Extractions: EDUCATION The public schools in New Jersey did not receive significant attention until the beginning of the nineteenth century. During the colonial era, the proprietary government attempted to grant charters to the townships allowing land to be set aside for schools and the enactment of school taxes; but lawmakers failed to convince citizens of the importance of this. Thus, unlike colonies such as Massachusetts and Connecticut, schooling remained a private and parochial responsibility. [ In the South Jersey region, Quakers sponsored the earliest schools. Thomas Budd, a Quaker leader and intellectual, recorded the Quaker response to education in 1685 in the book Good Order Established in Pennsylvania and New Jersey in America: Being a True Account of the Country . In it Budd suggests that New Jersey legally require parents to enroll their children in school for at least seven years; that municipalities provide schools and teachers; and that boys and girls be instructed in reading, writing, arithmetic, English, Latin, and bookkeeping, in addition to boys learning a trade and girls learning spinning, weaving, knitting, sewing, and needlework. From 1746-87, Quakers made further efforts to ensure their children's education, recorded in the
Extractions: for all the facts about your education EDUFAX Independent Schools Listing by State The list provides direct links to Independent Secondary Schools (Grade 9 to PG) in the USA. Direct links include: e-mail addresses and web sites. All entries have been provided and approved by the schools and are listed here with their permission. Reproduction and distribution of this list are permitted for non-profit purposes only - please contact EDUFAX
Anglicans Online | USA Education delaware St Andrew s School, Middletown. Coeducational, boarding, grades 9-12. District of Columbia Beauvoir - National Cathedral Elementary School. http://anglicansonline.org/usa/edu.html
Extractions: Anglicans Online News Resources Basics ... Worldwide Anglicanism Anglican Dioceses and Parishes New this Week News Centre A to Z Start Here ... Official Publications B The Bible B B B B B Help support AO B B B B B B B B This page last updated 15 September 2005 Anglicans Online last updated 18 September 2005 THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN THE USA (ECUSA) is the American branch of the Anglican Communion. In addition to this page, you'll find these areas in our USA section:
Extractions: ( Newletters, Press Releases and Notices ) In its first partnership with the State, the prestigious Milton Hershey School (Hershey, Pa.) has offered admission to a foster child from Delaware. As the largest boarding school in the United States, MHS has been in operation for almost a century and currently serves 1,300 boys and girls in grades K-12 from families with the greatest financial and social needs. Special Focus on Violence in Communities. The Delaware Childrens Department is enhancing its annual Prevention and Early Intervention conference in response to the needs of its communities and conference participants. Sessions provide best practices in prevention, but also organizational management including partnership building, grant writing and measuring quality.
Delaware Chapter XXXI Joshua Maul was one of the most successful teachers of delaware. Samuel Smith, who founded the Wilmington boarding School for Boys, was born Eleventh http://www.accessible.com/amcnty/DE/Delaware/delaware31.htm
Extractions: Volume Two- pp. 683-699. CHAPTER XXXI. WILMINGTON (Continued). THE SCHOOLS OF WILMINGTON. THE first school within the present limits of Wilmington was opened before 1700 under the direction of the pastor of Old Swedes Church. It was continued for nearly a century, and among its early teachers was the brother of Emanuel Swedenborg. In 1716 Lars Gooding was the teacher. A portion of the house of Johan Gustafson was used as the school-room. The names of the pupils will indicate their nationality. The exercises of this opening day began with a prayer and a speech by the pastor. The teacher then examined his pupils, and placed on record the following: "Gustaf, son of Johann Gustafson, 9 years old. He can read his catechism tolerably and answer nice questions in doctrines. "Peter, son of the same, can recite the ten commandments tolerably. "Mary Geens, 9 years, can read Swedish and recite the ten commandments. "Annika, daughter of Mans Gustof, 6 years old, can read Swedish tolerably. "Catharine, daughter of Andraes Gustafson, 12 years old, can read a book, but must begin with spelling right.
Encyclopedia Of North American Indians - - Pan-Indian Organizations By 1887 there were nine nonreservation boarding schools with intertribal student The educational philosophy at some of the boarding schools deliberately http://college.hmco.com/history/readerscomp/naind/html/na_027600_panindianorg.ht
Extractions: Entries Publication Data Advisory Board Maps ... World Civilizations Encyclopedia of North American Indians The roots of modern Pan-Indian organizations lie in the eighteenth century in the eastern United States in what was still English colonial America. Pontiac, an Ottawa leader, attempted to create an intertribal league to resist the continued invasions of the English. His political and military vision was combined with the religious vision of the Delaware prophet Neolin, who promised the return of Indian lands by supernatural means if native people who joined the league observed a set of ethical standards that represented a mixture of Indian and Christian beliefs. Pontiac's vision, which foresaw an intertribal league committed to a program of both individual and societal reform in defense of Indian interests, was to be repeated several times during the following centuries. In the early nineteenth century Tecumseh and his brother Tenskwatawa, also called the Shawnee Prophet, created an alliance from a number of northeastern and midwestern tribes. Tecumseh traveled widely and built a large following, but his influence was shattered when Tenskwatawa, against his brother's orders, fought William Henry Harrison at Tippecanoe and was soundly defeated. In the aftermath of that defeat the intertribal confederacy unraveled. In the late nineteenth century two movements set the stage for the development of modern Pan-Indian organizations. The first was the attempt by tribes in Indian Territory (Oklahoma) to create an Indian state. These tribes had been relocated from the eastern and southern states to what had been described as the last refuge for Indian sovereignty, and by 1887 some were hoping that the next logical step would be a Pan-Indian commonwealth with "one common government, with common laws, officials, and institutions." Unfortunately, non-Indian economic and political forces were able to force a different future for the Oklahoma tribes.
THE MOHICANS ... War Comes To Stockbridge Another advantage generated by the boarding school program was jobs. The Mohican chief Abraham and the delaware chief Teedyuscung felt bound to the http://www.mohicanpress.com/mo08015.html
Extractions: MOHICAN PRESS COLLECTIBLES ... BOOKSTORE Onward Christian Warriors! Jonathan Edwards' missionary period at Stockbridge would last from 1751 - 1757. The Edwards years were marked by war on two fronts; a bitter power struggle between rival families, and yet another conflict between England and France. The former was a fight for control of land, lives, and souls. The latter, a final struggle for control of an entire continent. The Mohicans of Stockbridge were both players and pawns of both. Despite the hostilities that plagued the settlement, there was an element of Rockwellian tranquility to be found at Stockbridge. Such was the picture painted by Edwards' daughter Esther in her journals. She describes with fondness and sincerity a pleasant, almost quaint settlement, replete with sledding, dancing, and close friendships between Mohican and colonial children. So constant was the companionship of the children of Stockbridge that many English children, including Edwards', were not only well versed in Mohican, but knew words and names in the Algonquian tongue that they knew no English for. As idyllic the picture may have been through a child's eyes, there was nonetheless a storm of controversy on the horizon. The object of the dispute were the Stockbridge children themselves. Edwards' predecessor, John Sergeant, had laid the foundation for the conflict through his efforts to establish a boarding school. The impetus for such an endeavor, aside from the obvious motive of education, was a desire to offset the ever present "danger" the Christian Mohicans were vulnerable to; taverns, trading posts, fort life, lack of discipline among children, cultural tendency toward "idleness", and the increasing numbers of non-Christian Mohicans who were taking up residence at Stockbridge. Sergeant concluded the only way to set the Mohicans firmly rooted in Calvinistic doctrine was via education of their children. Edwards agreed and this daunting task, with all the accompanying unpleasantries, was his first inheritance as the new Stockbridge minister.
Peterson's - Private Schools Search Obtain information on junior boarding schools, prep school and special needs Get financial aid and prepare for school with high school entrance test http://www.petersons.com/PSchools/code/psector.asp
Extractions: My List Name Search Enter the name of the school that you are interested in. If you want to enter more than 1 school, enter between the names of the institutions. (Example: Princeton Day School; The Hun School of Princeton; Pennsylvania) Keyword Search Enter keywords or phrases to locate matching schools Detailed Search Step 1 - Choose either a zip code or country below Search for schools in the United States that are located within miles of ZIP Code Or Select the states or countries that interest you. You may select more Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Guam Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virgin Islands Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Alberta British Columbia Manitoba New Brunswick Northwest Territories Nova Scotia Ontario Quebec Saskatchewan Countries of the World
Extractions: Teaching (PK-12) Employment/Resources Iowa Resources General Resources Iowa School District Web Sites Yahoo! Directory of K-12 Schools ... Project Connect K-12 teaching job listings. Username= teacher Password= aswan R.E.A.P. Regional Education Applicant Placement TeacherJobs.com Teachers @ Work TESOL State and District Listings Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas ... Puerto Rico American Federation of Teachers American School Directory ARTSEDGE - Community Center Classroom Connect ... On Location Education - On-location education service for young performers Outdoor Action Guide to outdoor/environmental careers Outward Bound - Guide to adventure-based programs Peterson's Education Center K-12 schools, private schools, universities, study abroad, job listings, etc.
Carlisle Indian Industrial School Child, Brenda J. boarding SCHOOL SEASONS, AMERICAN INDIAN FAMILIES 1900Child, Frank Mt. Pleasant (Tuscarora), Albert Exendine (delaware), Antonio Lubo http://home.epix.net/~landis/secondary.html
Extractions: Adams, David Wallace. EDUCATION FOR EXTINCTION: AMERICAN INDIANS AND THE BOARDING SCHOOL EXPERIENCE 1875-1928. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas. 1995. Recently released in paperback, Adams treats the history thoroughly, with respect and honesty, yet avoids the trap of over-sentimentalizing the assimliation story. Includes very good accounts of the personnel associated with the boarding schools of the period. Lays out the events that led to the final demise of Carlisle. This book is a good basic Indian Education primer with strong emphasis on Carlisle. Archuleta, Margaret L., Brenda J. Child, and K. Tsianina Lomawaima AWAY FROM HOME: AMERICAN INDIAN BOARDING SCHOOL EXPERIENCES, 1879-2000. Phoenix, Arizona: Heard Museum,2000. Ball, Eve. INDEH: AN APACHE ODYSSEY. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press. 1988. This collection includes interviews with Asa Daklugie with his stories of the Chiricahua Apaches who were imprisoned at Ft. Marion after Geronimo's capture, and whose children were sent to the Carlisle Indian School. Among those were the friends and relatives of Daklugie Frank Mangus, Chapo, Kanseah, Zhunni, and Ramona Chihuahua, who became his wife. Among the 186 Native American children buried in Indian Cemetery at Carlisle, 54 are Apache children. Many of these were the Chiricahua who spent their last days at the Indian School.
Women's History Performers In Delaware delaware Performers, The Learning Place Women s History Performers past through the struggle to maintain her culture in governmentrun boarding school. http://www.nwhp.org/tlp/performers/delaware-performers.html
Extractions: Performance Description: Susannah uses excerpts from letters, diaries, lectures and speeches to capture the complex language and emotions of two courageous nineteenth century women. Rebecca Pennock Lukens (1794-1854) reminisces on her often difficult life as a woman executive in the 19th century iron industry. As the first woman Dean of Womans Medical College of Pennsylvania, Ann Preston, M.D. (1813-1872) recalls her struggles for medical opportunities and Womans Rights in the 19th century. For anyone interested in Quakers, industry, medicine, womans rights, education or history, either program is well suited to organizational meetings, assemblies, and educational programming. Performance Description: Women Masters . Celebrating women, art and life, these programs use the magic of theatre to bring these artists to your audience. While displaying reproductions of their work, the artists discuss their subjects and style. Often in their own words, they describe the people and events that shaped their lives and art.
Swarthmore College Corporate Records, 1854-ongoing In 1861 this committee established the Friends Union boarding School Association to Official copy from Court of Common Pleas, delaware County, Folder 4 http://www.swarthmore.edu/Library/friends/SCArchives/6b00scco.htm
Extractions: (24 lin. ft. of paper-based records plus 4 reels of microfilm..) RG6/B Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College 500 College Avenue, Swarthmore, PA 19081-1399 Table of contents Abstract These records document the founding of Swarthmore College as an educational institution and corporation. The collection includes its preceding bodies and founding committees, the College Charter and its amendments, records of stockholders and stockholders' associations, the Incorporators and the first Board of Managers. Inclusive dates are 1854 ongoing, with the bulk of the records dating between 1854 and 1911. Records consist of minutes of the Corporation in both paper and bound forms, letters, books of stock certificates and ledgers. Background note: BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL NOTE Swarthmore College was founded on April 1, 1864, by Act of Incorporation of the Pennsylvania State Legislature.
St. Andrew's - Welcome - Welcome and local communities to live and study in delaware or some other state. Here stands a boarding school that seeks to create an academic community http://www.standrews-de.org/about/index.cfm?FuseAction=welcome
Asymmetrical Information: Question Of The Day know attended whatever boarding school The Dead Poets Society was set in. i believe it was St. Andrews in delaware..with some exterior shots done at http://www.janegalt.net/blog/archives/004350.html
Extractions: An opinion-ridden free-for-all Main From the desk of Jane Galt I have just heard it alleged that someone I know attended whatever boarding school The Dead Poets Society was set in. I was under the impression that that was a fictional composite of St. Grottlesex schools, but I haven't seen the movie in years. Does anyone remember what school it was? TrackBack Technorati inbound links Comments i believe it was St. Andrews in Delaware..with some exterior shots done at Storm King School in the Hudson Valley NY Posted by: rod on August 21, 2003 05:01 PM Confirm St. Andrews in Delaware. Posted by: mj on August 21, 2003 05:47 PM Don't know anything about the school in this movie, which I've never seen and never plan to see, but I did go to the summer camp where the original Friday the 13th movie was filmed. It was a Boy Scout camp in northwestern New Jersey, near Blairstown, called Camp No-Be-Bo-Sco. I think the scouts sold it some years after the last year I went there in the late 1960s and before the movie was filmed. It was spooky to see so many scenes in places I had been. Posted by: Bruce Bartlett on August 21, 2003 05:50 PM
Job Links Private, Independent and boarding School Job Listings. Educational Directions National and international job listings for independent schools. http://www.coe.missouri.edu/~career/education.html
Morocco, Tangier: The American School Of Tangier The School is incorporated in the State of delaware and registered with the boarding fees over and above tuition are $5170. Tuition fees include the use http://www.state.gov/m/a/os/1331.htm
Extractions: The American School of Tangier is an independent, coeducational day and boarding school which offers an educational program from prekindergarten through grade 12 for students of all nationalities. The School was founded in 1950. The school year comprises 3 trimesters extending from September 9 to December 17, from January 3 to March 18, and from April 4 to June 17. Organization: The school is governed by a self-perpetuating Board of Trustees elected for 2-year terms. The School is incorporated in the State of Delaware and registered with the Internal Revenue Service as a U.S. tax-exempt institution. Curriculum: The curriculum is that of U.S. college-preparatory schools. Instruction is in English. French is taught as a foreign language beginning in grade 5, and Arabic is required of Moroccan students in all grades and is open to all students. Faculty: In the 2004-2005 school year, there are 42 full-time and 4 part-time faculty members.
Lesson No. 1: Shed Your Indian Identity | Csmonitor.com Remembering Our Indian School Days The boarding School Experience, an Soothing voices welcome visitors in Comanche, Navajo, Hopi, and delaware http://www.csmonitor.com/2002/0402/p14s01-lecs.html
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Shawnigan Lake School Admissions Information Form Canada s boarding School, Vancouver Island Private boarding School British Columbia boarding School British Columbia boarding School http://www.sls.bc.ca/informationform.html
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