Composting And Mulching: A Guide To Managing Organic Yard Wastes This 16page publication is a comprehensive guide for anyone wanting to learnabout composting, building a compost area and how composting works.
Extractions: BU-03296 Revised 2000 To Order Composting is a microbial process that converts plant materials such as grass clippings and leaves to a more usable organic soil amendment or mulch. Gardeners have used compost for centuries to increase soil organic matter, improve soil physical properties, and supply some of the essential nutrients for plant growth. Mulching refers to the practice of applying a layer of materials such as compost, leaves, or grass clippings to the soil surface in order to modify soil temperature and moisture as well as control weeds and soil erosion. Because many communities ban outdoor burning and have laws that prohibit dumping of leaves and grass clippings into landfills, composting and mulching have become attractive ways to manage yard waste and recycle natural materials. Grass clippings and leaves can be hauled to city composting areas as one means of disposal. However, many homeowners may find it more convenient and economical to compost these materials in their own backyards. In either case, the finished compost can be used as a mulch or as a soil amendment to improve most garden soils. The information in this bulletin will help you learn how to build and maintain a compost pile as well as how to use the compost in the yard and garden. Why Compost?
American Ref-Fuel Objective is to develop, own and operate facilities which convert municipal solid waste into energy in the form of steam and electricity. Offers a wide range of waste disposal solutions, including wasteto-energy, recycling, composting, landfills, methane gas recovery and other related services.
Extractions: Welcome to American Ref-Fuel Company. As a leading waste-to-energy company and the largest in the northeastern United States, we are proud of our record in converting more than five million tons of municipal solid waste annually into enough energy to meet the needs of 350,000 homes. Equally important is that we do this safely, with five of our facilities named to the elite Star classification within OSHA's Voluntary Protection Program. American Ref-Fuel Company LLC is a company that is indirectly owned by affiliates of Credit Suisse First Boston Private Equity and American International Group Inc. Danielson Holding Corporation Completes Acquisition of American Ref-Fuel Holdings Corp.
DSWA By composting, you are creating conditions which speed up the natural process of By recycling at a RECYCLE DELAWARE Center and composting what you
Extractions: What Is Compost? Compost is a mixture of decaying organic matter, such as grass, tree and shrub trimmings and leaves. It is useful as a soil amendment material (instead of peat moss) and as mulch. What Can I Compost? You can choose different types of materials from the YES list to use in your compost pile. This will provide a good carbon/nitrogen mix and allow the compost pile to decompose more readily. YES NO From the Garden: create pest or odor problems) How Does It Work? By composting, you are creating conditions which speed up the natural process of decomposition. It's easy because the real work is done by soil organisms, bacteria, mold, fungi, beetles, centipedes, and earthworms, to name a few. These "helpers" decompose complex organic compounds into simpler substances, making a rich, organic soil-like material called humus.
Clivus Multrum System Natural waste disposal system. How it works and how to buy one for commercial or household use.
Extractions: in nature - simple organic decomposition. The Following Are Just Some Of The Places Where You Are Likely to Find A Clivus Composting Toilet System: - Domestic Households - Permaculture Centres - Camping Grounds - Aboriginal Communities - Alpine Regions - Environmental Education Centres - Scout Associations - Local Sporting Groups
Guide To Composting How to make and use compost from the resource libraries at GardenGuides.Includes troubleshooting chart.
Extractions: In today's hurry-up world, leaf mold is a largely forgotten resource. Because they decompose slowly and do not heat up as they break down, it takes about 2 years to produce good leaf mold. The process is simplemake a pile of leaves and wait two years. After the first year, you may want to turn the pile. The earthworms will love it. Wood Ash Wood ash is a valuable source of potash. If you were to buy it bagged as fertilizer, the bag would be marked 0-1-8. Remember that wood ash is very alkaline. Don't add it to soil used to grow acid-loving plants, and when using wood ash you do not need to add lime. About 10 pounds per 100 square feet is a good quantity. Work into the top 3 inches or so of soil. If storing wood ash for use in the garden, use a container so that rain will not leach away the potash. A metal trash can is a good choice never use a flammable container! Grass Clippings
Halton Region, PPW, Waste Management Strategy composting turns these organics into a soil amendment that enhances the physicaland chemical properties of soil. Basics. All composters need the following
Extractions: Healthy plants come from healthy nutritious soil. And healthy soil begins with compost (black gold). Produce your own all natural black gold for your vegetables, flower, herbs and practically everything else that grows out of the ground with the Urban Compost Tumbler. Turn yard, garden and kitchen refuse into high quality compost in a unit that is simple, clean, and safe.
Hot Link: Cornell Composting hot pepper Hot Link Cornell composting Whether you re a master composter or justthinking about composting as a manure management option for your farm,
Extractions: While some of the material on the basic biology, chemistry and physics of composting is targeted at students, you'll come away with a deeper understanding of the composting process and the myriad of variables that affect your compost management and the quality of your final product. It's worth a stop just to view the excellent images of critters from microbes to millipedes that do the bulk of the work for you, if you manage your windrows right.
Extractions: email Worm Bins - Vermicomposting Systems Easy to use system producing worm free vermicompost Now you can make your own worm castings and reduce organic waste the easy way! The Worm Wigwam is designed to process large amounts of food and organic waste. The byproduct is a rich finished compost that is a readily usable or salable product reducing the need for chemical fertilizer. Just turn the harvest handle, remove the door and collect the "worm free" finished compost from the bottom tray. Traditional methods of vermicomposting have been based on beds or windrows on the ground containing waste up to 18" deep, but such methods have numerous drawbacks. They require large areas of land for large-scale production and are relatively labor intensive, even when machinery is used for adding waste to beds. More importantly, such systems process wastes relatively slowly, taking anywhere from 6 to 18 months for processing to be complete. There is good evidence that a large proportion of the essential plant nutrients, that are in a relatively soluble form, are washed out and also a significant proportion can volatilize during this long processing period. Such nutrient losses are undesirable, particularly in relation to ground water pollution and result in a poor finished product. The Worm Wigwam requires no compost turning and requires no separating of worms and partially decomposed waste from the finished compost.
Worm Bin Composting Steps to Start composting Food Waste with a Worm Bin GATHER THE MATERIALS composting food wastes without bedding produces bad odors and a slimy mess.
Extractions: A worm bin is a sturdy box with a tight fitting lid, and holes for drainage and ventilation. It can be made from an old cupboard or packing crate, or built from plywood and two-by-fours. You may also purchase a wood or plastic bin. A shallow box - about a foot deep - is best because the worms need to live near the surface to breathe. Allow about one square foot of surface area for each pound of food waste added per week. You can use moistened shredded paper, sawdust or leaves as bedding. Bedding gives the worms a balanced diet and a damp place to live. Composting food wastes without bedding produces bad odors and a slimy mess. Your nearest source of bedding is probably the Sunday paper. Tear your newspaper lengthwise into 1"-2" strips. Also known as "red wigglers" or manure worms, red worms thrive on organic materials like food scraps. Red worms are not the same as earthworms or night crawlers which prefer to live in soil. You will need 1-2 pounds of red worms to start your worm bin. Dig a starter batch of worms out of a friend's worm bin, or you may purchase them at a local garden supply store. First choose a location for your worm bin that is protected from direct sunlight and extreme cold, and that has good air circulation. This location may be on the side of your house, on your patio or deck, in your garden, or in a basement or garage. Keep in mind that liquid may come out of the bin's drainage holes. Moisten your bedding by soaking it in water using a large mixing container like an empty garbage can. Squeeze out excess water until bedding feels like a wrung out sponge. Fill your bin 3/4 of the way to the top with loose bedding. Pull apart any compacted paper strips. Next dump your red worms on top of the fresh bedding. Gently break up clumps of worms and let them move down into the bedding.
Extractions: Live chat by Live Person Crickets Free Shipping! 2 to 3 day delivery. ... Worm Bins SHIPPING DAYS AND METHODS Issues Problems Suggestions? Please Contact Us. What you see is what you pay! No hidden shipping fees, or tricky fuel and handling surcharges! Join Our Free Forum Feed Your Pets The Very Best! PLEASE Donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort. Reptiles for Sale Insect suppliers to gardeners, hobbyists, breeders, pet shops, fishermen and more. Supplier of Live Crickets, Feeder Crickets, Red Worms, Meal worms, Earthworms, Composting Worms, garden worms, fishing bait and also a grower of Super worms, crickets, Wax worms, Red Wigglers, European Night crawlers live food for reptiles, aquarium fish, lizards, and Bait. Variety is the spice of life, and a must when it comes to maintaining a healthy happy pet. Always feed a variety of foods for optimum health! Our customer service hours are Mon - Thursday 10-5. , but you can contact us anytime by Clicking here. Don't Be fooled by competitors who advertise lower prices, but then stick in hidden winter packing and shipping costs. The prices you see here are what you pay! We guarantee live and healthy insects! We have created our online farm to provide you with gardening supplies, and people and pet food. We are developing an extensive line of seeds, organic gardening supplies and organic pet supplies. We are growers and providers of crickets, mealworms, Superworms, wax worms, garden and composting worms, bait worms, fruit flies, reptiles and more.
FACT SHEET Composting Through composting, naturally occurring decay mechanisms are controlled and Whether composting occurs quickly or slowly depends on several factors
R.Alexander Associates - Environmental Consulting Company - Composting And Organ The company, which is based in North Carolina, specializes in composting and the recycling of organic material. Its activities include compost market research and development, as well as product development, quality issues and end use.
Seattle Public Utilities composting at Home Seattle Public Utilities has redesigned its Web site. In 10seconds you will be redirected to the new composting at Home site.
NRAES Book Catalog: Large-Scale Composting Field Guide to OnFarm composting NRAES-114 $14.00 118 pages. Natural Renderingcomposting Livestock Mortality and Butcher Waste NRAES-163 $19.00
Extractions: Can't Find a Title? Check These Pages Check other subject-matter categories from the current NRAES Catalog. Some titles now appear in different categories. General Interest Commercial Horticulture Dairy Farm Management Natural Resources and Forestry ... Out-of-Print A list of books (and other items) that are out of print and no longer available. These titles will not be reprinted or revised. No Longer Available from NRAES A list of books (and other items) no longer available from NRAES. These items are still available from other sources.
Extractions: Home Composting Toilets Grey Water Treatment Combined ... Contact Nature Loo THE AFFORDABLE YET ELEGANT SOLUTION Our goal is to provide the lowest priced, most environmentally friendly wastewater management system with quality assured performance. Nature Loo is a family-owned, Australian company that has provided domestic waste solutions since 1994. Our reputation was established with our composting waterless toilets, however we now also offer grey water systems. Nature Loo toilets are available as a split level system for homes with a minimum of 750mm clearance under the bathroom floor or stand alone single unit toilets for dwellings without underfloor clearance. We keep designs uncomplicated so that prices and ongoing maintenance costs stay low. Our certification to New Zealand and Australian Standards for Waterless Toilets 1546.2. ensures our products are manufactured to a consistently high standard, as well as being environmentally safe. Our pedestal designs are elegant as well as functional. We have designs suitable for both modern and traditional bathrooms. Our grey water systems clean and filter waste water simply and cheaply with the minimum of maintenance. Many councils will permit the reuse of the treated water in sub surface garden irrigation.
Extractions: Grasscycling If you have grass clippings and don't want to use them in a compost pile you can leave them on the lawn to decompose. Read about grasscycling for tips, techniques and benefits. Where to Obtain Mulch and Compost 10 good reasons why you should compost: Yard and food waste make up 30% of the waste stream. Composting your kitchen and yard trimmings helps divert that waste from the landfill, waterways and water treatment facilities. Healthy plants from healthy soil look better, produce better and have a much greater ability to fight off pests and diseases. Adding organic materials to the soil improves moisture retention. Adding decomposed organic material to the soil feeds beneficial organisms.
Green Mountain Technologies, Inc. Manufactures composting and sludge dewatering equipment for the municipal and industrial markets.
Extractions: Green Mountain Technologies has been in the composting equipment business for almost 15 years; and we have an established track record of successful projects. We provide a wide range of products to help you implement the best possible composting operation for your needs. NEW!!! Compost Calc - Recipe Software Compost Calc takes the guesswork out of composting by helping you to predict the success of your compost batches beforehand. Download the Compost Calc and use it for as long as you like for free! Purchase a registered copy of Compost Calc and receive an advertisement-free version which includes technical support, updates and special offers. The Earth Tub is designed specifically for on-site composting of food-wastes. The Earth Tub is a fully enclosed composting vessel featuring power mixing, compost aeration, and biofiltration of all process air. This self-contained unit is ideal for composting at schools, universities, restaurants, hospitals and supermarkets.