AT/Web Exclusive Articles/Top 10 Media Relations Tipsand More! genXers - Born between 1960 and 1980, they were born into a rapidly changing Understand and use the older worker s preferred communication style.
The School Library Media Specialist A professional organization that provides a community for school library media Michigan Association for media in Education http//
Extractions: Home Course Guide Overview Learning Community ... Program Advocacy Professional Organizations Professional organizations should play an important role in the career of all school library media specialists. Whether participating in local activities or joining international events, these groups help individuals keep in touch with important issues, enhance professional skills, and develop leadership skills. Check out the following resources on this page: A professional organization of school library media specialists from around the world. Their mission is to "advocate excellence, facilitate change, and develop leaders in the school library field." They publish two journals: Knowledge Quest and SLMR. , a division of Association for Educational Communications and Technology
Extractions: @import url(""); @import url(""); @import url(; @import url(; BlogThis! A place to capture and share ideas and links about online interaction, community, distance learning, distributed CoPs from Full Circle Associates Kevin O'Keefe blogged a piece of news that I presume is being echoed across many blogs, but it foreshadows something I have been thinking: communications skill sets and job requirements are expanding to include the newer online communications skills, including blogging. Target requires blogging skills for media relations people "Target is looking for a new 'Senior Manager of Media Relations.' One of the requirements is 'Strong knowledge for Internet journalism, e.g., blogs.' Here's one of the largest retailers in the country proactively looking for someone to either be involved in publishing blogs or to monitor blogs as part of crisis communications when a story on Target breaks out on the blogosphere." Not only are blogging skills going to be prerequisites, but more generally good online communications skills. Last week I got the chance to have a conversation with
Gen-Probe: News: Media genPROBE INCORPORATED, FOUNDED IN 1983, IS A GLOBAL LEADER IN THE Most ofall, clinicians are now able to provide patients and the community with more
Extractions: Gen-Probe's products test for microorganisms that cause a range of human diseases, including tuberculosis, strep throat, pneumonia and sexually transmitted diseases, as well as for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) contamination of the blood supply. Since its founding, the Company has mobilized significant momentum in its markets, and built an increasingly strong technological base, a solid balance sheet, and an admirable stream of revenues and profits. Over the past decade, major advances have been made in molecular diagnostic testing for infectious diseases. Many of these advances originated in the research laboratories of Gen-Probe, and have revolutionized the practices of clinical microbiology laboratories around the world. Compared to traditional methods, molecular diagnostics offers better performance, shorter testing times, and objective results that do not require interpretation by highly trained technologists. Most of all, clinicians are now able to provide patients and the community with more consistent, affordable, and higher-quality healthcare. Gen-Probe's expertise in nucleic acid testing (NAT) products has enabled the Company to obtain FDA approvals for products that detect a wide variety of infectious microorganisms. Since receiving its first FDA-cleared NAT product in 1985, Gen-Probe has developed and commercialized more than 50 products.
COLAGE Online Resources COLAGE maintains a fairly exhaustive list of links to Internet resources. The 2nd gen will be moderated by Ryn Gluckman, a 2nd generation dyke from
Extractions: OUR HOUSE COLAGE is proud to offer several email discussion lists as a way to build community among people with lesbian, gay, bisexual and/or transgender parents. By creating online safe spaces for COLAGErs, we aim to help connect people with LGBT parents, to foster discussion about a diverse array of issues, to share our experiences both good and bad and to assist COLAGErs in getting their hard questions answered by their peers. You MUST have at least one lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender parent in order to participate on the COLAGE Discussion Lists. Internet Links COLAGE maintains a fairly exhaustive list of links to Internet resources. They are located at Mailing Lists Online discussion is one of the best ways to meet and talk with others who have the same questions as you, the answers to questions you have, or who are just great to have as members of your personal community. News Lists COLAGE NetNews These lists are the best way to stay up-to-date not only on COLAGE News but on issues, events and actions important to LGBT families and the children of them.
TLN Resources | Coaching Resources Developed in collaboration with EDC Center for media Community, the mediaKid DDN is a rich, wellsupported resource with a global perspective.
Extractions: Technology Counts 2005 States are spending millions of dollars to build powerful new data-management systems to help them keep up with the reporting requirements and student-achievement goals of the federal No Child Left Behind Act, according to Education Week's Technology and 21st Century Learning: A List of Resources See our list of core education technology resources "Initiatives for change that don't involve teachers as partners in rethinking educational practices and how technology might provide radically better tools are going to have a big problem." Roy Pea Articles, Reports and Presentations The ability of students to multi-task with technology carries major ramifications for classroom instruction and decision making, says Illinois superintendent Alan Simon in this insightful article from School Administrator (April 2005). "For years, educators and parents have been concerned that students are easily distracted and unable to complete in-depth assignments," he writes. "For years students have complained that school moves too slowly and does not interest them. Is it the subject or is it the speed of the transmission of information? Is it possible that students are really bored and are capable of doing more than one simple task? Is it possible that schooling is not challenging to the techno tasker? Is it possible that an attention deficit is really an asset or even a legitimate human mutation?"
Extractions: Bridging the gap between the classroom and the community, internships or practica give students an opportunity to work for change while acquiring knowledge and skills for socially relevant careers. Students in the Weekday Humanities BA program are required to complete 3 units of practicum. And students in other academic programs often do internships or practica, as well. The following list of internships was compiled by the Center for Education and Social Action (CESA) as a resource for New College students looking for placements in the San Francisco Bay Area. The organizations listed below have established a relationship with CESA and are interested in having New College students apply. While these are excellent choices, many other options are available through the Center for Education and Social Action or through other sources.
Projects - 911 Media Arts Center DWord Community Is an useful site for independent documentary filmmakers in Atlanta providing resources and opportunity to the independent media makers
Extractions: directions pictures helpful links for indpendent media makers has been online since 1996. In the early days of the web, links pages were all important. Since then, excellent search engines like google have made finding web resources much easier. With this in mind, we have reduced our extensive list to highlight resources that we find useful instead of trying to catalogue everything. web based resources Flicker is a great page produced by Scott Stark, get on his mailing list! Caryn.Com has an Indie Film Page and a newsgroup for writers, actors, producers and directors to use to swap project and casting info. - These folks in Olympia have an excellent web directory for independent filmmakers and whatnot. Actors Northwest callboard is a great place to find talent! Media-Match is an industry site to link up those looking to work with those looking to hire. Microcinema has a great venue list put together by Joel Bachar. is dedicated to strengthening and supporting independent and alternative journalism. Freespeech TV Free Speech Internet Television is the first audio/video hub on the web created and defined by the people who use it.
MediaRights is a community Web site that helps media makers, educators, The genY Studio at the Sundance Film Festival In acknowledgement of the
Extractions: Return to the MediaRights homepage Sign up now for free membership in our online community Change your personal info, personalize the site, write a message Research articles, read news, post announcements Pick your workshop: Producer, Youth, Activist, Educator/Librarian Go to YMDi (Youth Media Distribution) Watch the online Media That Matters Festival Find out more about MediaRights and the staff Find documentaries, activists and organizations and more Registered users: login What's this? Are you making films? Do you want people to see your work? Want to see the latest films and videos made by people your age? This is the spot! This workshop delivers information and links that can help you use the power of media to make your mark on the world. The Youth Workshop is updated regularly - so keep coming back. Check out our database of documentaries made by youth . This easy to search database links to distributors so you can purchase the tape from them. If you produced a social issue documentary that is being distributed, click here to register and login so you can list your film.
Extractions: Click here for more Philosophy Books ... The Black Cultural Studies Website This is an experimental Black cultural studies site set up because of a lack of resources on the internet around questions of ethnicity, race, and gender among populations of the African diaspora. (though there are certainly some wonderful exceptions) We certainly do not make any claims for this collection of resources as exhaustive. To begin the task, the creators of this page decided to include bibliographical information on cultural workers working in such areas as Black literary criticism, Black popular culture, Critical Race Theory and film theory. The decision was made to assemble this information under the rubric "Black Cultural Studies", a problematic and contested term which will no doubt require some revision.
Networking Protocols SIP A networking community for IT professionals, Focusing on connectivity, NGN resources such as gateways, routers, presence and media servers in order to
IMedia Connection: Generation Y Provides Wireless Potential gen Yers need to be in control of the communication. This youth demographic doesnot respond well to Interactive Escort Video and media Operations
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Student Job Opportunities Language Learning Resource Center Assistants Filled The major responsibilitiesof this position include classroom media equipment maintenance and
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Extractions: In 1996 we asked teachers to share their favorite lesson plans and tips. A decade later, we now host over 3500 unique lesson plans! Free lessons! New: Teacher Classifieds! Teachers.Net announces our new Teacher Classified Ads. Buy, sell and trade everything for teachers. Try it out today - it's FREE! Free classifieds! SPONSORED LINKS... EXPLORE TEACHERS.NET Chat Center Teacher Jobs Teacher Classifieds Lesson Plans ... Administrators.Net
Extractions: Main Page About USF SLIS Academics Current Students ... What's New! Quick Links Admissions Alumni ALIS and ALISJobs Beta Phi Mu Career Opportunities Comps Information Course Descriptions Course Offerings Contact Information Directions to SLIS Distance Learning Fieldwork Fieldwork - Media Financial Aid MyUSF Login OASIS Scholarships Site Map SLIS FAQ's Student Organizations Syllabi USF Home USF Library Virtual Library LIS 5268 MICROCOMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN LIBRARY AND INFORMATION CENTERS (3) Microcomputer hardware and software for libraries and their application in library/information settings. Projects using major applications for budgets, databases, and telecommunications are undertaken. LIS 5315 INSTRUCTIONAL GRAPHICS (3) Theoretical aspects, planning and production of instructional graphic materials. The theory of graphic communications. Interpreting needs for instructional materials appropriate for given behavioral objectives. LIS 5333 TV IN SCHOOLS AND LIBRARIES (3) Small format video tape recordings and the utilization of open and closed broadcasts in schools and libraries. LIS 5020 as of summer 2005 (formerly LIS 5404) FOUNDATIONS OF LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCES (3) Introduction to the study of library service; history; organization; specialized literature; outstanding leaders; current trends, issues, and problems. Place of the library in society with its contributions to that society.
Extractions: This is an introduction, overview and directory of links to a wide variety of ideas and projects that help create stronger, healthier community. We start by looking at a number of alternative and experimental forms of community, including ecovillages, cohousing, intentional community, cooperatives, related topics and links. We then look at a variety of creative ways that you can find or create stronger community where you live today (without moving or joining an alternative community). We include resources on how to go about this, and the interpersonal issues and group process that can be involved. We also look at the "Healthy Community" approach, and how it can lead to a better lifestyle and a more sustainable world. This page Contents
Extractions: var towercount = 0; var buttoncount = 0; var vertbannercount = 0; var smsquarecount = 0; var rectanglecount = 0; var spotlightcount = 0; var vertrectanglecount = 0; var lgsquarecount = 0; var bannercount = 0; var halfbannercount = 0; var fullbannercount = 0; var bigrectanglecount = 0; IMS WiMAX VoIP Access Technology ... Wireless Review BOSTON Despite the fact that there are now two telecom reform measures in front of Congressone in the House and one in the Senatea panel of regulatory insiders agreed Monday at the VON conference in Boston that chances are slim that telecom reform will pass this year... TOP NEWS VON: Sonus, Motorola demo voice over Canopy
Pacific Journalism Online Hotlinks USP campus community radio; Email Radio Polynesia Other media resources. AsiaPacific Network. Independent news media site