Lost Remote Court to ponder tv cameras in jury room Many use them to play games, but cancameraenabled, multimedia-receiving phones in the hands of hordes of 8-12 http://www.lostremote.com/archives/2002_12_08_bloggerfile.html
Extractions: TALK ABOUT TEACHING COUNCIL The following policy was proposed by the University Council Committee on Safety and Security at the Council meeting of January 13, 1999, and was adopted by Council with two amendments shown in italics below. Closed Circuit Television Monitoring and Recording of Public Areas for Safety and Security Purposes The purpose of this policy is to regulate the use of closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras to monitor and record public areas for the purposes of safety and security. This policy applies to all personnel, schools and centers of the University in the use of CCTV monitoring and recording. Legitimate uses of this technology are covered by University policies governing research with human subjects and are, therefore, excluded from this policy. A. The Division of Public Safety is committed to enhancing the quality of life of the campus community by integrating the best practices of public and private policing with state-of-the-art technology. A critical component of a comprehensive security plan using state-of-the-art technology is closed circuit television (CCTV). B. The purpose of CCTV monitoring of public areas by security personnel is to defer crime and to assist the Penn police in protecting the safety and property of the University community. Any diversion of security technologies and personnel for other purposes (e.g., CCTV monitoring of political or religious activities, or employee and/or student evaluations) would undermine the acceptability of these resources for critical safety goals and is therefore prohibited by this policy.
Extractions: Quick Links About This Site Bills Directories Frequently Asked Questions Hansard House of Commons Home Page House of Lords Home Page Judicial Work Parliamentary Publications and Archives Site Map Useful Links What POST Does How POST Works What's New Publications ... Related Links Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology Physical sciences and IT publications Biological sciences and health Environment and energy Digital technology is changing the way television is broadcast and watched, with more channels, interactive services and easier recording. The Government is committed to turning the analogue terrestrial television signal off, starting within the next four years, so eventually all television broadcasting will be digital. Over 55% of UK households already receive digital television, but there are many issues that need to be addressed before the switch over to digital is completed. This POSTnote looks at the implications of and progress towards digital switchover. 225-Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
Picturephoning.com The CIoJ says The use in newspapers, and on television, of pictures by Viewers will have access to Court tv News content live from 10 am to 6 pm, http://www.textually.org/picturephoning/
Extractions: Following Scoopt and SpyMedia Cell Journalist , is the third agency to offer media outlets access to a vast array of news-related images taken by citizen reporters "When breaking news happens, it is much more likely today that the first images will be captured by passers-by with camera phones rather than by professional photographers," says Parker Polidor, President of Cell Journalist. "Cell Journalist aggregates images by camera phone users all over the world to give media services accurate and high-quality photographs." Press Release Related article: More on Scoopt's first sales and the arrival of US competitor Spy Media Citizens as Camera Phone Reporters permalink trackback (0) Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology have come up with an inexpensive way to prevent digital cameras and digital video cameras from capturing that secret shot, reports News.com The technology they've devised detects the presence of a digital camera up to 33 feet away and can then shoot a targeted beam of light at the lens , according to Shwetak Patel, a grad student at the university and one of the lead researchers on the project.
Gett Off The Screen The camera bumps around so you know it s really happening. They re makingCourt tv indiscriminate from all of its competition. 30 http://tarlton.law.utexas.edu/lpop/etext/nova/scottoline24.htm
Extractions: reprinted by permission Nova Law Review Get Off the Screen L ISA S COTTOLINE Lisa Scottoline, who has been called "the female John Grisham" by People magazine, writes legal thrillers that draw on her experience as a trial lawyer at a prestigious Philadelphia law firm and her clerkships in the state and federal systems of justice. Ms. Scottoline won the Edgar Award for excellence in suspense fiction for her second legal thriller, Final Appeal , and her first, Everywhere That Mary Went , was nominated for the same high honor. Subsequent novels, Running From the Law Legal Tender , and Rough Justice were national best sellers and received critical acclaim. In addition, Publisher's Weekly said that Ms. Scottoline's books may change the way people think about lawyers, and her novels have been used in law schools and continuing education courses for the ethical issues that they present. Ms. Scottoline is a magna cum laude graduate of the University of Pennsylvania and a cum laude graduate of its law school, where she was an associate editor of the University of Pennsylvania Law Review , had her student comment published, and won the Loughlin Prize for Legal Ethics. Her novels have been translated into more than twenty languages, including Chinese. A native Philadephian, Ms. Scottoline lives with her family in the Philadelphia area and welcomes email through her Web sight
Extractions: Explore ChristianityToday.com: -Home Page -Christianity Today Magazine -Free! Newsletters and more! CHURCH/MINISTRY -LeadershipJournal.net -Church Products/Services -BuildingChurchLeaders.com -ChristianityTodayLibrary.com -ChurchSiteCreator.com -Conferences -Children's Ministry PREACHINGTODAY.COM -Sermon Illustrations -Sermon Transcripts -Audio Tapes COLLEGE/SEMINARY -Christian College Guide BIBLE -Bible Studies CHRISTIAN LIFE -Today's Christian -Faith in the Workplace -Spiritual Help -Global Christianity -Church Locator COMMUNITIES -Women -Men -Marriage -Parenting -Singles -Teens -Kids MEDIA GUIDE -Movies -Music INTERACT -E-cards - Free! -Message Boards SHOPPING -Books -Music -Our Store -Videos -Gifts -Classifieds -Personals -Home School Center MAGAZINES -Christianity Today -Campus Life -Christian Parenting Today -Today's Christian -Leadership -Marriage Partnership -Men of Integrity -Today's Christian Woman -Your Church
UDHR - Heroes WITNESS helps them use video as evidence before courts, regional commissions and the This year it has given cameras to groups in India, Romania, Gambia, http://www.universalrights.net/heroes/display.php3?id=49
Television And The House Of Commons (BP242E) (1) Any committee wishing to use the facilities of the House of Commons for the On 11 December 1992, the House agreed to make permanent the new camera http://www.parl.gc.ca/information/library/PRBpubs/bp242-e.htm
Extractions: Staff of the Parliamentary Research Branch (PRB) of the Library of Parliament work exclusively for Parliament conducting research and providing analysis and policy advice to Members of the Senate and House of Commons and to parliamentary committees on a non-partisan and confidential basis. The documents on this site were originally prepared for general distribution to Canadian Parliamentarians to provide background and analysis of issues that may arise in the course of their Parliamentary duties. They are made available here as a service to the public. These studies are not official Parliamentary or Canadian government documents. No legal or other professional advice is offered by the authors or the Parliamentary Research Branch in presenting its publications or in maintaining links to other Internet sites. BP-242E INTRODUCTION THE DEVELOPMENT OF TELEVISION AND RADIO BROADCASTING THE EFFECT OF BROADCASTING ON THE HOUSE OF COMMONS THE COOK COMMITTEE REPORT ... BIBLIOGRAPHY TELEVISION AND THE HOUSE OF COMMONS INTRODUCTION Broadcasting of the proceedings of the Canadian House of Commons began in the autumn of 1977 after years of study and debate. At that time, the Canadian House of Commons was a pioneer in this area, since very few legislatures were permitting cameras to film their proceedings, except for special events. The idea of gavel-to-gavel coverage was unique.
The State Of Delusion The culture of fear replaces debate. debate itself is labeled unpatriotic. The irony of all this silliness was reflected in the camera cutaways to the http://www.coffeeshoptimes.com/zimm19.html
Indigenous Television In Australia And Canada the often hysterical media debate over the meaning of a 1992 High Court decision, I suggest that the use of technologies like interactive television http://info.wlu.ca/~wwwpress/jrls/cjc/BackIssues/20.2/meadows.html
Extractions: Michael Meadows is a lecturer in the School of Media and Journalism, Queensland University of Technology, 2 George Street, GPO Box 2434, Brisbane Q 4001, Australia. E-mail: m.meadows@qut.edu.au Abstract: Indigenous communities in Australia and Canada are challenging notions of the cultural hegemony of mass media. Implicit in new media technologies are empowering strategies which have enabled community broadcasters to appropriate media for their own culturally specific use. In Australia, Aborigines have adopted interactive and local television as a cultural resource to aid in strengthening languages and culture. In Canada, a pan-Canadian Native television network enables indigenous access and cultural leadership in a different way. However policymakers in both countries need to become more attuned to the creative options emerging in the form of these ``ideas from the bush.'' TVNC has been a really good buffer for cultural shock.... You can't measure its worth in money. (President of Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated, Jose Kusugak, Iqaluit, Baffin Island, 1994)
Non-fiction TV Bibliography Court tv cradleto-grave legal survival guide a complete resource for any debates on the Future of Television www.benton.org/Policy/tv/debate.html/ http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~jlesage/Juliafolder/nonfictionTV/nonfictiontvbiblio
Extractions: BIBLIOGRAPHY OF USEFUL BOOKS ON NONFICTION TV Ad Watch Toolkit, made for political ads but can be applied to ads on TV in general http://www.pbs.org/ad/ads/toolkit_list.htm/ Advertising and Popular Culture . J. Fowles. Sage. 1996. Aim for the heart: write for the ear, shoot for the eye, a guide for TV producers and reporters All the news that's fit to sell: how the market transforms information into news American television news: the media marketplace and the public interest Arresting images: crime and policing in front of the television camera Cambridge Classics structuralism web site http://www .classics.cam.ac.uk/Faculty/structuralism.html Can we talk?: the power and influence of talk shows/ Canaries in the mineshaft: essays on politics and media Case studies in sport communication Channels of discourse, reassembled: television and contemporary criticism /edited by Robert C. Allen. 2nd ed. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, c1992. Introduction to the second edition: more talk about TV/Robert C. Allen Semiotics, structuralism, and television/Ellen Seiter Narrative theory and television/Sarah Kozloff Audience-oriented criticism and television/Robert C. Allen Genre study and television/Jane Feuer Ideological analysis and television/Mimi White Psychoanalysis, film, and television/Sandy Flitterman-Lewis Feminist criticism and television/E. Ann Kaplan British cultural studies and television/John Fiske Postmodernism and television/Jim Collins Afterword/James Hay Television criticism: a selective bibliography/Diane Negra. PN1992.5 .B36 1987.
MiT3: Television Abstracts and Our Father the Serial Killer (Court tv/Granada International 2002). One of my case studies is the television debate show El Termómetro (The http://cms.mit.edu/mit3/subs/works.html
Extractions: The interplay between media cross-platforms is bound to create an experimental field for original visual formats and interactive applications. This contemporary technological visual field, with its pervasive and globalized network of digital media, is creating a single convergent framework. Will the new media structure standardize formats, social behaviours and visual aesthetic? "Trust Me - I'm a Designer": the Irony of Recent Home Makeover Shows
ESPN.com - OTL: Locking Up Sports Online and on television this week, explore the debate over sports in prisonsthrough Outside the Lines presentation of Sports behind Bars. http://espn.go.com/otl/bars/intro.html
Extractions: If you are one of those people clinging to the quaint notion that sports should offer something more than entertainment, that it should serve some noble purpose, that it should benefit society in some way, then you deserve to go to prison. In my 13 years as a sports reporter, I have covered the Olympics, NBA Finals, World Cup and Super Bowl. I have watched Michael Jordan fake Bryon Russell out of his sneakers to seal a championship. I have choked on my breath as a blur named Carl Lewis shot past me in a Barcelona stadium. I have seen Omar Vizquel save a no-hitter for his pitcher with an indescribable one-handed catch and throw.
IPI - International Press Institute The tv stations camera was completely destroyed during the incident, while thelocal IPI welcomed the fact that the European Court of Human Rights held http://www.freemedia.at/wpfr/Europe/romania.htm
Extractions: of press freedom, the promotion of the free flow of news and information, and the improvement of the practices of journalism Home Events Public Statements World Press ... OTHER IPI PUBLICATIONS Romania 1998 WPFR 1999 WPFR 2000 WPFR 2001 WPFR ... 2003 WPFR 2004 World Press Freedom Review By South East Europe Media Organisation
Extractions: SEP 16 - 30, 2004 VOL. 2 ISSUE 18 CHUMP CHECK 2004 ENTIRE ELECTION IN JEOPARDY FOR KERRY FOX News To Control Camera Coverage For Entire Press During First Debate And Saying They Will Not Follow Guidelines Agreed To By Candidates by Samuel A. Stanson SEPTEMBER 29, 2004 It's truly hard to imagine. We've warned again and again that, above all else, the Kerry campaign had to guard against FOX News getting its hands on the debates. We told you the Bush team would work any angle possible to get FOX involved, and that if the Kerry campaign allowed this, we've warned for months now, they would lose the election. All seemed safe, as the moderators and hosts for the agreed to debates did not include FOX in any way, and it seemed unthinkable the Kerry campaign would allow FOX into the mix. But now we learn, as reported by CNN , FOX News will be entirely in control of the camera coverage for the entire media during the most important of the debates, the very first one scheduled for Thursday night. If the Kerry camp allows this, they will likely lose the election.
Hullabaloo If the post debate spin tonight is as unfair and absurd as it has been in the When Bush was on stage but off camera, Moore said, there was that Bush http://digbysblog.blogspot.com/2004_09_26_digbysblog_archive.html
Extractions: by digby "We deal in illusions, man. None of it is true. But you people sit there day after day, night after night, all ages, colors, creeds. We're all you know. You're beginning to believe the illusions we're spinning here. You're beginning to think that the tube is reality and that your own lives are unreal. You do whatever the tube tells you. You dress like the tube. You eat like the tube. You even think like the tube. In God's name, you people are the real thing, WE are the illusion." Howard Beale
Extractions: Also receive updates on programs WASHINGTON, Jul 10, 2005 (Dow Jones Commodities News Select via Comtex) The three-week window between the Independence Day and August breaks, typically one of the most productive times for Congress, could be even more so this year as lawmakers try to clear the decks for a Supreme Court battle. Just this week, the Senate plans to debate a spending bill for the Homeland Security Department and may start considering a measure to increase federal support of embryonic stem cell research. Much of Washington is focused on the president's possible choices for the high court now that Sandra Day O'Connor has said she is retiring and rumors swirl about Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist's future. Senators, who will have to confirm any nominee, undoubtedly will feel the irresistible pull of television cameras and news conferences. But the wheels that drive the passage of bills likely will grind on.
PRIVACY ISSUES Of WEARCAMs Versus SURVEILLANCE CAMERAS Recently, there have been a number of tv documentaries on hidden cameras in However, the ubiquitous use of wearable NetCams will tip the balance a http://wearcam.org/netcam_privacy_issues.html
Extractions: I never really minded when friends or relatives would take my picture, or even once when someone showed me a magazine in which my picture had appeared in full color. Someone had snapped a picture of me in front of a computer terminal and published it in a magazine. Nobody had asked me for permission, and it looked like a profit-making magazine, but I didn't feel I'd been wronged. A foreign visitor once pointed out to me that there was a picture of me on one of the bulletin boards. It is quite common within our research group for people to snap pictures at parties and other social events, and to post them on bulletin boards (on their office doors, or behind glass in the hallways, and more likely nowadays on their World Wide Web home page). In a sense, research groups, workplaces, or the like, operate much like extended families with regard to the picture-taking process it's part of getting to know one another, and no harm is meant. I've even appeared on TV, and more than once, without thinking much of it.