About Us - In The News The LittleFingers® keyboard provides the tool to help teachers overcome this One keyboard fits all no matter what computer system the child uses now, http://www.datadesktech.com/media_news_2.html
Extractions: Research indicates that young children are also prone to developing repetitive stress problems due to their increased time using a computer. Using a keyboard that causes them to stretch their smaller hands can only exacerbate this predisposition to injury. LittleFingers® helps reduce the possibility of injury by allowing children to learn proper typing techniques on a keyboard that has been scientifically designed to fit their smaller hands and fingers. By using a keyboard that "fits," children are more apt to learn proper keyboarding faster and easier, and will have less of a chance to develop poor keyboarding habits that can hinder rather than enhance their future computing experience. LittleFingers® is not a toyit is technically superior to any of the so-called plastic "kiddy" keyboards on the market. It is a full-function keyboard that has all the features of adult keyboardsand a lot moreonly in a smaller format. Outside of its patented layout, one of LittleFingers® many unique features is its "dual-mode" capability which allows a second or adult-sized keyboard to be plugged into it and permits both keyboards to be used simultaneously! This enables parents, teachers or other students to work side-by-side as a hands-on typing coach or buddy to help children learn proper keyboarding skills and/or participate in joint, interactive computing activities together. This exclusive feature not only empowers children to emulate their teachers and parents, but it also promotes bonding and builds rapport with parents and teachers alike.
K-12 Keyboarding - USOE Simply develop a samesize drawing of the computer keyboard the students will be Joanne Troutner is the Creative computer Teacher for the Lafayette http://www.usoe.k12.ut.us/ate/keyboarding/Articles/Issues.htm
Extractions: by Joanne Troutner The Issue of Teaching Typing When can or should students be taught to type? Most media specialists will be drawn into this debate as students continue to use microcomputers for an ever-broadening list of tasks. There is no doubt that learning to type at an early age removes one of the stumbling blocks young students find when attempting to use computers. For this reason, library media specialists are going to see keyboarding or typing become part of the elementary curriculum. The days of finding typing classes only in high school business departments are coming to an end. Although extremely young children lack the dexterity and hand size to master tough typing, students of fourth or fifth grade age can learn this technique. Here are some teaching ideas and suggested materials for the elementary typing class. Either of these keyboards can be used to introduce students to the home keys - A, S, D, F, J, K, L, ;. When the students have been drilled on these keys, the space bar, carriage return, and shift keys can be introduced. Students can keep track of the keys as they learn them by coloring them in with a magic marker.
I.C.T. Teaching Ideas ICT See a list of all the ICT ideas on the Teaching Ideas site. explaining how to save time on the computer, by using keyboard shortcuts. http://www.teachingideas.co.uk/ict/contents.htm
Extractions: recommended books about ICT, and some links to other useful ICT sites. Key for symbols used on this page: Suggested for Ages 5-7 Suggested for Ages 7-11 Suggested for Ages 5-11 Age ranges are only suggestions, and many activities can be modified to fit children of different ages. To find out what the other symbols mean, click here ICT Activities ICT Unit A brilliant resource to get children started with computers. KS1 Colouring Activity A simple ICT activity (PDF) to use with younger children at the start of the school year. Contributed by Pennie Coren. Key Stage One Programme of Study Another PDF, contributed by Liam Buckley, containing the Programmes of Study for KS1 ICT.
Extractions: We NEVER give you email out to others. NEVER. Why One Hand Typing on Standard Keyboards Introduction And How to One Hand Typing Which one handed typing system for you? How To Type With One Hand On A Normal Keyboard ... Free e-Samples One Hand Typing Manual Childsize Littlefingers Keyboards Tips Child Littlefingers One-Hand Typists Laptops For One Hand Typists Email Discussion Group for Parents of One Handed Children ... Support Groups Children With Limb and Hand Differences Childsize Keyboards For One Hand Typists Little Fingers Laptops For One Hand Typists Left -Handed Keyboards Alternative One Hand Typing Systems Left Handed Keyboards One Hand Keyboards Half QWERTY Half Keyboard ... Lap Tops For One Handed Typists One Hand Products Tips for One Handed Office Workers Tips How To Teach A One Handed Student to Type Tips For Occupational and Rehabilitation Therapists of One Handed Clients ... All kinds of resources! Free One Hand e-News Join e-discussion groups Seminars by Lilly Walters Jim Abbott, Motivational Sports Keynote Speaker, and One Handed Baseball Pitcher
Technology > Typing For Beginners Com Smart Tools for Busy Teachers Lesson Plans, Resources Links, computer TypingLearning the ABCs of the computer keyboard (Mastering) $13.50 http://www.teachnet.com/lesson/tech/keyboarding110900.html
Extractions: Adobe Acrobat Reader Although I had lessons in keyboarding a number of years ago, it isn't as if I sat down in a typing class every day and just learned to type. Yet these days, I have to admit that I am thankful for my keyboarding lessons. Had it not been for the fundamentals that I learned, such as finger positioning and the "proper" movement to strike certain keys, I assure you that my time spent at a keyboard would have been far more frustrating. I do not claim to be some sort of master typist, and I would note that all of us are always working to improve our skill level. You obviously can't expect your fourth graders to suddenly start typing all of their homework before turning it in, but you can teach a building block that will help them master typing in the long run. The placement of one's fingers on the keyboard is key when learning how to type. While it will require lots and lots of practice before your students begin to feel that they're typing with any sort of speed, you can accomplish a lot prior to the practice that only a typewriter or computer and time can provide.
EdTech'90 Proceedings: Carnegie - Starting Think-Keying We teach people of all ages to acquire skills and encourage them to Thinkkeying was part of their introduction to the keyboard and they enjoyed http://www.aset.org.au/confs/edtech90/carnegie.html
Extractions: South Australian College of Advanced Education Can you write as fast as you think? Many people are not as productive as they could be because they are using old technology such as pencil and paper, or they are using new technology inefficiently by 'hunting and pecking'. This paper describes the evolution of a program to enable people to become proficient in basic typing as quickly as possible and with the minimum of pain. Communicating words via an electronic keyboard is an everyday fact of life. For convenience people often refer to what they are doing as 'typing', even though they are not using a typewriter. The basic keyboarding skills are the same whether one is using a manual typewriter or a computer. Because the skill of typing has traditionally been denigrated, the majority of people learning to use computers in Australia have resisted learning touch typing. One can make the analogy that car drivers do not look to see where the brake pedal or gears are - if they did, the results could be quite spectacular. We teach people of all ages to acquire skills and encourage them to practise in order to hone those skills, be they playing a musical instrument or playing a sport - and yet many teachers think there is no need to teach their students to touch type and think-key.
Talking Typing Teacher From MarvelSoft Explore the keyboard allows students to press any key or key combination one computer), please skim down for more info on Talking Typing Teacher Pro. http://www.braillebookstore.com/talking-typing-teacher.htm
Extractions: Over the last few years, we've noticed an ever-increasing need for a typing program that's both fun and easy to use for novice and advanced computer users alike. MarvelSoft's flagship product is Talking Typing Teacher , a revolutionary new typing program that's ideal for home or classroom use. Built from the ground up with blind and visually impaired students in mind, Talking Typing Teacher features digitized human speech , which is used everywhere in the program. This means that whether you're navigating menus, changing options, managing dozens of student accounts, or visiting the Help Desk, you'll enjoy listening to Eager Eddie read the screen. What makes TTT so special, however, is that each and every typing lesson or practice session is read aloud with clear, concise pre-recorded dialog. Put quite simply, you won't need to worry about trying to understand synthetic speech when you're learning to type with TTT. The only thing Text-To-Speech is really used for is to read your name and play back text you type into Workbook, a fully-functional talking word processor that ships with Talking Typing Teacher. But that's not all! TTT easily accommodates the specific needs of all visually impaired typists. With just a few clicks of the mouse, you can pick from dozens of fonts, change the size of text, and decide how heavy the print should be, (not to mention achieving the ideal color contrast by selecting from thirty different background and text colors). These options ensure that everyone will get the most out of Talking Typing Teacher. Whether you're reading the screen or letting Eager Eddie do the reading for you, you'll have the chance to learn to type, and enjoy doing so!
Tips & Techniques: Teaching Drum Patterns With Band-in-a-Box The company offers educator pricing for both singlecomputer installations and for site by hitting their assigned key on the computer s QWERTY keyboard. http://metmagazine.com/mag/teaching_drum_patterns/
Extractions: FIG. 1: This control strip appears at the top right of the main window. Clicking on the drum icon (far left) opens rhe Drum window. PG Music's Band-in-a-Box for Windows and Mac OS (including OS X) has earned its popularity because of the way it allows you to easily create great-sounding song arrangements. At its simplest level, you can choose a musical style and enter chord changes, and the software will generate the accompaniment parts as MIDI tracks. You can then play them back with a synthesizer. The company offers educator pricing for both single-computer installations and for site licenses (a minimum of five computers). Many catalog retailers offer discounted prices. We're going to focus on the fun your students can have improvising, composing, and performing (alone and with others) with the various percussion sounds in Band-in-a-Box's Drum Window. First, let's take a tour of the features you'll use.
Teacher's Toolbox eMedia is shipping its first instructional CDROM for keyboard players per computer, has progress tracking, and includes a printed teacher s guide. http://metmagazine.com/mag/teachers_toolbox_2/
Extractions: Raven Labs' Field Artist v. 1.6 (Win, $50) lets you design elaborate marching-band drills and animate them to MIDI music. You can view your show in 2-D, 3-D, or both simultaneously, and you can see your drills in Show, Person, Formation, and Step views. The program supports football field, indoor guard, and indoor percussion drills, and you can set custom field sizes. Marching modes include Float, Flexible Paths, Follow the Leader, Pivot (to move the formation or change its shape while pivoting), Arc Expand, X-Y, and Special Step. You can assign an assortment of properties to individuals (such as height, section, and color), and you can sort people on formation by height, last index, last x or y, last distance, and so on. There are numerous ways to create and view elements. You can rotate, stretch, skew, align and flip vertically or horizontally. You can identify elements by color; size them to fit people and to fit interval; and use star shapes, regular polygons, fixed intervals, stretch intervals, and much more. You can create custom grids and use a wide variety of draw tools, such as line, curve, arc, and open and closed polygon.
Extractions: Press Room About Us Contact Us Find Your Rep ... Tech Trends Archive Article For Alice, Miguel, and Mandy the pains of carpal tunnel syndrome came early. (Their names have been changed to protect their privacy.) For this trio, RSI symptoms began in their elementary typing classes. By the time they reached a required seventh grade keyboarding class their pains were getting worse. For Alice, ten minutes of warm-up practice on the keyboard would cause pain for up to three hours afterwards. One worried mother refused to sign the course disclosure agreement for keyboarding writing the following comment on the back of the form: "The reason this is late is because I have refused to sign it. It is no fault of Miguel. I am not signing away my right to hold the school responsible if he gets carpal tunnel." Public awareness and parental attitudes are changing when it comes to these long-term repetitive motion nerve disorders. Miguel's mother suffers with carpal tunnel syndrome. She has seen the early warning signs in her son and wants him to avoid long-term problems. She is not alone in her concern for her son's well being. There are hereditary predispositions to these debilitating repetitive motion disorders. Other afflicted parents have approached this Utah middle school's computer teacher pleading, "Please don't let my child go through the pains I've suffered."
Mrs. Cannon S Computer Lab Homepage Teachers, this main section of the computer Lab homepage changes routinely. Arrow Keys on the keyboard can be used to move around web pages. http://www.computerlab.kids.new.net/
Extractions: lihat situs ini dalam Microsoft Authorized Education Reseller, call for quotes Halaman Utama Bantuan Kontak Kami Privasi ... Keluar Super Bargains Anak-anak Computers / Notebooks ESL-English as Second Language (Inggris sebagai Bahasa Kedua) Film/Video Game Gift Items! Kamus Kamus Genggam Karaoke Keyboard Keyboard Stickers Microsoft Office Microsoft Windows Pengecekan Ejaan Software - Windows Software - Mac Terjemahan Tutorial - Pembelajaran Lain-lain ID Produk Nama Produk Notebook Computer with Portuguese Keyboard PIV Harga Special ($1749.95) regular Kategori Computers / Notebooks Pesanan Kirim halaman ini ke teman! Keterangan Singkat: Fast, Economic and Slim Laptop Computer with Portuguese Keyboard and Windows XP Pro Multilingual (Portuguese or English Default, please specifiy). Intel® Celeron® Processor 2.4 Ghz 256MB Memory, 15" 1024x768 XGA Active Matrix Display, High Performance with Thin and Light Design. Bahasa pendukung: Portugis Platform didukung: Windows XP, PC System To go with this product our staff recommends: NTC - Teach Beli Info
NetOp School -Software Express, Inc. Using advanced remote control technology, NetOp School allows teachers. Remote control take over a student s computer sharing keyboard and mouse to http://www.swexpress.com/home.nsf/0/10EE40CBD55CA48385256FBF0055DF89?opendocumen
Speedskin Keyboard Covers Teaching keyboarding to students starting in early elementary school The keyboard is the key to the computer. The computer is the key to communication. http://www.venturaes.com/speedskin/
Extractions: The regular price for a Speedskin cover is $8.95. Schools automatically qualify for the volume discount price of $7.95 Do your students watch their fingers as they type? Opaque SPEEDSKIN keyboard covers accelerate keyboard memorization, and train students to keep their eyes on the screen, not on their fingers. No more keyboard peeking! Requires students to concentrate on touch-typing
Extractions: ALAN Review Afterimage American Drama American Music Teacher ... View all titles in this topic Hot New Articles by Topic Automotive Sports Top Articles Ever by Topic Automotive Sports Random access: do your students take their teacher home? American Music Teacher April-May, 2004 by George F. Litterst Save a personal copy of this article and quickly find it again with Furl.net. It's free! Save it. Compared to the classroom teacher, the private music instructor has a tremendous advantage. The private teacher typically works with one student at a time, and when the private teacher works with groups, the number of students usually is small. This allows us the opportunity to become intimately acquainted with each student's learning style and tailor our instruction accordingly. If we do our job well, we send each student home with a perfectly matched assignment and brilliantly conceived instructions for efficient, daily practice. The unfortunate aspect of private instruction is we usually see each child just one time per week. That means most of our students' musical learning takes place outside the bounds of our direct instruction. I am willing to wager that most teachers would agree their students' practice would be demonstrably improved by expert supervision. Some kids actually receive such supervision from knowledgeable and involved parents. Many other children, however, spend a lot of practice time working inefficientlyat bestor counterproductivelyat worst.
Extractions: IN free articles only all articles this publication Automotive Sports FindArticles American Music Teacher April-May 2005 var if_Site_ID = "looksmart"; var if_sid="9"; var if_protocol=window.location.protocol; var if_tag = ""; var mep1="&pagename=art_articlem2493_5_54_n13629159_Random_Accessyour_upcoming_summer_"_sabbatical"_&cmcat=magid_m2493_1&domain=www_findarticles_com&article=n13629159&pub=m2493&source=gale"; document.write(if_tag);
LRC - History In addition to the computermonitored keyboard, Rumbaugh led the development of automated training Teaching Matata language had largely been a failure. http://www2.gsu.edu/~wwwlrc/history.htm
Extractions: LRC History - **UPDATE COMING SOON!** LRC Director Emeritus Duane M. Rumbaugh is a comparative psychologist whose research into the nature of the learning and language processes of primates, in relation to their brain evolution and development, dates back to 1958 when he conducted research with the great apes at the San Diego Zoo and with monkeys at San Diego State College. He served as chairman of the Psychology Department and as Regents' Professor of Psychology and Biology at Georgia State University from 1971 until his retirement in 2000. From 1969 to 1971 he served as Associate Director and Chief of Behavior at the Yerkes Regional Primate Center of Emory University. In 1971, Rumbaugh initiated the Lana Chimpanzee Language Project and led the development of a computer-monitored keyboard for that and other projects which have followed to this day at the LRC. Similar keyboards are used by researchers in Japan and also at Disney World. Some of the projects have included children and young adults whose language development was compromised by mental retardation. In 1981 he helped found the university's Language Research Center and served as its director until the summer of 2001. Rumbaugh received his master's degree from Kent State University in 1951 and his Ph.D. in general-experimental psychology from the University of Colorado, Boulder, in 1955. He has had continuous grant support from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development since 1971 to the present. Other agencies to support his research have been NSF and NASA.
Techlearning Getting Back To Basics With Technology February start teaching them the correct fingering for the keyboard. I teach at a middle school where students use computers in ALL of their classes. http://www.techlearning.com/story/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=57703786
Teaching Older Adults To Become Computer Literate Expert information and the best noncommercial links on teaching older adults Be conscious of monitor height, chair height and position of keyboard and http://www.helpguide.org/life/teaching_older_adults_computer.htm
Extractions: Santa Monica On this page: Ergonomics Be kind to your hands! For Volunteers The first day ... Related articles Did You Know? Wired seniors are often as enthusiastic as younger users in the major activities that define online life such as email and the use of search engines to answer a specific question. . . . There has been sharp growth in the number doing key Internet activities such as health searches, e-shopping, and online banking. Email is equally popular among Internet users age 65 or older and their younger counterparts. Fully 94% of wired seniors have sent or received email, compared to 91% of all Internet users. -From Older Americans and the Internet , a report by the Pew Internet and American Life Project The computer and its accessories can be modified to meet the needs and preferences of the people we teach. Teach students to take frequent breaks: to stand up and walk around or stay seated and stretch hands, arms, shoulders; blink eyes frequently during class session. Be conscious of monitor height, chair height and position of keyboard and mouse or trackball. B e kind to your hands!
Conference Schedule ways that wont monopolize their computer lab, burden classroom teachers or Classroom teachers who have never taught keyboard instruction testify, http://www.keyboardinstructor.com/ecm/keyboardinstruction.html
Extractions: Teachers, Principals and parents know good keyboarding habits are a crucial basic literacy skill, a skill that can no longer be left to chance. Educators all over the country are seeking ways to teach this important skill; ways that wont monopolize their computer lab, burden classroom teachers or bust the budget. The Writer Mobile Keyboarding/Writing Lab simple, effective and complete, is the answer. KeyAcademy, our unique and powerful keyboarding program, will establish homerow hand position, then systematically build speed and accuracy. KeyAcademy leaves nothing to chance It guides students from lesson to lesson with individualized instruction, ongoing assessment, and built in benchmarks. not only does this keyboarding program get the results you want, but it frees your computer lab for higher level application.