The Virtual Rendering System A computer graphics software library for constructing interactive 3D applications. Provides a large collection of 3D rendering components that facilitate implementing 3D graphics applications and experimenting with graphics algorithms. Distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License.
Extractions: @import "css/header.css"; @import "css/vrs.css"; VRS - The Virtual Rendering System version 3.3 alpha The Virtual Rendering System is a computer graphics software library for constructing interactive 3D applications. It provides a large collection of 3D rendering components which facilitate implementing 3D graphics applications and experimenting with 3D graphics and imaging algorithms. VRS is implemented as a C++ library. Applications can incorporate VRS as C++ library based on the C++ API . In addition, we provide a complete Tcl/Tk binding of the C++ API , called iVRS . You can deploy VRS on common platforms such as X11/Unix and Windows 95/98/NT. It is distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License. Large collection of 2D shapes, 3D shapes, graphics attribute
Computing Science Home School of Computing Science. Research labs focus on algorithms and optimization, systems science, computational epidemiology, computer vision, database systems, graphics and multimedia, hardware design, software agents, intelligent software and systems, knowledge representation, logic and functional programming, medical computing, natural language processing, parallel and distributed computing, mathematical sciences, programming languages, simulating and exploring ecosystem dynamics, and distance learning.
Home Page Of Werner Pohlmann University of Salzburg Programming, software engineering, programming languages, performance and reliability of communication and computer systems, parallel and distributed algorithms, and distributed discrete event simulation.
Extractions: Click here for information on current courses. Click here for courses given in the past. Main subject of current work: "Distributed discrete event simulation": Click here for some publications. page created especially for you by tom file last modified: Tuesday, 01-Mar-2005 16:59:44 CET
Institutionen För Informationsbehandling - Huvudsida Department of computer Science. Research areas include programming methodology, probabalistic algorithms, software quality, applied artificial intelligence, and Linux.
Computer Methods For Mathematical Computations Code from the book, translated to ELF, a Fortran 90 subset. algorithms for calculations in science and engineering, including linear equations, spline interpolation, integration, differential equations, zero finding, minimization and singular value decomposition.
Extractions: PDAS home Public Domain Aeronautical Software (PDAS) Computer Methods for Mathematical Computations by George Forsythe, Michael Malcolm and Cleve Moler is one of the great classic textbooks of numerical methods for scientists and engineers. Many people (myself included) have used the book as a reference and used the programs as tools for a variety of computing projects. Although the algorithms are still usable in their original pre-Fortran 77 format, the readability and usability is greatly enhanced by using the coding style of modern Fortran. I have rewritten the procedures in modern Fortran. In particular, the library will now compile correctly using Lahey Essential Fortran (ELF), which is a subset of the general Fortran language. Successful compilation with ELF is a virtual guarantee that you are not using any proprietary Fortran extensions that might affect the portability of your code. These codes are on the current (version 8) disc. I intend to replace the routines that were originally included with some of the aeronautical programs with the counterparts from this library. All new programs added to the PDAS collection will use this library wherever possible.
ACM SIGACT Special Interest Group on algorithms and Computation Theory, the ACM special interest group for Theoretical computer Science. Site has membership information, meetings, reports and a newsletter for members.
Extractions: The primary mission of ACM SIGACT (Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on Algorithms and Computation Theory) is to foster and promote the discovery and dissemination of high quality research in the domain of theoretical computer science. The field of theoretical computer science is interpreted broadly so as to include algorithms, data structures, complexity theory, distributed computation, parallel computation, VLSI, machine learning, computational biology, computational geometry, information theory, cryptography, quantum computation, computational number theory and algebra, program semantics and verification, automata theory, and the study of randomness. Work in this field is often distinguished by its emphasis on mathematical technique and rigor.
Department Of Computer Sciences (Univ. KL) -- Department Of Computer Sciences At Department of computer Science. Research involves software components, algorithms, CAD, computer graphics, computational geometry, information management, computer networks, database and information systems, computer architecture, numerical algorithms, foundations of computer science and programming, communication systems, system software, robotics, artificial intelligence, software engineering, learning, programming languages and compiler constructions, and VLSI design.
WAW 2004 Third Workshop on algorithms and Models for the WebGraph. Held in conjunction with the 45th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of computer Science. Rome, Italy; 16 October 2004. Datgen, formerly SCDS, is a computer program that generates data to systematically test programs that consume data. These synthetic datasets can be used to validate learning algorithms.
Carleton University - School Of Computer Science Homepage School of Computing Science. Research labs focus on object oriented programming, software engineering, pervasive computing, networks, network security, parallel and distributed computing, algorithms, computer vision, database systems, graphics and multimedia, software agents, intelligent software and systems, knowledge representation, logic and functional programming, medical computing, natural language processing.
Extractions: Library Carleton A-Z CU Phonebook Campus Map ... Faculty/Staff Explore SCS Noticeboard SCS News Upcoming Seminars > GENERAL INFO About the School Applications UG/Grad Calendars UG/Grad Registration Student Info Contact Us -> STUDENT INFO Courses Webpages Account Help MSDNAA Software Honours Project Undergrad Society > RESEARCH Current Research Graduate Theses Technical Reports Graduate Society > PEOPLE Faculty Adjuncts Admin Staff Tech Staff School Directory SCS News Upcoming Seminars GENERAL INFO About the School ... School Directory HPCVL / Sun Scholarships Awarded September 15, 2005 - Congratulations to Jehiua Yi and Xuemei Luo, PhD candidates in Computer Science, who have been selected to receive a $5,000 HPCVL / Sun Microsystems of Canada, Inc. Scholarship in the Computational Sciences and Engineering. [continue...] Cyber-crime meets its match August 23, 2005 - In a bid to gain an advantage over cyber-criminals, Carleton has co-founded a unique Internet security forum. The Forum for Information Security Innovation in Canada (FISIC) promises to increase public awareness about potential gaps in Internet security and offer new ways to stop cyber-criminals. [continue...]
Welcome To LaBRI Bordeaux. Researchers at the LaBRI are organized into five research teams Combinatorics and Algorithmics (Enumerative combinatorics, maps, physics; Random generation and visualization; Graphs and applications; Distributed algorithms); Logic, Formal Languages, and Applications (Graphs and logic; Formal languages; Rewriting, Databases); Modeling, Verifying and Testing Computerized Systems; Parallel and Distributed Computing;Image and Sound (Image analysis; Image synthesis)
Informatik - Universität Des Saarlandes - Saarbrücken Department of computer Science. Areas of research include combinatorics, computational geometry, compilers for realtime embedded systems, formal modelling of circuits, computer architecture, description and planning logics, formal grammars, cryptography, and distributed algorithms.
Digraphs, Theory, Algorithms, Applications A comprehensive source of results, notions and open problems on directed graphs, with 12 chapters, 754 pages, 186 figures and 705 exercises. The book is aimed at undergraduate and graduate students, mathematicians, computer scientists and operational researchers. Site has preface, contents, chapter 1 and other extracts (PS) with errata, updates and ordering information.
Default A collection of computer Science algorithms in a Series of EBooks and individual Lessons C, C++ and Java.
Algorithms Project's Home Page Rocquencourt, Versailles. algorithms Project. Interests in design and analysis of algorithms, computer algebra, combinatorial analysis and asymptotics.
Rostock, University computer Science Department. Research areas include theoretical computer science, algorithms and theory of programming, computer architecture, information and communication services, parallel and super computing. databases and information systems, programming languages and compilers, simulation, software techniques, and computer graphics.
Combinatorics, Probability And Computing Now published bimonthly, devoted to the three areas of combinatorics, probability theory and theoretical computer science. Topics covered include classical and algebraic graph theory, extremal set theory, matroid theory, probabilistic methods and random combinatorial structures; combinatorial probability and limit theorems for random combinatorial structures; the theory of algorithms (including complexity theory), randomised algorithms, probabilistic analysis of algorithms, computational learning theory and optimisation.
Extractions: Published bimonthly, is devoted to the three areas of combinatorics, probability theory and theoretical computer science. Topics covered include classical and algebraic graph theory, extremal set theory, matroid theory, probabilistic methods and random combinatorial structures; combinatorial probability and limit theorems for random combinatorial structures; the theory of algorithms (including complexity theory), randomised algorithms, probabilistic analysis of algorithms, computational learning theory and optimisation.
MIT // The Algorithms Group At CSAIL The algorithms Group, part of the Theory of Computation (TOC) group in the computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL). People and research projects.
Extractions: at CSAIL About Research People Classes ... Contact The Algorithms Group The Algorithms Group at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology ( MIT ), is part of the Theory of Computation ( TOC ) group at the MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory ( CSAIL ). This research group focuses upon practical and theoretical applications for Algorithms. We have faculty, students, and visitors from both the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and the Department of Mathematics Site last updated 3 August, 2005 17:55 Massachusetts Institute
Institute Of Computer Science Institute of computer Science. Research covers applied computer science, neural networks, parallel genetic algorithms, and fluid dynamics on parallel systems.
GFX Computer Graphics Programming Several articles on advanced graphics programming, mostly 3Drelated.