotter, V.L. Letter. "Case Presented for Dickson Mounds." Lewiston Daily 7 June 1990. SUPPLEMENTARY TEXTS: Brower, Montgomery. "Walter Echo-Hawk Fights for his People's Right to Rest in Peace-not in Museums." People Weekly 9 Sept. 1989: 42-44. Burghart, Tara. "UI Continues to Research Human Remains." The Daily Illini 18 Oct. 1991. "Case 5. Who Owns the Bones?" Omni Ja. 1988: 98-99. Cowley, Geoffrey. et al. "The Plunder of the Past." Newsweek 26 June 1989: 58-60. Craig, Bruce. "Bones of Contention." National Parks Jl/Ag 1990: Dellios, Hugh. "Edgar Wrestling Dickson Mounds Question." The Chicago Tribune 11 Sept. 1991. The Dickson Mounds Controversy Videocassette transcript. 1990. Johansen, Bruce E. "Dead Indians Out, Live Indians In." The Progressive Dec. 1989:15-16.
ESL & Composition Article Clearly aware that composition and esl Pedagogy have some distinct Furthermore, various forms of homework, as I have discovered through the years,
Extractions: The Parallels of ESL and Composition Pedagogy "The aim of functional objectives is to develop fluency," I interjected during a teachers' meeting in Tokyo, Japan in 1995. Functional objectives became our school's new buzz phrase. At that time, our pedagogical approach began to shift from the more accuracy-oriented approach of the target structure to the more fluency-oriented approach of functional objective. Just a few years later while attending yet another teachers' meeting but this time for English composition here in California, I encountered this familiar debate. However, the discussion wasn't about accuracy versus fluency in ESL pedagogy, but instead product versus process in composition pedagogy. Based on my experience of orienting the ESL students' communicative ability toward an informal audience, I have discovered and since adopted an approach which I feel, although effectively encompasses both fluency and accuracy, is more fluency-oriented. The importance lies not only in recognizing this dichotomy, but in accepting and working with. In Pat Peterson's article A Synthesis of Methods, he identifies interactive processing, first pioneered by E.A. Nida, as a combination of meaning-driven and form operations.
Mead Library Links To Homework Sites Get free personalized homework help through a network of volunteers. Other features include a testprep area, esl instruction and teacher resources.
Extractions: If your question probes deep into a topic, often your best choice is to ask a specialist. This site makes it simple to locate, and quiz, these people. Here you'll get links to dozens of expert pages where you can submit queries to many varies experts. AskA+ Locator tells you to whom your question will be going and what your chances are of hearing back. General Homework Sites Ask Jeeves for Kids! This brightly-designed site has several cross-searchable resources, including an encyclopedia, almanac, and dictionary. The site also includes several sections, including a homework center, geography center, US information center, and a "people center" with a searchable database containing information on over 30,000 people.
ESL Magazine esl Magazine is the leading magazine for AmericanEnglish language teachers - providing Math, Science and Nature, Art, homework help, and Ask An Expert.
How Computers Should Be Used At X College Although I originally doubted that computers would help much, We have also had to rethink composition class. Since homework will be done in class,
Extractions: ARTICLE: How Computers Should Be Used at X College An explanation of how computers can be used as effective teaching tools in a two-year college English class. How Computers Should Be Used at X College The paper has been modified only by substituting "X" or "our" for the name of the school and by using "composition class" and "remedial English" for the class titles and numbers. E very newspaper, radio news program, or TV newscast seems to include a mention of computers these days. As far as sales are concerned, the computer is the hoola-hoop or Walkman of the nineties. However, computers are more than a fad. Computers can improve the quantity, the quality, and the presentation of work output. In addition, the job market is undergoing a violent shift towards the flexible, communicative, self-motivated worker: the worker who can get tasks accomplished. The student who craves success needs to acquire skills in every area but must be computer literate to enhance and implement these skills. For this reason, our college needs to emphasize computer use. Experience at X College shows that the best method to get the students to use computers is by having them use the computers in class. I t may seem odd that English teachers everywhere have jumped on the computer class bandwagon. It does not seem odd to anyone who has taught a computer writing class. Students in these classes take more care in writing their papers and go back to correct errors that they would otherwise ignore. This quarter, with my composition classes divided between the computer lab and a comfortable classroom with broad, flat tables, I have noticed that the students working in the classroom come in late, try to leave early, and work in a desultory fashion while the students working in the computer lab tend to start early, finish late, and stay focused on their tasks.
Project PASS esl (English as a Second Language) classes are also offered by Project PASS. Hands on learning activities and homework help occur daily, MondayThursday
Extractions: Home Learning Opportunities Focus Program Components ... Links Project PASS (Partners Assisting Student Success) is an innovative community-based after school program resulting from a Federal grant. This three year $1.5 million dollar grant is funded through the U.S. Department of Education's 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program. Camdenton R-III Schools was one of only five Missouri schools awarded this prestigious grant in school year 2000. The program's primary goal is to provide students and their families with the skills, resources, and support necessary for success in school as well as in life. Project PASS collaborates with various community agencies, support groups, businesses, clubs, and community members to provide activities and classes. EXPANDED LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES Project PASS serves students from grades K-12. The program offers expanded learning opportunities outside the regular school hours to afford academic acceleration, enrichment, and recreation. Emphasis is placed on the use of innovative teaching strategies, targeted learning (based on state standards and district curriculum), and meaningful parental involvement. THE FOCUS Students are afforded an opportunity to receive extra help on homework while reinforcing the academic focus of communication arts, mathematics, science, technology, and social studies. The program highlights special field trips, guest speakers, and other related events to make learning a unique and hands-on experience.
Academic Support Center Online Resources The following sites offer energetic esl learners the opportunity to improve their English on their own. Algebra homework help The World of Math Online
Extractions: Home Mission Tutoring Computers ... MWCC Home The OWL, our online writing lab , is offered to all MWCC students as an extension of our tutoring services; it allows students who might not be able to come into the ASC to work with a writing tutor. To better assist distance learning students, and all independent learners, the staff of the Academic Support Center has developed online support in the form of self-paced PowerPoint tutorials and links to appropriate Web sites. Learning to Love the Research Paper... Or at Least Learning to Do It Well Tutoring 101: New Tutor Orientation The following Web sites are appropriate for students enrolled not only in math, writing, and literature courses, but in any course that requires writing an essay or a research paper. We have also included several useful sites for English as a Second Language learners. Purdue University Online Writing Lab