Lorrie's Links School Guidance Counselor Resources School Guidance Counseling Sites. The Annie E. Casey Foundation for Children of teens, addressing such issues as depression, substance abuse http://tmsyn.wc.ask.com/r?t=an&s=hb&uid=24312681243126812&sid=343126
Depression In School Depression in School http://tmsyn.wc.ask.com/r?t=an&s=hb&uid=24312681243126812&sid=343126
Depression In School Catalog 490V Depression in School There are many problems that are faced by today's teens that did not even exist in the past. http://tmsyn.wc.ask.com/r?t=an&s=hb&uid=24312681243126812&sid=343126
Books Of High School Guidance - Amzp.com /SiteRank/Education Learning/Education School/High Schools/High school guidance such as sex, drugs, abuse, rape, depression, etc) and http://tmsyn.wc.ask.com/r?t=an&s=hb&uid=24312681243126812&sid=343126
Washington Henry Elementary School Guidance Department Hanover County Public Schools Guidance Department WashingtonHenry Elementary School Resources "My husband has been diagnosed with http://tmsyn.wc.ask.com/r?t=an&s=hb&uid=24312681243126812&sid=343126
Hanover High School Guidance Department Hanover County Public Schools Guidance Department Elmont Elementary School Parent "My husband has been diagnosed with depression. http://tmsyn.wc.ask.com/r?t=an&s=hb&uid=24312681243126812&sid=343126
Hanover High School Guidance Department Hanover County Public Schools Guidance Department Pole Green Elementary School Parent that normal?" "My husband has been diagnosed with http://tmsyn.wc.ask.com/r?t=an&s=hb&uid=24312681243126812&sid=343126
Peters Township High School Guidance Services in Children and Adolescents Depression" by Jay Thornton, Prevention Specialist Guidance for the 200405 school year, please call a guidance http://tmsyn.wc.ask.com/r?t=an&s=hb&uid=24312681243126812&sid=343126
Guidance Middle School Guidance and Counseling Counseling Services the topics explored with our students are adolescent depression, substance abuse and http://tmsyn.wc.ask.com/r?t=an&s=hb&uid=24312681243126812&sid=343126
Depression In Younger People- A Patient's Guide Work, school and social life can all be affected. depression has an impact onappetite, Your family doctor, a school guidance counsellor, a priest, http://www.medic8.com/healthguide/articles/depressioninkids.html
Extractions: Dr Sally Merry -Child Psychiatrist What is depression? Doesn't everybody get depressed sometimes? We all have times when we feel sad or stressed. There are times when day to day problems get us down. However these feelings are usually short-lived. This is not depression! When doctors use the term "depression" they are talking about an ongoing serious situation in which a person feels down most of the time for a long period, weeks or months, and sometimes years. When this happens it makes it difficult to keep up with everyday things. Work, school and social life can all be affected. Depression has an impact on appetite, sleep and the ability to concentrate and think clearly. Depression is also called "depressive illness", "major depressive disorder", "dysthymia' or "clinical depression".
Depression Define It. Defeat It. A. depression can be very serious. It has been linked to poor school an actof true friendship to share your concerns with a school guidance counselor, http://www.hoptechno.com/book34.htm
Extractions: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Public Health Service Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration As a teenager, you know that these school years can be complicated and demanding. Deep down, you are not quite sure of who you are, what you want to be, or whether the choices you make from day to day are the best decisions. Sometimes the many changes and pressures you are facing threaten to overwhelm you. So it isn't surprising that from time to time you or one of your friends feels "down" or discouraged. But what about those times when a friend's activity and outlook on life stay "down" for weeks and begin to affect your relationship? If you know someone like this, your friend might be suffering from depression. As a friend, you can help. 1. FIND OUT MORE ABOUT DEPRESSION.
NIMH: What To Do When A Friend Is Depressed depression can be very serious. It has been linked to poor school is an actof true friendship to share your concerns with a school guidance counselor, http://www.nimh.nih.gov/publicat/friend.cfm
Extractions: You know that these school years can be complicated and demanding. Deep down, you are not quite sure of who you are, what you want to be, or whether the choices you make from day to day are the best decisions. Sometimes the many changes and pressures you are facing threaten to overwhelm you. So, it isn't surprising that from time to time you or one of your friends feels "down" or discouraged.
Extractions: Announcements Orientation Counseling Guidance groups ... Grade 8 You must enter the whole URL, including http://, to provide a working link on the Links page. If you have previously made changes to this page, in this Internet session, you may have to click on your Reload/Refresh button to see those changes reflected below and to preserve those changes as you make new changes.
NASP CQ Vol. 32, #2: Salem High School Implements SOS The SOS information sheet on signs of depression, as well as copies of the SOS brief On February 28th Comprehensive Mental Health and school guidance http://www.nasponline.org/publications/cq322sos_va.html
Extractions: October 2003 As the school psychologist at Salem High School (Virginia Beach VA), I wanted students to have an opportunity to receive mental health instruction, specifically in the area of adolescent depression and suicide prevention. The history of events nationally and locally regarding this concern demonstrated a need to consider such a program. The Signs of Suicide High School Program, which had been used by high schools throughout the nation in the past two years, was reviewed by various mental health professionals as a valuable, workable program to implement with adolescents in high school settings. In October 2002 I met with the principal of Salem High School to review the SOS program and request consideration of this program for implementation for tenth grade health students during their mental health curriculum unit time. There was agreement on the justification for such a program, and the SOS high school videotape, "Friends for Life," was reviewed. Presentations were also completed with the department of P.E., health teachers and the Principal's Advisory Council on November 5, 2002. The program was also accepted by the School Planning Council on November 20 th , and a postponed faculty meeting presentation was replaced by a mailbox handout to each of the two hundred twenty staff members (bus drivers, custodians, cafeteria employees included). In the staff handout were guidelines for their responsibility to report students with suicidal thoughts to a support team member (guidance counselor, school nurse, social worker, school psychologist), and guidelines for encouraging students to seek help for depression. The SOS information sheet on signs of depression, as well as copies of the SOS brief screening for adolescent depression (BSAD), were included in the handout. Salem High School staff, parent committee and psychological service coordinator were all supportive of the SOS Program.
MyCollegeGuide Admissions Guru I was diagnosed with depression and bipolar disorder about a year ago, Again, check with your high school guidance counselor and with the College Board http://www.mycollegeguide.org/guru/15.phtml
Centennial High School Guidance Standardized test prepartion PSAT, SAT, SATII; school subjects English, math, Call Sara Gray for more information at 410997-3557; Teen depression http://www.centennialonline.org/guidance/services.htm
Extractions: Barbara Ingersoll, Ph.D. Three year old Joshua was a happy, outgoing youngster who enjoyed a great deal of attention from a large, loving family. He became increasingly withdrawn, irritable, and unhappy following a three-week hospitalization for an acute physical illness. Despite a history of mild learning disabilities and Attention Deficit Disorder, eight year old Lee appeared to be doing well at home and in school. When his best friend moved away he became morose and moody. He lost interest in his school work, his appetite diminished, and he spent long hours sleeping or watching television. At age twelve, Elizabeth appeared helpless and unhappy. She seemed unable to handle the ups and downs of daily life at home or in school and, when faced with stress,often cried, "I hate my life" and "I wish I were dead."
Blue Cross Blue Shield Of Michigan - Newsroom - October 2004 It also will identify middle school students with depression and offer appropriatereferrals. LEAD, comprised of Sparta High school guidance counselors, http://www.bcbsm.com/pr/pr041007b.shtml
Extractions: MediaRelations@bcbsm.com DETROIT, October 7, 2004 - Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan and Blue Care Network have awarded grants to nine community-based groups in Michigan to help more than 21,000 youths, their parents and teachers understand and combat one ofAmerica's most common, yet most hidden afflictions: depression. The grants are awarded to support the Social Mission of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Michigan and Blue Care Network. Part of that mission is to create a positive impact on the health of Michigan's communities by focusing on four key social health initiatives: Depression Awareness and Treatment, Access to Health Care, Domestic Violence and Abuse Prevention, and Physical Activity and Nutrition. More than 35 proposals were received from groups across Michigan to help raise awareness about depression and direct children, youths and their parents to appropriate sources of care. The grants will fund programs through 2005, and were announced on National Depression Screening Day, Thursday, October 7.
NNCC Guidance And Discipline In the months after the disaster, distress may settle into depression for both You also might refer the child to the school counselor or social worker. http://www.nncc.org/Guidance/longterm.disaster.html