Statement Of Teaching Philosophy Of Bruce W. Grant I have organized sessions of contributed papers on teaching ecology, Handouts on these activities will sonn be deposited at the ESA EdWeb site mentioned
Extractions: Statement of My Teaching Philosophy. I enjoy and greatly benefit from teaching. For me, helping students to understand the content and process of knowledge construction in the various disciplines of science in which I have taught always leads to an improved clarity and a sense of renewal in my own pursuits. I view the classroom as the crucible of knowledge and inquiry from which teachers and students emerge as both better teachers and better students. Science education, when successful, hones imagination and perception. Curriculum must challenge students to observe and explain phenomena, which is the fundamental role of science. The momentum is building in our society to improve the science literacy of our children. Given the explosion of scientific information this century, there is a great need for reorienting curriculum toward teaching students how to use available resources to find things out for themselves. In addition, science curriculum needs to equip students with investigative methods, whether in the library, laboratory, or field. Curriculum should emphasize student development of the critical observation, thinking, and analytical skills of scientists, and reinforce content retention activities within appropriate contexts. These are guiding principles that permeate all of the courses I teach.
SCED 585, Field Ecology For Teachers Participants will learn activities in schoolyard ecology available from nationally What excites students about learning and teachers about teaching?
Extractions: Page last updated: 23 February 2005 and has been accessed 3109 times since 1 September 2001. I thank Widener University (particularly Harry Augensen, Marc Brodkin, Larry Panek, and Marty Schultz) for server access and technical support. I also thank Dr. Barbara Grove with whom I designed and co-taught this course during the 1990s. Current Assignments.
ESA Journals -- The Bulletin articles about the teaching of ecology; obituaries for deceased members and or give a comprehensive view of all presentations/meeting activities,
Extractions: of the Ecological Society of America The Bulletin publishes letters, longer commentaries, and philosophical and methodological items related to the science of ecology. In addition, the Bulletin publishes announcements of meetings; reviews of meetings, of software useful for ecological research and teaching, and of other tools for ecologists; articles about the teaching of ecology; obituaries for deceased members and resolutions of respect for former ESA officers, winners of major awards, and certain other ecologists; announcements; and reports of official actions by the Society. Previously published items from other sources can be republished in the Bulletin Bulletin content is not peer reviewed and, therefore, the Bulletin does not accept articles that are too technical or specialized to be evaluated for publication without scientific review. We are looking for photographs that represent obvious visual manifestations of ecological processes, ecological research designs, or similar "dynamic" ecological subjects. However, the focus must be on the ecological subject, rather than on equipment or researchers. Within that set of criteria, the photograph must "look great"; that is, it must be so appealing that the reader is forced to stop and stare at it, and perhaps, to open the cover to learn details of its significance. This latter quality is more important than the information content of the photo, which eliminates most graphs, diagrams, split photos (e.g., before and after), and so on. It is particularly important that the colors in the photos are bright and showy, although black and white photos are also sought if they are well composed with good contrast. Send a single 5 x 7 inch or 8 x 10 inch photo to the
Untitled Document Teaching Materials and activities. Keepers of the Earth Native American Stories and Environmental Connects wildlife ecology and environmental issues.
Extractions: Illustrations by John Kahionhes and Carol Wood. $19.95 This environmental classic teaches children respect and stewardship for the Earth and all living things. Joseph Bruchac's lyrical retellings set the stage for Micheal Caduto's abundance of related activities. This connects to social studies, science, environmental studies and other content areas. It uses a holistic approach suitable for all ages. Provides field-tested activities. It includes charts, illustrations, and graphs to enhance to projects and concepts.
Environmental Education In Georgia - Teaching Resources Sample a New Book from NSTA Exploring ecology activities for Grades 4-8 New Book from Green Teacher Teaching Green The Middle Years
KIDS LINKS KIDS DO ecology This site provides educational activities for young scientists accessing the Internet. KIDS FACE Kids (F)or (A) (C)lean (E)nvironment.
APS Curricular Materials And Teaching Resources activities and labs from APS publications are available here as well. Women Life Scientists, ecology/Botany/Animal Behavior, MSHS, Rachel Carson-The
APS Curricular Materials And Teaching Resources The science activities and laboratories included here are written for elementary, middle, Women Life Scientists, ecology/Botany/Animal Behavior, MSHS
Extractions: ...Click for Menu... ~~ Home ~~ Light a Fire Quotations How to Add Games Email Book Clubs Book Store Coupons Calendar Blog Free Web Content Games Jokes Newsletters Parents Postcards Printables Screensavers Suggest a Site Tell a Friend Top Ten Pages Topic Directory ~~ Search this Site Arts, Crafts, Music Computers, Internet Hobbies, Sports Geography Holidays, History Language Arts Math Parents, Teachers Pre-K and K Science, Animals Link to Us From my Mailbox My Bio Ad Rates Write Me Visit My Office Ecology Games This is a large site that is easy to navigate and full of information about a non-profit co-ed youth organization for 6-18 year olds. The organization focuses on Forestry, Ecology, Outdoor Skills and Leadership. It is family-friendly and has some excellent links. Reviewed December 4, 2001 by S. Kent, a reader from Canada who is affiliated with the site. Reviewed December 13, 2000 by James, a reader from Dublin, Ireland who is affiliated with the site.
The Science Spot: Ecology Lesson Plan Links Explore ecology topics games with your students Visit the ecology page of the Visit the National Wildlife Week area for lesson ideas and activities!
Extractions: My Lesson Plan Pages Astronomy Biology Adopt-An-Insect Chemistry Earth Science General Science Physics Bald Eagle Days Digging Into Science (Dinosaurs) Metric Mania Nature Center Lessons Puzzle Corner Lesson Plans Links Pages ... Astronomy Biology Chemistry Earth Day Earth Science Ecology General Science Genetics Physics Technology Weather Visit my pages for Earth Day Resources and Nature Center Lessons for more great ideas and links! Ecology page of the Kid Zone Biodiversity Activity - Use this lesson from the Access Excellence collection to explore the topic of biodiversity with your students. Biodiversity Basics - Explore this resource from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources for a variety of great lesson ideas to explore biodiversity. Try the Gene Scene activity to explore genetic diversity with a human gene wheel! Climatograms - Visit this site to learn how to make climatograms to compare precipitation and temperature of a mid-latitude grassland biome with the precipitation and temperature of other types of biomes. If you are in the Midwest, visit the Midwestern Regional Climate Center for climate info for your area.
Extractions: HE Departments DEA DNS HD PAM TXA Human Ecology International Activities The New York State College of Human Ecology of Cornell University responds to human needs in New York State and beyond by improving nutrition and health, advancing design and technology, promoting development and the life course, and securing economic and social well-being for individuals, families, and communities through integrated programs of research, outreach, and teaching. Courses
Human Ecology : Student Organizations Information about many other student activities on campus may be obtained from the Office of The committee consists of three teaching faculty members,
Extractions: HE Departments DEA DNS HD PAM TXA Home Students Student Organizations On This Page... See Also... The following is a selected list of college-based organizations. Dozens more exist and are among the more than 600 student clubs and organizations at Cornell University. Information about many other student activities on campus may be obtained from the Office of the Dean of Students, 401 Willard Straight Hall.
Access Excellence Activities Exchange Innovative, successful teaching strategies and activities to help students learn Princeton, New Jersey, on topics including human ecology, bioethics,
Extractions: Please visit our Teacher's Lounge to share your ideas and 'talk' with the creators of the activities found here. Partners' Collection DNA Primer: An Introduction to Nucleic Acids and Their Application to Infectious Disease Detection , developed by Joan Polancic, MSEd, CLS(NCA), and presented by the American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science , introduces the basics of nucleic acids so that current molecular technologies that are performed in the clinical or medical laboratory can be understood and applied to disease detection.
Natural History And Ecology Of Homo Sapiens ecology of the Dump Three activities concerning solid waste management Teaching about the Rainforest Classroom Ideas A variety of activities to
Extractions: Quotes and Participants A Study of Your Domestic Water Supply Students will follow a raindrop from its source into the water supply for their houses and then back to the environment. The students will draw and/or understand a diagram of a water treatment plant and a sewage treatment plant. An Enzyme - Substrate Model Examining reaction rates of an enzyme-mediated reaction, the effects of environmental variables on enzyme function and analysis of data relating to the reaction. Anatomy and Physiology "Quickies" Demonstrations to illustrate comprehension of body organ structure Are You Being Poisoned by Your Dishes? Discover if any of your ceramic ware is leaching lead which might cause lead poisoning Biome Exchange - Send the "Stuff" Not The Kids Students from different geographic biomes exchange ecological information Biomes in a Box Students construct a model of a biome which will illustrate the various biotic and abiotic factors unique to that biome Black Death- A Biological Perspective Activity to describe the symptoms, treatments, and control measures of Black Death
EE Activities - Correlated To National Learning Standards Interactive activities help bring biology and ecology to life, Teaching unit uses the four levels of waste treatment to introduce the issue of solid Activities - Correlated to National Learning Standard
Extractions: NAAEE Home EE-Link Home Member Login Contact Us ... Jobs More EE Activities Yet More EE Activities Yet More EE Activities Professional Resources Organizations by Topic Area Geography - Rainforest Schoolyard - Wildlife K-12 Students More Enviro Links More Enviro Links Soils Solid Waste Sustainable Development Urban & Built Environments"> Urban & Built Environments
EE Activities - Reference 4 videocassettes and teaching guide. Spanish version available for Parts 1 and 2 (out of Each dealing with a different aspect of ecology or ecosystems. Activities - Reference
Extractions: NAAEE Home EE-Link Home Member Login Contact Us ... Jobs More EE Activities Yet More EE Activities Yet More EE Activities Professional Resources Organizations by Topic Area Geography - Rainforest Schoolyard - Wildlife K-12 Students More Enviro Links More Enviro Links Higher Ed Programs News NAAEE Communicator Mailing Lists ... Community Higher Ed Article Listing Publications EETAP Resource Library More Publications Site Stats:
Resources For Teaching Evolution NSTA Position Statement The Teaching of Evolution Focusing on island biogeography, ecology, and evolution, the activities use the Galápagos as a theme
Extractions: NSTA supports the position that evolution is a major unifying concept of science and should be included as part of K-College science frameworks and curricula. NSTA recognizes that evolution has not been emphasized in science curricula in a manner commensurate to its importance because of official policies, intimidation of science teachers, the general public's misunderstanding of evolutionary theory, and a century of controversy.
Resources For Teaching Evolution Throughout this Web site are activities that appear in ecology and Evolution Islands of Change, which have been modified to make use of the online medium.
Extractions: Available: through NSTA (800-722-NSTA or The National Science Teachers Association has published Ecology and Evolution: Islands of Change Ecology and Evolution: Islands of Change Imax, Ltd. 3-D film, Galapagos . In addition to creating this Web site, an educational poster, and a 32-page teacher's guide for the film, NSTA developed new material and adapted older activities to create Ecology and Evolution: Islands of Change In addition to linking to the National Science Education Standards , each activity has assessment suggestions, rubrics, and Internet extensions through the NSTA Sci Throughout this Web site are activities that appear in Ecology and Evolution: Islands of Change , which have been modified to make use of the online medium. Consider these activities a sampler of what is available in the full-length book. Home Classroom Investigations
Extractions: What Programs Does Ferry Beach Provide? Ferry Beach Ecology School (FBES) is a non-profit educational organization dedicated to providing ecological education to 3rd-8th grade classes. Our interdisciplinary ecology curriculum focuses on teaching hands-on lessons in basic ecology by using the outdoors as a classroom a classroom where learning occurs through exploration, scientific investigation, discovery and sensory awareness. FBES naturalists take students to a variety of ecosystems residential programs , as well as day programs and outreach programs to public and private schools. Why Do Classes Come to Ferry Beach? A trip to FBES can be a once in a lifetime opportunity for students to explore and learn about ecosystems such as tidepools, beaches, dunes, salt marshes and coastal forests- places that many of them may never have seen before. The experience of being away from home and learning to live with and get along with others is also invaluable. School teachers from all over New England use this experience as an integral part of their science curriculum. Pre-visit and post-visit activity manuals as well as free teacher training during your visit to Ferry Beach Ecology School help to ensure that the week can be incorporated into the regular school year. On lessons , students learn to use disciplines such as oceanography, geology, biology, chemistry, climatology and history as tools for understanding ecosystems, organisms, and ultimately, their relationship to the world they live in. FBES naturalists address different learning styles and make learning challenging and fun by using a variety of teaching tools including; activities, games, props, field notebooks and skits and songs. Students also benefit greatly through living with others, and learn personal responsibility by performing various duties during their stay such as setting up their
Appendix 1 - SYE Activities Other activities. Schoolyard ecology Teaching Resources Treasure Hunt An activity intended to guide you in searching the schoolÂyard for good teaching
Extractions: Handbook Contents Table of Contents How to use this handbook Print and download Contact us Forums Introduction >List of Chapters Modeling as leaders Getting ready Teacher Inquiry Learning ecology Teacher reflection Teacher Plans Providing Resources On-going support Putting it together >List of Appendices Sample Activities Resources Frameworks