U Seek U Find - Family - School TOP 5% HOMESCHOOL WEBSITE AWARDS Teel family Homeschool Links curriculum Information. Prodigy Homeschool Page Find addresses for homeschool http://www.useekufind.com/pschoolw.htm
Christian Homeschooling Resources At Peggie S Place! All Used homeschool curriculum Board and Resources Popcorn Peanuts home Pagea fabulous family page with homeschool links! http://peggiesplace.gospelcom.net/homeschool.htm
Extractions: FUN FAITH FAVORITES FAMILY RESOURCES Tickles 'n Truth The Devo Buffet: 500+ Devos by Peggie Peggie's 15 Resource Rooms! JungleRoom for Kids ... Virtual Vacation Right-click for music control. The HOME Room at Peggie's Place! "Homeschooling at the most fun Christian home on the Web!" NOTE: I'm not a homeschooling parent,
Amby's Education Site -- Home Schooling Resources Amby s Education Resources home schooling Resources. curriculum Resources; Support Groups; school District Policies; Local Merchants and homeschool http://amby.com/educate/homeschool.html
Extractions: Home Schooling Resources Home-schooling Links If you are looking for information on home-schooling, you'll find plenty of it here. Carla has compiled a vast array of links, including newsgroups and mailing lists on this topic. Carla DeLancy http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/9687/homeschool.html Home Learning Around Pittsburgh Resources for Homeschoolers and Others; includes: The Curriculum Resources section could be very useful to any parent or educator (but especially for those in the Western Pennsylvania area). Carolyn Ellis http://www.pgh.net/~ctellis/pahs/ Homeschool Resources Nicely arranged and annotated listing of outstanding resources available online. Includes Dave and Kim Nelson http://www.wavefront.com/~nelson/resource.htm Redwood Games HomeSchool Info A really nice page of annotated resources and useful advice about curriculum choices, books, and other materials. Karen Crowther http://www.maui.net/~redwood/hs.html
Extractions: Tammy Glaser Homeschooling Children Who "Aut" to Be Home We left the Navy in 1995 to homeschool our children. I will share ideas for people interested in homeschooling autistic children and for people supporting them. Why Our Family Homeschools We have attended workshops and read extensively about the best programs available for children with autism: sensory integration social stories TEACCH ABA ... AIT , and learning styles We have linked up with a fantastic homeschooling support group that allows our daughter to be truly included with peers and children of a variety of ages in a loving environment. We have networked with other homeschoolers on the internet who provided tremendous encouragement , knowledge, and hope. We have focused on her unique strengths, interests, and abilities to help her compensate for her weaknesses, allowing success to inspire more success. Our home is a quiet, stress-free setting which enables her to learn in her own way without frustrating distractions and wasted time The gfcf diet and nutritional interventions are much easier to implement at home. These protocols enabled our daughter to make stunning improvements. What about Socialization?
Robinson Self-Teaching Homeschool Curriculum curriculum Contents List. 120000 pages of Outstanding Materials This publication should be read by every homeschool family. http://www.robinsoncurriculum.com/view/rc/brochure.htm
Surfin' The 'Net: Curriculum Fair Or Internet Shopping? Homeschool and curriculumRelated Web-rings Catholic Homeschool Webring is for all Catholic Homeschooling family pages. Commercial sites can join the http://wwwp.exis.net/~dplast/surfshop.htm
Extractions: SURFIN' THE 'NET with Don Plaster (dplast_at_exis.net) Internet Resources for Homeschoolers Curriculum Fair or Internet Shopping? Since this is the annual curriculum fair edition, I thought I would write about the curriculum vendor resources available on the Internet. First, some tips on shopping on the Internet. You can't touch and feel and evaluate the materials online like you can at a store or curriculum fair. But you can get some ideas online and then check them out at the fair. In many cases you can place orders or download their catalog for later viewing. As with any purchase, comparison shop. There are several places to purchase anything online, as well as local shops and curriculum fairs at which to compare prices. I have listed a few representative sites for several categories, but there are many more available. If the vendor uses a "secure" website to ask for your credit card information, and your browser supports it (shows a little lock all locked up securely), then it is safe to give your credit card over the Internet. While you can save on gasoline by shopping the Internet, you can also get a gasoline "rebate" from stores like
Learn In Freedom! Education Reform, Home-Schooling Links This site has a growing number of useful pages, including Michael s home Education Testing Johnson family homeschool family site about homeschooling. http://learninfreedom.org/homeschool_hotlist.html
Extractions: Karl M. Bunday Below are links to more than one hundred other Web pages, beginning with other pages on this Learn in Freedom! TM site, followed by links to other sites about education reform, homeschooling, or other interesting subjects. Below are links to other main pages on this Learn in Freedom! TM site, listed by the order in which they have received visits in a recent two-month period. (Some of the pages listed link to subpages that are not listed here.) Most of these pages have recently been updated. Visit one of the pages you haven't visited before, and see something new and thought-provoking. Home Page (Learn in Freedom! Education Reform, Home-Schooling Resources) Colleges That Admit Homeschoolers FAQ (with links to several subpages) How to Get Started in Homeschooling Research on Homeschooling Socialization Home Schooling Resource Guides (with links to new related pages) Current and Choice Books on Homeschooling Homeschooling is Growing Worldwide (with links to new related pages) Selected Articles on Homeschooling Nobel Prize Winners Hate School Language Development of Children Books on Reading Instruction (Learn to Read at Home) ... About Karl M. Bunday
Homeschooling Resource Guides (Learn In Freedom!) Christian home Educator s curriculum Manual 2000 Elementary Grades Cathy Duffy 128 pages; illustrations, appendices, index OCLC. The homeschooling http://learninfreedom.org/hsguides.html
Extractions: Karl M. Bunday This Homeschooling Resource Guides bibliography page is one of several bibliographies on the Learn in Freedom! site about homeschooling. Books listed here are resource guides for homeschoolers, listed by publication date (most recent first). Other books about homeschooling are listed on the separate Web pages If you don't want such complete lists but would like an overview of the best books about all aspects of homeschooling, please see this site's Current and Choice Books on Homeschooling bibliography. The first section of books on this page is books of general interest to most homeschoolers, with broad coverage of various resources. Below is a section of specialized resource guides The Complete Home Learning Sourcebook: The Essential Resource Guide for Homeschoolers, Parents, and Educators Covering Every Subject from Arithmetic to Zoology Rebecca Rupp (New York: Three Rivers Press , 1998) (ISBN 0-609-80109-0). US$29.95, xiii and 865 pages; index. Bulky, comprehensive of learning resources, organized by subject, a fitting sequel to the author's well-liked
Extractions: Kindergarten First Grade Second Grade Third Grade ... Community Center Waldorf Homeschool Kindergarten Waldorf Homeschool First Grade Waldorf Homeschool Second Grade Waldorf Homeschool Third Grade ... Does Live Education! provide us with all the specialty subjects that we love about Waldorf Education? Oak Meadow is designed to help conventional homeschoolers en masse to satisfy state requirements with a Waldorf flavor. Their curriculum is mostly designed for the student to work on their own and not for the parents to be trained as main lesson presenters.
KONOS - Home All across America KONOS will be attending 100s of homeschool book fairs. because they had paid for a particular curriculum in the private school they http://www.konos.com/
Extractions: Welcome to KONOS... ...from our home to your home. Thats what KONOS is about... one homeschooler talking to another homeschooler... sharing curriculum designed by two homeschooling moms for their own children. Its about sharing 24 years of homeschooling experience. Its about passing on a vision to build families that honor God. Its about instilling Godly character in the next generation. Its about building relationships between family members. Its about achieving excellence in education. Its about reading wide and deep. Its about recognizing "God put the wiggle in children, and we should not try to take it out." Its about hands-on activities capturing children's attention and increasing their retention. Its about teaching a child, not a curriculum. Its about fun and laughter and shaping memories. Its about creating a love of learning that lasts a lifetime. Mary Pride, author of The Big Book of Home Learning, calls KONOS "the greatest set of home school activities ever!" We think you will too.
Extractions: Faith4Living.com - Family Resources Insightful family resources and free downloads that focus on character and practical holy living in the family. If you are viewing this text, your browser lacks the ability to read frames. Don't worry, you can still enjoy our site. All the pages in our Family Resources section can be viewed from the Family Resources Contents Page. Please come inside!
Crosswalk Directory Since 1990 ACCES has utilized and provided home school families with the ACE Provider of books, homeschool curriculum, and educational materials at http://directory.crosswalk.com/directory/Education/Home_School_Resources/default
Resources For Used Curriculum books, and homeschool curriculum and textbooks. My family also helps Links to homeschool curriculum providers, educational sites, family pages and http://www.mo-biz.com/~mvha/Used Curriculum.html
Extractions: To reserve a table, please send $10.00 to Carita Crain, 164 Strack Farm Lane, Troy, MO 63379. When you check is received, a letter of confirmation will be sent to you. If you are a retailer (selling new books or other new educational materials) please call for prices to rent a table. No food or crafts may be sold. Directions to the church: take Hwy 70 to Lake St. Louis Blvd. exit. Turn at that exit and follow that road (LSL Blvd.) south, through some business areas and over the dam, about 2 miles. The church will be on your left, OR take Hwy 40/61 to LSL Blvd. exit. Go north on the Boulevard about 2 miles. The church will be on your right.
Family Resources -homeschool Curriculum Mason methods offering projects, internet links, coloring pages and more. Homeschool curriculum and homeschool resources for families, including Bible, http://family.verticalseek.com/qry/homeschool curriculum/
Extractions: ISBN: 0-910707-48-0 Glyph Award Winner! For a comprehensive guide to home-based education that does not promote any particular curriculum or religious view, this is a home schooling resource parents should buy! Parents will appreciate the practical advice on getting started, adjusting to new roles, designing home school curriculum that is both child-centered and fun, and planning for social and emotional growth. They will turn to curriculum chapters again and again. Features: Reasons to home-school School work resources How to get started Record keeping Positive changes for the family College planning "Big Ideas" thematic approach How gifted children learn Traditional and classical approaches Parent interviews
Awesome Library - Main curriculum Level of Effort Middle and High school (Novanet) Provides an organized and annotated list of home schooling resources. 9-01 http://www.awesomelibrary.org/Office/Main/Involving_Family/Home_Schooling.html
CEL | Rethinking School Lunch Creates a framework for a comprehensive curriculum that integrates campus Links schools food purchasing decisions, the viability of family farms, http://www.ecoliteracy.org/programs/rsl.html
Extractions: The RSL program: - Includes an online Rethinking School Lunch guide, an essay series, "Thinking outside the Lunchbox," technical assistance, grants, and presentations - Creates a framework for a comprehensive curriculum that integrates campus gardens, kitchen classrooms, school lunch, and a wide range of academic subjects - Recognizes that lunchroom experiences (including poor-quality meals, shortened lunch periods, commercial messages, and excessive packaging and waste) can be a "hidden curriculum" that undermines classroom lessons about nutrition and health - Offers, through Thinking outside the Lunchbox essays, challenging views by leading thinkers on food and food systems, education, economics, and personal and community health - Provides a downloadable Model Wellness Policy Guide that provides language and instructions for drafting a Wellness Policy that places health at the center of the academic curriculum The planning framework of Rethinking School Lunch is being applied across a public school system through the School Lunch Initiative at Berkeley.
ArabesQ Homeschool Resource Center!! homeschool, muslim education, homeschool resources and more! tailored made curriculum for each Muslim family; Laurel Springs school college prep and http://www.arabesq.com/homeschool.html
Extractions: Many have asked, "How do I get started home schooling?" The following is a blueprint for the new home schooler. But remember. You and your family are unique. Your child is unique. So take what feels right and ignore what doesn't. Each one of my 6 children are home schooled in a very different way. Each approach is used because it works for them. Therefore it works for me!! Especially if you want to choose your fights!! Although the public school day is 6 hours long, studies indicate that most of that time is taken up with housekeeping tasks: going from one class to another, taking roll, getting ready to teach, etc. Only about 1.5 hours is actual education. Most homeschoolers use 3 hours per day as a good amount of schooling time. Some are very strict and those 3 hours are spent right on task. Others (like me) assign work that will take about 3 hours and let the kids get it done however they want. Since I am a big Charlotte Mason fan - we try never to do seat type work after lunch time. If you are serious and want a strong Islamic program you can tailor Qur'an and Islamic studies around what you do in your normal day. Don't be in a hurry to choose a curriculum. Your library is a vast resource which can supply everything you need (except paper and pencil) free of charge. Take your time and don't feel you need to jump in and buy textbooks. If all you do for the first couple of months is read with your children and practice their number facts, they'll still be learning far more than in an institutional setting. I've found that some very expensive home school syllabi which looked great to me just didn't go over well with the kids. So it pays to try things out first before investing in expensive texts.
The Math Forum - Math Library - Homeschooling Homeschool Zone Joe and Sue Spataro and family binders that feature a nine month-long curriculum and use and reuse wipe-off pages. more http://mathforum.org/library/ed_topics/homeschool/
Extractions: Homeschooling information for everyone from the slightly curious to the veteran activist. Information for new homeschoolers about testing and evaluation, learning disabilities, careers and colleges, homeschooling and public school, and homeschooling and research. Current, special and political issues; and a library of books, magazines, and links and other resources, including support groups and national organizations. more>> Homeschool Math