- I'm Still Scared--The War Years (Turtleback School & Library Binding Edition) (26 Fairmount Avenue Books (Pb)) by Tomie dePaola, 2007-06-01
- The Aurora Story [ 1949 ] (The Connecticut background of the western reserve, Early Aurora: its manners and customs, Early Aurora industry and commerce, Geauga Lake section: rich in history, Aurora's golden era 1840-1900, Aurora's military history through five wars, Aurora school system through the years, Religious background and church history, The past fifty years are the best) by William J. Dawson, 1949
- To Marry an Indian: The Marriage of Harriett Gold and Elias Boudinot in Letters, 1823-1839 by Theresa Strouth (ed.) Gaul, 2005-05-16