December 1996 / State Of The Art / LDAP Unites the Internet Applications andservices will perform DNS lookups to find directory servers both on
Extractions: Jump to... Columns: Advanced Software and Technologies BYTE Media Lab Chaos Manor Conference Reports Features Free Features Gigglebytes Letters to Mr. Computer Language Person New Products Op/Ed Portable Computing Serving with Linux The Upgrade Advisor HOME ABOUT US ARCHIVES CONTACT US ... REGISTER December 1996 State Of The Art / LDAP Unites the Internet Jamie Lewis Who would have thought that directory services the white pages of the network world would emerge as a prime technology for enabling new Internet-based applications? Sure, directory services have always served as background guides to network services, applications, and people. Now, because companies are using the Internet for communications and to unify internal networks, directories are on the front burner for applications developers. In many ways, the current surge in directory development can be attributed to Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP). LDAP 2, the Internet standard for directory services, is a distillation of X.500, the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) protocol for directory and resources management. LDAP gives applications developers a vendor-independent mechanism for directory interoperabil
Dallas Morning News | News For Dallas, Texas | Personal Technology Reverse phone lookups have been around the Internet for years. out of thetube and your number is already listed with directory assistance and Google,
Extractions: I like to keep everyone posted when misinformation is working its way around the Internet. Recently an online acquaintance posted a cautionary message on a discussion board. This message was sent from his child's school: "Google has implemented a new feature that allows you to type someone's telephone number into the search bar and hit enter and then you will be given a map to the house. Parents should be aware of this! "You can have your phone number removed from the Google database. If your telephone number is unlisted in the phone book, you might not be in their files, but it is a good idea to check. Please look up your number and see if you are listed." That's true. You can type a phone number into Google, and if it's listed in the phone directory a map to the residence will be returned.
RootsWeb: OHHAMILT-L Archives (November 2001) Re OHHamilton 1880 census cd lookups by Art Lumb OHHamilton Citydirectories by Deb. OHHamilton Census lookups off list? by JWR184
Extractions: OAS_AD('Top'); OHHAMILT-L Archives: November 2001 Archiver OHHAMILT Display in threaded chronological rev chronological order with names with dates Re: [OHHamilton] RE; St. Mary's Cemetery, Cinn. by Dennis Kowallek Re: [OHHamilton] Madisonville, Hamilton Co., OH Help by Kaesemein [OHHamilton] Military vs Pension by Judy Brown [OHHamilton] conversation on NPR about Over the Rhine by Chaille and Jeff Blais [OHHamilton] Weber by BeeWeiler Re: [OHHamilton] 1870 Census Lookup-Sycamore Twp, Hamilton Co. by Marian Dietrich [OHHamilton] Those declarations of intention by Linda [OHHamilton] Febbe by BeeWeiler [OHHamilton] Deer Creek in Hamilton Co. OH
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PLA: Private Investigator Resources The Directory This directory has an area code/prefix lookup. Canada 411Directory Lookup This site will look up businesses and residences in Canada.
Extractions: PLA's Private Investigator Resources This page contains many free resources for tracking a person down, such as checking addresses, reversing phone numbers and doing reverse address lookups. I try to keep these resources updated as often as possible. If the resources on this page don't find what you're looking for, consider working with a professional to check criminal backgrounds, do cellular phone number reverse lookups, get unlisted phone numbers, etc. It's cheaper than you might think. Two very good sites for finding these things are: and United States Post Office Who better to count on than the post office guys themselves? Using the following form, you can enter in an address, city and state and it'll give you the CORRECT address and zip-plus-four code. Delivery Address ZIP Code Exchange Locators: Enter an area code and prefix in either of the forms below to find out where they are located and what provider they're with. Fone Finder will even tell you which cellular carrier an exchange is with. DSLreports will tell you the physical location of the phone company central office and what other exchanges are serviced by the same CO. Switchboard will give you phone listings. Fone Finder (Area Code / Prefix)
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Extractions: @import ""; By Robert Cooney David Litwack, PhD and Robert Williams In our previous two articles, we described our ongoing work to develop the Defense Message System (DMS) X.500 Proof of Concept (POC) Directory services pilot. Presently, the Source Software Evaluation Board is reviewing the DMS Request For Proposal (RFP ) responses with a view toward selecting a Commercial-off-the-Shelf (COTS) suite of DMS products. Our piloting effort was used to better understand the requirements and to facilitate the development of the RFP specification. DMS contract award is expecte d in the first quarter of 1995 and deployment will follow as soon as appropriate testing is complete. In this article, we'll discuss lessons learned, issues that still need to be addressed and the exciting opportunities for using the Directory within the Federal Government and in the commercial world where our trading partners operate. In fact, NCTS Was hington has been approached concerning applications for the Directory in other domains and in a variety of other uses in addition to e-mail. What did NCTS Washington Learn From the POC Project? The Directory POC project was instrumental in establishing the functional requirements, evaluating access capabilities, offering security recommendations, examining performance expectations and develo ping a concept of operations for DoD-wide Directory services.
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United States Patent Application 0050171981 In some systems this file path can also be called a directory path or The atomic file lookup empowers an application, 405, to detect whether a file is
ApacheMP3 Version 2.x This Module Takes A Hierarchy Of Set ApacheMP3 to be the handler for the MP3 directory In httpd.conf or You can use this to display cover art. If you place a list of .mp3 file names
Extractions: directory from the Apache-MP3 distribution. You may change the location of this directory by setting the I configuration variable. See the I section for more details. 4. Set Apache::MP3 to be the handler for the MP3 directory In httpd.conf or access.conf, create a E LocationE or E DirectoryE section, and make Apache::MP3 the handler for this directory. This example assumes you are using the URL /Songs as the directory where you will be storing song files: SetHandler perl-script PerlHandler Apache::MP3