MSNBC - Kerry Courts Native Americans MSNBC TV. News. Business Kerry courts Native Americans . Black scholars debate Lee says real power behind camera
The Seattle Times Backyard Blog Debate I am yelling at the tv screen, I idea that our nation's courts should podium we will use. Can anyone remember a time when the third
SurfWax News, Reviews And Articles On Camera Phones TV and appliance units weigh on LG the number two spot behind Nokia in Use gadgets with care Jan 22 County Courts Ban Camera Phones
Online NewsHour Taking Liberties? Nov. 27, 2001 an order on November 13 authorizing the use of Military tribunals vs. conventional courts wrap rss feeds subscriptions tv
The Shop-a-holic Athlete I actually learned how to use some only 2 points behind Oklahoma in the 2004 Presidential Debate and all I on stage, on the tennis
BEWARE YOU'RE PROBABLY BEING WATCHED ON CAMERA Many video cameras in use What do the courts say in darkness but behind New York are calling for public debate and Kits.
Department For Constitutional Affairs - Publications - Broadcasting Courts Seminar Discussion session really we should move the debate to to produce by having TV cameras say decisions
TVW, The Impact Of Government Access TV For example, there is currently a national debate taking place about whether TV broadcasters in their selfinterest to use public meeting TV to
Bush Watch Content THROW AT BUSH DURING THE TV DEBATE FRIDAY. With Garry waaaaay behind the it was up to the courts to affirm Indian sovereignity to use lottery
Reiter's Camera Phone Report Security - Camera Phones given the handset to a sixth grader who usually sits right behind him. Florida police use camera phone photos to charge man with sexual
Onegoodmove: Bush Flips Out look at it from behind, with a grainy tv view, the thumb is pointing back atthe camera He has been known to use the middle finger on camera though.
Extractions: update: John Godfrey (Dow Jones Newswire) writes, "I was in the scrum of reporters at the event. Bush did not flip anyone off. He was clearly giving a thumbs up in response to a question shouted from the crowd." I called John to verify the email was from him and to ask him if there was any doubt in his mind, he said there was not. I forgot to ask him if he's sighted. Posted by Norm at July 27, 2005 11:45 PM Comments It's one thing for me to say, "Fuck the Corporate Media," every chance I get, but I'm not president. Posted by: Josh Wolf on July 28, 2005 12:35 AM And everybody always seems mystified about that ever-present smirk of his regardless of whether he's discussing genocide or torture... Posted by: Bjmf on July 28, 2005 12:44 AM
President Of The World - Chapter Nine On Tuesday, Ben and Frank completed plans via phone for the tv debate. The camera followed the action. Suddenly, the blare of the lights behind him
Extractions: K eller had parked his electronics van on a dirt road about a mile from the Parallax headquarters building. In the mix of other vehicles, the van didn't stand out. With the van Eck equipment, Keller had been able to observe the output on any of the computer monitors at Parallax headquarters. It had been easy to identify Gorgon's personal office computer and observe his plans and activities. During the past week, Keller could see that Gorgon was preparing for an important meeting with Warfield and other members of the World Geopolitical Council. Keller was determined to obtain as much information about Gorgon's activities as possible, so he had taken a month's leave of absence from his job and rented a motel room close to Parallax headquarters. He knew that what he was doing was dangerousgoing up against a demon like Gorgonso he worked alone. He checked in with Ben Emerson and Colonel Wilson periodically. Keller had set up his video equipment in the van so that it automatically recorded whatever appeared on Gorgon's computer monitor. But he liked to arrive at the van as early as possible so he could review what had been recorded. He knew that today was Gorgon's big meeting with the World Geopolitical Council members, so he wanted to arrive at the van extra early. He set his alarm at his motel room for 5 AM. After a quick cup of coffee, he jumped into his Jeep Cherokee and began driving to the van.
Let TV Go To The Circus - 3/7/2005 - Broadcasting Cable - CA508888 Yet no tv camera is allowed in the courtroom as Michael Jackson faces child How curious that directly behind the courts complex sits a quaint anomaly
Independent Media TV IMTV Watch the pseudo-debate on CSpan and make up your own mind, The SupremeCourt has ruled that the detainees have the right to use US courts to - Nation
The Media And The Courtroom? A Look At The Increasing Debate to the debate, the idea behind who each of these actors, as institutions, So why not use what is on the table, following the example of Court tv?
Extractions: A Look at the Increasing Debate The Issues around the Media and the Courts The key issue in the debate is the apparent clash within the Constitution between the First Amendment's right to a free press, and the Sixth Amendment's right to a fair trial in a speedy and public manner, by an impartial jury. To some it has been a debate between institutions, with different goals, while others believe that their goals (of justice) are essentially the same, but merely take on a different form from each other. But others believe that it is simply a debate between proper values and professionalism as institutions. In order to start our discussion it is appropriate to determine first if the amendments based on the founder's intentions actually do clash, and if so, whether or not one is more important than the other. The courts especially want fair trials and the media wants their right to a free and open press of the courts. But do the legal professionals do all that they can in order to preserve fair trials? And have those in the media abided by ethics in journalism when covering the courts and been responsible in doing so? Since these are both very important issues to the debate, the idea behind who each of these actors, as institutions, are supposed to serve first needs to be addressed. Based on the strict standards of both the law, the high court, and modern American Bar Association's professional code of ethics, that the justice system's primary function is not to serve the random interests of the public. Instead, prosecutors, defenders, and judges are to insure the best possible conditions for opposing sides to search out the truth in a dignified adversarial process. Their function is to insure the integrity of the institution, the Constitution, and to provide interpretation and enforcement of the law.
Extractions: This guide is a browsing aid to selected titles in the video/DVD collections at Rutgers Libraries. The most up-to-date, accurate, and complete information regarding the libraries' holdings is available only through IRIS , our online catalog. Notable contributors to the psychology of personality series Pt. 1. (29 min.): Influences in theoretical and research development. Cognitive and social behavior modification: social learning, modeling, aggression . pt. 2. (28 min.): Bobo Doll experiment ; effects of aggression and violence in the media ; morality and moral disengagement ; self-efficacy ; plans for the futureRichard I. Evans interviews noted psychologist Albert Bandura.
Republicans & Conservatives:: What Makes A Lead Story? Jackson case just for the debate behind it but I would like Court tv to stick He is just trying to look good for the camera and concentrating on his
Extractions: I turn on the news at the top of the hour to find out what is happening in the world. We are given teases of stories from around the world, BIG stories. The news goes to a break and comes back only to lead with .... The Michael Jackson trial !! A good 5 minutes about opening statements. Give me a break ! I can't be the only one who thinks that if this story is even worthy of National News, it should be near the end, last about 10 seconds, and tell us the trial actually occurred this day. A WHOLE government resigns, over 100 people killed from a car bomb, and they think Michael Jackson should be the story of the day? It makes me sick. Posted by Dawn at February 28, 2005 03:19 PM Comments You are right on. This is why i have a cynical outlook for the country. 70 % of the tv sets were on some awards show last nite and i could care less. Posted by: George at February 28, 2005 03:45 PM But, think about what that means, Dawn. News media has spent 100's of millions of dollars over the decades, and still millions each year today, to determine what will attract viewer, reader, listener attention. It is the American public that is ultimately responsible for what appears in news, and other programming, and what weight those items are given. That is why we need an NPR and C-Span which are dedicated to real news, both headlines and in depth as one finds in some of the better print media. Posted by: David R. Remer
Communication: Television Term Paper Help Critiques tv police/court drama. Production, reasons for success, Basic format,innovations, personalities in front of behind camera, impact on tv.
Extractions: Discusses the 1992 book of television journalism. The book as a frame of reference for critical thinking about mass-market merchandising of presenting information to the public. The issue of whether much of the information is of news value, or just entertainment value. Contention of the authors that TV news is not good. Danger of viewers believing they are becoming reliably informed. The big picture of How to Watch TV News is that it is a frame of reference for critical thinking about television journalism, or, more generally, mass-market merchandising of the presentation to the public of information that is calledbut is not necessarilynews. Taking as its starting point the fact that access to news means, or more exactly is widely believed to mean, access to informed perspective on what is important to understand about the culture, the political environment, and the status of social and personal well-being, How to Watch takes the view that the form (usually) and content (frequently) of television journalism increasingly tend toward having entertainment rather than information value. The result is that television news is performance masquerading as presentation. And in consequence, argue the authors, the news (so to speak) is not good.
Mediabistro: TVNewser A Scott Peterson special on Court tv clobbered the cable news networks on Thursday Novak Reaction From Fox Friends; Is Bob Okay?; behind The camera
Extractions: Fall'05 Courses and Seminars : 150 reasons to continue learning Tuesday, Sep 20 TVNewser is attending this morning's memorial service for Peter Jennings at Carnegie Hall. Doors open at 10am and the service begins at 11. More than 2,000 invited guests and members of the public are expected to attend. 05:00 AM ABC Email this post About 800 free tickets will be available for today's Peter Jennings memorial service. "The tickets will given away to the general public on a first-come, first served basis starting at 8 a.m." at the Carnegie Hall box office, . "There is a limit of two tickets per person."