Total Life And End Of Life Planning - Specializes in the anticipatory issues surrounding death and dying. Offers information, tools and resources to assist families facing both the business and emotional side of losing a loved one.
Extractions: A secure Online Record keeping system designed for your use today and your loved ones tomorrow! Complete Life Planning With Guides And Check Lists Easily Create A Secure Personal Profile Keep Financial Information Current Summarize Your Insurance Coverage And Record Of Key Contacts Establish A Secure Copy Of Your Will And Other Key Legal Documents Leave A Legacy For Your Loved Ones! Click Here To Learn About This Program Tuesday September 20, 2005 Assisted Living Coping with the Imminent Death Cremation Options Details of a Funeral Durable Power of Attorney For Health Care Final Estate Planning Funeral Pre-Planning Funeral Rituals Helping another thought loss Hospice/Home Care Insurance Investment Vehicles Long Term Care Retirement Planning Signs of Recovery Social Security Benefits Understanding Grief? Please select your topic of
AAP Children's Health Topics: DEATH AND DYING AAP Children s Health Topics death AND dying. Day Care, Deafness, death/dying, DEET, Dental Health, Depression, Diaper Rash, Diarrhea, Diet, Disaster
Extractions: View documents in pop-up window DEATH AND DYING Main Topic A Minute For Kids Audio Files * External Resources are not a part of the AAP.ORG Web site. AAP is not responsible for the content of sites that are external to the AAP. Linking to a Web site does not constitute an endorsement by AAP of the sponsors of the site or the information presented on the site. Topics A - E Select... Abuse Access to Care Acne Activity ADHD Adolescence Adoption Advertisting After-School Care Aggression AIDS Allergies Anesthesia Anthrax Appendicitis Arthritis Asthma Athletics Autism Baby Bottle Tooth Decay Babysitters Back to Sleep Bathing a Newborn Bedtime Bedwetting Behavioral Health Bicycle Safety Birth Defects Birthmarks Blindness Body Piercing Bonding Bone Health Breastfeeding Breastmilk Breath Holding Bright Futures Bullying Burn Prevention Burnout Calcium Cardiovascular Health Car Safety Seats Cavities Child Abuse Child Care Child Neglect Child Restraints Child w_Special Needs Choking Chores Cigarettes Circumcision Cold Sores Common Cold Communication Complementary Medicine Computer Games Congenital Condition Constipation Coughing Cradle Cap Creativity Crib to Bed Croup Day Care Deafness Death/Dying DEET Dental Health Depression Diaper Rash Diarrhea Diet Disaster Discipline Divorce Dizziness Doctor Visits Drowning Drug Abuse Drugs (Prescription) Dry Skin Ear Infections Ear Piercing Early Childhood Early Childhood Education
Extractions: WEB SERVICES: WASHINGTON (AP) In the 1860s, the oldest person to die each year in Sweden was about 100. Last year, that age had risen to 108. Researchers are finding this trend in all industrialized countries and say the very old may get even older. Plotting the increasing maximum age of death among the Swedes, says researcher John R. Wilmoth, suggests the life span of humans is expanding and that there is no clear upper limit.
Death And Dying : Virtual Hospital - Health Topics A-Z death and dying Health Prose Durable Power of Attorney Who Will Make Life or death Decisions? Health Prose Elderly Loss Treat It with Respect
Honolulu Star-Bulletin Editorial A Hawaii advocate for endof-life choice bemoans inaction on state legislation to legalize physician assisted dying.
Extractions: for death with dignity Last Friday I had the rather unpleasant task of contacting my clients to let them know that Hawaii's Death with Dignity bill did not get a hearing this year. My clients, all of whom are dying, had been hoping that Hawaii, like Oregon, would finally pass a law that allowed a competent and terminally ill adult the right to ask for a lethal dose of medication to hasten their death, and thus end what is often prolonged suffering. When asked why, I couldn't answer other than to proffer that perhaps some legislators were swayed by pressure from right-to-life groups; or perhaps they simply felt there were more pressing issues than easing the suffering of a small number of people; or perhaps, as one rather curmudgeonly client I have grown fond of replied, "Dead people can't vote, so they don't give a damn about us." Whatever the reasons, Hawaii once again has failed to enact legislation that would help our terminally ill citizens and the failure isn't limited to assisted dying. The Legislature didn't pass a single bill aimed at correcting the other end-of-life problems identified in a national study in which Hawaii received a negative rating for our failure to have adequate end-of-life pain-management policies. What might have happened if the law had passed? Rather than speculate
Death And Dying - College Library Undergraduate Research Guide Books on death and dying can be found in MadCat, the UWMadison library catalog. Michael Kearl s Guide to death and dying. death and dying
BOOKS ON DEATH AND DYING: Thanatology, Necromancy dying to Know About death, Funeral Customs, and Final Resting Places By Lila Perl Encyclopedia of death and dying By Glennys Howarth, Oliver Leaman
Extractions: The "art of dying" and the posthumous journey of the soul have been the subject of extensive literature and visualization in many cultures. "Dying before dying", or practice in dying, has been sought throughout human history, not just to overcome fear and give help at the moment of death, but actually to transfigure the quality of life. Stanislav Grof considers some of the most striking and important of the works known collectively as the "books of the dead": the ancient Egyptian funerary texts; the Tibetan Bardo Thodol; Maya and Aztec myths of death and rebirth. And from medieval Europe come the Christian visions of the soul's journeys, the danses macabres and dialogues with death, and meditational imagery of mortal decay that recalls Tibetan practices. :: News Polish death and black metal ezine. Album reviews, artwork and information, vistor ratings, forum and links.
Extractions: The Nefilim Zoon Massacra Enjoy The Violence Massacra Sick Massacra Humanize Human My Dying Bride Turn Loose The Swans My Dying Bride The Light At The End Of The World My Dying Bride Like Gods Of The Sun Katatonia Brave Murder Day My Dying Bride As The Flower Withers Katatonia Discouraged Ones more... Paramaecium Exhumed Of The Earth Enchantment Dance The Marble Naked Dark Throne Panzerfaust Behemoth Sventevith (Storming Near The Baltic) Paradise Lost Draconian Times more...
Death & Dying ( A Song Of death, Our Spiritual Birth A Quaker Way Of dying. BY LUCY SCREECHFIELD MCIVER The author traces her understanding of death as a spiritual birth,
Extractions: "Impressive insights into the experience of dying, offered by two hospice nurses with a gift for listening. The `final gifts' of the title are the comfort and enlightenment offered by the dying to those attending them, and in return, the peace and reassurance offered to the dying by those who hear their needs. .[The authors] offer practical advice not only to involved family members but also to professional caregivers on how to recognize, understand, and respond to a dying person's messages. No lugubriousness or false cheerfulness here, but acute observations and astute advice on a difficult topic." - Kirkus Reviews
VQ Spring 2003 An article about Barbara Coombs Lee, president of the Compassion in dying Federation.
Extractions: After receiving her law degree from Lewis and Clark College, Lee was administrator and counsel for an Oregon State Senate committee, where she worked alongside Oregon State Senator Frank Roberts, who had terminal prostate cancer. Lee saw his proposed aid-in-dying bill defeated in the state senate and a similar ballot measure narrowly defeated in Washington State. The issue still sparks passionate debate. Much of the moral controversy surrounding assisted dying concerns its potential misuse or abuse, with opponents fearing that individuals might end their lives too quickly or that the decision might not be completely voluntary. Political debate centers on whether assisted dying falls under state or federal jurisdiction. It is in this area that Lee has encountered fierce opposition from the federal government, via Attorney General John Ashcroft. In November 2001, the Justice Department issued its determination that the Controlled Substances Act prohibits Oregon doctors from prescribing lethal doses of medication to terminally ill patients, and thus bars doctors from using the Oregon law.
Death & Dying The ethical struggle that emerges from death and dying is a multifaceted one. In this lesson you will be challenged to think about the serious ethical
Extractions: Introduction The concept of Death is a basic issue of life that all must struggle with at some point and time. The ethical struggle that emerges from death and dying is a multifaceted one. In this lesson you will be challenged to think about the serious ethical dilemmas that surround this topic. Objectives Explain the legal, ethical, and political issues involved in death and dying issues Understand the development of advanced directives Distinguish between euthanasia, physicians assisted suicide, DNR orders (do not resuscitate) and advanced directives. Reading Assignment Notes On April 15, 1975, at age 21, Karen Quinlan stopped breathing after ingesting alcohol, and an assortment of drugs. She was revived but suffered severe brain damage from anoxia and entered a vegetative state. Karen Quinlan's parents did remove her from the respirator thinking this would allow her to die. However, she did not die. In fact she lived in a persistive vegetative state until 1985, when she died of pneumonia
LII: Death And Dying death and dying. General Resources Capital Punishment Cemeteries death Records Euthanasia Funerals Grief Hospices Living Wills Obituaries
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Extractions: Read today's paper Sign in Register Go to: Guardian Unlimited home UK news World news Newsblog Archive search Arts Books Business Film Football Jobs Money The Observer Politics Science Shopping Sport Talk Technology Travel Been there Audio Email services Special reports The Guardian The northerner The wrap Advertising guide Crossword Soulmates dating Headline service Syndication services Events / offers Help / contacts Feedback Information GNL press office Living our values Newsroom Reader Offers Style guide Travel offers TV listings Weather Web guides Working at GNL Guardian Weekly Money Observer Public Home UK news International Politics ... Blog
The Tibetan Book Of The Dead: The Art Of Dying The Art of dying. Esoteric Instructions on death and Liberation. Tibetan literature devoted to the topic of death and dying in the context of Buddhist
Extractions: Tibetan literature devoted to the topic of death and dying in the context of Buddhist meditative practice is immense. This literature can be organized into several related genres that comprise not only those texts that came to be treated as canonical (see Section 1 above) but also include the instructional advice, dam-ngak (gdams ngag), on yogic and contemplative practice derived from the esoteric experiences of advanced Tantric Buddhist teachers. Characteristically, these instructional systems provide important insights into how the ordinary dying experience, and the subsequent intermediate bardo period, can be altered and purified through a process of intense training, involving the radical manipulation of physical and psychological energies to bring about transformative and extra-ordinary states of consciousness. Esoteric Instructions on the Six Yogas of Naropa
State Of Oregon: Physician-Assisted Suicide Information and annual reports on the implementation of Oregon's death with Dignity Act, which legalized physician assisted dying for competent, terminally ill adults.
Death & Dying: New Dimensions Sign In Affiliate Login Arts Creativity Buddhism death dying Dreams Ecology Education Family Community Global Culture
Death With Dignity * Dwd A site by Oregon death with Dignity, which supports endof-life choice, that presents arguments against U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft's interference in Oregon physician assisted dying law. The site also provides information about the Oregon law, and a petition to sign to demonstrate opposition to Ashcroft's actions.
Extractions: 2005-2006 session. Gonzales v. Oregon Media Kit Who Will Bush Tap As Next Court Nominee? Roberts' Confirmation Virtually Assured Specter Backs Supreme Court Nominee Roberts ... Current Employment Openings The Death with Dignity National Center (DDNC) Since developing the 1994 Oregon Death with Dignity Act , the DDNC has successfully defended the law against all political and legal challenges. Today, the DDNC is the lead strategist in the political, legal and social defense and promotion of the law, working closely with citizens in other states to propose similar death with dignity legislation. U.S. Supreme Court Gonzales v. Oregon a case that represents an unprecented federal intrusion into the regulation of medical practice at the state level. The DDNC provides several educational program in addition to legal defense and legislation. The Next Generation generous individual donations News Dignity Report Our Public Opinion section provides recent and past opinion poll results and editorials related to death-with-dignity issues. Personal Stories Advance Directive link home ... contact us
C&Q - Death And Dying The Open University online prospectus; Courses Qualifications K260 death and dying, How have medicine and the funeral industry changed the ways in which
Extractions: WELCOME! Embracing Our Dying is the Catholic response to the political and social efforts to promote the acceptance and eventual legalization of "assisted suicide" in California. The dying are among the most vulnerable of our human community. We Catholics believe that we are called to embrace them as they approach the end of life. We believe that a dying person's request for "assisted suicide" is actually a cry for help coming from a fear of helplessness and a fear of abandonment. We also know that if the dying are embraced by their family and their community, they will not seek death, but will live their last days well, and then accept death when it comes. Included on the site is an overview of Catholic moral theology on death and dying, current medical and hospital practices, the state of the law regarding end-of-life issues, comments on the current political situation, and information on parish nurses, parish health ministry, hospice care and other parish-based services. Additional information about using this site Now Available Father Richard Bensons Pastoral Guide to End of Life Decisions