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         Energy & Heat Physics:     more books (100)
  1. Sizzling Science Projects With Heat And Energy (Fantastic Physical Science Experiments) by Robert Gardner, 2006-08
  2. Cogeneration: Cogeneration, Heat engine, Power station, Electricity, Heat,Energy recycling, Electricity generation, Cooling tower, Fluegas, Anaerobic digestion, Distributed generation
  3. The toaster: A module on heat and energy transformations by Bruce B Marsh, 1975
  4. Matter and Energy: Principles of Matter and Thermodynamics (Secrets of the Universe) by Paul Fleisher, 2001-05
  5. God's Design for the Physical World: Heat and Energy (God's Design Series) by Debbie Lawrence, Richard Lawrence, 2006-07-31
  6. Calorimeter: Calorimetry, Science, Chemical reaction, Physical change, Thermal mass, Latin, Heat, Enthalpy, Temperature, Specific heat capacity, Energy, Reaction calorimeter
  7. Heat Electric Energy Sfs75 by Paige, 1975-01-01
  8. Heat death of the universe: Ultimate fate of the universe, Thermodynamic free energy, Motion (physics), Life, Physics, Entropy, William Thomson, 1st Baron ... energy, Nature, Laws of thermodynamics
  9. Physics and Heat Technology of Reactors. Translated from Russian (Soviet Journal of Atomic Energy, Supplement 1)
  10. Home Fuel Cell: Home fuel cell, Micro combined heat and power,Microgeneration, Energy, Fossil fuel, Greenhouse gas,Cogeneration, Fuel cell, Natural gas, Biomass, Renewableenergy
  11. Energy Density: Energy, Volume, Rocket, Hydrogen, Magnetohydrodynamics, Gasoline, Power-to-weight ratio, Figure of merit,Energy content of biofuel, Heat ... Rechargeable battery, Specific impulse.
  12. Heat Sink: Heat sink, Computer cooling, Heat pipe, Heat pump, Radiator,Thermal management of electronic devices and systems, Thermal resistance in electronics, ... Refrigeration, Heat engine, Internal energy
  13. 5D Amplitude Indicates Concentration of Energy in Space (Heat), Time (Light) and Mass (Electric Charge) (Cosmatom Newsflash) by Ian McCrimmon, 1995-08-27
  14. Energy / La energia: Heat, Light, and Fuel / Calor, luz y combustible (Amazing Science) (Spanish Edition) by Darlene R. Stille, 2008-04-30

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