Online English To Russian To English Dictionary Online english to Russian to english Dictionary. english to Russian Dictionary. Exact Results. 1, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50
Extractions: Skip site header WordNet a lexical database for the English language WordNet was developed by the Cognitive Science Laboratory at Princeton University under the direction of Professor George A. Miller (Principal Investigator). Over the years, many people have contributed to the success of WordNet. Currently, the following individuals at Princeton work on the continuing development of WordNet and applying it to research: Dr. Fellbaum's work was supported in part by grant No. 9805732 from the National Science Foundation. WordNet 2.1 is now available for Windows and Unix platforms. The third Global WordNet meeting will take place in January, 2006 on Jeju Island, South Korea. The Global WordNet Association has more information and the Call For Papers A new web interface to the WordNet 2.1 database is available. This version is a completely different interface that allows users to expand and collapse nodes.
Learn Chinese Characters Online Chineseenglish dictionary. Learn Chinese characters by understanding their origins and interconnections.
Jim Breen's WWWJDIC Jim Breen s WWWJDIC Japaneseenglish Dictionary Server (Monash University Site). Translate Words in Japanese Text Search for Words in the Dictionary
Extractions: (Monash University Site) Translate Words in Japanese Text Search for Words in the Dictionary Find Kanji in the Database Find Kanji (MultiRadical Method) ... Example Search (Reserved) (Reserved) NEW:, and URLs Useful WWWJDIC links: (The Keitai interface has been reported to work for the NTT DoCoMo, Vodafone JPhone, and AU phones.) Go to Jim Breen's Japanese Page
Latin Dictionary And Grammar Aid You can also translate english to Latin. Stem Ending. This dictionary defines about 15600 words. Florin Neumann, who found the data on the Internet and
Extractions: Archives Latin Dictionary and Grammar Aid A B C D ... Y Type in the form of the word that you would expect to find in a dictionary or a truncated form of the word (e.g., stem only). If you want help with the ending of a word, type the ending in the space provided. (If you prefer, you may leave this space blank). To see all the words in the dictionary that begin with "q", search for "q" as the stem. You can also translate English to Latin Stem: Ending: This dictionary defines about 15,600 words. Florin Neumann, who found the data on the Internet and reformatted it for the Macintosh, says that it may not be used for commercial purposes. Matt Neuburg reformatted it so that it would operate on the Macintosh as a memory-resident searchable dictionary. I reformatted the dictionary again and wrote scripts to search it together with Lynn Nelson's grammar aid to produce the answers you find here. For a program with a better understanding of Latin grammar and a larger vocabulary (30,000 words), try William Whitaker's Words (If you like Words and have DOS, Windows, Linux, or Free BSD
Extractions: var DynAPI = null; @import "/css/hunvan/screen.css"; @import "/css/sztaki_css/szotar.css"; @import "/css/sztaki_css/forced.css"; @import "/css/sztaki_css/font_4.css"; @import "/css/sztaki_css/correctmenu.css"; Ugrás a tartalomhoz document.write(''); Font size Help Dictionaries Services (in Hungarian) Past issues (in Hungarian) 2005 spring 2004 winter 2004 autumn 2004 summer 2004 summer 2 2004 spring 2003 winter 2003 autumn 2003 summer 2003 spring 2002 winter 2002 autumn 2002 spring 2001 winter - Multilingual Dictionary Multidirectional service including english, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian, and Latin, available with english interface.
Chinese-English Dictionary This Chinese/english dictionary provides a searchable interface for the CEDICT dictionary originally put together by Paul Denisowksi.
Extractions: Include pronunciation links If you are willing to host this dictionary, I have made the necessary files available in a zip file. To set up a mirror, you will need CGI access on your server. If this site is not working, please visit one of the following mirror sites: Mirror Sites: This Chinese/English dictionary provides a searchable interface for the CEDICT dictionary originally put together by Paul Denisowksi. Searches can be conducted by Chinese (using either the GB, Big5, or Unicode encodings), pinyin, or English. Results will show the Chinese word, the pinyin representation of the word, and the English definition. You can choose to have the Chinese characters appear as GIF pictures. You can also click on the pinyin to hear how it is pronounced. Some points to remember when using this dictionary: You can download the dictionary data at the CEDICT website This dictionary is only for words. It will not have phrases (such as "I love you") or names. If you want to find out what your name is in Chinese, please use the
CEDICT: Chinese-English Dictionary Volunteer lexicographic project (inspired by Japanese EDICT) that Paul Denisowski began and Erik Peterson maintains. It currently contains 25807 Big5 words
Extractions: This website is a continuation of the CEDICT project started by Paul Denisowski. It aims to provide a complete Chinese to English dictionary with pronunciation in pinyin for the Chinese characters. CEDICT is merely a text file, other programs are needed to search and display it. CEDICT was inspired by the EDICT Japanese dictionary project of Jim Breen. See the CEDICT readme file for more information on the formatting and usage of the dictionary. If you are interested in Cantonese, check out CantoDict Latest Release: 3 September 2005 Corrections and new entries from Erik Peterson, Ron Molenda, Tim Lindeman. Tibetan place names from Jan Zapotocky. Corrected some trad/simp issues due to new UTF-8 format. Dictionary Totals UTF8 Defs: 29079 GB Words: 26210, Defs: 26968 Big5 Words: 28427, Defs: 29059 Older versions of CEDICT can be found at the Monash Nihongo ftp Archive CEDICT contributors can now use an automated submission page to contribute new entries to CEDICT. It checks for proper CEDICT format, for possible pinyin errors, and to see if the entries are already in CEDICT.
LEO English-German Dictionary Perseus Project Online Latin LexiconSearchable in Latin or english. Contains links to source material.
Wordsmyth: We've Moved! Japanese english Dictionary ServerWelcome to Jeffrey s Japanese - english Dictionary Server! Also see the searchable database of kanji information. If your browser does have Japanese support
Extractions: has moved to a new domain on the Internet with a gleaming new web site. Please edit your Wordsmyth bookmark to point to our new URL: Your browser will automatically transfer you to our new web site in a few seconds. If it does not, click here to jump to the new Wordsmyth Educational Dictionary-Thesaurus.
Japanese <-> English Dictionary Server / Japanese?english Dictionary. jump to query screen. Welcome to Jeffrey s Japanese?english Dictionary Server!
Extractions: [jump to query screen Welcome to Jeffrey's Japanese¢ÎEnglish Dictionary Server Also see the searchable database of kanji information . If your browser does not have Japanese support (or doesn't grok EUC go here . This page available without colors , etc. This is a mirror of Jeffrey's main dictionary server Instructions and such are at the bottom of the page. disable fuzzy search for Japanese lookups Search only commonly-used words Restrict to word-class (EDICT tags) Do not restrict to a word class abbreviation adjective adjectival nouns with particle na nouns with particle no pre-noun adjectival special adjective taru adjective an adverb archaism auxiliary auxiliary verb conjunction colloquialism familiar language female term or language gikun (meaning) reading grammatical honorific language humble language idiomatic expression interjection word containing irregular kanji usage word containing irregular kana usage irregular okurigana usage martial arts term male term or language manga slang noun (common) adverbial noun noun (temporal) negative negative verb obsolete term obscure term word containing out-dated kanji out-dated or obsolete kana usage polite
ËÅÎÉʼ - LEXICON: Greek-English-Greek Dictionary Free Polish-english-Polish Translator and online Polish Dictionary.The only fulltext Polish-english-Polish Online Translator, online Polish Dictionary by Ectaco, Inc. 600000+ words vocabulary.
Extractions:"HOMEPAGE"; SEARCH Cyprus Home News Agrino Search ... Community Ancient Greek Ancient Greek Instructions: The left-hand-side form translates words from Greek to English. If you do not have Greek fonts you may type your query using its Roman transliteration . For example you may type in the word 'logos' instead of 'ëüãïò'. The right-hand-side form translates words from English to Greek. The Greek words are printed in both the Greek and the Roman alphabets.
Macquarie Dictionary Search the record of Australian english.
Extractions: Log in Subscribe Macquarie Dictionary now offers a language reference service online. This provides you with the complete Macquarie Dictionary with annual updates and the Macquarie Thesaurus. Internet access makes this information easily accessible while offering greater editorial flexibility in maintaining an up-to-date dictionary and thesaurus. Buy the award winning electronic Macquarie Dictionary and Thesaurus - WordGenius online for immediate download. Macquarie Revision and Study Guides are available for a range of courses in the HSC and VCE. Since it was first published in 1981, the Macquarie Dictionary has become firmly established as the record of Australian English. Many smaller and specialised dictionaries, as well as thesauruses and other reference works have contributed to Macquarie's reputation as Australia's leading language reference publisher. The Macquarie has been constantly evolving over the past two decades. With the second edition, published in 1991, the
Extractions: Our dictionary has been online for 10 years now ... Jetzt über 25.000 Einträge mit amerikanischer Aussprache zum Anhören: Danke an clip2go! Now with more than 25,000 entries of American pronunciation to listen to: Thanks to clip2go! Unterstützte Suchmethoden: Supported search methods: Übersetzung Englisch - Deutsch oder umgekehrt Translation English - German or vice versa Gezielte Übersetzung von Englisch nach Deutsch
Extractions: Select Search All All Reference Columbia Encyclopedia World History Encyclopedia Cultural Literacy World Factbook Columbia Gazetteer American Heritage Coll. Dictionary Roget's Thesauri Roget's II: Thesaurus Roget's Int'l Thesaurus Quotations Bartlett's Quotations Columbia Quotations Simpson's Quotations Respectfully Quoted English Usage Modern Usage American English Fowler's King's English Strunk's Style Mencken's Language Cambridge History The King James Bible Oxford Shakespeare Gray's Anatomy Farmer's Cookbook Post's Etiquette Bulfinch's Mythology Frazer's Golden Bough All Verse Anthologies Dickinson, E. Eliot, T.S. Frost, R. Hopkins, G.M. Keats, J. Lawrence, D.H. Masters, E.L. Sandburg, C. Sassoon, S. Whitman, W. Wordsworth, W. Yeats, W.B. All Nonfiction Harvard Classics American Essays Einstein's Relativity Grant, U.S. Roosevelt, T. Wells's History Presidential Inaugurals All Fiction Shelf of Fiction Ghost Stories Short Stories Shaw, G.B. Stein, G. Stevenson, R.L. Wells, H.G. Reference American Heritage I am not so lost in lexicography as to forget that words are the daughters of earth, and that things are the sons of heaven.
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