Hate Crime Statistics:2003 On April 23, 1990, Congress passed the hate crime Statistics Act. This law hate crime Statistics, 1992, presented the first data reported by law http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/anti-semitism/hate03.html
Extractions: Hate Crime Statistics From the FBI Uniform Crime Report Definition A hate crime, also known as a bias crime, is a criminal offense committed against a person, property, or society which is motivated, in whole or in part, by the offender's bias against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or ethnicity/national origin. Background Participation Law Enforcement Reports The UCR Program collects data for crimes motivated by biases against a race, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity/national origin, or disability.During 2003, 11,909 law enforcement agencies provided the UCR Program with 1 to 12 months of hate crime reports. Of those agencies, 1,967 agen-cies (16.5 percent) reported 7,489 hate crime incidents involving 8,715 offens-es, 9,100 victims, and 6,934 known offenders. (See Tables 1 and 12.) Incidents In 2003, the single-bias hate crime incidents reported to law enforcement involved 8,706 offenses. The 4 multiple-bias incidents that officers reported in 2003 encompassed 9 different offenses. Offenses In the hate crime data collection pro-gram, the term victim may refer to a person, a business, an institution, or, in some cases, society as a whole.
Hate Crime: A Summary A total of 11987 law enforcement agencies in 49 states and the District of As part of the UCR Program, the FBI publishes hate crime statistics in their http://www.policyalmanac.org/crime/archive/hate_crime.shtml
Extractions: These crimes have been plaguing our country for centuries, tearing at the very foundation of our country and destroying our neighborhoods and communities. "A total of 11,987 law enforcement agencies in 49 states and the District of Columbia reported 9,730 bias-motivated incidents - 9,271 single bias and 9 multiple bias" (Hate Crime Statistics, 2001) Since an individual's biases are incidental circumstances to a particular crime, collecting statistics and information on hate crimes is difficult. Over the past 12 years, Congress has passed many pieces of legislation to help shape the future of hate crime initiatives and preventative measures. These anti-hate crime legislated acts include the
Extractions: This annual report is organized to provide the reader with factual information about the personal and social characteristics of delinquents. The report contains specific information on juvenile population, race/ethnic groups, gender, numbers of arrests, referrals to probation departments, petitions, juvenile court dispositions, sustained offenses, and race/ethnic group representation.
Partners Against Hate The five states with the highest numbers of hate crime were California (1648incidents, 22.1% of total reported incidents), New York (693, 9.3%), http://www.partnersagainsthate.org/about_hate_crimes/fbi_story.html
Extractions: Funded by the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, and the U.S. Department of Education, Safe and Drug-Free Schools Program. FBI Hate Crime Statistics Passed in 1990 and extended in 1996, the Federal Hate Crime Statistics Act requires the U.S. Department of Justice to prepare an annual report on hate crime occurrences each year. To date, the FBI has trained over 3,500 of its employees and 1,300 State, local and Federal law enforcement agencies on the prevention, prosecution, and ways to handle the aftermath of hate crimes.
Partners Against Hate The five states with the highest numbers of hate crime were California (1472incidents, 19.7% of total reported incidents), New York (602, 8%), http://www.partnersagainsthate.org/law_enforcement/2003_fbi_facts.html
Extractions: On October 25, the FBI released its annual report, "Crime in the United States 2003." Since 1996, the Bureau has included a separate section summarizing hate crime data, collected under the 1990 Hate Crime Statistics Act as part of this report. The Hate Crime section of the 516-page FBI report is available at: http://www.fbi.gov/ucr/cius_03/pdf/03sec2.pdf
BBC NEWS | England | London | Hate Crimes Soar After Bombings Religious hate crimes have shot up in London in the wake of the suicide bomb Religious hate crimes, mostly against Muslims, have risen sixfold in http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/london/4740015.stm
Extractions: Talk ... Newswatch Last Updated: Thursday, 4 August, 2005, 07:46 GMT 08:46 UK E-mail this to a friend Printable version Hate crimes soar after bombings Mosques outside London were also attacked after the bombings Religious hate crimes, mostly against Muslims, have risen six-fold in London since the bombings, new figures show. There were 269 religious hate crimes in the three weeks after 7 July, compared with 40 in the same period of 2004. Most were verbal abuse and minor assaults, but damage to mosques and property with a great "emotional impact" also occurred, police said. Met Police Assistant Commissioner Tarique Ghaffur said he had never seen so much anger among young Muslims. It [religious hate crimes] can lead to these communities completely retreating
BBC NEWS | UK | England | London | Hate Crimes Soar After Bombings Religious hate crimes have shot up in London in the wake of the suicide bomb There were 269 religious hate crimes in the three weeks after 7 July, http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/london/4740015.stm
Extractions: World Service ... Newswatch Last Updated: Thursday, 4 August, 2005, 07:46 GMT 08:46 UK E-mail this to a friend Printable version Hate crimes soar after bombings Mosques outside London were also attacked after the bombings Religious hate crimes, mostly against Muslims, have risen six-fold in London since the bombings, new figures show. There were 269 religious hate crimes in the three weeks after 7 July, compared with 40 in the same period of 2004. Most were verbal abuse and minor assaults, but damage to mosques and property with a great "emotional impact" also occurred, police said. Met Police Assistant Commissioner Tarique Ghaffur said he had never seen so much anger among young Muslims. It [religious hate crimes] can lead to these communities completely retreating
Terrorism: Q & A | Hate Crimes Are there special laws covering hate crimes? Laws in 45 states set additionalpenalties for crimes motivated by bias. (The underlying crimes are, http://cfrterrorism.org/policy/hatecrimes.html
Extractions: Table of Contents Home Afghanistan The Country ... Al-Qaeda (Afghanistan, Islamists) Osama bin Laden (al-Qaeda leader) Hamas, Islamic Jihad (Palestinian Islamists) Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades (Palestinian nationalists) PFLP, DFLP, PFLP-GC (Palestinian leftists) Hezbollah (Lebanon, Islamists) Jamaat al-Islamiyya, Egyptian Islamic Jihad (Egypt, Islamists) Armed Islamic Group (Algeria, Islamists) Kashmir Militant Extremists (Kashmir, Islamists) Mujahedeen-e-Khalq (Iranian rebels) Abu Nidal Organization (Iraq, extremists) Kach, Kahane Chai (Israel, extremists) Chechnya-based Terrorists (Russia, separatists) East Turkestan Islamic Movement (China, separatists) Kurdistan Workers Party (Turkey, separatists) Jemaah Islamiyah (Southeast Asia, Islamists) Abu Sayyaf Group (Philippines, Islamist separatists) Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (Sri Lanka, separatists) Irish Republican Army (U.K., separatists) IRA Splinter Groups (U.K., separatists) Northern Ireland Loyalist Paramilitaries (U.K., extremists) Basque Fatherland and Liberty (Spain, separatists) November 17, Revolutionary Peoples Struggle
Hate Crimes Research Network The hate crimes Research Network is designed to link academic research that is being and HousingRelated hate crimes in the United States, Jeff Crump http://www.hatecrime.net/
Extractions: The Hate Crimes Research Network is designed to link academic research that is being done on the topic of bias motivated crime. Based at the Department of Sociology of Portland State University in Oregon, the HCRN links work done by sociologists, criminologists, psychologists and other academics, including graduate students. The goal is to create a common pool of research and data to understand the phenomenon of hate crimes. The HCRN and this site are directed by Dr. Randy Blazak. IN THE NEWS New Volume on the Geography of Hate While much has been written about hate groups and extreme right political movements, this book will be the first that addresses the crucial role that place and context play in generating and shaping them. Ranging across geographical scales the essays start with the home, and then move from the local to the regional, to the national to-finally-the global. In this collection, much of the focus is on the U.S., as the contributors consider a variety of hate activity and hate groups across the country, including; rural white supremacist and neo-Nazi movements; anti-black sentiment directed towards cities; anti-gay activity in cities and rural areas and the resurgent Southern nationalist movement. Closing with pieces from those who combat hate activity, the intention of Spaces of Hate is to recognize specific geographic settings likely to foster hate activity. (Source:
Issues/Workplace hate crimes is an issue that can affect any gay or lesbian individual in their crimes numbers complied from 12122 law enforcement agencies in 48 states http://www.center4civilrights.org/hcstatistics.htm
Extractions: Hate Crime Statistics In January 2001, the FBI released a report of hate crimes numbers complied from 12,122 law enforcement agencies in 48 states and the District of Columbia. It showed a total of 7,876 bias-motivated criminal incidents that were reported to the FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting Program in 1999. Of all those incidents, 1,317 were crimes motivated by a perception that the victim was lesbian or gay. Since the FBI began collecting hate crimes statistics, more than 9,700 hate crimes based on sexual orientation have been reported. Since 1991, reported hate crimes based on sexual orientation have more than tripled and consistently rank as the third highest category after race and religion. The FBI's 2000 Uniform Crime Reports showed that as overall serious crime decreased slightly nationally, with the Crime Index at its lowest level since 1978, reported hate crimes have continued to rise and increased 2.3 percent from 1999 to 2000. Reported hate crime based on sexual orientation comprised 16.1 percent of all hate crimes for 2000 for a total of 1,299.
FindArticles In Uniform Crime Reports: Hate Crime Statistics hate crime Statistics presents data regarding incidents, offenses, victims andoffenders in When Congress passed the hate crime Statistics Act of 1990, http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0RFV
Hate Crime Legislation Seven states have no hate crime law (Arkansas, Hawaii, Indiana, Kansas, NewMexico, South Carolina, and Wyoming) 12. bullet. Twenty states have laws that do http://www.religioustolerance.org/hom_hat3.htm
Extractions: U.S. HATE CRIMES: Click Here to Visit our Sponsors. Topics in this essay: What makes a crime into a hate crime? Official definitions of hate crimes Facts about hate crimes Existing state and federal hate crime laws What makes a crime be considered as a hate crime? The FBI defines a hate crime (aka bias crime) to be " a criminal offense committed against a person, property or society which is motivated, in whole or in part, by the offender's bias against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientatio, or ethnicity/national origin. " Thus: If a thug beats up a randomly selected victim, the assault would not be considered a hate crime. If a person assaults a friend or acquaintance out of anger, the assault would not be a hate crime. If a thug beats up a victim who is a stranger and was selected because of their race, it would be a hate crime. If a person delivers a hate speech denigrating all Jews, or African-Americans, or gays, then this would not be considered a hate crime anywhere in the United States, because no criminal act has occurred. Hate speech is protected under the First Amendment However, existing federal legislation does not recognize as hate crimes those criminal acts which specifically target women, the disabled and homosexuals.
GP Guide -- Hate Crimes Discusses the increasing rate of hate crimes in the United States. Includes severaltestimonies of victims of hate crimes, as well as others, and cites hate http://www.wiu.edu/library/govpubs/guides/hatecrme.htm
Extractions: Web version of this guide includes links to web resources. Federal Government Information The 1999 Bureau of Justice Assistance National Partnership Meeting: Working Together for Peace and Justice in the 21st Century . This monograph summarizes the workshops held in a BJA conference on crime control and prevention. 1999 J 26.30: P 25 pp. 85-89 Bureau of Justice Statistics . This website reports on crimes and victims; a good statistical source for hate crimes. UCR Hate Crimes . This website reports on incidences, offenses, victims, offenders by state agencies, bias motivation, offense category, and race. Hate Crime Statistics, 1990 . A resource book that examines statistics and legislation on hate crimes in 11 states. Includes an FBI Hate Crime Reporting Form and sources of information for responding to hate crimes. 1992.
PFLAG: Hate Crimes Local Law Enforcement Enhancement Act Federal hate crimes Legislation Laws are inadequate 27 states and the District of Columbia have hate crimes http://www.pflag.org/index.php?id=277
Hate Crime: Definition And Much More From Answers.com Seven states have no hate crime laws, twenty states have hate crime laws that donot protect sexual orientation, and twentyfour states have hate crime laws http://www.answers.com/topic/hate-crime
Extractions: n. A crime that violates the victim's civil rights and that is motivated by hostility to the victim's race, religion, creed, national origin, sexual orientation, or gender Wikipedia hate crime A hate crime bias crime ), loosely defined, is a crime committed because of the perpetrator's prejudices. This is a controversial political issue within the US . The US Congress HR 4797 ) defined a hate crime as: "[a crime in which] the defendant's conduct was motivated by hatred , bias, or prejudice, based on the actual or perceived race , color, religion national origin ethnicity gender ... sexual orientation or gender identity of another individual or group of individuals." In , the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act added disabilities to the above list.
Queer Visions: Hate Crime, Statistics And Apathy 2000 hate crime Statistics, Uniform crime Reporting Program, FBI. state, population,agencies reporting crime, agencies reporting hate crime http://www.queervisions.com/arch/2005/08/in_the_fall_of.html
Extractions: By Patrick Yaeger In the Fall of 1987, Chuck Rosenfield and his boyfriend, both in their twenties, bought and moved into what they considered their share of the American dream. Theirs was a cape cod style four bedroom on a street sandwiched between, what was then, the separate cities of Shivley and Louisville in Jefferson County, Kentucky. They were thrilled with their new home together and began readying it for visiting friends and family. But when school let out for the Summer in 1988, a neighborhood gang of juveniles began trespassing through their property, sometimes looking in the windows. When the couple spoke up and asked the youth to stop, the intrusions only grew worse. Fences locked were climbed and damaged, a rock was thrown through the front window, and one youth even mentioned using a Molotov cocktail to 'burn them out'. Chuck and his partner began keeping a shotgun near the bed at night. When the Jefferson County Police were called regarding the vandalism, the officer who responded didn't seem sympathetic. âWell, you are two men living in a house together...,â Chuck recalls him saying. There was no investigation. They sold their dream home in the Spring of 1989.
Miami University: Documents And Policies: No Hate Chart of community and university hate crime statistics; How is the universitycommunity informed when a hate crime occurs? How does one distinguish a hate http://www.miami.muohio.edu/documents_and_policies/nohate/index.cfm
Extractions: Many individuals become targets of hateful acts because others are unable to accept differences based on race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age, ethnicity or disability. Miami University condemns such acts. At Miami, a hateful incident directed at an individual or group, owing to their difference, is viewed as an attack on the entire community.
Hate Adds Up To Crime - Multicultural Lesson Plans the same or/and different to problems and conflicts in our community?Resources Individual copies of worksheet hate crime Victims in the United States http://jeffcoweb.jeffco.k12.co.us/passport/lessonplan/lessons/htcrimes.html
Extractions: Hate crimes target victims based on race, religion, or other personal characteristics. The U.S. Department of Justice compiles statistics of these hate crimes. Students will apply statistical skills to a real life issue and increase their awareness of hate crimes in our society. Assessed Standards and Benchmarks Jefferson County MATHEMATICS STANDARD 6: Students link concepts and procedures as they develop, use and explain computational techniques, including estimation, mental arithmetic, paper and pencil, calculators, and computers in problem-solving situations and communicate with appropriate mathematical language the reasoning used in solving these problems.(Computation)
A Generation Of Hate: Hate Crimes The hate crimes Statistics Act of 1990 (28 US Code 534). Under the authority ofsection 534 of title 28, United States Code, the Attorney General shall http://www.union.edu/PUBLIC/LIBRARY/research/topics/hate/hatecrimes.htm
Extractions: Bias Crimes and Hate Speech Issues, 1977-2003. Hate Crimes hate crime orig. U.S. , a crime, usually violent, motivated by hatred or intolerance of another social group, esp. on the basis of race or sexuality; crime of this type; freq. attrib. (occas. in pl.), designating legislation, etc., framed to address such crime. Oxford English Dictionary Online, s.v. "hate." If a white mugs a black and delivers a slur in the process, is it a "hate crime" or an ordinary mugging with a gratuitous slur attached? John Leo, "The Politics of Hate." , October 9, 1989 (First appearance of the term "hate crime" in a popular magazine.) A white juvenile male snatched a Jewish woman's purse, and in doing so, knocked her down and called her by a well-known and recognized epithet used against Jews. The offender's identity is not known. Although the offender used an epithet for Jews, it is not known whether he belongs to another religious group or whether his motive was anything more than robbery. Because the facts are ambiguous, agencies should not report this incident as bias-motivated. U.S. Department of Justice
North Carolina Department Of Justice The federal hate crimes Statistics Act of 1990 requires the United States AttorneyGeneral to collect and publish data from states on hate crimes. http://www.ncdoj.com/victimscitizensservices/vscs_hate_crimes.jsp