Extractions: What's New Squash Club Mainpage Curling Club Mainpage ... This Webpage Page in No Frames Mode If you are feeling sociable, my new E-mail address is lc *at* bluehaze.com.au (replace the *at* with an @ ) . Old E-mail addresses might be giving forwarding or reliability problems. Please use clear titles in any Email - otherwise messages might accidentally get put in the SPAM list due to large amount of junk Email being received. So, if you don't get an expected reply to any messages, please try again.
Opera Directory Rules, strategies, tips, and history. curling in Northern Ontario history of the sport, curlers, olympic curling, and links. http://portal.opera.com/directory/?cat=49554
Curling Club Baden Regio history of curling. It s not known for sure where the country of origin is. There is a painting in oil by Pieter Bruegel, on one hand, dated in the year http://www.ccbadenregio.ch/theclub/mitglieder/aboutcurling/history.html
Extractions: It's not known for sure where the country of origin is. There is a painting in oil by Pieter Bruegel, on one hand, dated in the year 1565. This very painting shows a winter landscape with a curling scene.On the other hand, there is an obituary from 1511 about the medical doctor George Ruthven, in witch is pointed out that he was firmly addicted to curling. Either Holland or Scotland, you'll smile anyway while getting involved with the curling history. Not only medicine doctors, particularly the sacredness authorities did indulge in curling. Therefore you find in a written process record form 11. December 1638, that John Graham, nothing less than the Bishop from Orkney in north Scotland, has profaned the Sunday by playing curling: " He was a curler on the ice on the Sabbath day". The first founded Curling Club was the one called Kinross-Club playing in Lochleven. A few history students, leaded by judge Skelton, decided in 1818 to think back the formal established founding of the club until 1668. It's guessed, that already 42 Clubs where founded in the 18th Centaury. Most of them where located in the area around Stirling and Perth. One of these clubs was also the one from Muthill- Society. Someone found in their accounting book a position that said, that the icemaker Isabel White obtained some Whiskey.
> Energy.gov : History & Milestones : Slip-Slidin' Away Why does a curling stop sliding and spinning at the same time? Enthusiasts for shuffleboard or the ancient sport of curling may have noticed a curious http://www.energy.gov/engine/content.do?PUBLIC_ID=13524&BT_CODE=K_HM&TT_CODE=KID
Vindex - Zoekresultaten Voor curling for Fun. Rules, strategies, tips, and history. URL http//www.curlingforfun.com/ history of the sport, curlers, olympic curling, and links. http://www.vindex.nl/dmoz.jspx?topic_id=Top/Sports/Winter_Sports/Curling
Hairdressing History Hairstyling Hair history OF STYLES. Ancient World. In early and primitive socities the simplest hair Both sexes wore fillets, and the upper classes used curling irons. http://www.queensnewyork.com/history/hair.html
Extractions: Almost all societies have found it necessary to cut or confine the hair in order to keep it out of the way. They further arranged their hair to fulfill man's basic desire for personal adornment, which may vary in form from the ornately curled, blond wigs of Roman matrons to the sleek shin gled heads of flappers in the 1920's. One ex tremely important function of hair styling, especially in traditional preindustrial societies, is to indicate status. Primitive men, for example, fastened bones, feathers, and other objects in their hair to impress the lowly and frighten the enemy with their rank and prowess. Noble rank among the ancient Gauls was indicated by long hair, which Caesar made them cut off as a sign of sub mission when he conquered them. The occupa tional associations of hair are exemplified by the gray wig of a British barrister and the lacquered, black wig of a Japanese geisha. The religious significance of hair is seen in the shaved heads of Christian and Buddhist monks, indicating renunciation of the world, and in the single long lock on the shaved heads of Nluslim men, by which, they believed, Allah would pull them up to heaven. In 17th century England, both politics and religion were pro fessed by the long curling locks of the Royalist Anglican Cavaliers and the cropped hair of the Parliamentarian Puritan Roundheads.
Untitled Document curling is a very old scottish sport. It isn t known, when scottish people curling wasn t endangered by this prohibition allthough the rocks were great http://library.thinkquest.org/26974/e_history.htm
Extractions: History Curling is a very old scottish sport. It isn't known, when scottish people began playing Curling. But in the Smith Institute in Stirling is a rock with the engraved year 1511 exposed. The first report about a Curlingmatch between two monks stems from Paisley Abbey near Glasgow and is dated February 1541. Someone named Mr. James Gall let on his tombstone engrave in Perth, Scotland, that he was a big Curling fan. The ancient Scotland was a poor country. The Citys hadn't got a lot citizens, no public traffic existed, the land was poor and only within some months useful. So, the only occupation of the Scots was to thrash the British or steal some sheeps of the neighbor's clan. But at all times, they did sports. The hooligans were probably a scottish invention, because 1457, the scottish parliament prohibitted Soccer and Golf (!) because they aroused riots. Curling wasn't endangered by this prohibition allthough the rocks were great to hit an opponent.. The first Curling rocks weighted only 2 or 3 kg. They had the design of a hand. And so they were called "loofies" (loof=hand in old english) With the help of the time, the rocks became like today ones. The people called them boulders, gave them a handle and rounded them like the modern rocks . At the beginning, everybody knew, that you must shoo the rockk from A to B, but no precise rules were known. Especially the lenght or width of the rink or the size and the weight of the rock were unknown.. That's why some real boulders appeared in 18th Century. The biggest one, the "Jubilee Stone" had the weight of 58.5 kg. If this would be still so today, Curling would be a sport for strong men. Fortunately, the evolution took another way.
Curling Basics Animated examples of curling terms. http://www.curlingbasics.com/
EISSPORT-PORTAL BAYERN BEV Der Verband stellt die verschiedenen Eissportarten wie curling, Eiskunstlauf, Eishockey sowie Eisschnellauf vor. Mit Ergebnissen, Terminen und Links. http://www.bev-eissport.de/
Extractions: Ursprünglich war das erste diesjährige DEB-Sichtungsturnier für den Jahrgang 1991 in der Berliner Deutschlandhalle vorgesehen. Aus baulichen Gründen wurde die Halle jedoch kurzfristig geschlossen, so dass guter Rat teuer war. In der Kürze der zur Verfügung stehenden Zeit eine Ausweichmöglichkeit zu finden, war nahezu aussichtslos und die Gefahr einer generellen Turnierabsage schien unausweichlich. Nach einer Reihe vergeblicher Versuche das internationale Turnier in Flims (CH) erfolgreich zu absolvieren, konnte die bayerische Auswahl des Jahrgangs 1993 bei der diesjährigen Austragung erstmalig den begehrten Siegerpokal mit nach Hause nehmen. Mit sehenswerten Leistungen blieb das Team unter der Leitung von Landestrainer Peter Freißl in allen 4 Begegnungen ohne Niederlage und verwies den Favoriten aus der Slowakei im direkten Vergleich mit einem 6:3-Erfolg auf Rang 2.
Curling (by Thomas Vogelsang) Offers overview of the sport, along with links to organisations, clubs, championships and tournaments, and bonspiels. http://users.adelphia.net/~tvogelsang/Curling.htm
Extractions: Curling For the persons among you who never saw curling before: Curling is a sport played on ice with two teams of four players. The purpose of the game is to put your stones (made out of granite, weight about 20kg) closer to the center of the "house" (the circles drawn on the ice surface) than the other team. Two stones of each player are thrown alternating by both teams for a total of sixteen stones per "end". Each end the team whose stones are closest to the center of the house gets one point for each stone that is closer than the best of the opponent. After ten ends (game time about 2:30 hours) the team with the most points wins the game. The stones do not move in a straight line. They are thrown with a turning motion and due to the friction with the ice they move along a curved path. The sweeping of the ice surface creates a thin waterfilm which lowers the friction between stone and ice. This has two effects: the stone does not slow down as quickly and runs farther before it stops and the curved path becomes straighter. Therefore the place where the stone stops and its direction can be changed while it is running without touching it. This makes top level curling to a game of precision (centimeters over a distance of 40 meters) and physical endurance (for the sweeping). On a lower level curling is however a game that can be enjoyed by male and female from the young to the old. Curling is of Scottish origin and widely popular in Canada . It has however grown internationally significantly in the last 10 years and is now played in more than thirty countries world wide. This was recognized by the International Olympic Committee by accepting curling as a full medal sport at the Olympic Winter Games in
Flexmore Webpages Governing body for the sport in England. News, photos, and links. http://www.zen7542.zen.co.uk/
Extractions: WELCOME TO STEPHEN HINDS WEBPAGES Click here to enter the English Curling Association website, the official website for curling information in England Click here to enter the British Wheelchair Curling Association website, the official website for curling information in England Click here to enter the Chiltern Cottages website offering quality self-catering holiday accommodation in the Chiltern Hills , north-west of London England Click here to enter the Flexmore Sports Massage website for all your sports injury treatment and prevention Click here to enter the Flexmore website
Royal Caledonian Curling Club Official site. News, events, sponsors, competitions and development by region. Scotland. http://www.royalcaledoniancurlingclub.org/
Extractions: General Information The RCCC intends to produce an email Newsletter, which it is planned to launch early in the new season. If you would like to receive this, please send your email address to subscribe@royalcaledoniancurlingclub.org RCCC Updated is now available District Medal Draws 2005/06 RCCC 2005/06 Rule Book now on line See the Competitions Homepage for all the 2004/5 competitions winners Ever thought about entering one of the national competitions? Check out This Link for more information about them. Also see the Competitions Calendar for all the 2005/6 dates and the Downloads and Forms page for all the entry forms Please note that the dates for the Mens and Ladies Mini-tour events at Greenacres and the Seniors Districts at Greenacres have changed - see the Downloads and Forms page for the details which are attached to the entry forms Event Information Now Available Mens Worlds - Scots get Silver World Junior Championships - Scots Boys get Bronze! All the 2004/5 Scottish Results The site is continuing to develop so please add our site to your favourites (ctrl+d) and keep checking back to see what's been added. Please spend a little time navigating the site and provide us with your feedback Club sites are continuing to go on-line, so keep checking to see if your club site has been activated. Club sites for
Alpine Curling Supply, Monroe, Wisconsin Provides equipment for the sport of curling. Products include, brushes, shoes, sliders, clothing, gloves and other related accessories. Also a full line of rink and ice equipment. http://www.alpinecurling.com/
Dansk Curling Forbund :: Curling, En Stensikker Sport Her stilles information til r¥dighed for de, der er interesseret i at vide noget om curling. Derudover vil der v¦re resultater fra de danske turneringer, og vigtige internationale st¦vner. http://www.curling.dk/
Untitled Document Information on leagues, fees, bonspiels, and rentals. http://www.ottawacurlingclub.com/
FISG.it La FISG comprende sport come il pattinaggio di figura e di velocit , l'hockey, il curling e lo stock sport. Informazioni e storia, regolamenti, societ , gare, campionati e risultati, comunicati stampa. http://www.fisg.it/
Extractions: On-line Risultati Hockey Risultati Short Track FISGonline Assistenza online giuridico-amministrativa Notizie Data: Disciplina: Titolo: Hockey Hockey femminile - Prima giornata E.W.H.L. Pattinaggio di figura CNA: Esame pratico Allenatori 1° livello - Como-Casate Pattinaggio di figura Il grande pattinaggio apre la stagione olimpica di Torino Pattinaggio di figura Ad Andorra la seconda prova ISU Grand Prix Junior Pattinaggio di figura Esame pratico corso allenatori Pattinaggio di figura Giudici Free Pattinaggio di figura Cappellini-Lanotte secondi nella prima prova del Grand Prix Junior Hockey Euro Ice Hockey Challenge: a Pinzolo la Bielorussia supera la Nazionale Azzurra e vince il torneo Hockey Euro Challenge: Vittoria azzurra a Pinzolo nella prima partita. Pattinaggio di figura ISU Junior Grand Prix a Bratislava NOVITA: NEWSLETTER FISG - FISG HOCKEY NEWS Data: Disciplina: Titolo: Newsletter FISG - FISG Hockey News Le Squadre Nazionali 2005/2006 Data: Disciplina: Titolo: Le Squadre Nazionali per la stagione agonistica 2005-2006 Cartella principale Nessun documento disponibile
Pacific Rim Curling League (PRCL) Gay curling league in Vancouver B.C. (Canada). Includes news, calendar of events and Team Vancouver for the Gay Games. http://www3.telus.net/prcl/
Cloverdale Curling Club Home Includes schedule, events, standings, and general information. http://www.geocities.com/cloverdale_curling/